Golden Pupil

Chapter 481 Changes in the Eyes

The poorer the place, the more unsound the law is. In a country ruled by a military-controlled government like Myanmar, it is too easy to give people a charge. Compared with Hu Rong, Wencha is like an ant, and he can be crushed with one finger.

Therefore, Wencha did not dare to neglect Hu Rong's words at all. After spending a sum of dollars to send away the team of soldiers with guns, Wencha summoned his ground staff and held the most entangled meeting in his life, that is, to talk about the construction of clean wind, and no more small fees. The atmosphere of Mandalay Airport, The interval has been greatly improved.

Of course, Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong will not know these things. At this moment, Zhuang Rui is sitting in an RV driven by Hu Rong and driving towards the hotel. Brother Hu, can't you go to the mining area today?

Looking at Hu Rong's meaning, he wants to live in Mandela for a day. To be honest, Zhuang Rui's arrangement during this period is really tight, and he really doesn't want to delay any longer.

Hu Rong smiled and said, "Tomorrow, it's not easy to drive from here to the mining area. Besides, there is nothing to see at night. I'll ask someone to drive the helicopter tomorrow, and it won't take much time..." "Well, Brother Hu, I don't know where your mining school is?"

Zhuang Rui asked casually, but his heart was a little nervous. If Hu Rong's mine was far away from the treasure place, Zhuang Rui could only give up this treasure hunt. After all, his time was limited, and there were several things waiting for him in China. Well, let me show you..."

Hu Rong took out a drawing from the car, pointed to find the direction along the drawing, and finally stopped at a place and said, "It's right here. This was originally an old pit, but it was filled in decades ago. Later, I found someone to explore it, saying that there were mineral veins, and then it was re-mining it. Unexpectedly It's a waste mine, and now it's a big loss..." "Brother Hu, this is a mountain range. You don't have to worry. Maybe if you dig deeper, you can see the veins..."

Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei looked at each other, with a trace of joy in their eyes. In the past few days, they have been comparing the map of Myanmar with the map on the digital camera, and found that the location of the small Japanese flag was marked on the map, in the Tokuoka area, which is exactly where Hu Rong just pointed.

According to Peng Fei, it is a place where tropical jungles and mountains are engnched. The roads are very difficult to walk, and it is not particularly far from China's border Ruili, so Qifei has been preparing for the past few days. The big backpack more than one meter long he carried is all the equipment needed this time.

"Forget it, let's not mention this matter. I'm bringing you here to play this time. Well, I'll accompany you around Mandela in the afternoon. This is the former palace of Myanmar, and there are many ancient buildings! I.. R...."

In any way, Zhuang Rui is his own distinguished guest. Naturally, Hu Rong will not despise him. After Zhuang Rui put things in the hotel, Hu Rong took Zhuang Rui to the former site of the former Burmese king's palace, but Qi Fei unexpectedly did not go together, but after Hu Rong and others left, A person quietly left the hotel.

Along the moat of the imperial city, Hu Rong's RV drove to the foot of Mandalay Mountain. The imperial city quietly faces Mandalay Mountain. The last palace of the Burmese dynasty, like the Forbidden City in Beijing, was buried in a highly developed agricultural country in the Great Colonial era hundreds of years ago. The story of the vicissitudes of being crushed by Western industrial civilization.

The first place Hu Rong took Zhuang Rui to was the golden palace teak temple, which was originally the bedroom of the king of Mindong in Myanmar. After the death of King Mindong, his successor, the king of the tin robe, moved the cushion building to the current place and turned it into a monastery. The teak building was obviously more complicated than the ordinary with

Myanmar is not only rich in emeralds, but also a specialty of Myanmar. Teak is also known as rouge, purple teak and blood. There are also a few teak trees in Yunnan, China, known as purple oil wood. It is a kind of deciduous or semi-fallen large tree. The tree is as high as Mu No.

Teak is native to Myanmar, Thailand and Laos. It is the main afforestation tree species in Southeast Asia and one of the precious materials in the world. It is known as the "King of Trees" in Myanmar and Indonesia. It is known as the "national treasure" 0

The teak temple is very beautiful. It looks secluded from afar. The building is a square-topped heavy oak structure, but this building seems to be more complicated than the general heavy oak building. There are many fine wood carvings on the inner and outer doors, windows and walls. The whole temple is located on hundreds of thick teak pillars, and the

There are obviously fewer tourists in Mandalay than in Yangon. In addition to Hu Rong and Zhuang Rui, it is the driver and an attendant. In the pain of the huge temple, there are almost no tourists, only a few local children running up and down the high steps of the temple.

The "giggle" laughter made by the children when they were playing penetrated through the temple. It was crisp and loud and echoed for a long time. The child's voice was heard in Zhuang Rui's ears. In this solemn temple, it was like the singing of the Sanskrit sound, which made Zhuang Rui's heart waiting for the treasure hunt

Hu Rong was also a devout Buddhist. After entering the temple, he took off his shoes and knelt down to the Buddhist niche at the end of the corridor. After a while at the Shimu Temple, Hu Rong took Zhuang Rui to the most famous Gudu Tao Pagoda in Mandalay.

Gudu Tao Pagoda, proudly called "the world's greatest meritorious pagoda" by Burmese people, and the so-called meritorious virtue is that King Mindong gathered the senior monks from all over the Central South Peninsula in the first year of the F. The fifth assembly meeting to revise the Buddhist scriptures was held here, On the stone tablet.

A white pagoda has been built outside each stone tablet, so the whole temple is a continuous white pagoda. According to Hu Rong, if a person reads all the stone tablets under these white pagodas every day, it will take at least a total of 0 days.

Burmese people seem to like gold very much. In the middle of the Gudu Tao Pagoda, there is also a golden pagoda, surrounded by four directions, all white pagodas as white as snow. The whole layout, the four directions are basically symmetrical, like a continuous white square array.

The people here are even rarer. Zhuang Rui and others walked in this snow-white Tallinn. A single traveler was not magnetic. He got into a pagoda and looked at the scriptures that could not understand the words at all. Zhuang Rui suddenly felt the aura in his eyes and seemed to **.

I can't tell what it feels like, but the golden true qi in my eyes, in this white tower, has a warm feeling, like being surrounded by warm water, very comfortable. "It makes Zhuang Rui can't help moaning, and even Hu Rong's shouting outside was He deliberately ignored it.

Zhuang Rui sat quietly in the pagoda and felt the pure breath that was everywhere in the pagoda. His heart seemed to be washed away by a belief. There was a feeling of being killed in the void and indifferent, as if the irritability in the world had left him.

The elephant is invisible, the great love has no desire, the father-in-law is speechless, and the great goodness has no trace. At this time, in Zhuang Rui's heart, "There is no desire, and the aura in his eyes also seems to be changing slightly." Xing Rui ● Brother Zhuang one by one, one by one"

I don't know how long it took, Zhuang Rui was finally awakened by Hu Rong's voice. After waking up, he hurried out.

Looking back at this pagoda, Zhuang Rui was actually a little reluctant. Although the aura in the pagoda was very thin, it made people feel very comfortable.

Looking up at the table below, Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be shocked. When he first came here, it was only after 2 p.m., and now it was past 4 o'clock. Dude, I didn't expect you to have a Buddha root? You have been in the pagoda for a long time. Why, is it interesting to be a living scholar? I'm looking for a monk to help you convert..."

Hu Rong's eyes at Zhuang Rui were a little strange. Young people were always impatient to stay in such a place. He didn't expect Zhuang Rui to go in and stay in it for more than two hours. He was about to wait impatiently. No, no, Brother Hu, I'm not married yet..."

As soon as Zhuang Rui came out of the realm of nothingness at this time, he was shocked by Hu Rong's words. This good life buddy hasn't enjoyed it yet. How can he become a monk? Ha ha, living people convert, and don't shave. It's allowed to get married and have children. It's just a kind of spiritual realm..."

Hu Rong laughed. He knew that Zhuang Rui was about to be engaged to his cousin. This time, he also prepared a gift for Zhuang Rui, but it was not time to take it out.

"Let's go. I'll take you to eat authentic Myanmar snacks, and then take you to the raw stone market in Mandalay in the evening. There may be some good things there. Many people collect old pit materials for decades and often sell them there..."

Hu Rong looked at the sky. It was too early. He greeted Zhuang Rui and took the lead in walking to the mountain gate.

Zhuang Rui turned back to the white Tallinn, and the sunset in the west shone on these white towers, showing a golden color, making it more solemn and filled with an indescribable atmosphere.

At this time, Zhuang Rui couldn't help but feel a little strange about what had just happened. Is there really faith and gods in the world? Well, the distance of Reiki has become farther?

Just as Zhuang Rui withdrew his eyes, he inadvertently felt that he could only release the aura of more than ten meters away, but now he could actually feel the weak but special aura on the white tower 30 meters away, and he could see the subtle lines on the white tower clearly. H