Golden Pupil

Chapter 614 Fixed Light Sword on

This time, Zhuang Rui did not let Peng Fei be the driver, but drove by himself, because the Baozhong sword was handed over to Peng Fei.

Although Peng Fei didn't know what Zhuang Rui gave him, he rarely saw Zhuang Rui as solemn as him, and now he carefully held the long box in the cup. I dare not be careless at all.

"Brother Zhuang. The person you have to wait for. Is it Professor Yu?

After coming to Peking University, Yu Jiaozhi was still in class, and Zhuang Rui could only park his car. With Huang Fuyun and Peng Fei. I waited at the door of the restaurant.

"Yes. How do you know?

When Zhuang Rui asked, he remembered that Huangfu went out of this school. He smiled and said, "I forgot that this is Huangfu's alma mater...

Huangfuyun looked at those juniors who went in and out of the school canteen. He said with some emotion, "Yes, I haven't been here for five or six years since I went abroad...

When people don't grow up. I always think about growing up, always thinking that I can get ahead in society. But often after the head is broken and the blood is broken in reality, the campus life is recalled. Think back to those times of innocence.

Huang Fuyun went abroad after graduating from Peking University. Although it has developed well over the years. But I have encountered many setbacks, and now I have returned to my alma mater. There are also a lot of emotions in my heart.

"Hehe. I'm going to school here every year...

For the sake of the postgraduate entrance examination, although he is not a student of Peking University yet. Zhuang Rui also has some sense of identity here, and there will be at least two years in the future. My identity will become a constitutional student of Peking University.

After chatting for a while, it was almost noon. The number of students who came to dinner gradually increased.

"Xiaozhuang, have you arrived for a while?" Professor Meng appeared at the door of the canteen.

It's too noisy in this canteen. It's not a place to talk about things at all. Zhuang Rui frowned slightly and said, "It's okay. I just came here, too. Teacher Yu.. Why don't we go out and find a place to eat?

Professor Yu waved his hand. He said, "No, I have something else to do in the afternoon. Come on. I'll take you to the private room.

The canteen is divided into several floors, the first and second floors are the student canteen, and then the place where teachers eat. There are many private rooms in it.

"Xiaozhuang. What do you like to eat, order it yourself. Don't save money for teachers.

After a few people sat down. Professor Yu handed the recipe to the banker. He is very satisfied with his prospective disciple, and he can't wait to recruit him now.

"Thank you, Mr. Yu. I have something to ask you today. I want you to invite me to dinner...

Zhuang Rui introduced Huang Fuyun and Peng Fei to Professor Yu, and then casually ordered a few dishes. Although he was anxious to know the origin of the sword, Professor Meng did not mention it, and Zhuang Chuanpa could only calm down to eat.

"Ok, you boy is still calm and happy. Go to the office...

Several people ate very fast, and they ate well after a few minutes. Professor Meng smiled at Zhuang Rui. He just wanted to test Zhuang Rui's cultivation skills, but he didn't expect that Zhuang Rui could really hold back the matter of not mentioning the text appraisal, showing the calmness of his age. Professor Meng was very satisfied.

Professor Meng's age is almost the limit. It is estimated that Zhuang Rui is the last batch of graduate students he raised. He is very optimistic about the development of Zhuang Rui. He can have such an excellent closed disciple, so that Professor Meng can teach and educate people all his life. I feel very relieved.

Professor Meng has a separate office, which is not very large, but on the bookshelf behind the desk. It is full of all kinds of books, most of which are related to archaeology, and there are also some chemical publications. This knowledge is also closely related to archaeology.

"Xiao Peng, you can sit and wear it casually. Show me what you have...

Enter the office. Professor Yu casually greeted Huang Fuyun and Peng Fei. Then he reached out to take the long brocade box handed over by Zhuang Rui.

"This...this is a bronze sword...

After opening the box. Professor Yu, who was originally sitting at his desk, suddenly stood up and looked at the bronze sword in the box in disbelief. Although he had long guessed that the bronze ware mentioned by Zhuang Rui should be a weapon, he never thought of it. This bronze sword is so well preserved.

Professor Meng has been for decades. I don't know how many times I have presided over archaeological excavations. From the tombs of the Yin and Shang dynasties to the imperial mausoleums of the Song and Yuan Dynasties, I don't know how many unearthed cultural relics he has seen. There are many weapons.

It's just those ancient weapons unearthed. After hundreds of years of air oxidation and soil corrosion, it has basically decayed. Professor Meng has also done a lot of weapon repair work. Through the observation of weapons in some eras, we can get the research of the war form of that era.

Although several famous ancient swords have been unearthed in China, it is not an archaeological excavation involving Professor Meng. It is such a bronze sword that is so intact and emitting a faint and cold light. It's the first time he's seen him.

"Teacher, I tested this sword before I came. It can cut off 8 Qianlong Tongbao at the same time, and it is a decisive decision. I suspect that it is a famous sword such as ancient general and Mo Xie, but the students don't have much research on Jin Wen. Two words on this sword. Please ask the teacher to identify it..."

Zhuang Ruike's original test results will be in the store. I told Professor Guy. After Professor Yu heard Zhuang Rui's words, his expression also became poor and excited. If he had known that the object that Zhuang Chuan had brought to identify was this thing, he was afraid that Zhuang Rui and others would not have eaten at lunch.

You should know that every famous sword recorded in ancient times came out. It will cause an uproar. If the academic community argues endlessly, Professor Yu will not pay attention to it.

Don't think it's just a dead thing. But in the eyes of archaeology. It will become extremely rich. For example.. From the forging process of the sword body, the metallurgical level and social form at that time can be analyzed, and there are things worth exploring. It's too much.

With many years of experience in archaeological excavations, when I first opened the brocade box. Professor Yu can feel it. This sword. It is definitely an unearthed bronze ware. The feeling of ancient vicissitudes can't be imitated by modern craftsmanship.

"Peerless sword, peerless sword... Professor Meng was not in a hurry to inspect Jin Wen, but looked down from the tip of the sword. The beautiful satin pattern made him unable to put it down and couldn't help muttering to himself.

"Professor Meng, what on earth do those two Jinwen read?"

Huangfuyun, who has never spoken, finally can't help it. Seeing that the mystery is about to be revealed, Professor Meng has to watch it slowly according to this skill. I'm afraid that after the sunset, I may not know the name of the sword.

"In terms of technology alone. This bronze sword is absolutely not inferior to Zhanlu. Famous swords such as Juque. It's just this length..."

Professor Meng did not directly answer Huang Fuyun's question. In fact, he hasn't read the two golden texts all the time, that's why. Professor Meng wants to rely on his archaeological knowledge to see if he can judge the origin of the sword.

Just when it comes to the length. Professor Yu frowned slightly. In his memory, there were not many famous swords that were only about two feet long in history. Whether it was Yin Shang or Qin Han, most of the swords were more than three feet long.

Like when Jing Ke stabbed Qin. The sword carried by the First Emperor of Qin is about seven feet long, although one foot in the Qin Dynasty is only equivalent to 23.1 meters today. But a seven-foot sword. There are also 1.62 meters. In the end, the First Emperor of Qin still heard the shout of the imperial doctor Xia Wuji's "King's Sword". Only then could the sword be pulled out. Turn the crisis into safety.

From this, it can be seen that the sword before the ancient Qin Dynasty. Most of them are relatively long and mainly thorns.

Like the bronze sword in front of you. It's only about two feet, that is, fifty or sixty centimeters long. There were really not many in ancient times.

"What's that one?

Suddenly, Professor Meng thought of a name and couldn't help but be shocked. If it's that sword. This length can be explained.

I think of this. Professor Meng is unwilling to continue to guess. Pick up the magnifying glass. Take a closer look at the two Jinwen above the hilt of the sword.

Jinwen refers to the inscription engraved on the bronze ware of the Yin and Zhou Dynasties. Also called Zhong Dingwen. Compared with Oracle. The golden writing is fat and thick, and there are many curved pens. There are many lumps. It was still very popular in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period. But in the Qin Dynasty, it became small. It was gradually replaced by Xiao Zhuan, "Yes, it should be, is it really this sword?!.

After Professor Yu saw the two inscriptions clearly. Blood surged up on his face. Obviously, it's extremely exciting. However, Zhuang Rui and Huang Fuyun were depressed. The old man recognized it by himself. Let's share it with everyone.

"Teacher. What kind of sword is it?

Zhuang Rui finally couldn't help it. Don't say half of your old words. Isn't it over to give your name happily?

"Wait. I'm not sure yet. Let me compare...,

After Professor Yu heard Zhuang Rui's words. He became much calmer and stood up. A thick book was pulled out of the big bookshelf behind him. Turn it over.

Zhuang Rui saw that Professor Meng was written by Rong Geng (edited by Jin Wen). This is the first Jinwen dictionary after Wu Dacheng's (Say Wen Gu Yu's supplement). It is one of the necessary reference books for ancient writing researchers. Those who have been known and those who have not been known in the bronze inscriptions of Shang, Zhou, Qin and Han Dynasties. It can be made from all of them, which is a fairly complete golden script.

In the past, Uncle De once asked Zhuang Rui to read this book (edited by Jin Wen). But Zhuang Rui doesn't feel good at that time. I didn't spend my mind on these words like heavenly books.

Now Zhuang Rui finally understands the meaning of the sentence "Hate Less" when the book is used.

"Determined word... light... fixed light?

Zhuang Rui saw Professor Yu using a pencil to find the word "Ding Guang" on (edited by Jin Wen).

Draw a circle separately. Zhuang Rui compared the two words in the book with the inscription at the sword hilt, and it was really these two words.

Although Zhuang Rui's voice is not loud. Or was Huang Fuyun heard in his ear and asked with an unbelievable face, "What? Brother Zhuang. You said that this sword... is called... Dingguang?!.