Golden Pupil

Chapter 945 Aftermath Next

After about seven or eight minutes, Peng Fei came out of the next room with a blank face, and the two people following him were pale and ugly.

"Liu Wu, it seems that you usually train your hands very hard. Why are you so cowardly now?" Peng Fei didn't seem to be very satisfied with one of them, so he started to train after coming out.

After hearing Peng Fei's words, Liu Wu's face became more ugly. He took a look at Zhuang Rui in the room and whispered, "Team... Captain" He... They are also human beings, not killing chickens...

When Liu Wu was in the army, he trained pacesetters. He thought he could also do well here, but Peng Fei's performance just now made him understand what cold-blooded and ruthless is.

"You..."...fuck you..."

Peng Fei's eyes are about to be scolded. There is no persuasion and education in their army. Whoever has a big fist is reasonable.

"Peng Fei..."

Zhuang Rui took a step forward, stopped Peng Fei, and asked, "Liu Wu, how many people have been killed?"

"Almost more than 40 people. They killed more than 30 crew members when they hijacked the tanker a few days ago--"

When Peng Fei interrogated these people, Liu Wu was next to him, so he was very clear about the specific numbers, but he didn't understand why Zhuang Rui asked this?

"Where are the women?" Zhuang Rui continued to ask.

"Ten... Eleven women are all raped first and then killed..."

As Liu Wu spoke, he slowly raised his head, which had been lowered just now, and his chest also stood up. He seemed to understand what Zhuang Rui meant.

After seeing that Liu Wu's face became normal, Zhuang Rui patted him on the shoulder and said, "It's good to know. These people are not worthy of being human beings. Death is the best destination for them. If they don't die, I don't know how many people will die in the world..."

"Yes" Mr. Zhuang, I understand!" Liu Wu was enlightened by Zhuang Rui, and his heart knot was finally untied.

"Ha ha, call me Brother Zhuang in the future..."

Zhuang Rui laughed and let such a young man see death. "Even if their hearts are strong enough", he couldn't get rid of this pimple for a while.

At that time, Zhuang Rui hated Muta to the bone, but when he saw Muta, who was dying by King Kong, he was too unbearable, but he knew better that tolerance to the enemy was cruel to himself.

"All right, Li Zhen, bring those two people out..."

Zhuang Rui raised his hand and looked at his watch. It was past six o'clock in the morning. I'm afraid that more and more people will wake up later, and the security personnel on the ship can't control the scene. Those staff from mainland companies have no sense of discipline.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Li Zhen turned his head and got into a room. In a few seconds, he dragged two people with both hands into the room where Zhuang Rui was.


Even if that had just happened in the next room, Zhuang Rui couldn't help laughing when he saw these two people.

I don't know if it was tied by Li Zhen or Peng Fei. The posture of these two people is quite strange. The thumbs of their hands are tied upside down behind them, and their feet are also folded back. They are acrobatics and tied together with two thumbs, and the whole body is anti-bow-shaped.

"Bah" Bah..." After Li Zhen threw the two on the ground, he took out the smelly socks stuffed in their mouths. The two guys spit out in a hurry.

"Brother, brother, I'm not spitting on you. It smells a little too bad..."

Lao San's eyesight worked hard. After seeing Li Zhen's face, he immediately explained repeatedly, "I'm afraid that this one will not be dealt with." His life will be ruined.

"All way, third brother" Let's meet again..."

Zhuang Rui walked to the third brother and squatted down. He knew that this man was Liu Minghui's think tank, but he didn't know whether he deserved to die and how many bad things he had done.

"Mr. Zhuangzhuang, it's not my fault. I have advised my eldest brother not to fight against you, but he is so obsessed that he just doesn't listen...,..."

After Lao San saw Zhuang Rui, his eyes turned around and tried to squeeze out a few tears from his eyes. He complained loudly, and he looked like a little daughter-in-law who was** by Brother Hui.

". Fall again..."

When Lao San was talking, the man next to him grunted, but what he said was neither English nor Chinese, which made Zhuang Rui confused.

"Brother Zhuang, he said he had something to confess..."

Li Zhen understood that this person spoke a local dialect of Malaysia, and ordinary people really couldn't understand it.

Zhuang Rui took a look at Lao San, nodded and said, "Take him to the room next to him"

Seeing that the Malay was taken away, Lao San had a bad feeling in his heart and quickly said, "Zhuang... Mr. Zhuang, you said, "You are a literati. As long as you are willing to let me go, I will tell you all the details of Liu Minghui..."

With a smile on his face, Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, "I'm a gentle man, but your behavior is not very gentle..." "This... is all Liu Minghui's idea. I speak lightly, and it's useless to say it...

The sound insulation effect of the room where Lao San was just detained is good. He doesn't know what happened in the room next to him just now, so he still wants to muddle through and escape.

While Lao San was talking, Peng Fei took Liu Wu and Zhao Jun to transport the dead people out of the room with the luggage cart on the ship, just passing by the open door.

According to Peng Fei, there are many sharks in this sea. He just poured a basin of chicken blood into the sea. In less than a long time, the sea under the ship will attract sharks and throw these people down. It won't be long before he can't even find the bones.

The third brother who fell to the ground happened to meet the fire who stared at a pair of dead eyes. The third brother, who was still arguing for himself, was white, and his mouth was tightly closed.

I didn't expect that Zhuang Rui, who looked polite, was so cruel. What they provoked was not a sheep, but a fierce wolf.

Li Zhen worked more drily than Peng Fei. He came out in a few minutes and went to Zhuang Rui's ear and said, "Brother Zhuang, I asked clearly. He made this plan together with Liu Minghui, and he also said that after getting on the ship, everyone was killed, women..."

Li Zhen didn't say any more when he said this." Because Zhuang Rui had already heard that his eyes were angry, and he kicked Li Zhen in the face. His wife and children were Zhuang Rui's reverse scales, and no one could be blasphemed.


When Zhuang Rui was angry, he had been squatting at the door and pretending to be very honest. King Kong, who had almost been forgotten by Zhuang Rui, suddenly rushed over. "One arm directly picked up the third brother with half bow on the ground.

"Mom, ghost!"

Lao San was just kicked off two front teeth by Zhuang Rui. His speech was a little leaky, and after he entered the room, he never saw King Kong. Now he suddenly saw King Kong, and he was so scared to death.


It seemed that he understood what Li Zhen had just said. King Kong changed his usual docile appearance and slapped Lao San's face with his right hand.

" King Kong, stop" Don't kill him..."

Zhuang Rui was in a hurry. Although he did not intend to leave Lao San's life, the money hidden by Liu Minghui would fall into Lao San's hands. If he was killed by King Kong, would he be blind?

It's just that Zhuang Rui stopped it a little late. After being beaten by King Kong, Lao San's head drooped softly, and his mouth kept spilling blood out.

After Li Zhen put his hand on Lao San's neck for more than ten seconds, he looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Brother Zhuang is dead..."

How strong is it to break the cervical spine with a slap? King Kong's power made Li Zhen look at it a little different. Originally, he thought this big guy was harmless. "I didn't expect it to be so hot?


King Kong pointed to the third brother on the ground, and then crossed it up and Zhuang Rui understood that King Kong said that the third brother was a bad guy who wanted to bully Fang Fang Yuanyuan, so he killed him.

"Don't get excited, but don't hurt anyone without me in the future!"

Zhuang Rui can't bear to blame King Kong. He only has the intelligence of a six- or seven-year-old child, and usually judges things according to his own preferences.

However, what makes Zhuang Rui feel sorry is that King Kong's slap, I don't know how much money has been flown. Modern pirates have money, but they are all deposited in banks. Now I don't know which foreign bank is cheaper?

before Zhuang Rui finished regretting, Li Zhen gave him a surprise. He stood up with a USB flash drive in his hand and said, "Brother Zhuang, he has a USB flash drive on him. Can you see if it is useful?"

" King Kong, throw him to Peng Fei..."

Zhuang Rui looked at the USB flash drive, and his eyes suddenly lit up. After greeting King Kong, who was making an innocent look, he hurried out of the room with the USB flash drive.

"Damn it, it's fucking promising to be a pirate..."

In the monitoring room, Zhuang Rui and Li Zhen looked at each other and couldn't help but be stunned when they looked at the number on the computer screen.

Brother Hui's money is deposited in three Swiss banks in an anonymous way. As long as you have an account number and password, you can transfer and withdraw it by phone, a total of 140 million US dollars, all of which are cheap.

More than 100 million dollars, which won't make Zhuang Rui lose his composure. He just thinks that Brother Hui is really powerful. He lost hundreds of millions of dollars last time. In such a short time, he can actually make up for it.

After thinking for a moment, Zhuang Rui said, "Shura, you can take 10 million dollars here." In addition, the cost of security personnel on this ship will be 500,000 yuan per person..."

He got more than 100 million US dollars, and he still only had to pay a reward of 100,000 yuan per person. Zhuang Rui felt a little unspeakable. He simply paid 500,000 yuan per person, and he also had to let the people below have soup to eat meat.

As for Li Zhen, Zhuang Rui gave him a chance not to gag him, but to think that he should take so much.

If Li Zhen hadn't found out that Jack colluded with pirates, I guess he would have been really bad this time. Even if Peng Fei and Li Zhen are powerful, I'm afraid that there will be heavy casualties on the ship.

What's more, the USB flash drive was also discovered by Li Zhen in the end. Otherwise, Liu Minghui's wealth would be buried in the sea forever. Maybe it will be found in the belly of the fish after decades.

When he heard that Zhuang Rui was going to give him 10 million dollars, Li Zhen was so scared that he almost jumped up and quickly said, "Brother Zhuang" I don't want so much. 500,000 yuan is enough..."

"Well, it's not a good thing to have a lot of money. You can take 500,000 yuan first, but if anything happens in the future, you can tell me or to Peng Fei. How much does it cost to open your mouth directly..."

Zhuang Rui nodded. He is not a stingy person, but it is indeed a mistake to give Li Zhen 10 million directly. Li Zhen is only 26 years old this year. It may not be a good thing to take this 10 million US dollars.

"Thank you, thank you, Brother Zhuang..."

Li Zhen's eyes are a little blurred. He is a strong man. He didn't even tell Peng Fei about his mother's illness.

I thought that after this mission, I had 100,000 yuan, and then asked Peng Fei to borrow some, so that I could send my mother to a big hospital for treatment. Unexpectedly, there was suddenly another 500,000 yuan, which was enough for his mother to see a doctor.

"You boy, why are you so pretentious?"

Zhuang Rui looked at Peng Fei angrily, put away the USB flash drive, and said, "Go down and help. The bullet holes on the side of the ship can't be eliminated for the time being, but clean up all the other traces, so as to save the platform staff from making a fuss..."

After this incident, Zhuang Rui found that he did not know whether he had become cold-blooded or his horizons relaxed. In short, this time, seven or eight lives disappeared in front of him, and he didn't feel so strong.

"Zhuang Rui, you're back. Are you all right?"

Seeing Zhuang Rui pushing the door and entering the room, the eyes of the whole room were greeted. Qin Xuanbing ran over and looked up and down at Zhuang Rui.

"It's okay. Our ship was attacked by pirates in the morning, but it was repulsed. Don't worry, let's go down to dinner..."

When Zhuang Rui talked about dinner, he couldn't help but think of the following things just now. He suddenly felt a little queasy. He shook his head and took out the USB flash drive from his pocket. He looked at Yunman and said, "Yunman, there are a few accounts here. You can operate it on the computer and transfer it to an

"Okay, I'll do it right away..."

Yunman was a little confused, but she still took it over." After saying hello to Qin Xuanbing, she went back to her room.

Huang Fuyun glanced at his daughter-in-law's back and said, "Zhuang Rui, why don't we go back first? What if the pirate comes again?" The sound of gunfire in the early morning scared Huang Fuyun a lot. Although he was chivalrous, he had no power to bind chickens.

"Oh, why did my son pee everywhere?"

After Zhuang Rui diverted Qin Xuanbing's attention with one sentence, he looked at Huang Fuyun and whispered, "There will be no more pirates coming, Brother Huangfu, don't worry..."

"" When Huang Fuyun saw Zhuang Rui's expression, he immediately understood his words and widened his eyes in surprise.

Zhuang Rui patted Huang Fuyun on the shoulder," he said, "It's okay. Let's relax and play. When the sunken ship is salvaged, let's go back to Beijing together..."

Although the morning passed quickly, the aftermath made Zhuang Rui feel a little exhausted.