Golden Pupil

Chapter 1063 Terrorist Incidents 5

"The lucky staircase was blown up....................."

"Oh, my God, is it really 911?"

"Hurry up, run up, to the rooftop...,..."

After four or five minutes, those who entered the safe passage ran back with a flustered face. These people living in the Hilton Hotel may usually be business elites or successful people in some fields, but in the face of death threats, they may not be much better than ordinary people.

Perhaps the reason why the phone can be called out. Almost everyone holds a phone. Some people roar and call 911, and some call their family and friends. Anyway, this scene is not only on the floor where Zhuang Rui is located, but also on almost every floor of the Hilton Hotel.

Paris called the police for a long time, and the other party asked a lot of questions in detail. Paris did not lack the experience of dealing with the [police], and described what had just happened one by one.

"Miss Paris, [Police] Have you arrived?"

When Zhuang Rui saw Paris put down her mobile phone, he quickly pulled her to a place far away from the elevator. It had become a place for everyone to vent their emotions, and it was impossible to talk at all.

"They didn't say..."

Paris spread out her hands, but her eyes immediately looked behind Zhuang Rui, with an unbelievable look. She opened her mouth and said, "My God, [Police] When is the efficiency of the inspection so high?"

Zhuang Rui looked back. A strong light suddenly shone on his face and narrowed his eyes slightly. Zhuang Rui saw that there was a helicopter hovering outside the hotel. Due to the soundproof glass of the hotel, he did not hear the roar of the helicopter.

"Bastard, does the U.S. government want to kill everyone?"

Unlike Paris's happy face, Zhuang Rui scolded him at the first time. The robbers in the hotel were not good men and women. From their equipment, it can be seen that these people are not gangsters who cut people with big blades on the street.

When their lives are threatened, the robbers will pull everyone on the road together. Zhuang Rui has no friendship with those super-rich people, but Huang Fuyun is still in it.

"We are here" to save us..." "Smash the damn glass,"" When those panicked saw the helicopter, they were like drowning people grabbing a life-saving straw. Immediately, two or three people lifted the huā basin of the hotel's evergreen tree and smashed the glass of the hotel, blowing with a cold wind. Come on, the roar of the helicopter also came to my ears.

Not only the floor where Zhuang Rui is located, but also basically all floors are staged in this scene. If there is no definite information, it is estimated that someone will have begun to jump off the building. You know, at the time of the incident, the number of people who jumped off the building and died directly from the plane crashed into the building.

Suddenly, the sound of the loudspeaker came from the helicopter: "Don't panic, everyone. This is just an anti-terrorism exercise. Please go back to your room and repeat it again." This is just an anti-terrorism exercise. Please go back to your room to avoid accidental injury "..."

In fact, the police felt a hint long before Paris called the police. They had secretly deployed to surround the Hilton Hotel, but they didn't know the exact situation inside. It was not until they received a call from Paris that they knew that the rich people in the building, who accounted for more than 50% of the world's wealth, were feared. The terrorists hijacked it.

With the strength of the Los Angeles police station, it is impossible to deal with such a major case at all. In addition, the current Mr. Jia Gang is also in it. The police dare not act rashly and reported the news as soon as possible, but the helicopter that has arrived now is gathering near Los Angeles. Training the SEALs.

The FBI (fbo) and the (nsa) professionals of the U.S. National Security Agency in Los Angeles have talked to the robbers. Because the hostages kidnapped are too important, so far, they have no room for bargaining.

"Damn" Do you want to stop the elevator and blow up the stairs for the exercise?

"I must complain about you bastards and tell you guys who waste taxpayers' money, "..."

"Stop quarreling, go back to your room first, in case you are accidentally injured and have no reason..."

After hearing the police's warning, although the people around the floor did not believe it, they were a little relieved. After complaining for a while, they went back to their rooms.

"Brother Zhuang, it should be safe. Let's go back to the flying building and have a rest "..."

Peng Fei was relieved until now. He is not very good at urban anti-terrorism, and he does not think that he has the recommendation of a lonely hero. He can wipe out the robbers on the 18th floor in one fell swoop. In Peng Fei's heart, Zhuang Rui's safety is the most important.

"Okay, Miss Paris, please do yourself. This is your hotel. You don't need to follow us anymore..."

Zhuang Rui nodded and looked at Paris frowning. He didn't know if he should thank this American girl. If it hadn't been for her prank, I'm afraid he would have been a hostage. Oh, no, I think... Before seeing the [police], I'd better follow you. Paris shook her head. Although the girl likes excitement, after seeing Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui's skills, she knew that it was the wisest choice to follow them.


Zhuang Rui said something indifferently, and then returned to the safe passage with Peng Fei and returned to the flying building. Fortunately, the people on this floor had no common sense of anti-terrorism and did not block the safe passage. Of course, after Zhuang Rui and others entered the floor, the security door was sealed.

After returning to his presidential suite, Paris received another phone call from the police. The other party not only talked to Paris, but also questioned Zhuang Rui in detail. Finally, he asked them to keep their mobile phones open at any time and stay in the room waiting for rescue.

"Peng Fei, should Brother Huangfu be all right?"

Since having aura in his eyes, this is the second time that Zhuang Rui feels helpless. The first time is in the vast sea and the isolated island. This time, although he is in the most prosperous metropolis in the world, Zhuang Rui still can't change anything with his magical eyes.

For a long time, Zhuang Rui has believed that his eyes can change the world, but the current situation makes Zhuang Rui feel a little confused. It was not until now that he realized that he was just better than ordinary people in some specific fields, but he was not omnipotent.

"Brother Huangfu should be fine. He has no money, and those robbers won't do anything to him..." Peng Fei didn't have much confidence to say. After thinking about it, he then said, "Brother Zhuang, I want tea... I'll go down to have a look?" "No, stay here honestly. Remember, you Guest, professional things should be done by professionals. Zhuang Rui shook his head. Huang Fuyun and Peng Fei are very important to him. He will not put the other person in danger for one of them. Now it seems that waiting is the only way.

"Brother, I'm Xiao Rui. I'm in a little trouble in the United States. I was kidnapped by a gangster at the Hilton Hotel in Los Angeles..."

After thinking for a moment, Zhuang Rui asked Paris to borrow his mobile phone and dialed Ouyang Lei's phone. However, after just a few words, a burst of noise suddenly came from the phone, and then a blind sound came out, which made Zhuang Rui stunned. Is it possible that this American wireless operator is not as good as [Zhong] Guo Xiaoling

When Zhuang Rui was about to call again, the phone in his hand suddenly rang. Zhuang Rui didn't think much about it and pressed the answer button. "Mr. Zhuang, I'm Emerson of the U.S. National Security Agency. I know you are, but this incident is a U.S. state secret, involving U.S. national security matters Don't broadcast it. After the matter is over, we will hold a press conference..." After receiving a brainless phone call and being warned, Zhuang Rui was stunned for a long time before he understood, "I dare that my phone was monitored just now. Is this the legendary monitoring?" Zhuang Rui couldn't help smiling bitterly and tasted it again. I tried to call Ouyang Lei, and found that not only the international long-distance call, but also the number could not be dialed out. It is estimated that the signal was blocked by the U.S. government this time. At present, he can only return the mobile phone to Paris.

However, Zhuang Rui's phone call also played a role. Although Ouyang Lei did not get a lot of information, the matter had been clarified. He immediately contacted the [China] Embassy in the United States and asked the U.S. government to properly solve the terrorist incident and ensure the safety of the hostages.

There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Just after the Embassy in the United States in the United States sent a note to the United States, many countries negotiated with the United States at the same time. Even in the news broadcast by some national TV stations, this matter was reported, and even said that this matter was the second time in the United States.

The United States, which has always liked to interfere in other countries' internal affairs and comment on other news, is very passive this time. The diplomatic department is very busy. Of course, the open United States, which has always flaunted [from], naturally denied the shocking disaster and fought with the consulates of various countries in the United States. Water war.

But just as Zhuang Rui made a phone call, the President of the United States summoned the Secretary of State and some dignitaries who were on vacation abroad and held an emergency conference call. As for the content of the meeting, it was listed as a state-level secret, which was unknown to outsiders.

There was no signal on the TV in the room. As time went by, it soon came to more than three o'clock in the morning. They had been paying attention to Zhuang Rui and others outside and found that two helicopters had left the rooftop.

"Ding Dang, Ding Dang..." After about half an hour, the doorbell of Zhuang Rui's presidential suite suddenly rang.