Golden Pupil

Chapter 1154 Large-scale Tunnel

knocked hard on his head. Zhuang Rui was not in a hurry to release the aura, but stood up and walked around the top of the big grotto mountain.

All morning, he circled in the cave in the mountain. At this moment, Zhuang Rui's head was dizzy, and the area of the underground cave was far beyond his imagination.

The maze-like cave is as dense as a spider's web all over the ground. Even if Zhuang Rui has aura, if he enters rashly, I'm afraid he may not be able to walk out in three or five days.

However, the survey this morning is not completely useless. At least Zhuang Rui can infer from some manual chiseling places to infer that in a certain period of time, a large number of people have entered the underground and implemented a large-scale project.

This also shows that under this Arzhai Grottoes, there must be a big secret hidden that is not known to the world. Zhuang Rui does not believe that the ancients would have nothing to play in the ground.

After walking on the top of the mountain for more than ten minutes, Zhuang Rui sat down again, took a deep breath and calmed down. His eyes closed slightly, and the aura in his eyes surged out in all directions.

The fresh huā in full bloom at the foot of the mountain, the lamas who chant in the temple, the Buddha statues that receive incense all year round, and the thriving weeds on the prairie. At this moment, they all entered Zhuang Rui's eyes and intertwined a vivid picture.

"Damn, how can it be so big? This is several times bigger than the cave on the pirate island..." After a short stay on the ground, the aura released by Zhuang Rui poured into the ground, but the vastness of the underground cave still surprised Zhuang Rui, who had been prepared for it.

Like a maze, the tangled karst cave covers an area of as many as five or six kilometers, and the Alzhai Grottoes also covers an area of two or three kilometers. That is to say, there is another unknown space under the dense grassland.

Before Zhuang Rui's aura was fully unfolded, he could not put all the caves into his eyes. After learning the lesson just now, Zhuang Rui did not try to distinguish the path in the cave, but directly released all the aura in his eyes.

"No? Or not? How can it be?" Seven kilometers, eight kilometers, until the distance released by the aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes was almost to the limit, he still failed to find the imaginary treasure or objects with aura, which made Zhuang Rui, who was originally very confident in his heart, a little anxious.

Ten kilometers, when the aura in Zhuang Rui's eyes was wrapped in a distance of ten kilometers below the ground, he suddenly found that there seemed to be a weak aura in a corner in the north.

This made a glimmer of hope in Zhuang Rui's heart, who was almost desperate. After the aura deep in the ground was overwhelmingly returned to Zhuang Rui's eyes, Zhuang Rui put all his attention on the place where he had just found Reiki.

"What is that?"

The object wrapped in Reiki is about two meters long in the shape of a stick. It should be an iron weapon, but I don't know if it is because of the age, the aura contained in this object has almost dissipated.

After years of research on Reiki, Zhuang Rui came to the conclusion that as long as something long goes on, there will be Reiki.

First of all, most of the objects that contain aura are man-made, except for the natural gems that combine the bells of heaven and earth.

The number of man-made handicrafts contains aura, which is often related to the production process and integrity of the object itself, and the production age is not the only standard.

Just like some ancient famous kiln ceramics described in the previous article, Reiki is full of value when it is in good condition, but after being broken, Reiki is often lost and its value is not enough for complete porcelain.

"It should be an iron bar or a long regret..."

According to the shape of the object, Zhuang Rui made a judgment that the thing itself contains aura, indicating that it should be man-made.

"How can this...this be possible?"

After paying attention to the object found under the ground for a while, Zhuang Rui focused on the surrounding environment. This survey did not matter. Zhuang Rui, who was originally sitting on the ground, suddenly opened his eyes and stood up.

The place where Zhuang Rui found this object is up to 100 meters deep underground, and through the survey of the terrain of Reiki, this may be a long gun. It is a manually excavated tunnel with a height of nearly three meters, a width of nearly five meters and an unknown length.

This place has been out of the underground cave at a distance of about two kilometers. That is to say, the space that is wide and high enough to run horses is excavated by manpower. Even if the underground is a soil structure, such a huge project has made Zhuang Rui sluggish for a long time.

You know, in ancient times, there were no excavators, and even the excavation tools were very primitive. What's more, how to solve the problem of underground oxygen and the where to dig out the soil must be solved.

Even if it is placed today, if you want to dig such a tunnel under 100 meters below the ground, it is a major project that needs to be reported to the national department for approval. Zhuang Rui really can't imagine how the ancients did it?

The current range of two kilometers is only surveyed by Zhuang Rui with aura, and he doesn't know how deep it is ahead. Among other things, this tunnel alone will be a shocking discovery to the world.

Without too much hesitation, Zhuang Rui rushed directly down the mountain. He wanted to go to the end of the tunnel to see what secrets were hidden in it.

On the grassland just north of the grotto, Peng Fei and Dr. Ren were exchanging feelings with the new two horses there. Seeing Zhuang Rui coming, Peng Fei quickly turned over and got off the horse to welcome them.

"Brother Zhuang, why don't you investigate the grottoes today? Come on, my white rabbit is very obedient now..." Peng Fei said, stretched out his finger and whistled in his mouth. Sure enough, the white horse shook his head and waving his tail to Peng Fei, stretched out his head and rubbed Peng Fei's head.

"How about it? Brother Ren's horse is far worse than mine. It belongs to the kind of person who doesn't walk and fight backwards..." Peng Fei laughed proudly. In the past two days with Dr. Ren's horse racing, he has won or lost, and fiercely vented the depressed mood of riding yellow dot to eat dust a few days ago.

"Just brag. If you have the ability, wait for three months. Let's compare again?"

Dr. Ren said a little unconvincedly that he had never ridden a horse, let alone a horse. He ran a little faster and almost fell off the horseback, so he was repeatedly defeated in horse racing with Peng Fei.

"Brother Ren, don't pay attention to this boy. He specialized in horse riding in his early years, and you specify that he can't compare with him..." Zhuang Rui revealed Peng Fei's background, put on a disbelief and looked at Peng Fei and said, "Peng Fei, is your big white rabbit really Although it can't compare with Brother Zhuang's pursuit of the wind, I don't think it's much worse than red blood..." Peng Fei raised his head and replied proudly. After saying that, he suddenly felt something was wrong and shouted at Zhuang Rui, "Hey, I said Brother Zhuang, my horse is called White Rabbit, not Big White Rabbit..."

In addition to the fact that there was no ambiguity in the early white rabbit milk candy, over the years, when the word white rabbit was used in literary works, it was often used to describe some plump, white and smooth human organs, so the more Peng Fei thought about it, the more not the taste.

"Well, White Rabbit, just the White Rabbit..."

Zhuang Rui answered absent-mindedly, and then said, "Nose Fei, you're talking so well. How about letting me ride around? My wind chasing went to the gathering place of Brother Battle..." In the summer grassland, there was thick grass everywhere, and the deepest part was often half-human. Zhuang Rui didn't want to run to the underground tunnel with his feet, so he hit Peng Fei with the idea. Before Peng Fei's consent, Zhuang Rui reached out and took the ssling of the white horse Rope.

"This...this is my horse..." Peng Fei looked at Zhuang Rui pitifully, trying to stop but not daring. He hadn't forgotten how the horse came from.

"All right, I'll help you **. Is there anything unhappy about you?"

Zhuang Rui stared at Peng Fei angrily, grabbed the reins with his right hand, stepped on the stamen with his right foot, and rode his whole body on the horse's back at the same time.

"Law calculation..."

Baima didn't know that the one who rode on him was his boss. He was uninformed and was ridden by Zhuang Rui. He immediately began to feel uneasy. He twisted the horse's head and ran away, trying to bump Zhuang Rui down.

Seeing that his Xiaobai didn't want Zhuang Rui to ride, Peng Fei gloated a little and shouted, "Brother Zhuang, you see that the white rabbit is not convinced of you. You'd better come down quickly. Don't blame me if you fall..." "Little sample, can you still be convinced?"

Zhuang Rui scolded with a smile, raised his left hand and gently knocked on the horse's head. A wisp of aura penetrated into the skin of the white horse, and the originally restless white horse suddenly stopped.


As soon as Zhuang Rui picked up the reins in his hand, the white horse of ** hissed long, and the front hoofs rose high. After putting on a windy shape, he galloped forward.

"Damn it, did Brother Zhuang tame beasts in his last life? Any animal is obedient to his hand..." Peng Fei behind him was stunned. He slept with a white horse in his arms for three days, which was not as good as Zhuang Rui's gentle slap, which made Peng Fei's heart full of frustration.

Zhuang Rui was not in the mood to care about what Peng Fei was thinking. According to the guidance of the aura in his eyes, Zhuang Rui galloped all the way north. More than ten minutes later, he came to the top of the ground where the long gun with aura was.

"I don't know how long this tunnel is..." After jumping off the horse's back, Zhuang Rui stamped on the soil under his feet. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, Zhuang Rui could not have guessed that there was another universe 100 meters underground.