Golden Pupil

Chapter 482 Eyesight

"How could this happen?"

Zhuang Rui quickly stopped, turned his eyes to more than 30 meters away, and felt the aura in his eyes carefully.

After a few minutes, Zhuang Rui withdrew his eyes and hurriedly chased after Hu Rong, who had left. "I was extremely excited in my heart. After the exploration just now, he found that the distance of aura in his eyes had indeed doubled.

Although there is no essential upgrade except for the increase in the distance of Reiki, this is still good news for Zhuang Rui, because there has been no change in Reiki since leaving the Jokhang Temple. In the future, you must go to some famous mountains and rivers. Maybe you can really raise the aura in your eyes one by one.

The two breakthroughs of Reiki seem to have something to do with the temple. For the first time, in the room where Tangka was placed in Dazhao Temple, this time it was among hundreds of pagodas. Zhuang Rui couldn't help but think about it, but when he was in some temple tourist attractions in Beijing, this did not happen, which made I can't figure it out.

According to the history of the construction of those temples in Beijing, Ying Tan is longer than these pagodas in Myanmar, but you can't feel the abnormal movement of aura there. At most, you can only find that there is a rich aura in those buildings, but it does not help the aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes. Is this the energy of faith? It's just that I don't believe these ghosts and gods..."

Until he sat in Hu Rong's Fang Feng, Zhuang Rui was still frowned and thinking. When Hu Rong saw his appearance, he did not say anything to disturb him. The Buddha said "euppment" Eryu. Hu Rong thought that Zhuang Rui had understood the true meaning of the Dharma in the pagoda.

After thinking about it, Zhuang Rui only found one thing in common between the Jokhang Temple in Tibet and Tallinn, Myanmar, that is, the believers they have are extremely religious, and like those temples in the capital, most of them hang sheep's heads and sell dog meat. Who knows if those monks will wear hats at night? There is a drill in the lounge.

shook his head, and Zhuang Rui excreted all these messy thoughts out of his mind. The aura in his eyes came suddenly, and there was no regularity at all. Fortunately, as long as he could be used by himself, it was meaningless to think so much. Zhuang Rui did not dare to reveal the power in his eyes.

After waking up, Zhuang Rui saw Hu Rongzheng observing himself and quickly said, "Brother Hu, I'm sorry, I'm a little fascinated for a moment. There are so many pagodas in Myanmar, and there must be many believers one by one." "Of course, more than 95% of the people in Myanmar believe in Buddhism. This is the state religion of Myanmar, one by one, one by one"

Hu Yi's words confirmed Zhuang Rui's thoughts in his heart. Perhaps the change of Reiki is really related to faith. Peng Fei, do you know the Royal Restaurant in the west of the city? Let's have dinner..." "Brother Zhuang, you can eat, I won't go. I happen to have something to do...

After Zhuang Rui came to the place to eat, he called Peng Fei, but the boy was mysterious and didn't know what he was doing. After saying a few words, he hung up the phone.

Hu Rong was obviously very familiar with people in Mandalay. As soon as he entered the restaurant, someone kept greeting him. Hu Rong arched his hands to greet people around and took Zhuang Jiao to the box on the second floor.

Neither of them drank. After having a seafood feast with Myanmar characteristics, Hu Rong did not call a taxi, but walked with Zhuang Rui to Mandalay's jewelry trading center. Brother Hu, is it here?

Mandela's jewelry trading center is not far from the restaurant. A minute after walking, Zhuang Rui looked at the place in front of him, which was like a domestic vegetable market, and asked Hu Rong in amazement.

The jewelry raw stone trading center presented in front of Zhuang Rui did not even have a shed, but there was an open space surrounded by wooden fences and wire. Then at the entrance, there was a gate made of wood, and there were two soldiers with guns standing at the door.

Compared with the jade trading center in Pingzhou in China, this place is not eye-catching at all, which is called shabby.

"That's right, it's here. Our company also has a stall in it. Ha ha, Myanmar is like this. In the early years, it didn't $$ at all! Cui took it seriously, and it took more than ten years to pay attention to it. This market has been 20 or 30 years, and it has become a habit, and no one has changed it..."

Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui's expression, smiled, and then said, "Don't look at this place, there are a lot of good objects, such as glass emperor green and purple eyes! Cui, someone has been found here. It depends on one's eyesight and luck..."

Zhuang Rui nodded when he heard the words. He still understood the truth that steamed buns have meat. The situation in Myanmar is a bit like the people living by the river. No one cares that the river ** overwhelming sand can be sold for money. Similarly, Burmese people did not expect that the stones all over the mountains were also treasures. Brother Hu, this is not a difference, is it? Burmese people don't have to charge money?

When he walked to the door of the market, Zhuang Rui saw a sign beside the soldiers, with the words "one dollar for admission" written in Chinese and English. Several of them should be Chinese Guanjia. When entering the door, he had to throw one dollar into the box under the sign before he could enter. Naturally, you don't need it..."

Hu Rong greeted the two people at the door with a smile, went straight in with Zhuang Rui, and then said, "Most of the people who come here are Chinese. Although they have to pay for sex, foreigners who have violated the law in Myanmar. Generally, they will not be sentenced, as long as they are fined a little money. Otherwise, there will be so Private original stone..."

After entering the market, it gave Zhuang Rui the feeling that he had come to Pingzhou, because most of what people said in the past were in Cantonese. Most of the domestic wool merchants were from Guangdong and Yunnan pavilions. Some retail investors did not have the funds to participate in the jade public market, and they usually came here to get the original stone.

Walking in the middle of the market, Zhuang Rui found that each stall had a shelf, and most of the products sold on the shelves were finished jade, but the workmanship was poor and the style was also old. After Zhuang Rui looked at a few, he was not interested. If these tacky things were sold in his own store, it would be Qin Rui. Lin's grade.

In addition to the jade finished jewelry on the shelf, the original stone is placed on the ground. Zhuang Rui carefully looked at several stalls, most of which are full of gambling materials, and there are very few raw stones that open windows or wipe the surface. In this way, the risk of gambling stones is also doubled.

Buyers from all over the world are squatting on the ground to pick out the original stone, and from time to time, they are bargaining with the stall owner. How much is this material? Oh, by the way, do you admire Chinese..."

Zhuang Rui squatted down and pointed to a piece of wool and asked the stall owner, but then he reacted and asked again in English. Huan Wan!" Before Zhuang Rui's English price inquiry was finished, the stall owner stretched out two fingers and answered skillfully in Chinese.

This material is only the size of a fist, which is a little green inside. It can be worth about 30,000 to 50,000 yuan, but the price of Huanwan is also a little ridiculous. Put it in Pingzhou, such stone eggs are three or five hundred and one, which is a fresh use for those who have not played gambling stones.

Zhuang Rui didn't bargain either. He stood up and continued to walk forward. Does his buddy look like Xiaozi?" Ha ha, brother Zhuang, don't be angry. They all ask for prices indiscriminately. You still have a sO○ ruthenium for the material. Maybe he has sold it..."

When Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui's face, he laughed beside him. Burmese people didn't learn from China, but they paid back the money at a sky-high price, and they learned it very authentically.

Zhuang Rui nodded. After even looking at four or five houses, he didn't find any good materials. At some stalls, he simply mixed some broken stones with jade original stones and sold them. Zhuang Rui also found that someone was buying them, so he couldn't help shaking his head. There is really nothing in the world that can't be sold. Zhuang Zang, this stall is mine. Do you want to see which material you like? Brother Hu gave it to you to play..."

When he walked to a stall, Hu Rong stopped. When the staller saw Hu Rong, he immediately stood up from the stall and greeted Hu Rong with his hands together.

"Oh? If I pick a glass material, won't Brother Hu lose a lot of money?

Zhuang Rui also stopped when he heard the words and looked at Hu Rong's booth. His booth was obviously much larger than the one next to him. There were about a hundred pieces of wool on the ground, which were basically all gambling materials. Several people were picking inside. What's the matter, look down on you? Even if you can solve the emperor's green, I can afford to give it one by one.

Hu Rong pretended to be angry and said, "Otherwise, let's pick each other out and see who has good eyesight. How about it?"

To be honest, when bringing Zhuang Rui to this market, Hu Rong had a little intention of taking the exam for the school Zhuang Rui. When he wore crotch pants and others played with the mud, Hu Rong began to play with the original stone jade. However, after this Burmese public market, Hu Rong found that his skill of identifying the original stone seemed to be much As the saying goes, there is no first martial arts and no preparation, and Hu Rong also wants to compare with Zhuang Rui in his heart. Well, since Brother Hu said so, of course I will accompany him..."

With the relationship between Zhuang Rui and Hu Rong, he will not be hurt by gambling to win or lose. Hearing Hu Rong's words, Zhuang Rui is not interested. This thing is for you..."

Hu Rong took two sets of magnifying glasses and flashlight from the stall owner and handed them to Zhuang Rui, and then the two looked at the original stone separately.

Huh? There are really old pit materials..."

Zhuang Rui was standing next to a pile of fist-sized Fei grassland stones at this time. Even if he didn't use the aura in his eyes, he could distinguish that these should be the black sand of Mameng Factory. H