Golden Pupil

Chapter 1113 Nothing

Brother Zhuang, Zhongchuan said that when he came to the [Zhongzhong] country this time, he would worship the Buddha. These three Buddha statues must be worshipped. He asked us to go around first..."

After Yan's translation told Zhuang Rui's words to Zhongchuan, Zhongchuan said something again. He always knelt on his knees and faced the big Buddha with a height of seven or eight meters in front of him, looking very pious.

Zhuang Rui thought for a moment and said, "Peng Fei, you follow him. Brother Ren and I will go to the back first to have a look."

This is supposed to be a Buddhist temple built in the Sui and Tang Dynasties. The architectural style is very rare in the mainland. Zhuang Rui just wants to see it now, and he is too lazy to talk to Zhongchuan. At that time, he explained Peng Fei a few words and let him take good care of Zhongchuan.

Peng Fei and Zhuang Rui have been together for several years, and there has been a tacit understanding between the two. He understood Zhuang Rui's meaning. He nodded and said, "Brother Zhuang, don't worry, with me, he can't play anything..."

"Okay, pay attention to it. Let's go back and come back after a little bit. Let's survey it tomorrow..."

It's past four o'clock today. The sun has set in the west, and the light is a little dark. It's not that Zhuang Rui, who deals with the corpses of the ancient tomb all day long, would not dare to walk around in this indequacy place at all.

But I can't see anything at night. Zhuang Rui just wants to have a general understanding of the architectural composition of this ancient temple, so that he can start to investigate tomorrow and see if he can find any more valuable objects.

After explaining Peng Fei, Zhuang Rui, Dr. Ren and several graduate students from Peking University came out directly from a dilapidated side door in the Daxiong Treasure Hall.

Outside the side door of the Daxiong Hall, there is a small yard. There is also a building at the end of the yard, but there is no plaque on it, but the three characters "Mida Pavilion" are directly carved.

"This... this is actually a stone pavilion,"" When he got closer, Zhuang Rui and other people found that "It turned out that this Mituo pavilion was all made of mountain stone carvings.

In the west, especially near Dunhuang, stone pavilions are not uncommon. The famous Mogao Grottoes are all carved from the mountains, but it is surprising to see stones other than yellow sand in the desert.

"Zhuang Rui, have you noticed that the mother-in-law here is gradually going up. It should have been a mountain in the past. Let's go in and have a look..."

The temples of the Sui and Tang Dynasties and even earlier were mostly built on the mountains, such as Luoyang White Horse Temple and Songshan Shaolin. It seems that this abandoned ancient temple has not escaped from this category.

After carefully looking at the periphery of the stone pavilion, Dr. Ren sighed, "The ancients really didn't ask the ghosts and gods. How much money and material resources will be wasted to build a temple at such a great cost to build a temple?"

This Mitha Pavilion is very exquisitely built, with half a cliff on it, making it look like a flying pavilion in the air and hanging.

Open the iron gate that has long been seduced, and you can clearly see that there is a statue of Mitre carved on the middle wall of the pavilion, with a dirty face, a smile, and a very realistic shape.

In the middle of the stone pavilion, it is today's well." Zhuang Rui took a flashlight and shone. It was so dark that it could not be seen low. It was estimated that it should be at least ten meters deep.

The stone around the patio is very smooth, which must have been caused by the monks in the temple in the early years, but the water in the well has long dried up, otherwise it would not have become an empty temple.

Zhuang Rui turned around and found that the four characters "Qiong Ya Di Cui" were carved on the lintel of the back door of the stone pavilion. He couldn't help sighing: "Qiong Ya Di Cui, the artistic conception is good. It must have been the place where the ancient trees were slanted in those years, but no

"This is like the change of dynasties" There are always ups and downs, but such a thousand-year-old temple is buried in the desert. It's a pity..."

Although it has not been able to get a panoramic view, the scale can be seen only from these two temples. If it is placed in the Central Plains or the south of the Yangtze River, the reputation will probably be above the Songshan Shaolin.

As it was getting late, Zhuang Rui and his party continued to walk to the back door without delay. It was only when they walked down the way that they found that the size of this thousand-year-old temple was far beyond their imagination.

After passing the Mituo Pavilion, it is followed by the Thousand Buddha Pavilion, the Panlong Pavilion, the Arhat Courtyard, the Zhongtian Courtyard, the Huanxian Pavilion, the Better Pavilion, the Longquan Pavilion and so on. There are nearly eight or nine Zen courtyards, during which the corridors are through the edges and the floors are repeated.

Although the eye-catching place has long been dilapidated, it can be thought that at the peak of its incense, people from various countries and China from the Western Regions gathered here to worship Buddha.

When Zhuang Rui and his party walked to the last place of the ancient temple, Zhuang Rui looked at the six ancient pagodas in a large area of grass in front of him, and couldn't help blurt out: "This... Is this a relic pagoda?"

The relic pagoda is used by the relic of the monk Anda, and the "relizi", as the crystallization of the achievements of personal precepts and wisdom, is very important in Buddhism, and it is also a testimony that the practitioner has achieved results.

Like after the sitting of Shakyamuni Buddha Nirvana 25,000 years ago, when the disciples cremated his body, they got a skull, two shoulder blades, four teeth, a middle finger bone relic and 84,000 bead-shaped real body relics from the ashes. These relics of the Buddha have always been regarded as sacred by believers. Things and the treasures of Buddhism are scrambled to be worshipped.

And Hui Neng, the six ancestors of the Zen sect of [Zhong] country, Hongyi, Yin Guang, Taixu, Zhang Jia and other masters in modern times, after sitting down, they also left a considerable amount of relics and were worshipped by later Buddhists.

In ancient times, generally speaking, non-extremely important temples could not be built. Most of them were built by the emperor's edict. There are relic pagodas here, which must be an important place of Buddhism in the heyday of Buddhism thousands of years ago.

Dr. Ren circled several hexagonal cones. After turning around the four-meter-high relic tower a few times, there was a look of disappointment on his face. He said, "It's a relic tower, but I'm afraid that the relics of all generations have been removed..."

The relics of high monks have always been extremely important treasures of Buddhism. What's more, there are also the names and life deeds of sitting monks written in Sanskrit script on these relics. If there are relics in the tower, then this discovery is enough to cause a sensation in the scope of Buddhism in the world.

After hearing Dr. Ren's words, Zhuang Rui slightly released the aura in his eyes. Sure enough, the tower was empty, and there were no relic-like objects. Presumably, the temple monks took away all these monks' relics when they moved.

Zhuang Rui looked at the sky. The sun was almost setting the horizon, and the night had completely fallen, so he said, "Let's go. Let's go back. This place is abandoned, but it can be developed into a tourist attraction, but I don't know if the local government is willing to. I made an investment..."

It's too far from the place where human beings live. It takes three days to walk in the desert alone, and there is still a way of shrapery in the middle. If you want to develop it, I'm afraid it will take an astronomical amount of money. It's Zhuang Rui to say so.

After returning to the gate of the ancient temple, Mengzi, Erdan and others had already set fire on the ground, using poplar dead branches. These brothers followed Zhuang Rui for a period of time and realized that they could not dismantle those temple buildings to make fire and cook.

"Zhuang Rui, there are not even a few ordinary tables and chairs left here. The value of the excavation is not great. Let's go back tomorrow..." Zhuang Rui and others can't cook these things, so they simply sit by the bonfire and discuss the next trip.

After Zhuang Rui took out a pack of cigarettes and scattered them to everyone, he nodded and said, "Ocable, after getting out of here, we will enter the prairie. Now the tombs in the Western Xia and Mongolia periods are more complete. I hope we can find one... "..." The main purpose of Zhuang Rui's trip is to host a wild Archaeological excavations are used as a reference for his future doctoral thesis. It is only that the ancient tombs found along the way have either been stolen or cannot be excavated like the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin. Zhuang Rui is also a little anxious now.

Originally, I expected to find some objects in this thousand-year-old temple, but when Zhuang Rui just passed through each pavilion, he carefully surveyed it with aura, but found that there were nothing valuable here, and there was nothing left.

Thinking of this, Zhuang Rui suddenly remembered something and shouted to Mengzi, who was busy by the bonfire, "Brother Mengzi, I want to ask you something "............"

"Brother Zhuang, what's the matter?" Mengzi didn't know why he turned around.

"Brother Mengzi, didn't you say that there were only three or five monks in this temple? It's unlikely. These major temples can accommodate at least two or three hundred monks, right?

Mengzi said to Zhuang Rui before that this is just a small temple, but all the things he saw in front of him obviously have nothing to do with the word ",," he said.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he also scratched his head with a confused face. After thinking for a long time, he said, "This" "I don't know, but the old man in the town said that there were really three or five monks here. When they moved away, they passed by the town..."

"Zhuang Rui, don't be entangled. It is estimated that many monks left the temple a long time ago, leaving only a few people behind. Maybe the times are too long, and even the people in the town don't know..."

Dr. Ren gave a very reasonable explanation. Zhuang Rui thought about it and nodded and agreed, but he always felt that there was something wrong in his heart.

"Brother Mengzi, cook some broth at night. I can't drink the soup at night, and my mouth is almost blistering "..." Just as Zhuang Rui was thinking in his heart, Peng Fei's voice suddenly came to his ear.

"Huh? By the way, what did they do just now?

After hearing Peng Fei's words, Zhuang Rui found that these people actually came out of the temple. He couldn't help but be stunned. They had been in it for at least an hour, and they didn't see Peng Fei's brothers.