Golden Pupil

Chapter 1192 Jade Seal unearthed

Chapter 11692 The Jade Seal is unearthed and urgently asks for a monthly ticket

Professor Meng was stunned by Ren Chunqiang's words. He looked at Ren Chunqiang's right hand and shook his head with a smile: "Go to the board? No way? When Genghis Khan founded the Mongolian Khanate, he didn't even have words. How could he use the court board?

The so-called Chaoban, also known as Kotban or Li Yuzao, can be seen in many ancient TV series. A minister holds one in his hand and holds it on his chest.

This thing is actually similar to the notebook used for meetings now. It records some things roughly. When you go to court, you can talk about it. If you forget it, you can take a look to avoid making a fool of yourself in front of the emperor.

The Wat boards handed down now are mostly made of ivory, jade and bamboo pieces. Professor Meng has never heard that the ancient Wat boards were made of gold? Holding this thing to the court, I was tired to death.

"This is not a sto board..."

Professor Meng held the heavy gold object about 40 centimeters long in his hand and said with a smile, "This thing is the arrow used by the ancient generals. Most of it was given by the emperor to the generals who fought abroad, but this is not pure gold..."

In some film and television dramas, you can also see such a situation. When the general rises the account, there is a dedicated arrow or sword on the table in front of him to command the generals to command the battle.

In addition, there are some arrows given by the general to the generals, but those arrows are similar to ordinary bows and arrows. It is impossible to make them with gold. At most, the name of the general is engraved.

"Huh? There are words on it, and it's only a catty. Tie Muzhen, that's right. It's Genghis Khan's golden arrow!"

Although Professor Meng is not proficient in Mongolian, after a few days of excavation, he also found a lot of things with words. He didn't learn anything else, but "B'er is only a catty. Almost all the archaeologists can identify Tie Muzhen.

Speaking of which, Zhuang Rui was really depressed. When he surveyed with Reiki for the first time, he did not find anything with the words of the tomb owner. Finally, the golden arrow in the coffin guessed that it was the imperial tomb of Tiemuzhen.

But after cleaning up the tombs of the two concubines of Genghis Khan, all kinds of objects with words suddenly appeared. Many of the words were praised by Genghis Khan. Zhuang Rui wondered why he could not find one at the beginning?

"This...this is Genghis Khan's token. There is nothing more convincing than this, okay, okay!"

After Director Guo, who stayed at the ground headquarters, saw the golden arrow, his eyes laughed like a crescent moon, but just after saying two good words, his face looked bad and muttered to himself, "Don't look at this object, Zhuang Rui. This... This thing should be put in the Palace Museum when facing the world. The museum or the National Museum..."

Mongolia is a nomadic. Even after Genghis Khan unified Mongolia, he did not use the bell seal like the Song Dynasty, so this golden arrow is the most powerful evidence of Genghis Khan's identity.

An old expert beside Director Guo, after hearing Director Guo's words, said with a smile, "Lao Guo, if I were Zhuang Rui, I would definitely choose this..."

It seems to be verifying the expert's words, and Zhuang Rui's voice also came from the headset of the headquarters: "Brother Ren, this thing should be taken good care of. It can be used when the press conference is held later. The way, after the press conference, I will take it back to the Dingguang Museum It's up to me. You can lend me three antiques..."

"Haha, ha..."

The people in the headquarters couldn't help laughing loudly. They were all sixty or seventy-year-olds, and no one was afraid of Director Guo's official prestige.

Director Guo peeked at Minister Ouyang and said anguously, "The leader approved it. What am I afraid of? Just think of it as compensation for Xiao Guo's discovery of this imperial mausoleum..."

There are still some other objects in the imperial mausoleum, which can prove the identity of Genghis Khan. Although the golden arrow was lent to Zhuang Rui for three months, it will not affect the exhibition of the cultural relics unearthed in Genghis Khan's Mausoleum.


Zhuang Rui in the tomb room inadvertently curled his lips. He could imagine that Director Guo's face must be like a black pot at this time, but this was just the beginning. The golden arrow was in the three objects selected by Zhuang Rui, and at best it could only rank second.

At this moment, most of the funeral objects on Zhuang Rui's side have also been cleaned up. The "national jade seal" representing the imperial power is about to be in his own hands. Zhuang Rui's heart is unconsciously a little nervous, and his heart seems to have accelerated a lot.

"This... is really exciting..."

Because the position of the "national jade seal" is located on the upper side of Genghis Khan's head, the two are only separated by a crystal coffin.

Therefore, if Zhuang Rui wants to take out the "Cangguo Jade En seal", the whole person must enter the coffin, and he must put his face against the cold crystal coffin to get the "Cunguo jade seal" on his arm.

Although wearing an oxygen mask is equivalent to two layers of shields separated from Genghis Khan, when Zhuang Rui's face leaned against the crystal coffin, he couldn't help closing his eyes. "This... In case, if Genghis Khan opens his eyes, the buddy will be scared out of mental illness."

After reaching out and pulling away the cultural relics piled up on the "national jade seal" there, Zhuang Rui suddenly felt through the gloves, felt slippery and couldn't help but be stunned.

"Well, what the hell was I doing at that time? I was scared..."

When he opened his eyes and looked down, Zhuang Rui calmed down. It turned out that outside the national jade seal was wrapped in a layer of brocade made of gold and silver thread, which lasted for thousands of years without corruption.

"Damn, don't scare me..."

Zhuang Rui's arm leaned forward again, but he saw Genghis Khan's seemingly sleeping face. He was so scared that he quickly closed his eyes, stretched his right hand in, grabbed the brocade and took it out.


When Zhuang Rui's right hand was just higher than the crystal coffin, the brocade under his hand suddenly broke. Zhuang Rui was so scared that he couldn't care about Genghis Khan under him. He quickly held it under the Chuanguo jade seal with his left hand, and his whole body lay on the crystal coffin.

At this time, it was almost midsummer on the ground, but the temperature under the ground had always been extremely low. After four or five hours of work, Zhuang Rui did not sweat a drop, but at this moment, his forehead was covered with beads of sweat as big as beans.

"Fortunately, it's really lucky. If you really break a corner again, the buddy will have to make up for it..."

Zhuang Rui lay on the crystal coffin like a frog, and his limbs seemed to lose their strength. He completely forgot that there was an ancient emperor under him. If he was seen by his friends, how might he guess Zhuang Rui's sexual orientation?

Although Zhuang Rui knew that the "national jade seal" wrapped in the brocade was not necessarily so fragile, he still couldn't help being nervous. Even when he hugged his son for the first time, Zhuang Rui was not so careful.

Professor Meng, who had been standing on the ladder to direct the overall situation, suddenly found that Zhuang Rui's posture was not very elegant, and he couldn't get up there. He couldn't help shouting curiously, "Zhuang Rui, what's wrong with you? What are you doing there? Did you fall?"

" No, teacher, I didn't fall..."

Zhuang Rui raised his head and smiled worse than crying, "I... I just lost all my strength..."

"What's going on? Xiao Ren, you stop first and help Zhuang Rui out..."

Professor Meng thought that Zhuang Rui was exhausted, so he quickly greeted Ren Chunqiang and another staff member in the coffin to set up Zhuang Rui.

With his arms tightly around his chest, Zhuang Rui climbed the ladder in a strange posture. When his legs touched the ground, he couldn't help sitting on the ground.

"Brother Zhuang, what are you holding?"

Peng Fei's eyes were sharp, and he saw that Zhuang Rui seemed to be holding an object in his arms. He hurriedly surrounded him. After hearing Peng Fei's words, he also aimed the camera in the coffin at Zhuang Rui's... embrace.

"This boy must be holding some baby..."

Zhuang Rui's abnormality has also attracted the attention of everyone in the headquarters. Director Guo even looked at the screen without blinking, trying to see what kind of thing can make Zhuang Rui so nervous?

"Brother Zhuang, take it out and have a look..."

Peng Fei reached out and pulled Zhuang Rui's arm, and found that the buddy was holding him to death, and there was no meaning to let go at all.

"Xiaozhuang, what is it?" Professor Meng was also a little curious and came down from the ladder.

"Jade...Jade seal!"

After sitting on the ground for a while, Zhuang Rui felt as if his strength had returned to him. When he almost fell to Chuanguo Yuxi just now, he was really scared.

Because it is only a little short, Zhuang Rui is likely to be like the tough Empress Dowager of the Western Han Dynasty in history, and will be famous for falling jade seals.

"Jade seal? Does Genghis Khan also have a jade seal?

Professor Meng frowned when he heard the words. He had always thought that during the period of the Mongolian Khanate, the emperor did not have a seal, and Zhuang Rui's words confused him.

It's just that Professor Meng didn't associate this jade seal with the Chuanguo jade seal. After all, the Chuanguo jade seal has disappeared for a long time, and no one could have thought that it would appear here.

"It's not the jade seal, no... no, yes, yes, hey, you can see for yourself..."

For the first time, Zhuang Rui felt that his mouth was so bad. The very simple words of "Cun Guo Yuxi" were blocked in his throat and could not spit it out.

In a hurry, Zhuang Rui simply put the national jade seal wrapped in the broken brocade on the ground, and then carefully opened the brocade.

"How can the shape of this jade seal be so familiar?"

At the first sight of the "Jade of the Kingdom", whether it was the staff in the tomb or the old experts guarding the headquarters, the idea came to my mind at the same time.

: There are still a few cards away from 80, and the third chapter has also been updated. There is still a gap of more than ten votes from the top 10. Which brother still has the power to help the golden pupil?

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