Golden Pupil

Chapter 1102 Robbery

"This..." After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Professor Man's face showed a trace of embarrassment. He looked back at the camels and said, "Young man, I'm really embarrassed. I didn't come out this time for business, but was hired by a gentleman to look for a temple that had disappeared. It's a private adventure...",..." Now, although the treatment of experts and professors in various schools has improved, there is no such thing as selling tea eggs as the previous professor, but the real expert professors are actually not as much money as some senior white-collar workers.

Professor Man's son is now studying abroad, and the annual cost is a large expense. He has to take a little private work to support his son to go to school. It's a pity for the parents all over the world.

"Looking for a temple?" Zhuang Rui was stunned when he heard the words. Isn't it the same as his purpose? I couldn't help saying, "Professor Man, we are the archaeological team of Peking University. The purpose of coming to this desert is to search for the temple rumored in those years. I wonder if you can ask your employer if our two teams can be together?" Now in the desert, there are no previous bandits, but the natural climate is more In addition, it is relatively safer for the two teams to explore together.

"Okay, I'll ask..." Professor Man nodded. He had a good impression on Zhuang Rui, a more polite young man. In addition, everyone is doing research work in school, so he also wants to travel with Zhuang Rui and others, and there are many people to chat on the way.

After walking back to the two riders and saying a few words, Professor Man's face was not good-looking. He pointed to Zhuang Rui and others and said a few more words, shook his head and walked back.

"Young man, I'm sorry, my employer still wants to carry out this desert expedition alone. I'm really sorry. By the way, I left my business card for you. Next time I go to Lanzhou, I will definitely contact you. Let's have a good chat then..." Taking people's money to eliminate disasters, the boss who gave the money Professor Man is also helpless. In addition, the price offered by the other party this time is really not low, so he can only apologize to Zhuang Rui.

"Desert exploration? How did the other party know that there was a temple in this desert? Why did he reject the advice of his peers? What's the purpose?"

After hearing Professor Man's words, Zhuang Rui had a lot of questions in his mind, but he and others were not [police], and he did not have the right to interfere in other people's behavior, but he was full of curiosity about Professor Man's employer.

Modern tomb robbers are increasingly developing into intellectual and high-tech. Many tomb robber groups even have expert blasting experts and talents from colleges. Zhuang Rui is very suspicious. Will the employer use the name of exploration to carry out the geographical survey before tomb robbery?

"Professor Man, what kind of person are you?" With doubts in his heart, Zhuang Rui deliberately pretended to be careless and asked Professor Man.

"It's today [day] myself, well, I almost forgot, then [day] I said that I couldn't reveal his whereabouts this time, "I can't reveal his identity, brother, don't smash my brother's job..." After Professor Man said, "I felt that I had made a mistake and peeked at the He whispered, "Little [Sun] seems to be familiar with this terrain, but don't worry, if he really comes to dig antiques, my brother will definitely not let him do what he wants..."

No one is a fool these days, and Professor Man has the same suspicion as Zhuang Rui. "It's just that others use the name of exploration, and the remuneration is high enough." Professor Man really has no reason to refuse this employment.

"〖ri〗 myself? Both of them?"

After hearing Professor Man's words, Zhuang Rui could almost conclude that I must have no good thoughts when I came to this desert.

Professor Man shook his head and said, "No, there is only one today [day] myself, and the other one is a translator. Brother, I have also communicated with that translator. Don't worry, little [day] I can't turn over the sky. I promise that I can find anything, and he can't take anything away..."

"Professor Man, thank you. My name is Zhuang Rui. When I get out of this desert, I'll invite you a drink..." Zhuang Rui laughed when he heard the words. There are not all those who bend their waists for money in the world. At least the person in front of him is not. This makes Zhuang Rui feel a little relieved. Still a few people.

As for [Sun] whether I can find the temple and whether there are any cultural relics left in the ancient temple, Zhuang Rui is not very worried. As Professor Man said, the other party is alone. Is it possible that he also has the storage equipment in the novel game to take things away?

Just when Zhuang Rui was about to talk more with Professor Man, the translator sitting on the refutation shouted at Zhuang Rui, "Mr. Man, we're leaving..."

Only then did Zhuang Rui find that the second egg, who was originally standing here, was already on top of the ostranger and was also beckoning to Professor Man.

"Xiaozhuang, goodbye. If we can meet in the town, let's drink together..." Professor Man waved enthusiastically to Zhuang Rui, turned around and rode on the station. With the ostling's departure, the pleasant camel bell kept echoing in everyone's ears.

"Brother Zhuang, the two people on the camel are sneaky and dare not show their faces. It's me again. Isn't it the one who came to our country to steal cultural relics?"

Peng Fei has been with Zhuang Rui for several years. Wei Ran knows nothing about antique jade, but he is still vigilant. He also knows that [China] Chinese antiques are valuable. Collectors and cultural relics dealers in many countries have smuggled [China] Chinese antiques out of the country through various channels.

"What Xiao Peng said makes sense, Zhuang Rui, why don't we go back and inform the local cultural relics department and let them follow?"

This professional archaeologist has always hated that in addition to the tomb robbers who wantonly destroy tombs, they have to count these foreign cultural relics predators. Every year, I don't know how many precious cultural relics are smuggled out of the country through various channels, causing the country to suffer great losses.

"Brother Ren, why did you waste that thing? I'm going to slip down the little [day] book. Are you afraid that he won't do it?"

Peng Fei curled his lips when he heard the words and relied on the relevant departments to crack down on the smuggling of cultural relics. He could only block the big and the small, and if there was a way, he could still transport things abroad.

Like China's laws, there are many loopholes. For example, in Article 18 of the Regulations on Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities, the personal luggage of diplomats is exempt from inspection, and the cultural relics lost through here every year are not a small amount.

"All right, don't talk nonsense. How can you interrogate others without evidence?"

Although Zhuang Rui admits that Peng Fei's method is very direct and easy to use, it is also easy to cause trouble. Zhuang Rui is not afraid of trouble, which does not mean that he likes to cause trouble.

After thinking about it, Zhuang Rui looked at Dr. Ren and said, "Brother Ren, don't worry about that person. He alone can't carry anything. As long as we can find that place, let him empty the bamboo basket..."

Zhuang Rui guessed in his heart that I would come to explore the way first. After finding a place, he would gather other people to steal or dig.

However, Zhuang Rui is confident that as long as the other party comes to the cultural relics that have not been found in the desert, no matter where the things are hidden, he can search for them with aura.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui turned his face and looked at the sullen Mengzi and said, "Brother Mengzi, look, Erdan is going to the devil's forbidden area. Shall we follow them? In case something happens, we can help to save people. Anyway, Erdan is also a person in your town..." Zhuang Rui knows that Meng Zi is bold and loyal. He carries out this truth by himself. Even if he is afraid, he should agree to his suggestion.

Sure enough, after hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Mengzi's face changed again and again. Finally, he stamped his feet vigorously and said angrily, "Okay, but after you go back, no one can talk about this to my old man, otherwise the old man will break my leg..." "Definitely, definitely not say it, Let's keep up..." Zhuang Rui was overjoyed to hear the words and was so happy that he wanted to lead the ostling.

Although Mengzi was rough, he was not stupid. He grabbed Zhuang Rui and said, "Don't worry, brother, let them walk for an hour or two first, otherwise I'm afraid that I will take us in a circle..." "Brother Mengzi, what if we lose it?" Zhuang Rui was a little hesitant.

"Cough, in this desert, there is no one who can get rid of my fierce son..." Mengzi rolled his eyes at Zhuang Rui. As long as there were no special reasons such as sandstorms, not to mention walking for an hour or two first, even if he walked for a day or two first, Mengzi could also judge his whereabouts from the

"Li Er...Mr. Dan, Nakagawa asked me to ask you, can we not let others follow where we are going?" In the pleasant bell, a voice sounded. The person who asked the question was a young translator. Because Erdan's name is Li Erdan, he is very eloquent.


Erdan paused and looked back at the bold [day] himself. He turned his eyes, nodded and said, "No problem, but Brother Yan, tell me that today [day] I'm going to take him around a few circles. It will take a little longer. The cost..." Although he lives in this remote town. However, tourists from the south to the north have seen a lot, and Erdan is also a farmer's cunning. Since the other party has made a request, of course, he will take advantage of the fire to rob and let him pay a price.

Yan translated Erdan's words to Zhongchuan, who has been unlucky since he came to Xi'an. I waved my hand and said a few words.

"Mr. Li Erdan, Mr. Nakagawa said, as long as you can't let people follow, I'll add another 50,000 yuan for you..." Yan Yiyi looked happy when he spoke, because not only did Erdan have money, but he and Manjiao also followed him. After that, everyone could also get an extra 30,000 yuan Rm.