Golden Pupil

Chapter 613 Cut the Iron

There may not be anything else to look for in Panjiayuan, but if you want to find copper money, it can be weighed by tons. No matter whose booth it is, more or less some copper money will be placed for sale.

This is mainly the most circulating currency in China. The storage of copper coins is too large, and in addition to some rare copper coins, the value of ordinary copper coins is not high, and there are no counterfeit ones. After only five or six minutes, the monkey ran back to the store with a handful of copper coins in his hand.

I heard that the boss got a sword that cut iron like mud. When the monkey entered the room, he couldn't go out. Even the only clerk in the store stretched his head into the room from time to time to see it.

"Come in and have a look, just stand at the door and watch and don't lose anything..."

Zhuang Rui felt comfortable today. Now he asked the clerk to come over. The antique jewelry in the store was locked, and he was not afraid of being stolen.

"Brother Huangfu, do you think it's appropriate for us to put some for the first time?"

The copper coins found by monkeys are the most common Qianlong Tongbao. Qianlong Laoer has been in power for more than 60 years and has been the emperor for several years. Therefore, the copper coins found during the Qianlong period are the most numerous and the most widely circulated.

The monkey found fifty or sixty, and I don't know whether he bought them or asked for them.

"Why don't you try it with paper first? Don't damage this precious sword..."

Huangfuyun is a sword lover. The starting point of the experiment is also to consider that the sword will not be damaged, so he put forward a suggestion to use book paper for the experiment first.

"All I can!"

Zhuang Rui nodded. The monkey ran to the outside room with great eyesight and found a colored book that introduced the four treasures of the study. It was about 70 or 80 pages. Zhuang Rui took a look. This kind of paper is relatively hard. It's also good to try the sword first.

Put the book on the table. Zhuang Rui took a deep breath, raised his right hand high, and suddenly cut down the page. A cold light flashed, and the blade had been cut into the page.

"Look, is there any shackles on this sword..."

The most nervous person in the field is Huang Fuyun. The first thing to care about is not how many layers of paper have been cut, but to see if the blade is damaged.

"Floating things, nothing at all,..."

Zhuang Rui pulled out the sword embedded in the book and looked at the light. The place where the sword front came into contact with the book was intact and the same as the side.

"Brother Zhuang, cut 18 pieces of table tennis paper, good boy, this is really awesome. If you cut people with a sword, the bone will be broken... ..."

The monkey picked up the book on the table and opened it. Dancai Zhuang Rui's sword directly cut 58 pieces of paper, and there were seven or eight pieces below, and there were also deep sword marks. If Zhuang Rui tried harder, I'm afraid he could cut it off.

"Come on, cut the copper money to see..."

Seeing that this sword was so powerful, Zhuang Rui's confidence doubled. At that time, he took out five copper coins and put them on the table. However, after placing them, Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and took out three copper coins and put them on them

Previously, I heard from Huang Fuyun that the Longquan sword that had been unearthed had cut off seven copper coins with one sword. Zhuang Rui was a little unconvinced and wanted to break the record.

"Let's put five first..." Huang Fuyun was a little worried.

"It's okay, just eight!"

Zhuang Rui shook his head. He had a feeling that it should not be difficult to break the eight copper coins with one sword, but it was rare to have this wrist strength and eyesight, or he would have to cut the right direction.

After placing the copper coins, Zhuang Rui stood in front of the table, took a deep breath, and stared at the top one on the table. His right hand was raised high, and his left hand was also grasped on his right hand. Although the hilt was not long enough, it could also use a little more strength.

After drawing the high sword body against the copper coin several times, Zhuang Rui raised his hands again and slowly inhaled. Until he could no longer hold his chest, he held his breath and cut down the stack of copper coins with both hands.

Not only Zhuang Rui, but also all the people in the room are afraid to breathe, for fear of disturbing Zhuang Rui, and their eyes are fixed on the raised bronze sword.

Zhuang Rui almost used all his strength on his hands and tried his best to cut it down. This time, everyone could not even see the cold light, but there was a flower in front of him, followed by a crisp sound. When he looked at the table again, there were scattered copper coins everywhere, and some of them fell to the ground.

And the bronze sword in Zhuang Rui's hand was deeply cut into the square table at this moment. The body of the sword was almost cut in half. When Zhuang Rui raised his hand for the first time, he didn't take it out.

Although the bronze sword was sharp, Zhuang Rui was still very careful. He moved back and forth for a while before taking out the sword.

Zhuang Rui put the blade in front of his eyes and took a look. Except for some scratches that were brighter in contact with the copper coin and the table, the blade was not damaged, which also made Zhuang Rui take a long breath and relax.

The monkey picked up a copper coin divided into two halves from the ground and shouted excitedly to Zhuang Rui, "Cut, Brother Zhuang, cut it. You are really awesome. Hey, if you put it in ancient times, it will also be a big shackle..."

"The hero? The prawns are almost the same. Come on, monkey, don't talk nonsense. Hurry up and find all the copper coins to see if there is any uncut one by one"

Not only the monkey is looking for it, but even Zhao Hanxuan and others are also looking for a place where the light can't be illuminated with a strong flashlight. The room is not very big. A few minutes later, 16 pieces of copper coins divided into two halves were placed on the table.

"This... Is it true?"

Everyone looked at these copper coins and couldn't believe their eyes. The legendary magic weapon appeared in front of them at this moment.

You know, not to mention the weapons made thousands of years ago, even modern weapons made of alloys, may not be able to cut eight copper coins with one sword. At this moment, the bronze sword in Zhuang Rui's hand is more or less mysterious in the eyes of everyone.

Zhuang Rui couldn't put it down and wiped the bronze sword. After seeing the hot eyes of everyone in a blink of an eye, he said, "Ok, get busy, Lao Zhao, help me find a box, and I'll put the sword up..."

In the business of the four treasures of the study of "Xuan Ruizhai", there is also a painting axis. It is a two-meter-long box, but it is ready-made. Zhao Hanxuan quickly took one over. Zhuang Ruizhen put the bronze sword seriously, but he didn't find it. Huangfuyun's eyes beside him almost got Li.

"Brother, Brother Zhuang, this sword, this..."

Seeing that he couldn't see the sword, Huang Fuyun was anxious and grabbed Zhuang Rui. He was just too excited. What he said was a little unsatisfactory. Zhuang Rui inexplicably asked, "What's the matter, Brother Huangfu, are you interested in the sword?"

"Nonsense, of course I'm interesting. Do you still need to ask?"

Huang Fuyun stared at Zhuang Rui angrily. This man also talked about fate. Although the two had not known each other for a long time, they were like old friends.

"Alas, if it's interesting, I can't afford it, brother, if your bronze sword is auctioned, it will definitely cause an uproar. If you can cut it off and find the inheritance, I estimate its price will be above the knife B!"

"What? Can it be so expensive?

Zhuang Rui was shocked when he heard the words. He thought that the sword was worth up to 30 to 50 million yuan, but he didn't expect that his valuation was still low.

"200 million is nothing. If there is a famous sword recorded in history, 350 million may be..."

At an auction in the United States last year, Emperor Qianlong once used a dragon sword, and finally sold the price equivalent to 70 million RB. However, in Huangfuyun's view, in terms of archaeological value and practical value, the imperial sword is far less than the one in Zhuang Rui's hand.

"Won, this thing is hot. I want to go home as soon as possible..."

Zhuang Rui really has this idea in his heart. This thing is so valuable that he has to put it in his treasure room as soon as possible to feel at ease.

"Brother, I have an unswered invitation, you know..."

Seeing that Zhuang Rui was about to leave, Huang Fuyun was anxious. He grabbed Zhuang Rui and said, "I still have two or three days to go to England. Before leaving, I want to know the exact origin of this sword, brother Zhuang, do you think you can let me trace those two first?"

As soon as Zhuang Rui heard about this, he pondered for a while and said, "Well, I'll call my tutor. If he has time, let's go there now..."

Zhuang Rui also wanted to figure out whether this sword had left many legendary magic weapons in history. After hearing Huang Fuyun's request, he immediately remembered Professor Meng.

Zhuang Rui knows that Professor Meng is not only Taishan Beidou in the archaeological field, but also unmatched in the study of ancient Chinese characters in China. He has been in charge of the excavation and sorting of the oracle site many times. The two words on the sword should still be difficult for Professor Meng.

"Well, okay, let's go there now..."

Huangfuyun was overjoyed. He really didn't want to take this sword for himself, because he didn't have so much money, but he did want to know the origin of this sword.

"Wait a minute, I'll call first..."

Today is not the weekend. Zhuang Rui was afraid that Professor Meng would have a class, so he called first. Sure enough, Professor Meng would have a class later. He was also surprised to hear that Zhuang Rui said that there was a bronze ware with inscriptions. He asked Zhuang Rui to spend an hour and have lunch together at school.

After hanging up Professor Meng's phone, Zhuang Rui called Peng Fei again and asked him to rush to Pan's home immediately. To be honest, Zhuang Rui was really uncertain about holding hundreds of millions of objects.

Pan Jiayuan is not very far from Zhuang Rui's quadrangle courtyard. In more than 10 minutes, Peng Fei rushed over. Zhuang Rui specially told the monkeys and others not to spread the matter and take Huang Fuyun into the car. C