Golden Pupil

Chapter 1183 Confidentiality Agreement

"All the scenes in this tomb should be recorded, and no death can be missed..."

Zhuang Rui knows that maybe after today, this golden house will not exist. Out of respect for history, Zhuang Rui will record all this with images.

After a short distraction, Wang Ji also returned to normal. He took the camera and shot every picture he saw, and even the golden top with a mysterious astronomical scene on it was completely recorded.

" Director Guo, can these cultural relics on the ground and walls be preserved?" Zhuang Rui does not know what the final result of this batch of gold will be, but if these exquisite gold products are really melted into gold nuggets or stored in the treasury, it would be a pity.

That's why Zhuang Rui asked such a question. He talked to Director Guo on a special channel through the oxygen mask, and he was not even heard by reporter Wang in the tomb.

I didn't hear Director Guo's answer in the headset. After a while, his voice came out: "Xiaozhuang, you have to understand that these... are no longer up to us, but I will report your opinion..." As an official, Director Guo can only give such an answer. However, he is also an archaeologist, and he also does not want these works of art that have been given life to eventually become lifeless gold bricks.

Reporter Wang is recording video materials, while Zhuang Rui is labeling the classification of these gold products. Originally, he is now doing the work of five or six people alone, which also makes Zhuang Rui feel miserable.

"Grandma, it's not very pleasant to stay in the golden house..." After going out and changed another set of oxygen equipment, Zhuang Rui continued his work. The reason why gold is valuable is that it is scarce, but Zhuang Rui also felt numb about it after working in a room full of gold for a day.

From entering this golden tomb to now, Zhuang Rui has worked for fourteen or fifteen hours, changed oxygen six or seven times, and only had a meal once, that is, he had a way to eliminate his fatigue. If he had changed his fatigue, I'm afraid he would have been tired long ago.

This is also Zhuang Rui who wants to leave more researchable materials for the archaeologists behind him, because he has been instructed that from tomorrow morning, the tomb will be demolished and all the items will be shipped out.

"Xiaozhuang, pay attention to see if there are words on these golden utensils..." Professor Meng on the ground returned to the headquarters after finishing the ideological well for those old experts. Compared with Director Guo's official status, Professor Meng is a pure scholar, and he pays more attention to the tomb. On the body.

"Teacher, it is only engraved with the word "B'er's catty". It can be regarded as a golden family founded by Tie Muzhen, but only a surname and no name..."

Zhuang Rui also held a small camera in his hand. He transmitted the words engraved on the golden bow and arrow to the ground headquarters at the same time.

As for Zhuang Rui, there are a large number of items engraved with the words "bo'er only catty" in this tomb room, but there is no name of the tomb owner. So far, the excavation work has been carried out, and this most "valuable" tomb room has still failed to unveil the mysterious veil of the tomb owner.

"Well, Xiaozhuang, pay attention to observation, if you find anything, report in time"

After hearing Zhuang Rui's reply, Professor Meng looked as usual, which was too normal for an old scientific examiner like him.

This is the archaeological work. The most difficult thing to discover a tomb is to verify the identity of the owner of the tomb. It's like the Xuzhou Lion Mountain Han Tomb excavated in the last century has been excavated for a long time, and I don't know who the owner of the tomb is.

Later, when a staff member of the archaeological team visited a nearby village, he accidentally found that there was a copper twist on a child's neck. After investigation, the copper twist was lost from the tomb.

So far, the identity of the owner of this large-scale tomb of the Western Han Dynasty has been revealed. He is the tomb of Liu Shu, the third king of Chu in Xuzhou in the early Western Han Dynasty.

Therefore, Professor Meng did not expect to figure out the identity of the owner of the tomb before excavating the main tomb, and with the special geographical environment of the tomb and the integrity of the previous entry into the tomb, it did not seem to have been stolen and excavated, so Professor Meng was not in a hurry.

"Mr. Zhuang, please come with us. Yes, this is our certificate..."

When Zhuang Rui had just walked out of the golden tomb and came to the No. 3 tomb outside after working for more than 20 hours in a row, two middle-aged people in suits stood in front of Zhuang Rui.

"Huh? Ministry of National Security? What's going on?" After looking at the red leather certificate, Zhuang Rui was stunned for a moment, and then became angry. He was so tired all day, and now he doesn't even have the right to rest?

"Xiaozhuang, cooperate with the work of comrades in the security department, this is the duty of citizens..." Director Guo's voice came from the headset that Zhuang Rui had not yet taken.


Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly. If he had known that there would be so much trouble, he might as well have invested a pinch of money in Inner Mongolia to cover the transformation of the Swan Lake tourism environment and secretly took this wealth into his own.

"Mr. Zhuang, for national security reasons, please sign this document..." After coming to a tomb that was quarantined and temporarily used as an office, a staff member of the security department took out a non-disclosure agreement and handed it to Zhuang Rui.

"Damn, you still need the approval of your security department to go abroad, so that won't let people live?" Zhuang Rui carefully looked at the terms of the confidentiality agreement, and the rest was nothing, but there was one on it, which immediately made Zhuang Rui furious.

This clause vaguely indicates that Zhuang Rui will be restricted from going abroad in the future. It does not mean that he will not go abroad, but the procedures for going abroad are much more complicated than before.

"Mr. Zhuang, this is also for your safety, not to limit your personal [from]. As long as there is a suitable reason, you can also go anywhere in the world..." Two people from the National Security Agency seem to know Zhuang Rui's identity and background, and have shown enough patience to explain to Zhuang Rui. Get up.

"Okay, I'll sign..." Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly. If something is caught up in national security, then there must be no theory.

Zhuang Rui knew in his heart that if he did not sign this agreement, although the relevant departments could not do anything to him, he would definitely be excluded from the archaeological team and could not continue to participate in the subsequent archaeological work.

And it is certain that they will also invite people related to them to persuade them. Instead of letting Ouyang Lei and others persuade them, it's better to sign a little bit.

However, Zhuang Rui did not know that he had received a lot of preferential treatment, and the background behind him had invisibly eliminated a lot of trouble for him.

In addition to Zhuang Rui, all those who have seen this batch of gold with their own eyes have signed a more stringent confidentiality agreement, including the inability to go abroad for three years, not to talk to anyone about what they have seen and heard in the mausoleum for five years, and not to accept any media interviews without permission.

Of course, as long as this agreement is signed, the benefits are also obvious.

Like Dr. Ren, after the completion of this archaeological work, he will be promoted to a researcher of Peking University, and he will also become the deputy director of the Institute of Archaeology of Peking University after Professor Meng retires.

Others also have the benefits of Mr. Lin Lin. Compared with these benefits, it seems that it is not so important to be restricted for a few years. After all, it is just that they are mute in recent years and do not travel abroad for several years. Besides, these staff do not have many opportunities to go abroad.

As for Zhuang Rui, there are many benefits. For example, his Dingguang Museum can further communicate with national museums, communicate with each other, and give him some policy preferences, which plays a great role in promoting the development of Dingguang Museum.

"This time, Huang Fuyun should be satisfied..."

Zhuang Rui is quite satisfied with these compensations that are not written on paper. You know, although the treasures of the Dingguang Museum are not strict, the background is too shallow, and it does not have the conditions to become an international large museum.

However, with these policies, we can openly lend some national treasure-level cultural relics to national museums for the construction of Dingguang museums in the future, which will greatly shorten the gap between Dingguang Museum and the world's largest museums.

In the next week, the excavation work of the archaeological team stopped, but more people entered the mausoleum from the bottom of the lake every day. Sealed boxes were transported from the bottom of the lake one by one, but no one knew where they were going.

The mobilization of border troops has also made the surrounding international situation tense. Military experts from all over the world have expressed concern about the military exercise in Inner Mongolia, and countless military spy satellites have also aimed at this open prairie.

Those media abroad, as well as the scientific research experts who were fooled by the news of the Mongolian royal mausoleum to the country, keenly felt a trace of abnormality. This so-called military exercise must have an inevitable connection with the unearthing of the royal mausoleum.

So the diplomatic note from various countries requesting to participate in the archaeological excavation was transmitted to the relevant departments in China for free like a piece of paper, and the officials who usually have nothing to do are anxious.

It took more than a week for the archaeological work to continue, but there were a few more strange names on the list of the headquarters.

And the troops that have participated in the military exercise have also continued to stay in this area for martial law. After all, no one can say whether there will be any treasure in the future. This troop transfer can't take the exercise as a child's house, right?

"Damn it, this work is either urban management or demolition. Is it cleaner than locusts?"

More than a week later, when Zhuang Rui entered the golden house again, he couldn't help but be stunned.