Golden Pupil

Chapter 1101 Professor Man

Chapter 111001 Professor Man asks for a recommendation ticket

"Brother Qiangzi, do you also believe what those old guys in the town say about feudal superstition?"

The second egg showed a trace of indulence on his face. After breaking away from Qiangzi's hand, he shouted, "Brother Qiangzi, I have checked it on the Internet. It's not a devil's city at all, but a natural sand phenomenon. As long as not everyone falls into it at the same time, you won

Erdan is more than ten years younger than Qiangzi. After the birth of their generation, the old people rarely mention the tragedy that happened in the 1970s. Although they also know this, on the one hand, they hear less, and on the other hand, these people born in the 1980s are also bold and do not believe much about ghosts and gods.

In addition, in this era, even in the distant town here, it has been connected to the Internet, which can be used for people to find some knowledge that they did not know before on the Internet, so that these young people do not regard the legend of the town as a thing at all.

"Erdan, it's not what you think. There is really a devil there. Uncle Scar said that they didn't enter that place at the same time, but the person and the camel that had been trapped before could not be saved. Later, Uncle Erdied tied a person with a rope, and then used the camel to pull the man out. Who knew that after the person was pulled out, the whole lower body of the person was gone, and Uncle Er Yanzi was also scared out like this..."

Qiangzi didn't want to watch a little brother in the town go to die. He persuaded him bitterly. At the beginning, more than a dozen young adults went out, and there were only two people when they came back. These things were all said from Uncle Scar's mouth. As for the other one named Er Yanzi, he was already scared and It fell off.

At that time, Qiangzi was already remembered, and he still remembered the funeral in the town at that time, so compared with Erdan, he was more inclined to believe in the legend that there was a devil in the desert.

"That's fake. Can you believe what you said in Er Danzi's mouth? Uncle Scar is scaring you. I just don't want you to go again..."

After hearing Qiangzi's words, Erdan's face turned a little pale. After all, when he heard such a bloody thing, it happened where he was going to go. No matter how bold he was, he began to play a little drums in his heart. He could only increase his confidence in this way.

Just when no one could convince Erdan or Qiangzi, a man who came with Erdan came down from the camel and looked at Qiangzi and said, "Sir, what you just said is not actually the devil eating people, but also a very normal sand geography phenomenon, because once the surface of the sand If it is disturbed, it will be "liquefied", and the characteristics of water are floating, and the same is the same for flowing sand.

When a person or other object falls into the fast sand, the sinking speed depends on the density of the object itself. The density of the fast sand is generally 2 g/ml, while the density of the human is 1 g/ml. At this density, the human body sinks in the smooth sand, and there will generally be no extinction, but if the human body If you do it, you will be swallowed up by the smooth sand..."

This person's words stunned everyone present. Even Zhuang Rui only knew that Liu Sha was a geographical phenomenon, but he could not dissect it so bluntly. He couldn't help looking at the man and asked, "Are you?"

Due to several people brought by Erdan, they were sitting on camels just now, and there were gauze scarves covering their faces. Zhuang Rui and others not only did not know the origin of these people, but they were even unclear whether they were men or women.

Even now, it's just the second egg and the middle-aged man coming down from the camel, and the other two seem to have no interest in the site, still sitting on the camel, with no intention of coming down.

"Hehe, my surname is Man, and I work in Lanzhou Agricultural College. This is my business card..."

The man lifted the gauze scarf covering his face with a smile, revealing a slightly frosty face. From the wrinkles on the corners of his eyes when he smiled, it can be seen that the man's age is at least 40 years old.

"Manjun? Professor of Lanzhou Agricultural College, Vice Chairman of the National Desert Management Foundation..."

After reading the title on the other party's business card, Zhuang Rui immediately paid tribute to him. At present, there are more than 2.6 million square kilometers of desertified land in China, which is still spreading at a rate of 3,000 square kilometers every year. Managing desertification is a cause that has been meritorious and worthy of respect.

And the work of desert management is not enough to sit in the office and open your mouth. You must enter the desert. You need to accumulate a lot of knowledge and technology in practice. From the appearance of Professor Man, you can see that the other party is a person who does things.

"Professor Man, if it was really like what you said, there would not have been a tragedy of cuttle sand devouring the residents of the town in those years. Perhaps it can be understood that those people struggled to fall into the depths of the straight sand, but why is the person who was called out all gone? Are there any beasts living under the sand?

When Zhuang Rui said this, he did not question Professor Man's meaning, but sincerely asked him for advice. The desert, like the deep sea, is a forbidden area for human beings in many places, leaving many mysteries that cannot be solved by science, and this mystery attracts human beings to explore and interpret.

"Young man, do you know why people who fall into the sand usually can't move?"

Professor Man was happy to answer Zhuang Rui's question. He continued to say, "The sand after the density increases and sticks to the lower half of the human body that falls into the quicksand, which will cause great pressure on the human body and make it difficult for people to contribute. Even Hercules can hardly drag the trapped out of the sand at once.

Some researchers in the UK have conducted calculations and tests. If one foot of a trapped person is dragged out at a speed of one centimeter per second, it will take almost 100,000 Newtons, which is about the same as the power of lifting a medium-sized car.

So unless there is a crane to help, it is difficult to pull out the person who fell into the sand at once. Of course, if you pull it hard, then before the cut sand "let go", the human body has been torn off by a powerful force, so I conclude that the person who died at that time is probably the case..."

"It was torn off?"

Professor Man's argument surprised Zhuang Rui and others. They once suspected that there might be unknown creatures under the drift sand, but they never thought that the power of the sand could actually tear off a living person.

"Professor Man, so what should I do if a person falls into the sand?"

Zhuang Rui was in a cold sweat at this time. If according to his previous method, if he really explores that area and falls into the plunger, he may reproduce the tragedy of decades ago. Thinking about the tragedy of his separation, Zhuang Rui couldn't help shuddering.

When Professor Man saw Zhuang Rui and others, he smiled and said, "You don't have to be so afraid. There is still a way to escape from the plunger, that is, people who fall into the plunger. Don't panic. Move your feet gently so that the water and sand can penetrate into the squeezed vacuum area as much as possible, so that Relax the pressure on the trapped person's body, and at the same time let the sand slowly become loose.

At the same time, we should also try to separate the limbs as much as possible, because only the larger the surface area of the body in contact with the sand, the greater the buoyancy will be obtained. As long as the person who falls into the plunger has enough patience and moves slowly enough, he can slowly get out of trouble..."

While listening to his head repeatedly, Zhuang Rui carefully remembered every word Professor Man said in his mind, for fear of making mistakes and omissions.

He is still a little afraid now. He is not afraid of not knowing everything, but he is afraid of knowing half of it. For example, Qiangzi doesn't understand what Liusha is at all, and he doesn't dare to go to that area, so he won't suffer losses. People like Zhuang Rui, who thinks he knows the phenomenon of Liu

This is the same as the truth of the antique industry. People who don't know the collection of antiques at all will not take action at all when they see some objects suspected of antiques, and there will be no eye-catching gulled ones. Those who promote the magnificent development of the antique industry are often people who know a scale and think they have good The items bought home are all fakes.

"Thank you, Professor Man, for your advice. Otherwise, if we encounter short sand, we don't know how to die..."

Zhuang Rui's gratitude was very sincere. He also realized a truth from it. He had a specialty. Even if there was aura in his eyes, he was just a little stronger than ordinary people. Of course, he would die if he was shot, and he could not fly out of the sand.

"How's it going, Brother Qiangzi, do you hear me? Mr. Man is a professor. He said so, and he will be fine..."

Although the second egg standing aside did not fully understand Professor Man's words, when he saw Zhuang Rui's appearance, he also knew that the other party was very convinced, and his face showed a proud look.

For a long time, Qiangzi has been the best guide in the town and made the most money, but now he dares to go to the area where Qiangzi doesn't dare to go, and Qiangzi is also said by experts that he is speechless. In this way, Erdan feels that he has surpassed Qiangzi and become the best

And this time the employer said that as long as he can take him to find the temple lost in the desert, he will give him 100,000 rmb at a time, which also makes the second egg become four eggs. The adrenal glands are vigorously secreting hormones. You know, even if the second egg does not eat or drink for three years, it will not earn less .

"Professor Man, you are a scientific research team, right? If it's convenient, can we go to the drift-sand area together?

Thinking of Professor Man's career, Zhuang Rui took them for granted as a scientific research team and couldn't help thinking about it with them.

You know, the geographical location of these desert researchers may not be familiar to Mengzi and Erdan, but the study of desert habits is definitely much better than these two guides.

: I caught the train back to Guangdong, resulting in only one update every day in the past two days. When I went home, I found that the recommended ticket was only three digits. If the results were not good, I was naturally in a low mood. Here I would like to thank you for your reward, which let me know that there are still friends who support us.

Today is Monday, and there should be at least two updates. I also hope that friends who read books can support a few recommended tickets. Thank you. RO