Golden Pupil

Chapter 486 Preparedness

"Peng Fei, what are you doing with a gun?"

Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be shocked when he saw that Peng Fei took out a black Cheng Liang pistol from the back of his waist, but there was still a trace of curiosity in his eyes. Zhuang Rui had played with a submachine gun, but he had no chance to shoot a pistol, of course, except for the five girls.

"Brother Zhuang, the public security in Yangon and Mandalay is not bad, but it will be chaotic when entering the mining area, and those places are close to the China-Myanmar border. Maybe there will be smugglers and drug traffickers, holding guns to insure one point one, one, one, one, one"

As he spoke, Peng Fei skillfully took out the magazine of the pistol in his hand, and then pulled the gun back. A yellow bullet jumped out of the smooth bore and was grabbed by Peng Fei in the palm of his hand. He dared to bounce on the chair all the time. This... is a five-four pistol, right?

Zhuang Rui's eyes were a little hot. He didn't hear what Peng Fei said about drug smuggling and trafficking. His eyes just stared at the gun. Peng Fei smiled and handed the gun to Zhuang Rui.

Reached out to take the pistol that had returned the magazine bullet. Zhuang Rui saw the May 4 pistol worn by the second lieutenant instructor in the last few days of the university military training. Like this one, the instructor was stingy and tight that he didn't even let the students touch it.

Liu Chuan's father used to have such a gun, but he was afraid that his son and Zhuang Rui would be naughty and never dared to take the gun home. Zhuang Rui really played with a pistol for the first time.

The surface of this gun is covered with black baking paint, but at the handle and re-entry slippery and trigger, revealing obvious traces of frequent use. The black baking paint has been worn off, revealing a silver-white iron color, heavy in the hand, about a weight of more than a catty.

Men always have a special preference for guns. Even a cowardly person will burst out with unusual courage after holding a gun. Although Zhuang Rui doesn't like to use violence to solve problems, he also has a feeling that he can't put it down when playing with this gun. It's a five-four pistol. Although you can still find some more powerful weapons, it's not very convenient to carry ● Just make do with this..."

Seeing Zhuang Rui playing with a gun, Peng Fei laughed, took the gun in Zhuang Rui's hand, and then taught Zhuang Rui the characteristics of the five or four guns and how to be loaded, and where the insurance is, one by one.

The May 4th pistol is an imitation of the Russian-made Ding Dingding ÷ L Shan Leu series pistol, using a Type 51 knife! The 2 pistol bullets are buried in the short rear seat of the barrel. The locking method is the barrel swing type, and the magazine capacity is eight rounds. The whole gun is composed of the barrel, the upper sleeve, the lower sleeve, the reentry device, the plate machine part and the magazine.

The Type 5si pistol has been used as a standard weapon in China for more than half a century. This kind of gun can shoot through 3 mm thick steel plate, 1 m thick wooden board and 6 cm thick brick wall at a distance of 2 meters. It can adapt to the needs of self-defense weapons in combat within a distance of D meters. It is

In lq67, the factory number of the Type 54 pistol had been reached. 80,000 yuan, not only the troops and police are equipped with this kind of gun, but also the security departments of some large enterprises use five or four pistols.

What the "two kings" who traveled across the country in those years grabbed was these five or four pistols. Dozens of military and police officers hated the gun, which showed that it was very lethal. Peng Fei, you still have this thing. It's much better for you to hold it than in my hand..."

After playing for a while, Zhuang Rui handed the gun to Peng Fei. He knew that even if the gun was used for him, he would only be able to shoot within one meter. If it was beyond this distance, it was estimated that there would be no accuracy.

Peng Fei waved his hand, magically took out a gun from his body, and said, "Brother Zhuang, put you in your handbag to defend yourself. I still have..." "You boy, where is this gun?"

Zhuang Rui saw that Qi Fei was just wearing a pair of jeans, and his upper body was just a T-shirt. These two guns were not small. I really didn't know where he was stuffed. It's not in the crotch of the thong, is it?

Zhuang Rui couldn't help thinking of the female spy tying a robber at the root of his thighs in those movies, and couldn't help shivering. However, it's impossible to think about it. Chinese men don't have the habit of wearing Scottish skirts. They can't take out a gun and take off their trousers

Peng Yu didn't know what was going on in Zhuang Rui's mind. He lifted the clothes behind his waist, inserted the muzzle of the gun down into the waist of his trousers, then put down the clothes and said, "Control the muscles around the waist to contract inward, and you can't see it outside..."

Zhuang Rui turned behind Peng Fei and couldn't see the feeling of bulging behind his waist at all. He lifted his clothes and saw that the waist muscles of the pistol really shrank into it. Zhuang Rui couldn't help but be surprised. By the way, Peng Fei, where did you get these guns?

Zhuang Rui saw that Peng Fei took out five more magazines, all of which were full of Huang Canchan. He couldn't help asking curiously. In just one afternoon, he actually got two weapons to kill in the cabin. If it were his own words, I'm afraid he didn't even find out the way of Mandalay. Buy it, a gibbling knife for dollars, a magazine full of eight bullets for $23, and this thing, one for 50 dollars, bought ten..."

While talking, Peng Fei pulled away his black bag, took out the black iron egg from it, and threw it in his hand. Zhuang Rui's hair exploded in an instant. "Good boy, isn't that a grenade?" Peng Fei, we're not going to war. Are you going to do these things? Put it away quickly and don't explode..."

Zhuang Rui was really shocked. Did he play with the local melon with a grenade? If this is accidentally detonated, when you see the Lord of Yan, you will have a big word "injustice" on your head.

Peng Fei nodded seriously and said, "Brother Zhuang, if you just go to the mining area, there is no need to prepare these things, but if we want to go into the jungle, it's better to be fully equipped and prepared..."

Looking at Zhuang Rui's fear of being able to avoid it, Peng Fei smiled and said, "This is an American N 6 8 grenade, which has good performance and high security. Brother Zhuang, you don't have to be afraid that it will automatically detonate, and this kind of grenade can be used for both attack and defense. At that It's broken.

I also bought a few plastic bombs. Well, Brother Zhuang, these things cost a total of US dollars. That guy also has a howitzer, which costs seven dollars. If it's not inconvenient to carry it, I'll buy it. What a pity."

Peng Fei said that there was a very regretful look on his face. He dealt with some things all day in the army. He had not touched it for more than a year when he returned home from the army. Now he picked it up again and unconsciously showed his excitement. Well, you put away your things. Don't be found by Brother Hu when you get them, otherwise others will think we went to rob. Come on, take a shower and go to bed..."

As soon as Zhuang Rui heard the name of the plastic bomb, his whole body was not good. He remembered clearly that when he was in Shaanxi last year, Mr. Yu had all these things. He didn't want to experience it again.

And although Zhuang Rui knew that Peng Fei was a special forces soldier, he didn't expect that he looked like a big boy next door. He was so crazy about arms and howitzers. Do you really think he was going to war?

Zhuang Rui didn't sleep very well this night. It's strange that he can sleep well. Sleeping next to a gun may produce a sense of security, but sleeping next to a pile of explosive bags can only create a sense of panic.

Because it was too late to solve the stone last night, Hu Rong didn't call until noon the next day. Although Zhuang Rui didn't sleep well, he was still young. After a few hours of rest, he became energetic. Instead, he came to pick him up Hu Rong, with a trace of fatigue on his face. Brother Zhuang, this is Professor Feng, and this is Professor Chen. They are all geological experts I invited from China. This time, they also help me go to see the jade mine..."

In the lobby of the hotel, Hu Rong introduced two old people in their fifties to Zhuang Rui. Although he said that he had invited Zhuang Rui to see the mineral veins, he still spent a lot of money on the relationship and invited two experts from China.

After all, Hu Rong has invested nearly 300 million yuan in the jadeite mine. It is impossible to put his hope on Zhuang Rui, a young man. If he can gamble on stones, he may not look at the veins.

Zhuang Rui did not guess Hu Rong's thoughts. His purpose of going to Pa Gan was also not in the jade mine, but Zhuang Rui was also very happy to see two of his own people in a foreign country.

Zhuang Rui's grandfather is a geological expert. When he talked to the two of them, these two professors of China University of Mining and Technology had actually studied Grandpa Zhuang Rui's works. When this relationship was discussed, the two did not have the arrogance of the experts at present. In addition, they also lived in Pengcheng, and they chatted very well

Two professors Feng Chen are also very happy to come to Myanmar to inspect the jadeite mine. Both of them are studying the causes of the formation of jadeite, but because they have not been to the jadeite mine, the project has been stagnant. You should know that the Myanmar government has always been taboo about jadeite mines, and foreigners are strictly prohibited from entering and leaving.

Including the northern part of Myanmar, which is listed as a military restricted zone and has never been opened to the outside world. This opportunity to enter the mining area is also the result of the Myanmar military government's control of most of the forces in northern Myanmar and Hu Rong's high-level efforts in Myanmar. Otherwise, it will be difficult for outsiders to enter.

Unin a hurry, Hu Rong then introduced several soldiers behind him. Zhuang Rui knew that these people who dared to protect themselves on the surface should actually be here to monitor the behavior of himself and others in the mining area.

P: First update, thank you, book friends, Na Tianxiong San 1121, for being the elder of this book. Thank you for your support.

Today's monthly ticket is not good. Just now, I saw that it was still in single digits. Friends picked it up and see if there is still a monthly ticket. Let's vote for it. D