Golden Pupil

Chapter 1184 Golden Coffin

Chapter 1184 The golden coffin urgently asks for a guaranteed monthly ticket

"Grandma, even the forced demolition team can't be so clean, can it? This job is done..."

After coming to the former golden tomb, Zhuang Rui, who saw the scene in front of him, squeaked straightly. It took a long time to save his mind. The contrast between his mother was a little too big.

The original golden and magnificent scene has disappeared at this moment, replaced by the dark earthen walls and floors, not to mention the gold bricks that used to be covered with the wall, now I guess I don't even want to find a golden toothpick.

Although it is not enough to dig three feet, the wall has definitely been scratched more than three layers. Zhuang Rui can only pray now that those relevant departments will not make a decision to melt and refine gold, because these things are collected as works of art, which must be far greater than the value of gold itself.

A middle-aged man in his forties in the tomb, after hearing Zhuang Rui's words, couldn't help smiling and said, "Commander Zhuang, don't worry, the organization has adopted your and Professor Meng's opinions. The items in this room will be properly kept and even open to the public at the right time... ..."

"Cough, Director Yun, that's good, that's good..."

Zhuang Rui was a little embarrassed to hear this. Director Yun was sent by relevant departments to cooperate with the excavation work. Originally, such an archaeological team would not have a security department to intervene, but the unearthing of gold has made the country pay unprecedented attention to it.

From the founding of the People's Republic of China to now, there is only one archaeological excavation that can alarm the national leaders and the security department.

That excavation should have been in the mid-1950s. At that time, Guo Moruo and Wu Han proposed an archaeological plan to excavate the Ming Tombs, but in the end, only one underground palace was successfully opened.

This mausoleum is the first and only imperial mausoleum in China that has been opened by archaeologists (not counting the stolen imperial mausoleums) - Dingling.

The excavation of Dingling was carried out under the approval of the first person at that time, and the second person, Premier Zhou Enlai, which can be said to be a national act.

However, in general, that excavation was a failure. Due to the backwardness of archaeological technology at that time and the lack of experience in the emergency repair of cultural relics, a large number of priceless treasures could not be preserved and important cultural relics were destroyed.

In that era, naturally, no one dared to sibi, but in the modern archaeological world, it was agreed that the excavation was "an irreparable mistake".

The inner Mongolia archaeological operation once again shocked the high-level officials of the country, and the specifications were higher than the previous one. Not only did it send many officials from the security department to supervise, but also used the army to escort it, which shows that the country attaches great importance to the archaeological work.

Standing next to Zhuang Rui was Director Guo of the National Cultural Relics Department. Seeing Zhuang Rui's embarrassed look, he couldn't help teasing, "Xiaozhuang, don't you want to give up that piece of blue and white porcelain? Don't be distressed. Go back to the warehouse of the Forbidden City to choose a few items, and I will rent them to you..."

" Director Guo, why do you believe that this tomb is not Genghis Khan's? If you lose later, don't repudiate the debt..."

Zhuang Rui took a look at Director Guo angrily. If it hadn't been for his special identity, Zhuang Rui really didn't want to let the old man come down. If he had nothing to do, he was always reminding him that the yuan blue and white that belonged to him would belong to the country.

However, the tomb to be opened today is a little different from the tomb in front. The tomb gates in the front of the tombs do not have a tomb path, but this tomb connected to the golden tomb has a corridor about six meters long and about one meter wide behind the corridor.

After three days of dialectics and discussion by experts, we finally agreed that this tomb should be the main tomb of the burial owner, so there are several more people who went down to the tomb today than usual.

According to the provisions of the relevant documents, the leaders of the relevant departments of the state must be present when the main tomb is opened.

Although Ouyang Zhenwu is a vertical leader, due to the particular geographical location of the mausoleum, Ouyang's body can't withstand this diving and several miles of dark river passage.

Finally, after discussion, the young Director Guo, as the official representative supervised by the government, went down to the underground mausoleum.

Another person who does not belong to the archaeological team is naturally the cloud director of the department. Although this guy usually doesn't talk much, there is such a person around him, and Zhuang Rui is full of discomfort.

"How could I lose, Xiaozhuang, in the era of Genghis Khan, it is impossible to have so much gold. If it were to beat Xixia's Wokuotai, it's almost the same. Don't show off, you can see it today..."

Director Guo's words to Zhuang Rui are sneerical. Now almost no one in the archaeological team is optimistic about Zhuang Rui's judgment. Even Professor Meng is inclined that this mausoleum belongs to Wokuotai or Kublai Khan. Zhuang Rui has not admitted defeat and has been fighting with Director Guo.

" Director Guo, it's not up to you. Find out the evidence before you say..."

Zhuang Rui curled his lips and his face became serious. He turned around and looked at the crowd and said, "Let's check the supplies with you. Now start breathing with oxygen. Adjust the headset to Channel 3. Execute it!"

Although there were two senior government officials next to them, the excavation of the main tomb was carried out by Zhuang Rui. Under Zhuang Rui's order, the group became busy one after another.

There are relatively more supplies this time, because the main tomb must have the coffin and bones of the owner in the tomb, so under Zhuang Rui's insistence, the accompanying team even brought a cart loaded with more than 100 kilograms of high-strength preservative formalin.

The opening of the tomb door is still carried out by Zhuang Rui alone. Except for his current royal photographer, Reporter Wang, the rest of the people are waiting in the last tomb,

I don't know if it comes from the confidence in the hidden nature of the mausoleum. All the tomb doors in this magnificent underground building use the ball method, that is, there is a trough under the tomb door. There are stone round balls in the trough. As long as you push the tomb door, you can easily open it.

Except for those stone doors that may be slightly deformed due to the changes of the landform of the millennium, the rest did not take much effort to open it. Of course, except for the golden door, pushing the door is definitely a hard work.

With the two crowbars in Zhuang Rui's hand at the same time, this tomb door carrying many people slowly retreated in.

"God... Oh, my God, another... another golden house?"

When the beam of the camera's head shone into the tomb, the strong golden reflection made reporter Wang fall into petrification again. Is it possible that Mongolia's gold is as worthless as cabbage?

I don't know if reporter Wang should feel lucky. It is rare for others to see a room full of gold in his life. He has seen it twice, but the saddest thing is that these gold don't even belong to him as big as a small fingernail.

"Is it another one?"

A voice came from the headset. Zhuang Rui looked back. I don't know when Director Yun was already standing behind him. Although he couldn't see the expression on his face, it was gurable that he was also shocked by this scene.

It is estimated that in addition to the staff guarding the national treasury, more than 1 billion people in the country will definitely shock one by one. This kind of scene can't be seen in TV or movies.

"Chief Yun, please go back to your position. Don't you think I can carry all the gold?"

Zhuang Rui was very annoyed by Director Yun's behavior of not listening to the command. The tomb was already gloomy. It can be imagined that what would it be like for a person to appear quietly behind him?

"I'm sorry, Mr. Zhuang, I was reckless..."

Director Yun was not angry. After apologizing to Zhuang Rui, he turned around and went out. After not going to the tomb outside, he immediately took out a walkie-talkie and set up several tombs outside.

"Damn, I guess even the golden coffin will not be guaranteed this time..."

Zhuang Rui shook his head helplessly, and he had some regrets about the excavation of the tomb. According to his idea, the golden house, including everything in it, should restore the cost, so that the world could understand the historical truth at that time through these items.

"Zhuang Rui, why is the camera crooked? In the middle of the tomb!"

Suddenly, Ouyang Zhenwu's voice came from the headset. As the nominal commander-in-chief of this archaeology, although he could not go underground in person, he still had to sit in the headquarters. However, what made Minister Ouyang depressed was that only a golden light could be seen in the image from the camera.

"Yes, adjust it quickly to see if there is a coffin in it?"

Professor Meng's voice also sounded immediately. His voice was very short. This excavation was the first time in the old man's decades of archaeological career that he could not enter the site for investigation.

What Professor Meng is most concerned about now is whether there is a coffin and a written record in this tomb? For archaeologists, the value of these two objects is far greater than those funerary objects.

This time, without waiting for Zhuang Rui to speak, the camera in reporter Wang's hand immediately pointed at the tomb, and the picture of the huge golden coffin placed in the middle of the tomb also appeared on the screen of the ground headquarters.

"The coffin made of gold, this... this is the emperor's coffin!"

"No, you can't personally participate in the opening of the golden coffin. Even if the old man dies, he can't close his eyes..."

"Yes, go down, I must go down..."

The appearance of the golden coffin made the ground headquarters chaotic. Even Professor Meng couldn't sit still, and his eyes were full of young people's fanaticism.

Open the coffin of an emperor with your own hands. For these old experts who have devoted their lives to archaeological research, it is a supreme honor and an affirmation of their lifelong achievements.

(: It's not good. I said, buddy sisters, counting the chapter in the early morning, it's the third update today. Please give me some support. Well, if you give it to others, is it feasible to recommend tickets to our Golden Pupil?)

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