Golden Pupil

Chapter 1120 Rogue Logic

Of course, the first achievement of such a major archaeological discovery will be put on the leaders of some government departments, even if those leaders did not know that there was such an archaeological team and this archaeological operation.

Of course, for such an archaeological discovery that is of great significance to the history of world archaeology, the level of leadership will be correspondingly higher. At least this credit is not taken away by those small leaders in prefectures and cities. Maybe there will be heavyweight leaders in four or nine cities coming here.

Leaders make achievements, and the following things will not be treated badly. For example, the title of Dr. Ren, as well as the work problems of Xiao Lei and others, will be given priority to be solved. That's why Zhuang Rui has such a question.

For Xiaolei and others, it is definitely an iron rice bowl for drought and flood protection to teach at Beijing University. Now it is not the era when it is better to sell tea eggs than to be a professor. Which university teacher does not have a lot of cars, houses and tickets?

"Brother Zhuang, I... I want to stay in school, no... But we have signed a contract with the Dingguang Museum, which... may not be easy to do..." What he said is Xiao Wu, who has always been rarely spoken. He comes from rural Jiangxi. He can work in a university and stay in Beijing, which is undoubtedly attractive to him. The largest.

In addition, the reason for his hesitation is that when Huang Fuyun recruited several of them in Beijing University, he signed the contract in advance, and the treatment on the contract was also very generous. Of course, they can't afford to pay for the breach of contract now.

Zhuang Rui smiled indifferently, turned his face to look at the other two people, and asked, "Xiao Jia, and Xiao Lei, where are you two?"

If the deputy curator of Huangfuyun knows that Zhuang Rui, the big boss, not only does not defend the interests of his own industry, but also digs his own corner, he will be furious by Zhuang Rui.

It's just that Zhuang Rui also has his own considerations. This time, several graduate students followed him all the way. It was really hard. For example, Xiao Jia didn't recover from his illness today. When he was working just now, he didn't complain. Zhuang Rui felt that he should be given a chance to choose.

"I still want to go to the Dingguang Museum. Although it is a private museum, it has strong strength and broad development prospects. I think I will still choose to work in the museum..."

After thinking for a long time, Xiao Jia gave his own choice. He has a more lively personality and likes challenging work, and the salary paid by the Dingguang Museum is much higher than that of staying in school.

"Where's Xiaolei?" Zhuang Rui looked at the last graduate student.

"I want to stay in school" but Brother Zhuang, if the contract between the valve is destroyed and the Dingguang Museum, each of us will have to pay 100,000 yuan in liquidated damages..."

When Xiao Jia and the other two were talking, Xiao Lei had been frowning and thinking about this problem. The girl thought about things more comprehensively. When she made a choice, she also raised questions.

The family background of these three graduate students is average, and 100,000 yuan is already a big number for them. If the other party refuses to complete the contract, even if they can stay in school because of this archaeology, I'm afraid they will lose this opportunity.

"You don't have to worry about the museum. I'll help you..."

Zhuang Rui smiled when he heard the words and said that he took over the matter. As the owner of the Dingguang Museum, although he is a shopkeeper, he still has the right to this episode.

"Brother Zhuang" heard that the Dingguang Museum is very strict in recruiting people. Many people in the school can't get in even if they want to. We sign the contract and don't go. The other party won't agree, will they?

Xiaolei doesn't believe Zhuang Rui's words. She has visited the museum. The private museum can have that scale. Obviously, the backstage boss is not an ordinary person. Whether she can buy Zhuang Rui's face or not.

"Yes, I will definitely agree..." Zhuang Rui smiled bitterly. "What are you kidding, if you hadn't been chosen?" Huang Fuyun forced himself to take them out to exercise. How could he choose three students to participate in his first archaeology?" "But..." Xiaolei still wanted to talk.

Dr. Ren couldn't see it anymore. He interrupted Xiaolei's words and said, "It's nothing. That's it. Zhuang Rui is the owner of the Dingguang Museum. What else?" "Zhuang... Brother Zhuang, you... you are the boss of the Dingguang Museum?" As soon as Dr. Ren said this, in the field The three students were dumbfounded. Along the way, they joked a lot with Zhuang Rui. Now when they suddenly hear Zhuang Rui's identity, they feel like a dream.

"Zhuang...Brother Zhuang, I "..., it's not that I don't want to go to the museum well, but...but...","

After knowing Zhuang Rui's identity, Xiaolei was a little embarrassed and gave up his solicitation in front of the boss, which was a little embarrassing.

However, Xiaolei and others also slandered in their hearts, "Zhuang Ruiming is the boss of several of his own people. He didn't say it before. This... really deserves Zhuang Rui's surname, but it's more appropriate to pretend."

"It's okay. There are benefits of staying in school, and there is room for development when you go out. You are all my juniors and sisters. If you change someone else, I won't ask, Xiao Jia, be good at that time. Don't embarrass the people who go out to Peking University..............."

Zhuang Rui waved his hand to stop Xiaolei's words. After he got on the track from the Dingguang Museum, he didn't worry about the things there at all. Now he only recruits two fewer employees, and Zhuang Rui won't pay attention to it.

"Yes, boss, I will do a good job..." Xiao Jia's nature was very free and easy. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he jokingly saluted and saluted, which resolved the slightly embarrassing situation in front of him.

"Brother Zhuang, it's time to eat..." Mengzi's voice sounded from the temple gate. He was not idle this morning. He cleared a road that ostriches could walk in the dead poplar forest with a machete. Of course, the firewood used for cooking was naturally these dead branches.

Hearing Mengzi's greeting, Zhuang Rui and others went out. In this place where birds do not lay eggs, they are not afraid that someone will sneak into the hall to steal scriptures. The only people they need to guard against is Zhongchuan at the temple gate.

"Huh? Brother Mengzi, where's Professor Man?

Zhuang Rui found that several people sitting next to the bonitories were missing Professor Man. It seemed that he lived in the poplar forest yesterday.

"Mr. Man is still in the woods. Just now, I cut some dead branches and almost fell out with me. I don't know what's good about this shit..."

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Mengzi suddenly looked resentful. He made some firewood as if he had demolished the professor's house. He didn't make a good look at his face when he called him to eat just now.

"Ha ha, let him study it. Experts are all this temper..." Zhuang Rui smiled and then said, "Brother Mengzi, after dinner, you will take Dr. Peng Feiren and Xiaolei back and return to the town as soon as possible. We found some cultural relics in the temple. This is a very significant archaeological issue. Now, you must take back the things you carry..."

Previously, it was only Zhuang Rui and others who discussed in the hall, and they didn't know that they would return in the afternoon. After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, he was stunned for a moment and asked, "Brother Zhuang, why don't you go back together?" Zhuang Rui glanced at Chuan when he heard the words and said, "A On the way to the town, I will ask you to lead the team in again..." When Mengzi saw Zhuang Rui's look, he also understood that this was to guard against the little [day]. He nodded and said, "Well, I'll leave more supplies for you, and the second egg will also stay. If there is anything, you can tell him..." Zhuang Rui was discussing the return trip with Mengzi. Zhongchuan couldn't sit next to him. He wanted to rush into the temple several times, but was put down by Peng Fei several times in a row, and then he was honest.

Now that he heard that those cultural relics had been found, Zhongchuan was suddenly anxious. He came forward and grabbed Zhuang Rui and said, "I protest. Without me, you can't find these precious cultural relics. This is the treasure of world culture. You can't take them as your own..."

In Nakagawa's solid thinking, he owns a treasure map, which should be his own. As for what he found in his family and region, it is not considered by his buddy.

After hearing Yan Xiaowei's translation, Zhuang Rui immediately sneered and said, "Joke, you have a total of nearly 30,000 volumes of Dunhuang literature. Why don't you take them out to contribute to the people of the world? It seems that there are a lot of people in Mr. Nakagawa's family, and I haven't seen you share it with the country?

Zhongchuan was speechless by Zhuang Rui's words, and he was stunned for a while before he said, "That... That's different. That's the ""..." uploaded by my ancestors." "Bullshit, when those ancient books appeared, you [day] didn't have your own culture, Xiao Yan, translate the original words for me, don' Don't..." Zhuang Rui was annoyed when he heard this. This is simply fucking scoundrel logic.

", how do you scold people?" Zhongchuan's originally blue face was scolded by Zhuang Rui for a while, red and white for a while, and his angry chest kept fluctuating, but he was suffering from not being able to find words to refute Zhuang Rui.

"Mr. Zhuang, I admit that those ancient books are from [China] country, but I came here thousands of miles away to fulfill my father's last wish. Take a look at these precious cultural relics, please!" If you want to say this [day], I am cheap. You reason with him. He is quite unreasonable to you. If you hit it with They immediately kowtowed and came to everything. Now Nakagawa's waist is absolutely bent to 90 degrees.

"Finally admitted? It seems that your father came to this desert for this batch of Dunhuang documents, right?

It's not impossible to see these cultural relics, but Mr. Zhongchuan, I think you should first tell me the origin of the treasure map?" Although a large number of Dunhuang documents have been found in archaeology this time, why are these documents hidden here has always been lingering in the hearts of Zhuang Rui and others.