Golden Pupil

Chapter 1191 Crystal Coffin

"Teacher, there is also a crystal coffin in it..............."

Zhuang Rui woke up at the earliest, not to say how strong he was, but as early as a month ago, Zhuang Rui had suffered such an impact, and now he is more or less immune.

"Ah? Crystal coffin?" After Professor Meng heard Zhuang Rui's words, he woke up like a dream and calmed down. Sure enough, outside this lifelike emperor's corpse, there was a transparent crystal coffin, which sealed his whole body inside.

And the gold and silver brocade that seemed to cover Genghis Khan's body were actually floating in the water, but the size of the crystal coffin was not large, just enough to accommodate the body, and it looked like it was tightly wrapped in the body.

"Is it soaked in the potion?"

Professor Meng's attention suddenly found that Genghis Khan's whole body was surrounded by a colorless watery substance, but the crystal coffin was extremely transparent. If he didn't observe it carefully, he really couldn't find it.

Just like this, another question arises. What kind of substance is the composition of the potion in it? How can it last for a thousand years?

You should know that water-like substances will evaporate naturally. Not to mention such a little water, if a small lake becomes stall water, I'm afraid it will disappear in less than a thousand years.

What's more surprising is that only the potion of such a crystal coffin preserves the body for thousands of years without corruption. This effect seems to be impossible with the most advanced modern technology.

Needless to say, the efficacy of this antiseptic medicine absolutely far exceeds that of the Formarlin brought in by the archaeological team this time. If this mystery can be solved, I believe it will also greatly promote the development of modern medicine.

"This... this crystal coffin actually... has no gap?" The potion did not evaporate, and then it was untied, because Professor Meng, who leaned down, found that the whole crystal coffin was completely integrated, and there seemed to be no interface gap.

When Zhuang Rui saw Professor Meng's attention on the crystal coffin, he couldn't help coughing and said, "Teacher, the coffin has been opened. Shall we clean up the things next to us first?" In this huge coffin, in addition to the crystal coffin, there are also countless precious funeral objects, more than one meter high. The blood coral, all kinds of exquisite ancient jade and gold and silver utensils filled the whole coffin.

These things need to be maintained immediately after opening the coffin, otherwise there is likely to be oxidation after contact with external oxygen.

"Yes, yes, I neglected "..."

Professor Meng's old face turned red. Originally, he should have said this, but he didn't expect that in turn, he let the students remind himself.

"Zhuang Rui, you and Xiao Ren bring up the things. Xiao Liu, you guys are next to clean up the objects on the left first..."

There are only eight staff who have entered the main tomb this time. Professor Meng also knows that it is impossible to carry out such high-intensity cleaning work with his own body, and now it has been properly arranged.

"Take it, two wells of ancient jade..." "one blood coral" is not a well, two people are needed...", "a golden knife, this color is not right" Hurry up and take time to take care of it..." Zhuang Rui and Dr. Ren stood on the ladder, bent down and took out the cultural relics out of the coffin one by one, For more than an hour, the tired two of them had backache, and only cleaned up the treasure at the bottom of the crystal coffin.

More than 1,680 pieces of ancient jade with superior materials, most of which are bats and hollowed-out dragon-shaped jade pendants that represent auspicious significance. Because this tomb has not collapsed into the water, the jade is quite well preserved.

Because of the perennial contact with gold and silverware and coffin brocade, many ancient jade has three to four kinds of Qin color. "More, an ancient jade turned out to be a seven-color Qin jade that Zhuang Rui has never seen before, and several different colors set off the ancient jade more mysterious.

The rich jade and burial objects are regretful in Zhuang Rui's heart. If he steals the tomb by himself, the Dingguang Museum can immediately add a jade venue.

In addition, the blood coral is also the best. The whole coral is about 1.5 meters high. Even if it is buried in the ground for thousands of years, it still emits bright and beautiful colors, and there are artificially inlaid gems on the natural coral branches, which makes it more dazzling.

At this time, Director Guo, who was watching the cleaning work in the ground headquarters, suddenly sighed: "Alas, over..., so many good things"...", "Xiao Guo, what's wrong? Aren't you happy to discover so many good things?" Ouyang Zhenwu has been running in Beijing and Inner Mongolia during this period. The preliminary work of the press conference is ready. When the Genghis Khan's coffin is opened today, it can be carried out immediately.

"Happy, happy, but Minister, I want to admit my mistake to the organization. I shouldn't bet on national goods and private..."

Director Guo seems to have overturned the five-flavor bottle in his heart. I don't know what it feels like. Each of these objects can be called a national treasure. Thinking that Zhuang Rui will lend three pieces in the future, Director Guo is very distressed.

It's just that Director Guo never thought that Zhuang * didn't pay attention to these funeral objects at all. In the end, even Director Guo did not have the right to lend what he wanted.

"Zhuang Rui has made great contributions to the country, and it is also appropriate to give appropriate rewards..." Ouyang Zhenwu knew Director Guo's mood and said with a smile, "And the Forbidden City has been very outrageous recently, and it is also necessary to introduce some competitive systems. Don't think that occupying the resources of the country is God's Well, Xiao Guo, you are responsible for this matter..." Some time ago, the Forbidden City broke out a lot of scandals, damaging the national first-class cultural relics, the anti-theft system was lax, and theft of items. What's more, it also revealed the incident that the Forbidden City gave the armor of the Qing Palace as a welfare to employees in the

Ouyang Zhenwu's words are very heavy. What he means is obvious. If the following departments do not carry out rectification, it is not ruled out that some precious cultural relics will be handed over to other state-owned or even private museums for exhibition.

"Yes, yes, Minister, after this excavation is completed, we will rectify and improve the work style..."

Director Guo is also in his fifties. He was blushed by Ouyang Zhenwu and had no words to refute, because the Palace Museum has indeed had frequent accidents recently, which not only caused a crisis of trust among the people, but also the boss of the Central Committee was very dissatisfied with it.

"Okay, let's take a break and clean it up..."

The tomb excavation is an extremely boring and energy-consuming thing. There is no room for a trace of carelessness. After four or five hours of work, everyone is already exhausted.

When I first saw Genghis Khan's [Xing] passion, it had already been thrown out of the sky. The staff in the tomb had long lost their respect for the emperor, and sometimes they couldn't wait to bring him out with the coffin, so they were often hindered when cleaning up the objects.

He went outside and changed his oxygen suit, and Zhuang Rui drank it. After the water, he said to Professor Meng, "Teacher, let's clean up the head position first. According to the style of Mongolian tombs, the two places on the head and feet are often the most abundant place for burial goods..." In this huge underground palace, the three objects that Zhuang Rui value most, the first one is the one that symbolizes the majes The second is the golden arrow engraved with the name of Genghis Khan.

As for the third one, of course, it is the front of Genghis Khan himself buried in the crystal coffin, but due to geographical restrictions, it is estimated that such a large crystal coffin is difficult to move to the ground.

Zhuang Rui is not greedy. As long as Director Guo keeps his promise and gives him the golden arrow and the "national jade and seal", Zhuang Rui will be satisfied.

Before Professor Meng answered Zhuang Rui's words, Ren Chunqiang said first, "Zhuang Rui, let's clean up the objects on both sides first, clean up the two sides, and you can stand in front of you..." Just now, when cleaning the bottom of the crystal coffin, due to the small space, after taking out the items on the top, it Once, Dr. Ren almost fell into the coffin and made contact with Genghis Khan's dragon feet.

"Brother Ren, the first and last parts are the most difficult to clean up. After cleaning up the two ends, the following work is easy to carry out. Let's make it difficult before it easy..." Zhuang Rui has always respected Ren Chunqiang, but after holding back more than a month, Zhuang Rui just wants to see the jade seal of Fang Chuanguo as

"Okay, let's do what the small village said. Let's add fuel and try to clean up the items in the coffin today..."

Professor Meng's request to Zhuang Rui is almost answered. Although he went down to the tomb, most of the time it was Zhuang Rui who directed the clean-up operation, which made Professor Meng feel a little relieved.

The waves behind the Yangtze River push forward the waves, and the old man always has to retreat. When he can see Zhuang Rui at the age of just 30, he can host a major archaeological excavation of such a scale alone. Even Professor Meng feels that he is old.

After a short rest, the group of people finished dressing up again and came to the coffin again to get busy. Now that they see Genghis Khan in the crystal coffin, everyone has no longer felt it just now.

This is also a common problem for people. If you see a lot of things, you don't take it seriously. Just like some men have to go out to find a good-like mistress, which is actually the same as this matter.

More than two hours later, the items at the top of the crystal coffin have been reduced a lot. Now every time Zhuang Rui picks up the objects, his face and Genghis Khan's face in the coffin are almost close at hand.

"What is this? "Gold facing the board?" Ren Chunqiang, who was cleaning on the other side, suddenly leaned out of his body from the coffin and took a long flat golden object in his hand.