Golden Pupil

Chapter 477 Zhuang Rui's Ambition

"Hey, who said I won't buy it? I'll pay B, Brother Zhuang, this wool belongs to me,: 1!! lL... R. . . .

Fatty Han didn't mean to take the wool out of the clothes at all. He directly opened the price of ten thousand RiB, but he was not stupid. He had seen this half of the material for a long time. From this perspective, as long as he could take out the jade with two-finger thickness in it, he would make a steady profit. B?" Lao Han is really willing to spend money■..." "Yes, but Boss Zhuang is still awesome, and he has earned more than 10,000 yuan in ID with a piece of material...

After hearing Han Pangzi's words, everyone talked about it one after another. Looking at Han Pangzi's previous performance and the current bid, no one will compete with him for this material anymore. After all, there is a lot of wool to be solved below. With this price increase, it is still himself who will suffer in the end.

After two euro checks were put into the bag, Zhuang Rui breathed a sigh of relief. With more than 10 million yuan, life does not have to be so tight, and as long as it lasts for a few months, after the Qin Ruilin store in the capital puts on the jade jewelry he won this time, Zhuang Rui believes that the funds will soon be recovered. Boy, have you made a lot of money? Turn back to guard Brother's solution stone..."

Song Jun came and patted Zhuang Rui on the shoulder. Even if he was happy with his money, he still had a look of envy on his face. He knew the auction price of Zhuang Rui's wool, 1B, nearly twice the profit, that is, to rob the bank and sell drugs, and it didn't come so fast. Well, Brother Song, I still have a few pieces of material. Go back and check if you have won the bid. You can solve it first. I'll be back soon. One by one, one, one, one."

Zhuang Rui was not in the mood to see Song Jun's special person to solve the stone. Since he heard Boss Zhang say that the final winning bid price of the Huang Fei material was 3.18 million euros, his mind has already flown into the auction hall. Hey, hey, don't run, I said, I'm waiting for your boy to press the battle..." Song Jun shouted at Zhuang Rui's background, but Zhuang Rui had been squeezed into the crowd and could no longer be seen.

Although many jewelers have gone to the calcite area to prepare to buy raw materials, the number of people in the auction hall has not decreased at all. Most of the people who come to participate in the Burmese public market are together, but now they are also divided into an orderly manner. Some people go to buy the jade, and some people squat

Zhuang Rui lined up next to an inquiry machine for more than half an hour. Finally, it was his turn to inquire. After entering the number of Huang Fei, a row of numbers jumped out: the original stone number: 12586, the winning bid price: 3.18 million euros, the winning bidder number: 8367 "That's right, it's me!"

Zhuang Rui clenched his fist fiercely. Although the profit of this section is not necessarily the largest, it is unique. At least Zhuang Rui has never seen or heard of a better material than this Huang Fei. As for the rumored Huang Fei roast chicken, although Zhuang Jiao did not see it, he felt in his heart that the material It's not as good as my own." I don't know if Uncle Gu will come out of the mountain again when he sees this material?

Zhuang Rui looked at the words on the screen and giggled. Before preparing himself, he took a piece of multi-color soft jade to the ancient man and asked him to carve a national treasure-level jade carving fruit plate. If the old man saw a piece of yellow jade again, I don't know if he would change his idea of washing hands in the golden Hey, boss, have you checked it?

Zhuang Rui giggled at the screen of the inquiry machine for a day, and the voice of someone waiting impatiently behind him immediately sounded. Wait a minute, wait a minute, it will be ready soon..."

Today's number can open a total of three original stones for his bid. Zhuang Rui quickly entered the other two original stone numbers. Hey, it really came out. As expected, the two original stones were put into the L bag.

These two pieces of material are ice floating jade, which is very large and weighs about 300 kilograms. This is taken by Zhuang Rui for 1.98 million euros, and the jade in it can probably solve more than 80 square pieces of this kind of floating flower! Cui's bracelet is very popular in the market. Zhuang Rui roughly estimated that this piece of material alone can bring back a profit of more than 200 million yuan.

The other piece of material is a glass-like colorless jadeite. This material is not big, only seven or eight kilograms, but the shell of the raw stone is very thin, which can take out three or four kilograms of material. This kind of jadeite was unattended ten years ago, but the price has soared in the past four It is only a little lower than the glass colored emerald, and one grade higher than the ice seed material.

Of course, Zhuang Rui only has one jewelry store. The cycle of returning the money may be very long, but Zhuang Rui has made up his mind. At that time, he will solve a few pieces of jade in the wool. Each quality jade has launched several accessories to turn Qin Ruilin in the capital into a person who wants to buy the best jade. The must-see place is to set up a brand of high-end jade jewelry in the industry.

This idea existed when Zhuang Rui took over Qin Ruilin's store, but he suffered from the lack of high-quality jade in his hand. Now with this batch of raw stones in his hand, the plan can be carried out. Zhuang Rui is not whimsal. He already has the ability and conditions to dominate the high-end jade market in the capital.

From the perspective of consumer groups, high-end j! The consumer group of Cui jewelry is obviously not those ordinary people who take work. A brooch and earring is worth millions, which is not something that ordinary people can consume.

Zhuang Rui's goal is those entertainment stars, including Ouyang Jun's cultural entertainment company and Xu Jing, the new sister-in-law, who must be launched in that circle and will definitely not be blocked.

Another consumer group is also going to fall on Ouyang Jun. The rich members in his club have great potential to dig. At the beginning of this year, it is no time to hang the thumb-thick gold necklace around his neck, which will be regarded as an upstart, and the comment is just one word: vulgar.

Nowadays, rich people play with taste. They have a thousand-year-old jade on their waist. They put a jade wrench for hunting by Master Qianlong on their thumb, and put a ring face of pure natural glass emperor green produced in Myanmar on their forefinger. That's called Youcheng, and that's good taste, just like the provocation People with mobile phones don't hang them on their waists in their hands, for fear that others can't see them.

Of course, whether the thousand-year-old jade is made of chicken blood and teeth, and whether the emperor's green ring face is made of plexiglass, that's another story.

Zhuang Rui's purpose is to let these rich bigwigs and fashion-seeking stars ask about the jewelry they bring when they meet in the future. If they don't come out of the capital, Qin Ruilin will be embarrassed to say it.

After checking the winning situation, Zhuang Rui walked to the door of the auction hall. Looking at the dark clouds that still did not disperse that day, he also felt that his heart lit up and went to the window to queue up to go through the winning procedures.

These three pieces of material, two of which were consigned by the Myanmar Organizing Committee to Pengcheng Villa, respectively guaranteed a loss compensation of 100 million yuan, while the other piece of Huang Fei, Zhuang Rui asked him to be consigned to the residence of the Beijing quadrangle courtyard. He wanted to buy a set of lithoshi machines in the quadr Anyway, that place is big enough to put it in the backyard.

This piece of Huang Fei, Zhuang Rui does not intend to leave it to Luo Jiang. If it is put in Pengcheng and is seen by Luo Jiang, he will definitely have a grudge in his heart, so Zhuang Rui is going to solve it directly in Beijing. As for what he wants to carve, he will show it to the ancient man first.

After completing the bidding procedures, Zhuang Rui returned to understand the stone scene. It happened that the Song army solved the stone. As expected, it also rose sharply. More than 30 million sampan B were sold on the spot, making Song Jun's face happy like a blooming wild **. He and Fatty Ma came to Myanmar not only for money, but the The pleasure comes.

What only entangled Zhuang Rui was that Fatty Ma and Song Jun both said with gratitude. They said with one voice that the wool Zhuang Rui helped them choose, which made Zhuang Rui, who had just arrived in the calcite area, immediately become the target of public criticism. He was surrounded by many jewelry merchants and asked Zhuang Rui to help them see the original stone he bought

Although Zhuang Rui is impatient, he does not dare to commit public anger. The "Emerald King" is 70 or eighty years old. In every Burmese public market, he is still enthusiastic about looking at the wool. If Zhuang Rui shits, these people don't know what to say when they go back, and they will immediately stink Zhuang Rui'

To say that this Burmese jade public plate is indeed not Pingzhou ~ &qu;\ The plate can be compared. In just more than ten days, it is not enough for Zhuang Rui to read all the wool. Just like the material that these people have patted now, there is no lack of high-quality jade in it, and there are a few pieces that

Help others look at the original stone. Naturally, you can only say three points in one sentence. Generally, there is jade in it. Zhuang Rui will point it out, but in terms of the weight and quality of jade meat, it is a little wrong ●

Zhuang Rui is looking at the original stone. Some of the tares he has pointed out are on the other side and have begun to cut stones, and the results after cutting them are almost the same as what Zhuang Rui said, which makes everyone admire Zhuang Rui's eyesight. Gambling stones also need to be talented. It's not that the older you are, the There is no need to bet. Just let a group of old men compare their age.

In the next few days, in addition to going through his own bid-winning procedures, Zhuang Rui helped others see the original stone, which also earned him the respect of many people. Unexpectedly, he was installed in many names such as industry leaders, gambling masters, and jade masters. If Zhuang Rui hadn't been too young, I'm afraid there would have People call him the "Emerald King".

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