Golden Pupil

Chapter 487 Arriving in Myzina

The group took Hu Rong's RV and drove to the suburbs. From Mandalay to Myitkyina, they could only take the train, but at a distance of 600 to 700 kilometers, it would take dozens of hours by train, because the train speed in Myanmar was still at the level of the 1950s and 1960s in China. So Hu Rong used his own relationship to use a military helicopter from the Burmese military.

The RV drove directly to a barracks on the outskirts of Mandalay, surrounded by soldiers with guns. Zhuang Rui couldn't help tightening the bag in his hand, and there was still a pistol there. If he was checked by these soldiers, he didn't know what would cause.

When looking at Peng Fei beside him, Zhuang Rui gave a little bit of a little. The old man was carrying the slightly worn backpack and looked around with an indifferent face, as if it was not a bomb in the bag, but a candy gift to a friend's house.

Zhuang Rui now knows what a thief is. In the past, I heard that those who broke the law and fled, they often couldn't sleep for years or even decades. At that time, Zhuang Rui didn't believe it. Now he finally realized that although he didn't do anything, he just put a gun in his bag and began to feel restless.

Fortunately, from getting off the bus to getting on the helicopter, no one has proposed to check the parcels of Zhuang Rui and others, which made Zhuang Rui breathe a great sigh of relief.

Hu Rong, who followed Zhuang Rui on the helicopter, held a fifty or sixty centimeters long wooden box in his arms, which contained Zhuang Rui's tree-shaped jade. He wanted to take it home and slowly carve it. Brother Zhuang, this is a military transport helicopter made in Russia. It was produced in the 1960s and 1970s. It is an antique, but its performance is not good. It can seat more than 23 people...

Peng Fei looked at the transport plane and whispered in Zhuang Rui's ear, but when the Burmese army came manually, Peng Fei immediately stopped talking.

Zhuang Rui knew that before the Soviet Union was retired in the last century, for its global strategic position, a fleet was stationed in the seaport of Myanmar, but later Russia's economy was tense and the fleet was withdrawn to the country, but many military facilities with Russian marks were left in Myanmar.

The speed of this Mizhao military direct transport lift is about 300 kilometers per hour, which is not very fast, but its advantage is that it carries a large fuel capacity, the range is farther than that of ordinary helicopters, and the internal space is also sufficient.

Hu Rongzhuang Ruihe and others, together with those sent by the Burmese military, there were a total of eight people. Sitting in the cabin did not look crowded at all, and there was even space to sleep.

It's just that Zhuang Rui's mind can only think about it. When the propeller of the helicopter rotated, the huge roar made several people in the cabin blush and opened their mouths one after another to relieve the discomfort in his ears. Only those Burmese soldiers and Hu Rong's performance was normal. As for Peng Fei, Zhuang Rui estimated that he must have pretended to be. However, Zhuang Rui and the two professors were really miserable, and their eardrums seemed to be broken.

It's not that Zhuang Rui has never made a helicopter, but the sound insulation effect of this military helicopter is really poor, and there is a hatch on one side, but the hatch on the other side is missing. The mortals are frightened and quickly fasten their seat belts for fear that the helicopter will roll down as soon as they tilt.

Originally, I was thinking about the two skills to continue chatting on the helicopter. After the helicopter was taken off, they also turned pale and kept silent. The wind outside the cabin lured into the cabin, not to mention talking, even Zhang Xia, which can fill you with tropical rain. The breath of the forest. Fortunately, the temperature in winter in Myanmar is more than 20 degrees, otherwise the people in the cabin will be frozen into popsicles.

After driving away from the barracks, after about half an hour, he felt a little adapted. Zhuang Rui looked to the ground from the glass in the cabin, but his eyes were full of tall trees and dense forests, and there was no scenery at all.

It is the dry season in Myanmar now. Those tall broad-leaved trees also seem to be withered, and the leaves on the trunk are very rare. After Zhuang Rui looked down for more than ten minutes, there was no one, which was slightly desolate.

But now is also the best time for Myanmar to mine jade, because when it comes to the rainy season, the road in the mountains will be very difficult to walk. Not to mention people, even animals can't pass through, so now it is the busiest time in the mining area.

The mountains of Myanmar are not particularly steep, but they are continuous. One peak after another, and the jungle is dense. Zhuang Rui believes that if he is thrown down from here, it is estimated that he may not be able to run out of it for a year and a half.

Looking at the towering trees under the plane, Zhuang Rui feels very incredible about the social form of Myanmar. Myanmar itself depends on the seaport, and its geographical location is very important. It is rich in gems and precious teak inland, but Burmese people are so poor that I don't know where the root of this comes from.

After more than an hour, the helicopter slowed down and slowly stopped on a mountain. Zhuang Rui thought he had reached the ground. He quickly untied his seat belt and jumped off the helicopter. Who knew that his feet were soft. If he hadn't supported the ground with his hand, he would have almost sat on the ground. This...what place is this? It's not Michina, is it?

Zhuang Rui looked around. There were dense forests everywhere, and he couldn't help looking at Hu Rong. No matter how desolate the north of Myanmar was, it was impossible for him to be without a person. Now I'm halfway away. The driver wants to take a break. Come on, brother, drink some water... Hu Rong smiled and handed Zhuang Rui a bottle of drink.

It is said that the pilot wants to rest, but it is more appropriate for the helicopter to rest, because after the helicopter is stable, the pilot is busy. He is checking whether the various parts of the helicopter are working normally. You know, this is an antique from 30 or 40 years ago and cannot support the voyage for several hours. .

If this is a problem in the sky, I'm afraid that the parachute on the helicopter will be turned into mud before it is opened. However, the quality of the military facilities produced by the polar bear can still be trusted. Hu Rong has sat on the second yard many times, and there has been no problem.

Feng Jianshuo and Professor Chen also supported each other and came down from the helicopter. They were not as good as Zhuang Rui. Now they would have turned pale. If they hadn't supported each other, I'm afraid they would have fallen to the ground long ago.

"Guys, it's okay. I'm really sorry to make you two suffer. There are also mineral veins around here, but we have to work harder and rush to Pa Gan. I don't know if the two teachers can persist again?"

Hu Rong saw the two professors get off the helicopter and hurriedly greeted them. He just wanted to reach the Myitna Pagan area quickly, but he didn't expect that the two bodies could not withstand the bumps of the helicopter.

In fact, taking a train in Myanmar is probably not as good as this helicopter. It takes 30 or 40 hours from Mandalay to Myitna, and the train was also in the middle of the last century. The "luxury special train" left by the British may be more funny than this. It's okay, it's okay, I can hold on, I didn't expect it, j! The growing environment of Qin Kuang will be in such a place. Hearing is empty, and seeing is believing..."

Feng Jiaoji waved his hand repeatedly, indicating that he had no problem, j! The beauty of the emerald is well known, but the mining and growing environment behind the emerald is rarely mentioned internationally. The reason is that the Myanmar government is closed.

Half a century ago, although Zhuang Rui's grandfather had visited the jadeite mine in Myanmar, due to special historical reasons, his conclusions have not been published and are still buried in the wooden box.

The formation of jadeite has always been a topic discussed by domestic geologists. Now they have the opportunity to see the geological environment of Feicui's growth. Although the two professors are tired, their faces are still full of excitement.

After resting for more than an hour, several people boarded the helicopter again. They just drank some water and didn't dare to eat, otherwise they would spit out what they had to eat.

The flight lasted nearly two hours. From the helicopter, it was faintly seen that someone on the ground had appeared. Near five o'clock, the helicopter also landed in a military camp in Myitkyina. In Myanmar, there were basically troops stationed outside the city. Two professors, Brother Zhuang, I'll pick you up tomorrow. Have a good rest today.

After getting off the helicopter, Hu Rong looked at the pale faces of several people and knew that they could not eat anything at night. He used the car he was waiting in the barracks to send them to the most luxurious hotel in Myitna.

Zhuang Rui looked from the car. The city of Myitkyina is far worse than that of Yangon and Mandalay. At least in those two cities, there are some modern buildings, but here, everything you see is low wooden houses, and reinforced concrete buildings are very rare.

And the so-called luxury hotel is just a three-story small building. Except for a 21-inch bulky color TV, there is no electrical appliance in it. There is no water heater for boiling water, and the waiter needs to deliver it. Zhuang Rui and others were really tired. After entering the room and taking a shower, they all went to bed.

Although Hu Rong also has a house in Myitkyina, the foundation of the Hu family in Myanmar is in Pagan. He also stayed in the hotel with Zhuang Rui and others today. The next morning, two imported SUVs parked at the door of the hotel.

This is Hu Rong's private car. If he takes the car provided by the military, it will probably be the old Beijing Jeep 212 made in China. At some time, China once supported such a batch of jeeps in Myanmar. D