Golden Pupil

Chapter 476 Convinced Oral

"Four million? Boss Zhuang, I'm going to pay 4.5 million RmB. What do you think? 4 1.8 million, I want this material..." 5.5 million, Boss Zhuang, the shipping price is not low..."

Someone took the lead in making an offer, and immediately raised the adrenal glands of these jewelry owners who watched the stone, stimulated the hippie hormone, and his face looked a little fatter. He raised the price with a red face. If he was seen by people who didn't know, he thought it was the winter in the 1980s, and he rushed

Just when everyone raised the price one after another, Qin Haoran pulled Zhuang Rui aside and whispered to Zhuang Rui, "Xiao Rui, this material cannot be sold. This quality raw material can be processed and sold in Qin Ruilin's store in Beijing, which is much more cost-effective than selling raw stone now..."

Generally, the sales of jade jewelry in jewelry stores are three grades of high school and low. The best poison should be those whose price is between three, five hundred and thirty-five thousand, but if you want to talk about the highest profit, it is still these best jade jewelry.

Qin Haoran means to let Zhuang Rui stay by himself, find someone to carve it, and sell it in the store, so that it can not only enrich the variety of accessories to attract customers, but also maximize it in terms of profits. Uncle Qin, I know what you said, but I'm a little out of hand now. I want to sell this material and buy other photos of wool..."

Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly when he heard the words. He didn't understand this truth. It's just that the current situation is a penny. Is he a hero? If Zhuang Rui leaves this piece behind, he will not only become penless in the past two months, but also borrow a foreign account to offset the money used by Mao Ke. Hey, I said, you child, you don't have enough zinc, why don't you tell Uncle Qin? Uncle Qin...Uncle Qin... By the way, how much runium do you need?"

When Qin Haoran just wanted to take over, he remembered that the funds he brought this time were basically all invested in the original stone. And if he won all the bid, his account might not be enough. At that time, he had to raise it from the head office, but he could not help Zhuang Rui much.

In fact, this is Qin Haoran's idea. He thought that Zhuang Rui would at least lack a thousand and eight million euros. If he knew that it was only less than 100,000 euros, he could still squeeze it out. After all, Qin's jewelry's billions of assets, one or two million gorical rot is still no problem.

"Uncle Qin, there are not many differences, but this piece of material was not favored by me at first, so I wanted to sell it for emergency relief. In addition, there are several pieces of wool, which are enough for that store in Beijing to use one by one by one."

Zhuang Rui's words made Qin Haoran's eyes wide open. This high ice green material was actually not seen by Zhuang Rui? What kind of wool will he value? Is it possible that it's all the glass that I solved just now?" What kind of jade are the remaining materials you...?

Qin Haoran felt that his brain was a little insufficient. With the material of this table of ice seeds alone, there was no need to worry about the raw materials of high-end jade jewelry in Beijing Qin Ruilin Store for a year. Unexpectedly, this was only the worst part of Zhuang Rui. Qin Haoran couldn't help but be full of expectations for the remaining bottom It's carefully selected.

This has solved the glass species and high ice species one after another, which obviously stimulated Qin Haoran's brain and made Qin Haoran's judgment a little (8 difference. In fact, the twenty pieces of wool that Zhuang Rui focused on was only five or six pieces of glass, and except for Huang j! In addition, there is no such best jade as emperor green. Even Lan Fei and Zi Fei have not reached that level.

It's just that the remaining non-glass materials are more than this ice species in quantity. Each piece can take out at least dozens of kilograms, and there are two or three pieces of materials that are slightly worse than ice species, such as gold silk seeds and hibiscus seeds, which are the best-selling medium jadeite jewelry in the jade market, The most scarce thing in Beijing Qin Ruilin store is that Zhuang Ruicai decided to sell this piece of wool.

"Cough, Uncle Qin, how do I know if you ask this? I can roughly estimate whether there is jade in it according to some specific performance of the original stone. As for the quality and quantity, it's all about luck..."

Zhuang Rui coughed a few times when he heard the words, and his words were a little too full, but he also brazenly admitted that he had a way to identify stones. Presumably, with Qin Haoran's self-restraint, he would not investigate the bottom.

In fact, Zhuang Rui doesn't have to worry too much now. He is not the only one person who gambles on stones and nine ears in the world. Among other things, the "Emerald King" has been playing jade since the Anti-Japanese War. "Debut for decades, whether it is all gambling or half gambling materials, basically there has never been

Even if Zhuang Rui's gambling rises again and again, there are also the deeds of "Emerald King". At most, it will only make people think that there is another legend in the jade world. As for being able to see through the original stone and know the situation inside, the fact is too fantasy. It is what every wool merchant wants to have. Of course It's just down.

After two solutions, Qin Haoran had no doubt about Zhuang Rui's ability to identify the original stone. Hearing Zhuang Rui say such words, although he was shocked, he did not doubt it. He nodded and said, "Since you are optimistic about other materials, it doesn't matter if you sell this piece. Uncle Qin, you can do it. Just a reference... "Boss Zhuang, Brother Zhuang, we have agreed before. Your material is for sale. Our gentlemen, we have to count..."

It doesn't matter that Zhuang Rui and Qin Haoran walked to the side and muttered, but Fatty Han, who held the half piece of wool, was scared a lot. He knew that the two were about to become a son-in-law relationship. In case Qin Haoran cut off again and he was empty again, he would be blinded in his Hehe, Boss Han, I didn't say I won't sell it. Don't worry, this material will be sold

Zhuang Rui smiled. It's useless for you to hold him so tightly. Is it possible that others give me a high price, how can I not sell it? We don't seem to have that friendship yet, do we?" Boss Zhuang, I want this half piece of wool, seven million or eight million yuan. Who wants to get out is more stingy than the freight rate? I, Lao Zhang, turn my face..."

At this time, the half of the original stone also divided the winner. Zhuang Rui, who claimed to be Lao Zhang, also knew him. It was really a coincidence that Boss Zhang, who competed with him for Huang Fei and bid at the last minute. Boss Zhuang, I haven't argued with you about that piece of red jade. You want to sell this material to me

Boss Zhang was afraid that Zhuang Rui would not sell it, so he said that the leather shell behaved like a red jade Huang Fei raw stone. Not long after he came out of the bid opening site, the winning bid price of the material was 30,000 yuan higher than the price he invested, which made him regretful and came out to the calcite But I didn't expect to see a good piece of material and now participate in the ranks of competition. Hong Fei? Is the bid open? Is the opening price a saint?

Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words. He actually forgot the stubble. At this time, he was a little nervous. You know, although the aura in his eyes can see through the bid box, there are too many bid orders in it. Maybe if the missing list is higher than his bid price, Zhuang Rui can't find it. The place is going to cry.

When Boss Zhang saw Zhuang Rui's blank face, he didn't seem to be fake. He said, "Don't you know yet? The winning bid price of that raw stone is 3.18 million euros, which is only 30,000 yuan higher than mine. Boss Zhuang, didn't you invest it?" I got it!"

Zhuang Rui was ecstatic, and he didn't want to hide it. Anyway, after winning the bid, everyone's bidding number could be found out. He nodded and said, "Ha ha, I'm sorry, Boss Zhang, if there is no second person to invest 30,000 euros, it will be my little brother's winning..." "Alas, Boss You... not to mention your eyesight, the price of kneading wool is also high, and it's really high..."

Boss Zhang sighed and had no choice but to give a thumbs-up to Zhuang Rui. At the beginning, he threw 3.15 million euros at the last moment, and under his own obstruction, Zhuang Rui did not have the opportunity to change the bottom. That is to say, Zhuang Rui had thrown a price of 30,000 yuan before, which made Boss Zhang lose. Speechless, he was convinced.

Boss Zhang's face is not much thinner than that of Fatty Han. He will completely forget that he blocked Zhuang Rui's last bidding opportunity in the original stone area. He said with a smile on his face, "Boss Zhuang, "I've given you that piece of red jade. Do you want to sell this material to me..." "You haven't

Zhuang Rui looked around, but no one went back to the valley. The extravagant price of 780 million yuan is indeed not low. If there is a little carelessness when carving this material, I'm afraid that he can't even earn the capital in the end. At this price, no one will compete with Boss Zhang. " Yes, Boss Zhang, this half of the material is yours, but now in Myanmar, you can pay euros...

Zhuang Rui sells wool, not as a gift. There is nothing to be embarrassed at the moment. He directly asked for money. It must cost a sum of money to get engaged immediately. If the buddy hadn't been forced to hurry, he wouldn't even be willing to buy this piece of material. Yes, no, the euro is also OK, so as to save trouble in China. I'll give you a promissory note..."

Boss Zhang laughed when he heard the words. His mind was different from others. He bought this piece of science. He was going to hoard it for two years. At that time, I'm afraid it would be more than seven or eight million RmB. Speaking of this boss, he really has a vision. Three years later, he sold this piece of wool and oWan RmB "Hey... Hey, I said, Boss Han, you hold this wool and don't bid. What do you mean?"

The smoke here dissipated, and some unwilling jewelry merchants hit the idea on Fatty Han. This original stone doesn't mean that you hold it and it's yours. H