Golden Pupil

Chapter 1112 Millennium Ancient Temple Next

"I didn't ask for it in Shaanxi, Henan Province, but the scale of this Buddhist temple is not much different from that of the temple in Dunhuang..."

Mengzi grew up so big that he had reached Dunhuang as far as possible. He could not answer Xiao Jia's words, but obviously, this dilapidated ancient temple also shocked him quite a bit.

Influenced by Dunhuang culture, Mengzi is also a householder of Buddha's filial piety. He did not go straight up the stone steps like Zhuang Rui and others, but respectfully knelt down to the temple gate under the stone steps.

"The architectural specifications and form of this temple are influenced by the culture of the Western Regions. It seems that it was at least built in the Sui and Tang Dynasties..."

Archaeology can be said to be a relatively wide range of majors. Whether it is chemistry, museum science, history or even architecture, you have to be able to say a thing or two. Before Dr. Ren entered the temple, he judged the age of the ancient temple from its appearance.

"Brother Zhengzi, Brother Erdan, don't go in first, right, Xiaoyan, don't go in, accompany Mr. Zhongchuan here..."

Zhuang Rui stood on the stone steps and carefully checked the wood on the gate of the temple. He found that although after hundreds of years, the wood was still not rotten. It was only due to the disrepair, the junction was broken, which led to the collapse of the mountain gate.

However, Zhuang Rui has no way to know what the buildings inside are now. On the one hand, he is afraid that the inner palace will not be able to withstand the collapse and hurt people, and on the other hand, he is afraid that these people will not understand the knowledge of cultural relics protection and destroy the cultural relics inside.

As for not letting Xiao Yan and the Japanese in, Zhuang Rui did it on purpose. He wanted to see what the purpose of the Japanese came to the desert. Now that he has found the ancient temple, he must also show the fox's tail, right?

Sure enough, just after Yan Xiaowei translated Zhuang Rui's words, Zhongchuan shouted discontentedly.

"Brother Zhuang, this little Japanese is clamoring to go in. He said that you are not law enforcement officers or managers here, and you are not qualified not to let him enter..."

Yan Xiaowei has no good impression on his employer. When translating, he often uses Little Japan to replace Nakagawa's name. Now when he hears Nakagawa's request, he feels a little impatient.

Although this desert trip saw the mysterious and beautiful Haishi silkworm tower and the strange-shaped poplar forest, which was a worthwhile trip, the scene of the drift sand devouring the camel also made Yan Xiaowei, a student who was not deeply involved in the world, feel a little afraid.

For the ancient temple complex with a strong religious color in front of him, there is only a fear of the unknown in his heart, and there is no desire to go in and explore, so he can't wait for Nakagawa to wait with him at the door.

"Xiao Yan, you tell him that we are a national formal archaeological team that has been approved for filing, and we have the same right to stop the destruction of cultural relics by outsiders..."

Zhuang Rui sneered in his heart. He wanted to see if there were any other words for this little Japan. If he insisted on entering the ruins of this ancient temple again, there must be a ghost in his heart.

"Brother Zhuang, he said that his father was killed in the expedition. He hoped to complete his father's will, enter here and take a look, and make sure that nothing inside would be damaged..."

Although Yan Xiaowei hated Nakagawa, he still did his duty as a translator and translated Nakagawa's original words.

Dr. Ren also felt the trick. After thinking about it, he gave Zhuang Rui a wink and said, "Zhuang Rui, let him in. Let's take a cursory look first. Later, I will urge the Dunhuang Cultural Heritage Bureau to carry out protective excavation here..."

"Okay, Xiaoyan, you ask Nakagawa to be careful not to damage the things inside..."

When Zhuang Rui heard Dr. Ren's speech, he shook his head with a wry smile. His brother had been in the ivory tower for a long time and did not understand the harm of those cultural relics dealers.

Not to mention that this place has not been protected, even if the cultural relics department intervenes, those cultural relics traders, driven by money, can hide more than the things in the pirate 40. As for the ability of the political department, Zhuang Rui does not believe it in his heart.

Some time ago, Zhuang Rui heard a story from a traveler. Jiaxiang, Shandong Province is the hometown of Zengzi, a Confucius student. There is a Zengzi temple, which has been managed by Zengzi's descendants in all dynasties. However, after the death of the grandson of the contemporary Zengzi, the government asked

In order to attract tourists, the relevant local departments asked Zeng Zi's descendants to take out a white jade tripod furnace that had been kept in Zeng's temple for thousands of years, which was rejected by Zeng Zi's descendants at that time.

But the arms couldn't express the thighs. Finally, under the pressure of the relevant departments, Zengzi's descendants finally took out the white jade tripod, but the object was taken out for less than a month, and it disappeared.

When things were lost, the relevant departments began to lure each other into responsibility. Up to now, there is no news of the valuable Bai Yuding, so it is impossible to expect those departments to protect cultural relics.

"Brother, take a closer look later. If there is something of value for research, let's take it directly"

Zhuang Rui walked in front and whispered to Dr. Ren. Ren Boshi was stunned when he heard the words, and then looked at Zhongchuan and nodded slightly.

The temple gate still lost its original role. After crossing the fallen pillars and half of the wooden doors with door nails, Zhuang Rui and his party entered the ruins of the ancient temple.

Behind the temple gate is an open space with a large area covered with bluestone. It is thought to be used by monks and great virtues on weekdays, because at the end of the open space, there is a large iron tripod about two meters long and one meter wide at the door of the main hall.

In the past years, the place where the incense tripod was left uninted for a long time. The bluestone on the ground was also covered with a thick layer of sand, stepping on it to make a "slap" sound.

Go to the door of the main hall and look up. The words "Daxiong Treasure Hall" are eye-catching. Decades of wind and sand only make its golden font slightly dim, and it is still standing high in the hall.

It's just the dilapidated windows and dust around the main hall, but it bears witness to the rise and fall of this ancient temple, which may have been famous hundreds of years ago.

"Brother Ren, be careful, let's not go in first..."

The main door of the Daxiong Hall opened. After Dr. Ren walked to the door and looked at it, he crossed the threshold and was about to go in, but was pulled by Zhuang Rui.

You know, if the wood collapses, it can also kill people. This great hero's treasure hall has been abandoned for at least 80 or 90 years, let alone being baptized by wind and sand for half a century. Maybe it will collapse when it blows.

"It's okay, Zhuang Rui, look at these pillars, which are made of good nanmu and pine, and the year should not be more than 200 years old. In addition, this place will not collapse if it is dry and rainy all year round..."

Dr. Ren waved his hand to Zhuang Rui with a smile. In the archaeology industry, he should know a lot about all kinds of building materials. Among other things, even in the ancient tomb, it is also a large number of months of wood.

A qualified archaeologist must be able to roughly judge its age and tree species according to the performance of wood, just like the pillars in the Ming Tombs Palace, almost all of which are made of expensive golden nanmu, which was extinct by the Qing Dynasty.

It is said that when Emperor Qianlong built his own mausoleum, he once repaired the tomb of Emperor Ming, in fact, in order to steal the golden nanmu to build his own bedroom.

Moreover, the structure of this temple completely inherits the ancient architectural style, using wooden columns and beams to form the frame of the house. The weight of the roof and eaves is transmitted to the column through the beam frame, and the wall only acts as a partition, not the structural part that bears the weight of the house.

In this way, even if the four walls of the hall collapse, the roof wall will not collapse, which is in line with the saying that "the wall does not collapse" in ancient buildings.

After hearing Dr. Ren's explanation, Zhuang Rui was also relieved and followed Dr. Ren into the hall. The whole Daxiong Hall was more than ten meters high, but except for the three Buddha statues worshipped in the middle, it was empty.

The three Buddha statues are all seven or eight meters high, with solemn posture and kind face. The colored sculptures on them have not completely faded, but the yellow cloth and mantles worshipped around them have decayed to ashes.

Seeing the shape of the three Buddha statues, Zhuang Rui smiled and said, "Brother, this temple is earlier than we thought..."

In the middle of the hall is the Sakyamuni Buddha in the present world. On the left is the lamp-burning Buddha in the past, and on the right is the Maitreya Buddha in the future. This is the "Vertical Three Buddha", which refers to the past, present and future three generations respectively.

Since the official introduction of Buddhist culture into China in the Eastern Han Dynasty, many Chinese elements have been added to the Sui and Tang Dynasties. Most temples are dedicated to the Shidi Cheni of the Anpo world, the pharmacist Buddha of the Oriental Pure Glass World, and the Amitabha Buddha of the Western Elysium World.

The three Buddha statues mentioned above are called "Horizontal Three Buddhas". Only the temples before the Sui and Tang Dynasties will worship the "Vertical Three Buddhas", which is why Zhuang Rui has this statement.

"Well, Zhuang Rui, you are quite researching about this aspect. Let's go and have a look..."

After Dr. Ren circled around the three Buddha statues, he found that there was nothing but gravel dust on the ground, and there was not even a table for the table and chairs. Suddenly, he shook his head with some disappointment. They came to excavate the ancient relics, instead of going into the temple to worship Fuzu.

"Brother Zhuang, Zhongchuan said he wanted to worship Buddha..."

Just as Zhuang Rui was about to go out, the voice of Yan's translation suddenly came from behind him. Looking back, Nakagawa was kneeling in front of the Buddha in the hall and knelt down to worship.

"Teach Nakagawa, tell him to hurry up. This ancient temple is so big that you can't finish it for a while. They all worship each other. I guess it's getting dark..."

The Japanese belief in filial piety is mainly Shintoism, followed by Buddhism, and there are also a large number of Buddhist believers in Japan, so Zhuang Rui doesn't pay much attention to Nakagawa's behavior.