Golden Pupil

Chapter 1153 Discovery Next

Chapter 153 Discover (Part 2) Ask for Recommendation Tickets

"Brother Battle, Timur's answer, Peng Fei is right. These horses are given to you, which is the best destination. I believe you can treat them well..."

Zhuang Rui nodded and agreed with Peng Fei's words. Taking away the leaders of this group of wild horses is equivalent to depriving the horses of their right to survive on the grassland. Zhuang Rui does not want to sell these strong horses to horse dealers.

And as Peng Fei said, these hundreds of thousands of yuan have not been put into Zhuang Rui's eyes. Millions of jade and Qin colored jade have been sent out. Can he still care about these dozens of horses?

After hearing Zhuang Rui's words, Timur briefly communicated with Battle and said, "Okay, Zhuang Rui'an replied, then we won't be polite to you. We accept these horses..."

The genetic bloodline of Mongolian wild horses is far more precious and pure than captive horses. Timur believes that after he and Battle's horse farm join this group of wild horses, he will definitely be able to cultivate better horse breeds, so he accepted Zhuang Rui's gift.

"Haha, that's right, Timur Anda, you take the horses back and go back to Beijing with me in a few days..."

Zhuang Rui was also very happy to see Timur agree. If these two people refuse to ask for this group of wild horses, it will also be a headache for him, because Zhuang Rui will never sell these horses.

"Okay, Zhuang Rui'an replied, thank you for not saying anything, but you have to go back with us, otherwise we can't take these horses with us..."

To say that Timur used to be an answer for Zhuang Rui's bravery and him, now he sincerely regards Zhuang Rui as a righteous brother.

It's not because of Zhuang Rui's behavior of giving horses, but because of Zhuang Rui's light and righteous behavior, which makes these grassland men feel extremely appetizing. Such a bold man is rare among the Mongols, and even the Battle beside him wants to make peace with Zhuang Rui.

"Oced, let me explain the pursuit of the wind..."

Zhuang Rui walked to Chasing Feng, pointed to Battle and others and chased the wind for a few words, then turned his face to Timur and said:

"But Timur answered, don't lock it in the horse circle. This boy doesn't have a good temper..."

This is Zhuang Rui who remembered the matter of chasing the wind and hurting people. He specially told Timur a few words. Without being in front of him, it is estimated that no one will buy the account of chasing the wind.

"I can save it. Zhuang Rui'an replied, you can rest assured, but if it enters the horse farm by itself, it's none of my business..."

Timur laughed loudly when he heard the words. He wanted to take Chasing Feng back, not purely to subdue this group of wild horses, but to let Chasing Feng go to his horse farm for a few days.

If you are lucky, maybe after Chasing the wind leaves, the mare in her horse farm will be pregnant with the descendants of Chasing the wind. The inheritance of this bloodline is even more important than the group of wild horses in front of her.


With the long hiss of chasing the wind, the wild horses that had been resting here for a day ran under the leadership of chasing the wind.

Battle and Timur are still very experienced in grazing horses. They did not run in front of chasing the wind, but stayed on both sides of the horse group left and one right. From time to time, they used bamboo poles in their hands to stop the detray horses and let them keep up with the large army.

"Damn it, I don't have a horse to ride?"

When Battle left with the horses, Zhuang Rui was immediately dumbfounded. Ren Chunqiang and Peng Fei followed each other with a horse, and they were alone.

Peng Fei laughed when he heard the words, turned over and rode on the white horse, and said, "Hey hey, I'm going to exchange feelings with the white rabbit. You can stay by yourself..."

"Get out of here, come up with such a name. Can your interest be a little lower?"

Zhuang Rui was shocked by Peng Fei's name for the white horse, and he got goose bumps all over his body. "Damn it, where's the white rabbit? Why don't you add a big character in the front? That sounds better."

Peng Fei raised his head and said proudly, "Jealous, Brother Zhuang, you are absolutely jealous of me. Brother Ren said that this white rabbit is also one of the seven famous horses of the First Emperor of Qin. How can you chase the wind..."

"Get out of here quickly, White Rabbit?"

Zhuang Rui shook his head disapprovingly and waved his hand to drive Peng Fei away. Of course, he knew where the name White Rabbit came from, but this name really made Zhuang Rui feel awkward. I guess the First Emperor of Qin had never seen Master Rabbit at that time, otherwise he would not have given his beloved horse such a name in any case.

After Battle and others left, Zhuang Rui devoted all his energy to the research of Arzhai Grottoes. He bought a large amount of rice paper and printed some precious murals for future research.

Dr. Ren, who has always been obsessed with archaeology, has been abnormal in the past few days. He did not follow Zhuang Rui to the grottoes, but mixed with his jujube red horse all day long, and actually slept in the corridor at night like Peng Fei.

As soon as Zhuang Rui inquired, he knew that Dr. Ren and Peng Fei made a bet to see who could be the first to let his horse return to his heart. In this way, the two brothers simply offered the two horses as ancestors.

This made Zhuang Rui shake his head. It seems that if this nerd recognizes one thing, he may be more fanatical than those who suffer from paranoia. However, the main academic direction of Ren Chunqiang is not Mengyuan culture, and Zhuang Rui did not say much.


"Zhuang Rui, the day after tomorrow is our return. Don't forget, the teacher has sent two telegrams in a row..."

Early in the morning, just as Zhuang Rui was about to enter the grotto, Ren Chunqiang stopped Zhuang Rui abnormally.

"Brother Ren, I know. Isn't it just some Dunhuang literature? Do you think if you can find the Genghis Khan Mausoleum, wouldn't it be more sensation than the discovery of Dunhuang literature?"

Zhuang Rui waved his hand carelessly, but he was also very grateful to Professor Meng. In order not to let them miss the Dunhuang Cultural Exchange Conference, he didn't know where Professor Meng sent the telegram to a deserted place dozens of kilometers.

"Oh, hey, let's make a good idea. You can't go back on your word..."

After Dr. Ren heard Zhuang Rui's words, he thought he was going to go back on his word, and he was immediately anxious. This Dunhuang Cultural Exchange Conference is actually a commendation meeting. Dr. Ren is not as open to those vested interests as Zhuang Rui.

"You can relax. If you don't find anything, I will definitely go back to Beijing with you the day after tomorrow..."

Zhuang Rui gave Dr. Ren a reassurance and said with a smile, "Brother Ren, go and exchange feelings with your red rabbit quickly. Otherwise, the red rabbit will be won by the white rabbit, which will lose face..."

It's really not good to talk about Dr. Ren's ability to name. Peng Fei's horse is called White Rabbit. He simply named his horse Red Rabbit. How dare he really regard himself as Lv Bu?

"Yes, yes, I haven't walked my horse in the morning. I'm leaving..."

Ren Chunqiang was deeply convinced of Zhuang Rui's words, but he didn't believe it. Can he beat Peng Fei if he taught the horse scriptures to the red rabbit?

After sending away Ren Chunqiang, Zhuang Rui climbed the Alzhai Grottoes alone. This time, he did not enter the grottoes, but went straight to the top of the mountain, because... the aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes finally recovered.

After getting to the top of the mountain, Zhuang Rui squinted his eyes and looked at the dazzling morning sun. Then he found a rock with his back to the sun and sat cross-legged on the ground.

"Look at the purpose of the ancients digging caves under the collapsed grottoes?"

In the past few days, the natural cave under the grotto has been haunting Zhuang Rui's soul, and he has been worried. He has been restraining from using Reiki exploration, just for today's moment.

Taking a deep breath, Zhuang Rui slowly closed his eyes, and the invisible and colorless aura surged out of his eyes, instantly filling the cave that occupied thousands of meters of space under his feet.

This time, the aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes was very abundant. After careful exploration, he immediately found some clues.

That is the place of the collapsed grotto. Every dozens of meters away, when the road in the cave becomes narrow, Zhuang Rui can always find traces of artificial chiseling from the wall next to him, which expands the maze-like road in the cave much wider.

Except for these traces, Zhuang Rui did not find any tools used by human beings in the cave, which made him a little confused, but after careful consideration, Zhuang Rui suddenly became excited.

The traces of manual chiseling were found, which shows that there must be some tricks hidden in the cave, and no tools have been found, indicating that the construction personnel do not want to be noticed by future generations. When the two are combined, the answer is almost ready to come out.

"Damn it, is it so big?"

With the excitement in his heart, Zhuang Rui calmed down and continued to explore along the traces of artificially chiseling. The discovery below made him a little stunned.

The size of the karst cave under the Alzhai Grottoes is far beyond Zhuang Rui's imagination. Those karst caves are not limited to this red sandstone hill, but radiate around in a network, forming an underground labyrinth like a spider web.

Although man-made traces can always be found in the cave every distance, after going around in this mesh maze, Zhuang Rui was stunned. For the whole morning, Zhuang Rui was used to find the path.

Zhuang Rui absolutely believes that even if he has the great killer of Reiki, he will get lost in it after entering the underground, which is even more dizzy than Zhuge Liang's gossip array.

"Damn it, it's really a pig's brain. Why do I waste my energy? Why don't you just spread the aura directly and look for objects with aura?

When his stomach began to coo, Zhuang Rui suddenly woke up.

It seems that you don't need to follow the traces of the ancients. As long as you release the aura, the objects within a radius of more than ten miles will be invisible.

(: the second update, ask for ten sheets, it has been exposed in a row today, it's not a matter, urgently ask for support)

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