Golden Pupil

Chapter 994 Revenge

"The Kachin people?"

After hearing Zhang Guojun's words, Peng Fei and Li Zhen's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly, shooting a chilling cold light.

Zhuang Rui saw that Peng Fei and Li Zhen looked a little wrong and asked, "What's wrong?"

"It's okay, Brother Dajun, can you tell me about these drug trafficking organizations? What's the name of the leader of the Kachin clan?" Peng Fei did not answer Zhuang Rui's words, but looked at Zhang Guojun. As for Li Zhen, he bowed his head and didn't seem to want to be seen by others.

"Okay" Then I said, "Don't think about going to Savage Mountain anymore. This is not a joke..."

Zhang Guojun didn't follow them up the mountain." He didn't know the excuse Zhuang Rui just found. He thought that these people from China just wanted to hunt and had a gun game.

The black scar mentioned by Zhang Guojun was about 40 years old. He was originally a subordinate of the drug lord Kunsha. After Kunsha surrendered, the black scar did not want to be restrained by the Myanmar government, so he pulled the pole and did it alone. "It's just that as a Chinese" was squeezed out in the Golden Triangle, and he

As for the Shan State and Kachin drug dealers, they are all natives of Myanmar, and the leader of the Kachin people is also the former Tusi called Duwa. In fact, they were also under Kunsha in the early days, but later, due to Kunsha's heavy use of Chinese, they broke away from Kunsha's organization.

Although these two local forces in Myanmar are a little short of weapons and equipment, they occupy the land and people. They are also mixed in the Golden Triangle and control a large opium garden.

It's just that they don't have much contact with the outside world. Without their own heroin production factory, they don't make as much profit as Black Scar, and most of the drugs are dumping in China.

Because of their relatively large power, these three organizations have naturally become the key targets of the Burmese military government. This time, they have suffered heavy losses, and they didn't even dare to go to Padang City. They took a group of people to hide in the Savage Mountain.

As for what Zhang Guojun said about the general, it is different from these three forces. The general has no opium-growing land in his hands, or even a strong armed force, but just stealth behind the scenes to carry out drug trade, so he suffered the least impact this time.

After listening to Zhang Guojun's explanation, Zhuang Rui couldn't help looking at Peng Fei and Li Zhen. When they just heard the Kachin leader Dewar, their faces immediately changed. It seemed that they must have been in a relationship before.

"Brother Dajun, what are the characteristics of the Kachin people?" Zhuang Rui asked.

Without waiting for Zhang Guojun to return, Hu Rong said first, "Actually, Black Scar is nothing, but the Kachin people" are not recognized by the six relatives, which is a little difficult to do..." Hu Rong and Black Scar still have some friendship, and this time the Black Scar fled to Pa Ganlai, once borrowed some of Hu Rong's

It's just that drug dealers have always been suspicious. Although they are both Chinese, Black Scar has never contacted Hu Rong since entering Savage Mountain.

And the Kachin people were still a group of uncivilized indigenous people decades ago. At that time, they were incorporated by Kunsha. But later, it was also the Kachin people who took the lead in leaving the Kunsha organization and formed their own army. They are famous for their vicious means.

The black scar drug trafficking organization has the supply channels left by Kunsha in those years. Most of them go to Europe, the United States and other places to dump drugs, which is relatively less harmful to China, and they also have some contacts with Chinese organizations in Myanmar.

The Kachin people are familiar with the primitive forest at the border between Myanmar and [China]. Most of the armed drug trafficking forces they organize cross these forests and trade on the border line with [China] national drug traffickers. In this process, as long as they see strangers, they are all killed. In terms of not keeping people alive.

To say that Hu Rong and these drug dealers are also a little resentful. "The team he once organized to smuggle emerald stones" and the Kachin drug dealers encountered in the border forest. At that time, there was a fierce fight. Several people died on Hu Rong's side.

Later, Hu Rong found many people on the Black and White Road in Myanmar to put pressure on Dewar, and used Dewar to pay a large amount of money to compensate Hu Rong for the loss of manpower, and ended the matter.

Li Zhen, who stood aside and had never spoken, suddenly looked up at Zhang Guojun and asked, "Brother Dajun, how many people have come in?" Zhang Guojun thought for a moment and said, "The Black Scar Organization has the most people coming in, with a total of more than 80 people. As for the Kachin people and the Haish drug dealers There can only be about forty or fifty people, right?"

There are few people in Kachin and San State, mainly because they are indigenous people in Myanmar and are very familiar with the terrain. Many people hide in the local jungle after being scattered, so there are not many people who hide in Padan.

"Is Dewar here?" The nose flew and asked.

"I heard that Dewar is here, and his toast is not worthy of the name. His subordinates have been scattered, and he almost became the commander of the bare pole, so he dares to hide in the city of Padan..." After Zhang Guojun answered Peng Fei's words, he seemed to feel something. His eyes were wide open, and he looked at I said, "Don't think about it. Those drug dealers have lives in their hands, but they came out of the rain of bullets, and my men are not their opponents at all..." Peng Fei and Li Zhen repeatedly asked about the Kachin people. Even Zhang Guojun reacted to ask for it, but for the benefit of himself and Hu Rong, Zhang The national army is unwilling to participate in it.

Because of the armed forces of the Chinese city, although there are thousands of people, there are hundreds of people even in the mine, and the weapons are also very sophisticated. At first glance, it looks very powerful.

But most of these middle-aged people from Chinese have never seen blood. At most, they have received some military training to hit the target, and have not experienced the cruel test of war at all. Imagine letting a group of sheep encircle and suppress lions. In the end, the whole army of sheep must be destroyed.

"Brother Dajun, don't worry, I won't let you go down. They are not opponents of those people..."

Li Zhen shook his head. He didn't count on the security guards of these mines at all. These people can defend according to the terrain with the weapons in their hands. If they fight a tough battle, they are not opponents of those drug dealers at all.

Zhuang Rui saw that Li Zhen and Peng Fei's expressions were a little wrong, and then said, "Forget it, let's not go." It's just hunting. In the future, when the situation stabilizes, you can come at any time..."

Even if there is a gold mine in the place he just sensed, Zhuang Rui doesn't want Peng Fei and Li Zhen to get involved in danger. He can't let the people around him fall into a dangerous situation because of his curiosity, right?

After all, Zhuang Yu is not short of money. In case these two brothers make a mistake, Zhuang Rui can't explain it to Peng Fei's wife with a big belly.

As for the place full of golden aura, which is located on the edge of the Savage Mountain, few survey teams find it there, and it's nothing to do after a few years. There is no need to forcibly survey at the risk of encountering drug dealers.

Seeing that Zhuang Rui no longer insists on hunting, Hu Rong was the happiest. He quickly said, "Yes" Yes, Zhuang Rui, I'll find some old hunters to ask about the tiger whip you said. At that time, just go to the [Zhongzhong] country and bring it to you." Don't worry, there will always be Brother, do you want to fight tigers? You are so young..."

Hearing the word "tiger whip", Zhang Guojun only knew the reason why Zhuang Rui was going to Savage Mountain. When he looked at Zhuang Rui's eyes, it became a little strange. At such a young age, why did he fall behind?

"Hey, Brother Dajun, it's not me" It's someone at home who needs..."

Can't say, Zhuang Rui moved Ouyang Lei out again to talk about it. "Anyway, the brother did extort a lot of soaked finished wine from himself, and he did not wrong him.

Hu Rong clapped his hands. He was really afraid that Zhuang Rui would go to the Savage Mountain without knowing the depth. Now he was finally relieved and said, "Ok," then go back to Pa. Zhuang Rui picked out the original stone you need. "After a while, I'll find someone to send it to China..." "Slow, Brother Hu

Just as Hu Rong was about to greet the two armored vehicles, Li Zhen suddenly stood up.

"Huh? What's the matter?

Zhuang Rui frowned. Since Zhang Guojun mentioned the Kachin people, he found that something was wrong with Li Zhen and Peng Fei.

Li Zhen took a step forward and said firmly: "Brother Zhuang, Brother Hu, Brother Dajun, if the Kachin Dewar is really in Savage Mountain, our brothers can't go..."

"Don't mess around. You are no longer soldiers. Those things are not your control..." Zhuang Rui knew that these two people had fought with drug dealers in Myanmar. They must have formed a grudge against them. Li Zhen said so on the spot, and he must want to revenge.

But this power is really too different. The other side has at least forty or fifty good jungle fighters. No matter how powerful Peng Fei and Li Zhen are, they are still defeated by four hands with two fists.

Zhuang Rui thought of this just now, so he decisively decided to return to Padang and no longer insist on going to Savage Mountain.

Li Zhen shook his head and said, "Brother Zhuang, the strong attack is definitely not good, but the jungle battle" The two of us are enough..."

"You, I don't allow you to go..."

Zhuang Rui didn't expect that he had released his aura, which actually attracted this kind of thing. He couldn't help but braced his face. Since he came out with these two people, he had to take them back completely.

"Peng Fei, pack up and go back immediately." Zhuang Rui and Li Zhen have not been dating for a long time" and looked at Peng Fei. He believed that Peng Fei would still listen to him.

"Brother, I won't leave. In those years, Dewar ate my old platoon leader alive. I must teach this hatred..."

Peng Fei took a step forward and stood with Li Zhen. His eyes were full of tears, but Zhuang Rui could get Peng Fei's firmness out of it.

Zhuang Rui was shocked by Peng Fei's words, but then reacted and said loudly, "It's right to have revenge," but... What can the two of you do?",