Golden Pupil

Chapter 946 Honestness

"Although many people were drunk in the wine yesterday, there were also many people who were sober. After the security personnel lifted the ban, many people walked out of the room and came to the deck.

The blood stains on the deck have long been cleaned, but the bullet holes on the side of the ship and the hull cannot be eliminated." In addition, these people had heard the sound of gunfire and explosions, and the traces left behind, and these people immediately knew what had happened.

"Look, that's the bullet..."

"Really, I heard gunshots" and thought I was dreaming?"

"Hey, you're sleeping too much. The explosion is so loud." Didn't you hear it?"

More than a dozen crew members and the staff invited by Zhuang Rui gathered around the side of the ship that was attacked. Looking at the pitted iron sheet of the hull, they talked about it one after another.

However, relatively speaking, the staff of the platform are more excited, while the crew are pale and ugly, because they know what will happen if they are targeted by pirates at sea.

Whether it is "taking hostages for ransom" or killing hostages to hijack cruise ships, it will be a disaster for these crew members. Looking at the bullet marks from the 10-machine gun, many people even turned around and ran to find Clyde.

"Zhuang, don't let it go anymore. I believe that "Jack is a mole"

Clyde has been invited to a room in the bottom cabin by Zhuang Rui at this moment. On the table in the middle of the room, there is a tape recorder, in which is Jack's last conversation with the pirates.

Zhuang Rui did not let Jack and the pirates disappear together. What happened to the pirates could not be concealed." And a first mate disappeared on the ship, which could not be explained to Clyde.

So Zhuang Rui selected the last dialogue between Jack and Lao San, and put it on to the captain, which confirmed the story of Jack's collusion with pirates.

Even if he has known Jack for more than 20 years, Clyde can't say anything to protect Jack at this moment, and his first mate has a problem, even Clyde himself, is also to blame.

"Boss, please believe in my professional ethics. I will resign as captain after returning safely with this ship..."

Clyde's face was a little gloomy when he spoke. He was reluctant to give up the cruise ship he had worked on for more than 20 years, and after this incident, he could no longer drive the ship on the sea.

You know, the collusion between his first mate and the pirates is enough to discredit him." I'm afraid no ship owner will safely hand over his ship to Clyde.

"What are you talking about?"

Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words and "walked to Clyde" patted him on the shoulder and said, "It has nothing to do with you. This ship is still counting on you to escort me..."

It's not so easy to find a captain with rich sailing experience." Zhuang Rui himself had a good impression of the bearded captain and didn't mean to fire him at all.

"What? Can I still be this captain? After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Clyde immediately stood up excitedly.

Clyde is only about 50 years old now. It's the time when he is experienced and physically strong. If he retires now, Clyde will go crazy. Zhuang Rui's words give him a glimmer of hope.

"Of course, but Captain Clyde, there is one thing I want to remind you that many crew members on this ship are lazy, eating, drinking and gambling. Personally, I don't think they are suitable to work on this ship--"

Zhuang Rui had just taken over the ship before. It was not easy to deal with some sailors who had worked on the ship for more than ten years, but their behavior really made Zhuang Rui uncomfortable. Taking this opportunity, Zhuang Rui mentioned it.

"I know, boss, I'm too conniving at them. After this return, I will clean up some people." In addition, recruit some new crews..."

Clyde has no room for bargaining at this moment, and he knows very well what kind of goods his crew are. The prosperity of Macao has long lost their eyes and hearts.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand" and said, "There is no need to recruit the new crew." I will send a group of people here. They have been professionally trained and can get started directly at that time. "Okay, as you wish, boss..."

Clyde was obedient to Zhuang Rui at this time. He no longer despised Zhuang Rui because of his age. He could successfully repel pirate attacks without casualties. At least Clyde himself could not do it.

"Alli, I'll go outside and have a look. You appease the crew. "Don't have any thoughts and emotions..."

Zhuang Rui stood up, which dealt with Clyde, and he had to reassurate the platform staff, otherwise they would hear that they would be attacked by pirates.

Seeing Zhuang Rui stand up, Clyde quickly got up from the chair and said, "Boss, I'll order you to return now..."

"Return? Oh... No, no, we have to stay here for at least another week. The undersea shipwrecks have been detected and are waiting for the final salvage work." Hearing that Clyde was about to leave, Zhuang Rui shook his head repeatedly and then said, "Clyde, are you scared by these pirates? Have you forgotten our original intention of going to sea?

"Oh, of course not, boss, I'm a brave sailor..."

Clyde straightened his chest, but his face collapsed again, and then said, "Boss, our defense force is not good. I'm the only one on the ship with a pistol. If the pirate wants to... come again," then... What should I do?"

Clyde's words made Zhuang Rui laugh. "This old man is really interesting." Did he think that the gunshots he heard in the morning were set off firecrackers by his security personnel?

Zhuang Rui frowned and walked back and forth in the room a few times. He suddenly stopped, looked at Clyde and said, "Captain Clyde, can I believe you?"

As a captain, if he doesn't know the defense of his ship, then in many cases, he will make wrong judgments and decisions. Zhuang Rui is considering whether to give it to the bearded captain?

Zhuang Rui did not plan to work on this ship for a long time. Even Peng Fei and Li Zhen did not plan to stay, so it was very necessary to meet Clyde frankly.

"Boss, if you don't dismiss me, I will sell you the life of Clyde. You can completely believe me..."

Clyde stood straight and patted his chest loudly. Zhuang Rui was a little envious of this old guy. "I'm so old that he has such a good figure." He wore a captain's uniform on him, which was especially majestic.

Zhuang Rui meditated when he heard the words. He also knew Clyde. This man had been married once, but because of his enthusiasm for the sea, he divorced his wife. A child was taken over by his ex-wife. Now he lives in Ireland and has almost no intersection with him.

And Clyde himself is more self-disciplined. Although he occasionally goes to the place of smoke, this is human nature. The most important thing is that he doesn't gamble. The ambition of the people who can resist gambling** in Macao is not generally firm.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui smiled, stretched out his right hand to Clyde and said, "Captain Clyde" I think... You should get to know the cruise ship that belongs to you..."


Clyde is a little unclear, so he has been working on this ship for more than 20 years. He is extremely familiar with almost every screw. He doesn't know what Zhuang Rui means.

After Clyde shook his hand with Zhuang Rui, he asked foolishly, "What do you know?"

"Just come with me..." Zhuang Rui smiled and walked to the bottom cabin in front of him.

"Brother Zhuang!"

When he went down to the second floor of the cabin through an independent elevator, as soon as Zhuang Ruigang came out, Liu Wu, who was standing outside the elevator on guard, immediately saluted.

There is also a security guard next to Liu Wu, who also saluted Zhuang Rui with respect. Zhuang Rui's reward of 500,000 RMB to all security personnel this time has long been heard.

It must be said that money is really the most effective and direct way to buy people's hearts. At least more than a dozen security personnel on this ship are willing to work hard for Zhuang Rui at any time!

"Why don't you take a break? It's hard in the morning..."

Zhuang Rui said hello to Liu Wu with a smile, turned around and pointed to Clyde and said, "Liu Wu, let me know that you must fully abide by what Captain Clyde said in the future..." As the saying goes, "Since Zhuang Rui is ready to make an out with Clyde, he must let the captain master this. Support the armed forces, so that he can make the most favorable judgment as soon as possible in the event of an emergency.

"Yes!" Liu Wu did not ask the reason, but answered directly loudly. His attitude made Clyde quite ashamed.

Originally, there were several security guards on the ship, but they were lazy. When they were driven away by Zhuang Rui, Clyde still complained. Now it seems that there is no comparison between those security guards and Liu Wu in front of them.

Zhuang Rui pointed to the room where the torpedo launcher was placed. He said to Liu Wu, "Okay," open the door..."

"Boss, are you going to show me the sky?" Oh, my God, is this a torpedo launcher?"

Clyde was confused when Zhuang Rui brought him to the bottom of the cabin, but when Liu Wu opened the door, the bearded captain was stunned. He never dreamed that his merchant ship was equipped with such an awesome offensive weapon.

"Oh, I didn't expect that our captain was still a military expert. What surprised you is still behind..."

Zhuang Rui saw Claude's excited look and laughed beside him. Now he won't ask to return, will he?