Golden Pupil

Chapter 1121 Conditions

There are many suspicious cases that have been debated by archaeologists and historians in the archaeological world. The reason is that many truths have been destroyed in the long river of history. Later generations can only infer from some remaining clues, but they cannot restore the things that actually happened in those years.

Just like the newly released Dunhuang documents in the temple, although Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren can judge their source, how did these precious cultural relics come from Dunhuang to this uninhabited desert? Why did it come from? If you want to reveal these mysteries, I'm afraid it will fall on Zhongchuan.

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Zhongchuan was also very entangled. At this time, he also knew very well that it was almost impossible to smuggle these Dunhuang documents as ownerless things to the [day] book.

After thinking for a while, Zhongchuan looked up at Zhuang Rui and said, "I can tell the origin of the treasure map. I am also willing to take out the treasure map and the notes of the party in those years, but I have a request..."

When Zhuang Rui heard that there were still notes, he was overjoyed and quickly said, "What's the requirement? You can say..." You know, many of the things that happened in ancient times and recorded in history books have been adapted by later generations of historians. Only the handwriting left by the parties represents the most real historical truth.

"First, my name must be in the name announced by this archaeological discovery. Second, there are some professionals in my family who study Dunhuang culture. I hope they can participate in the follow-up research of this scientific research...

If you agree with these two conditions, I can share with you the Dunhuang documents obtained by Zengzu Jichuan's expedition in [Zhongzhong], but the research results must have the name of our [day] Dunhuang Research Society..." After thinking about it for a while, Zhongchuan put forward three articles. Zhuang Rui frowned and said after a long time, "Mr. Zhongchuan, I can't give you an answer on this matter. I need to report it to the superior department and listen to their opinions..."

In fact, after hearing Zhongchuan's words, Zhuang Rui was still very uncomfortable." But this discomfort could not be said.

Dunhuang culture was originally unique to [China], but due to the loss of too many documents abroad, the Dunhuang Cultural Research Association is not only one country, but the culture of its own country has to be discussed with other countries. This is also a legacy of the country's weakness a hundred years ago.

Zhongchuan could understand Zhuang Rui's mentality that he could not make a decision on this matter. He nodded and said, "Well, Mr. Zhuang, can I take a look at these Dunhuang scriptures I got from the belly of the Buddha statue first?"

Come to this desert for thousands of miles." If Fengchuan goes back without even seeing a piece of paper in the end, I'm afraid he will feel unwilling to dream for the rest of his life.

"Of course, but... Mr. Nakagawa, I also want to know how your treasure map came..." Although Zhuang Rui accepted it, the following words made Nakagawa feel that he did not tell the origin of the treasure map." It is estimated that Zhuang Rui will not let him enter the temple.

"That's my grandfather Yoshikawa...", "Yoshikawa? The [Day] explorer who came to Dunhuang? Isn't your surname Zhongchuan?"

After hearing Yan Xiaowei's simultaneous translation, Dr. Ren couldn't help exclaiming and interrupting Zhongchuan's words impolitely.

"Our family was in the 1960s, and it should be Zhongchuan. It's like this." When my father was sorting out the Dunhuang documents from China, he found a diary..." The objects on the treasure map have been found, and it's meaningless for him to hide this history. Zhongchuan is very honest. I told the secret of decades ago, and even the content of the king's Taoist priest's diary did not make any reservations.

"So it is..." After listening to Zhongchuan's story, Zhuang Rui and Ren Chunqiang looked at each other. In front of them, it seemed to unfold a volume of [true] real pictures: the barge team hired by the king Taoist priest a hundred years ago came to this ancient temple with a crisp ostrum bell and hid this precious Dunhuang .

With a long breath, Dr. Ren said, "It seems that the historical materials about the Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra Cave will be rewritten." The scriptures unearthed in Dunhuang Tibetan Sutra Cave in those years should not be more than 50,000 volumes, but more than 80,000 volumes..." "Brother Ren, when you go out this time, you can leave and You have also done research on Dunhuang culture..."

The appearance of this batch of documents is bound to set off an upsurge of Dunhuang culture, and the later research and collation of these documents is also a very large project, and it will definitely be a special research department.

With this batch of more than 30,000 precious cultural relics at the bottom, the research will be very smooth, and those who participate in this research department dare not say that they have both fame and fortune. This one can never run away, at least they can be named as a Dunhuang cultural research expert.

As soon as Dr. Ren heard Zhuang Rui's words, he knew that he was sling his credit. He quickly said, "No, you are the leader of archaeology this time. You must participate in the later research. I'll just do it..." "Brother Ren, I don't have any research on Dunhuang culture, and the research , I won't participate in..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head. When he was a graduate student, he mainly studied underwater archaeology. He shocked the archaeological community several times, and most of them came out of his hand. However, when he came to the doctor, Zhuang Rui's research direction was about the tomb form and archaeological excavation of the Yuan Dynasty.

Professor Meng did not understand Zhuang Rui's choice at that time, but Zhuang Rui had his own considerations.

The archaeology of the Yuan Dynasty is an unpopular discipline in archaeology. Although the Yuan Dynasty was the most extensive dynasty in the history of the country, because it was less than a hundred years old, it was not completely assimilated by the Central Plains culture. In terms of its living habits and burial forms, it retained the characteristics of the Mongolian

According to very few records about Mongolian tombs, Mongolian burial customs do not seal the earth, do not plant trees, and there is no mausoleum. They will choose an extremely secret place, take a large wood as a coffin, and use ten thousand horses to level after deep burial.

Then this place will be sealed for three years, so that its vegetation is lush and people don't know where it is. Only when he was buried, he killed a young man here and made his mother look at it. The place where his mother came here was buried.

Because of the secret nature of this tomb, although the Yuan Dynasty has existed for 97 years, it has been an emperor, but the tombs from the founding emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, Tiemuzhen to the Yuanshun Emperor, have not been found so far, which is also a blank in the archaeological boundary.

The reason why Zhuang Rui chose this remote subject is, firstly, his love for Yuanqing huā porcelain, and secondly, looking for the tombs of the emperors of the Yuan Dynasty, which is also a challenging test for him.

Not to mention Genghis Khan's tomb, if Zhuang Rui can find any tomb of the emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, it will cause a sensation in the whole world of archaeology, and I'm afraid the influence will not be under the Mausoleum of the First Emperor of Qin.

You know, at that time, the Yuan Dynasty was on an expedition to the Danube River in Europe, which can be said to be rich in the world. The emperor was buried thickly, and you can imagine the treasures hidden in his mausoleum.

"You still don't give up. Is the imperial mausoleum of the Yuan Dynasty so easy to find? It's good that you can find a tomb of a Yuan Dynasty nobleman..." Dr. Ren shook his head. He knew the research direction of Zhuang Rui's study. In his opinion, instead of choosing the illusory Yuan Dynasty imperial mausoleum, it is better to study these Dunhuang documents in a down-to-earth manner.

"Ha ha, maybe we can meet each other. Let's not talk about it, Brother Ren, prepare for it and return later..." Zhuang Rui waved his hand with a smile and ended the topic. With the spirit in his eyes, Zhuang Rui believes that as long as those imperial mausoleums are not in Outer Mongolia, he will definitely find something.

After everyone had a meal and rested for a while, Mengzi and Erdan drove the six hunchmen with back baskets to the temple gate. Zhuang Rui came to do this hard work, and put two packages of Dunhuang literature in each back basket.

However, the limit of six ostriches, that is, more than 20 wrapped scrolls. In addition to the scrolls in the other two unspoiled Buddha statues, there are still two or three thousand scrolls left in the hall.

"Brother Ren, Peng Fei, be careful on the road, Professor Man, this time I would like to ask you. These scriptures are priceless treasures. Take more care of them..." Because there are also two Buddha statues full of Dunhuang documents in the temple, as well as those scattered scrolls of scriptures, Zhuang Ruiyang did not send everyone far away Come on.

However, on the way back, there will be Mengzi leading the way, Peng Fei's guard, and Professor Man's old desert. Presumably nothing will happen.

After sending Dr. Ren and others away, Zhuang Rui allowed Zhongchuan to enter the Daxiong Treasure Hall. Anyway, everything was in front of his eyes, and let Zhongchuan see nothing less.

Zhuang Rui later thought about it carefully. The requirements put forward by Zhongchuan are still very complementary to the study of Dunhuang culture and the rise and fall of those dynasties, which is not impossible to consider.

After all, almost three-fifths of the Dunhuang literature unearthed a hundred years ago are abroad. If you want to study it systematically and comprehensively, you still need the cooperation of those museums and private people with Dunhuang scriptures.

After seeing those scriptures, Zhongchuan also calmed down. He did not study Dunhuang culture deeply. Although he knew the value of these cultural relics, he did not know why.

"Huh? What's the sound?" Three days after Dr. Ren and others left, when Zhuang Rui was studying a handwritten "Gu Ling Bao Jing" written by the Southern Dynasty, he suddenly heard a strange buzz.

"Airplane, it's a helicopter, wow, several helicopters..." As soon as Zhuang Rui walked out of the Daxiong Treasure Hall, he saw three green military helicopters hovering over Hu Yanglin. Welcome [Xiayi Chinese Book Friends] to join the book station group number: 136995185