Golden Pupil

Chapter 993 Excuses

In Zhuang Rui's induction, there seemed to be countless golden lights in front of him, like the stars falling all over the sky, and then let the Buddha into a golden country, which was full of golden colors in front of him.

The hill, which was not tall, gathered countless subtle auras, moistened Zhuang Rui's eyes, and made Zhuang Rui almost moan comfortably.

"Brother Zhuang, what's wrong? With an intoxicated expression, do you miss your sister-in-law?

Just as Zhuang Rui was immersed in this brilliant golden light, Peng Fei beside him interrupted his imagination.

"Bad boy, your daughter-in-law is almost the same. Xiaoqian is about to give birth. You can stay at home for a while when you go back this time..."

Zhuang Rui withdrew his aura and stared at Peng Fei angrily, but he was thinking about the "scene" he had just seen.

Zhuang Rui is no stranger to that brilliant color. When Reiki touches gold, this is what he sees.

"Is it a gold mine?"

Zhuang Rui was a little surprised, and his eyes unconsciously looked in that direction, but he didn't use the aura. Where his eyesight could reach, he could only see a forest and a sea of fog.

The scene I just saw seems to be a little different from what I sensed in the pirate island last time. The aura in the golden luster I just sensed seems to be more pure than the gold coins in the pirate island. Therefore, Zhuang Rui is not sure that those objects are gold.

Myanmar is a multi-mineral country with extremely rich underground mineral resources. It not only has the world's unique jadeite, but also a large number of gold and silver mines and has very strong reserves.

If it weren't for the entanglement of local forces, the complex geographical environment led to huge investment, and the incompetent military government and weak national strength, Myanmar could become a very rich country.

And the direction Zhuang Rui just saw is adjacent to Savage Mountain, which has always been a forbidden area for human beings. It is not impossible to say that there is an unexploited gold mine there.

"What's the matter? Zhuang Rui, go, go down, "..."

Hu Rong walked around the top of the mountain and walked to Zhuang Rui. This jadeite mine has been mined for two years, so that the Hu family can get rid of the dilemma of no mine at the beginning. Hu Rong is still very affectionate here.

"Well, Brother Hu..."," Zhuang Rui agreed, just called Hu Rong, but didn't know what to say next.

"What's the matter?"

Hu Rong has stepped into the railcar, turned his head to look at Zhuang Rui, and said, "Since you have also decided to sell this mine, let's go back later." The stock of raw stones in the Chinese city, and half of yours..."

In recent years, Hu Rong has not participated in the jadeite public market organized by the Burmese military government. One-third of the jadeite mine mine has been smuggled to [China], one-third has been digested in Myanmar, and the other one-third has been preserved by Hu Rong.

This is also the reason why Zhuang Rui doesn't care much about this public market. The raw stone mined by this rich mine for more than two years is definitely today's figure. Even if the quality is not high, it is enough to support Zhuang Rui's jewelry store's jade raw materials for 10 or 20 years.

"Brother Hu" is a rare time to come to Myanmar. I want to take Peng Fei and others to the edge of the Savage Mountain and hunt or something. "You know, there is no such good place in China." Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and couldn't say that he suspected that there was a gold mine there, right? I can only make such an excuse.

"Huh? Drive us down..."

Hu Rong was stunned when he heard the words. First, he used a walkie-talkie to let the people below drive the railcar. Then he looked at Zhuang Rui and said, "Brother, didn't the army tell you yesterday? Now the situation in Myanmar is not very good. Several groups of drug lords who escaped from the Golden Triangle are now concentrated in the Pagan area..."

You should know that "the difference between the drug dealers in the Golden Triangle and the country" is almost all armed drug trafficking. Whoever has good weapons and many people is the boss. An armed drug trafficker under a big drug lord may be called an army.

Just like Kunsha, if it hadn't been for the infighting of his army, even with the coalition forces of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, there would be nothing he could do about him.

So as usual, it's nothing to go out to hunt, but now Hu Rong doesn't dare to let Zhuang Rui get close to Savage Mountain.

Even in this mine, it is usually under martial law for fear of being attacked by drug lords. It is said that now in diversified operation, drug lords may not know the value of jade. If they can beat rabbits with grass, they will never mind fighting with Hu Rong's security team.

"Brother Hu, let's not enter the savage mountain" just hit some small animals at the edge. By the way, those drug dealers won't kill people, will they?"

That is suspected to be the location of the gold mine, which makes Zhuang Rui feel itchy. "He is not all for money, but wants to see what it is like there.

"No, hunting must be shot" They will definitely misunderstand..."

Hu Rong shook his head and vetoed Zhuang Rui's words. "These drug lords are already frightened birds." They have always been well-fed and have all hid in Savage Mountain. If they are a little more stimulated, they will try their best." Zhuang Rui suddenly coughed and said in a low voice:...Cough, Brother Hu, this time... My eldest brother said he wanted to find something... Naha..."

When Hu Rong saw Zhuang Rui's mysterious god, he was stunned and asked, "Brother, which brother? What do you want? I said, how did you talk so hesitant?"

"Hey, it's the big brother in the army... Ouyang Lei..."

Zhuang Rui's face was not blushing and his heart was not beating, and then he said, "My eldest brother is in his forties. During this period..., it's just **. I feel a little overwhelmed. Last time I used the tiger whip, I thought it worked well. I want to find some more..."

Zhuang Rui is purely open-minded. Of course, if it hadn't been for Ouyang Jun's urgent return to China on the first day of his arrival in Myanmar, he would not dare to say so. If it was transmitted to Ouyang Lei's ears, his brother would definitely take a gun and take Zhuang Ruiha first..., what?

Peng Fei, standing next to Zhuang Rui, couldn't help showing a strange look on his face after hearing Zhuang Rui's words. He could eavesdrop on the privacy of senior military leaders, which was something he could never imagine at ordinary times.

Zhuang Rui stared at Peng Fei and said, "Go, go, stand away. Don't listen if you shouldn't..."

It's just that the railcar is so big that it's hard to hear it. Peng Fei and Li Zhen couldn't help laughing and turned their faces aside.

"Are you talking about that thing?"

Hu Rong's face showed a look of embarrassment. The tiger whips and tiger bones given to Zhuang Rui last time were passed down at home for hundreds of years, and he had no stock.

But when he heard that Ouyang Lei wanted it, Hu Rong thought for a moment and said, "Otherwise, I'll help you find some from somewhere else. If you stay in Pa Dare for another three or five days, it should be almost..."

The Padang area is close to the Savage Mountain. Although most people dare not enter the Savage Mountain, some old hunters still often go in to hunt. Those people's homes usually have inventory.

"Brother Hu, I have given a ticket to Brother Lei. This tiger whip has the best effect when it is fresh. This... If I go back dryly, how face will I be?" Since the lie has been pulled out, Zhuang Rui simply began to make it up. With Ouyang Lei's status in the domestic army, usually Hu Rong wants to be flattered. "He believes that he pulls out this banner." Hu Rong will definitely think about it.

"Sleb! Who is babying that I can't be an old man, right? Driving, not going home, going to Yu and Quanshan..." Ouyang Lei, who was far away in Beijing, couldn't help sneezing a few times. The guard thought that the chief had caught a cold. As soon as he arrived at Yuquanshan, he reported to the medical team there. Ouyang Lei was very passively checked his body.

"This matter... is not easy to do..." The two talked, and the railcar had come to the foot of the mountain. Hu Rong frowned and got out of the car, looked at the densely jungle of the Savage Mountain in the distance, and said, "In recent years, there have been many tigers in the Savage Mountain." Although he heard that Even if you are like a mountain, you may not be able to see...

Why don't you go back to China first? If I can get it later, can I send it to you?

It's not uncommon to fight a tiger in Myanmar. The tiger skin and bear bones smuggled on the other side of the country are basically passed from here, but this kind of thing has to take a chance. It's not that you can find it.

"Brother Hu, it's always to do your best. If you can't find it, you can't find it. By the way, I dare not let me enter the Savage Mountain. At most, I can walk around the edge..."

When Zhuang Rui saw Zhang Guojun coming over, he quickly pointed to Zhang Guojun and said, "Let's go to the estricate that Brother Zhang mentioned last time. There is water there." Animals often have to go there to drink water, and maybe they can meet beasts such as tigers and leopards..."

"Brother, what's the matter?"

As soon as Zhang Guojun came over, he heard Zhuang Rui's words and said, "Hey, didn't I tell you yesterday? It's not safe there." Who knows if anyone lives in the ridge?"

This animal needs water. People also need water. The miasma in the mountains is rampant, and a lot of sewage cannot be drunk. I'm afraid that ordinary people will choose places with water to camp.

"Army, what forces have come in here? Do you know?" Hu Rong was a little moved when he heard Zhuang Rui say that he would not enter the mountain.

After all, the Hu family is the real local snake in Handan. Even if the strong dragon of the Golden Triangle comes in, it will lie down. After running in Handan for several generations, Hu Rong is not without confidence.

"I heard that some black scars, the State, and some Kachin drug dealers came over. As for the general, he is in Padang City, he doesn't need to hide..." Zhang Guojun is responsible for the security of the Chinese city. He knows these situations very well. "The Wuxi forces in Myanmar are complicated, and even Hu Rong knows Zhang The general he mentioned.