Golden Pupil

Chapter 1064 Calm down

"Wait a minute............

When Peng Fei saw Zhuang Rui standing up, he was about to open the door. He quickly stopped Zhuang Rui and walked sideways to the door. His body was close to the wall. After taking a deep breath, he took a lightning look at the cat's eye on the door.

"Brother Zhuang, it's the United States [police] inspector, I'm ready to open the door..."

Peng Fei first took out the pistol with a silencer at his waist, carefully placed it two or three meters in front of him, and then gestured to Zhuang Rui not to hold the submachine gun, which was easy to cause misunderstanding.

"We are from the FBI. Please ask Miss Paris to open the door..." After waiting for a while, the people outside the door felt a little impatient, but as soon as the words fell, the closed door suddenly opened, which stunned the agent in police uniform for a moment, but the anti-terrorism team guard by the door reacted quickly and rushed immediately. Into the house.

"Squat down, everyone squatted down and accept the inspection, please cooperate with our work..." More than a dozen fully armed faces with hoods, like the people who often dress up in Counter-Strike, pointed the dark muzzle at the three people in the room at the first time. Peng Fei squatted directly by the door It should be a little slower, and it was pressed on the sofa by a big man.

Zhuang Rui was very smart. When Peng Fei turned around and winned, he still left the submachine gun in his hand on the carpet. Sure enough, the soldiers who came in saw the submachine gun at the first time and pointed the muzzle at Zhuang Rui sitting on the sofa like an enemy.

" Calm down, I don't have a martial arts ghost..." Zhuang Rui raised his hands high. He knew that although the United States said that it wanted to protect human rights, it was not uncommon for [police] to detect and shoot civilians, especially many [police] police officers with strong discrimination.

Last year, a white [police] in New York once shot a black man, which caused a lot of ** at that time, so Zhuang Rui squatted on the ground very cooperatively and raised his hands. "He can't be a fool here.

Paris, who was pressed on the sofa, kept struggling and shouted, "Damn it, we are not robbers. Let go of me, let go of me..." She was scared for a night." She was treated like this again. Miss Paris lost her temper and had a natural fear when she saw the people in China. Similarly, the richest people in the United States are most afraid of civil servants, and the most common sentence is "You waste our taxpayers' money".

However, it was not only the [police] inspectors, but also the heavily armed soldiers who came in this time. No matter how much tax Paris paid in a year, although they let go of Paris, the cold muzzle has been pointing at Paris.

After several people took the instrument to check the body and room of Zhuang Rui and others, the leading federal agent finally breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Okay, gentlemen, Miss Paris, I'm really sorry, you can sit down..."

"Mr. [Police] Cha, I want to know... How is the matter resolved? In addition, "There is a friend of mine in the banquet hall on the 18th floor. Where is he now?" Zhuang Rui did not know that he can still sit here safely instead of being invited to the [Police] Inspection Bureau, mainly because the Chinese Embassy in the United States had an intersection with the United States at the first time, and the people who came this time were not U.S. Federal Agents also have National Security Agency and diplomatic personnel.

"Mr. Zhuang, my name is Vergil, your friend is safe now" but you can't see him for the time being, because we have to make a record first..." The leading federal agent introduced himself, but he did not say that he was a federal tune in the United States. The identity of the deputy director of the investigation bureau, as a real power figure in Yang Sin, if it weren't for Zhuang Rui's special identity, he would not need to make a personal confession at all.

This incident is very troublesome, and it is impossible to suppress public opinion." So they have to start with these kidnapped people and strive to minimize the impact of this incident.

"Mr. Zhuang" two gangsters were killed by you and Peng. Please tell me more about what happened..."

"Virgil turned on the electronic pen" At the same time, someone turned on the camera, and Peng Fei and Paris were also taken to another room to record the pen.

Zhuang Rui didn't have any concealment and told the whole story. He was not afraid that the U.S. government would give him any charges. By the way, there is self-defense in China. It's impossible for the United States to be pointed at a gun and not to fight back, right?

Virgil asked in detail, and even made Zhuang Rui recall that he had punched the man a few times in total, which made Zhuang Rui glad that he did not use Reiki to treat the wound on his hand, otherwise Yi'an would be suspected by the relevant departments.

After about half an hour, after finishing the pen for Zhuang Rui, Vergill stood up and said, "Okay, Mr. Zhuang, thank you for your cooperation. I'm sorry, you still need to stay here for the time being..." "I'm sorry, I want to see my friend. I'm leaving the United States. My safety is not Barrier..."

Zhuang Rui protested and couldn't leave here. Isn't this house arrest? Americans should not work hard to hide things, and then kill themselves. Isn't that buddy more wronged than Dou E? Thinking about this, Zhuang Rui couldn't help shivering.

"Mr. Zhuang, I can send your friend over, but you... really can't leave here for the time being..."

Vergill apologetically spread out his hands to Zhuang Rui, leaving four fully armed American soldiers and left in a hurry. He still has a lot of things to be busy with. There are too many people who need to be appeased today, and everyone's identity is not simple.

What's more, if they can properly solve this matter this time, in fact, the United States has compromised the terrorists. If this matter spread, it will cause a huge blow to the reputation of the U.S. government, so there is still a lot of follow-up work, and Vergil has no time to stay here to talk with Zhuang Rui.

However, Vergil still fulfilled his promise. Three hours later, Huangfuyun, with a haggard face, was sent to Zhuang Rui's presidential suite, but the buddy was obviously frightened a lot and looked very tired. He found a room and fell asleep without saying a few words.

"Mr. Zhuang, I wish you a safe journey..."

On the third day after the event, Zhuang Rui, accompanied by the counselor of the Chinese Embassy in the United States, came to Los Angeles Airport and waved goodbye to the embassy staff who had made great efforts in the incident. After Zhuang Rui boarded the plane.

"Damn it, this is the face of the U.S. government that vowed not to compromise with terrorists..." After the plane took off and rushed into the sky, Zhuang Rui finally scolded this sentence for several days. A few days ago, he had been monitored by the United States, which really suffocated Zhuang Rui.

"Come on, if it hadn't been for the compromise of the U.S. government, you wouldn't have seen your brother..." Although he rested for three days, Huang Fuyun's expression was still withered. Although he had handled many difficult cases, he was kidnapped by the bandits of live nuclear bombs, which The impact is still very high.

Huangfuyun sighed and said, "Oh, it's a pity that Xuande furnace..." The matter went back to the night four days ago. After the action was exposed, the robbers accelerated the transfer, and David and the U.S. police negotiated and left a South American rubber manor owner from the 18th floor. After that, all the rescue operations of the U.S. police were forced to stop.

It is not that the U.S. government will not be lendent, not to mention that there is an incumbent governor of the United States in the hostages, that is, the death of any American in the field will cause an uproar. If all the hostages are killed in this incident, the United States and even the world economy will definitely It's not good.

The negotiations were in a state of anxiety at the beginning, but after the picture of David putting a pistol on Governor Arnold's head was spread, the police allowed them to carry hostages to the rooftop, and the robbers also released the first batch of hostages, all of which were some hotel waiters and people who were not listed on their Among some people.

Just before the helicopter of the police, the Xuande furnace held by Huangfuyun was left behind by David. Although the buddy was not interested in the jewelry in the field, he did not mind leaving such a beautifully made trophy.

As for the following things, Huang Fuyun doesn't know, but all the people involved in this matter can think with their buttocks that the U.S. government must have compromised in the end, otherwise it will not be so calm now.

After Zhuang Rui and others returned to China, they also accepted an investigation by the relevant departments. Zhuang Rui and others could feel that the personnel of the relevant departments who examined them all had an attitude of gloating about the incident.

I don't know what means the U.S. government has used and what kind of compromises it has made to governments? This incident has not been widely reported. With the passage of time, in addition to those who have personally experienced it, the incident has slowly faded out of people's memory.

Zhuang Rui also returned to a peaceful life. In addition to accompanying his family, he went to school, but two months later, Zhuang Rui received a gift from the United States, which surprised him.

It was the six volumes of "Yongle Ceremony" and the precious ruby filmed by Zhuang Rui, together with these two things, and a letter from Bonadette, in which he expressed regret for what happened two months ago. In order to express his apology, Bonadette decided to take the two items taken by Zhuang Rui for free. Give it to Zhuang Rui.

However, the authentic Xuande furnace robbed by the robbers was not in the enhancements, which made Zhuang Rui very sorry, because so far, it is the only Xuande furnace he has seen in three years.