Golden Pupil

Chapter 1291 Deep Water Bomb

Excuse me, General Lasco, will he be found by deep-sea monsters when arranging mines?

Li Shaohua, who was sitting next to Zhuang Rui, suddenly stood up and raised an objection to Lascoe on the stage. He had heard Zhuang Rui mention the horror of prehistoric creatures before, so he was much more cautious than everyone in the audience.

"Gentlemen, in the past three days, we have sent small ships to the sea for survey. It turns out that the entry of small ships will not attract the attention of deep-sea monsters. At that time, we will cooperate with helicopters, and we believe that the mine-laying operation can be completed..."

After hearing Li Shaohua's words, Lascoe gave an explanation confidently. As he said, some slight actions on the sea were not enough to make the sea monsters furious.

After the analysis of Lasco and many biologists, it is believed that the sea monster is too large to move its habitat easily, so that humans have enough time to arrange the encirclement and suppress it.

"Thank you, General Lascco. I'm fine..." Hearing Lasco's explanation, Li Shaohua sat down.

Judging from the action plan, there is indeed nothing missing. The only thing to pay attention to now is to lock the area where the monster is located, but this is not a problem. The most advanced military technology on the planet is now in the hands of these people in the field.

The meeting started very quickly. After the observers of various countries had no objection, General Lascco immediately announced the end of the meeting. There was still a lot of work to be done waiting for him. Even Zhuang Rui could not care about it. He just sent an assistant to tell Zhuang Rui that he would act with the observers of various countries.

After the military forces of various countries participated in this operation, Zhuang Rui's role became dispensable. General Lasco no longer needed Zhuang Rui's keen judgment, which was also expected.

Zhuang Rui doesn't care about this. He can't wait to stay in the safe rear with these observers. After experiencing the prehistoric biological incidents in the Central African forest, Zhuang Rui has a feeling that this deep-sea monster may not be easy to deal with.

As a landlord, the Portuguese navy has prepared shelters for observers from all over the world. Zhuang Rui naturally lived with Li Shaohua and others.

For the next few days, everyone had nothing to do. They were waiting for the completion of the Portuguese military's preparations. From the helicopters that kept taking off and landing in the barracks every day, it can be seen that the preparations were being carried out nervously.

In the early morning of the fifth day, observers from various countries and Zhuang Rui and others were invited to a very strangely arranged conference room. The whole conference room was full of all kinds of electronic instruments that Zhuang Rui couldn't say.

Before Zhuang Rui and others arrived, hundreds of people had been seated here, but the discipline was very good. No one whispered to each other and waited for the beginning of the operation.

"Brother Li, what do these screens do? Can you see the situation on the sea?

Before Zhuang Rui sat down, he found that there were four huge display screens hanging on the wall around the conference room, in the conference room, as if in a scene from a science fiction movie.

Li Shaohua has long been used to these electronic screens and said disapprovingly, "Of course I can see it. I'm afraid I can even see the situation at the bottom of the sea. You will know later..."

You know, in space beyond the earth, there are thousands of various or military or civilian satellites all the time, monitoring the planet. With the current scientific and technological means, not to mention monitoring a sea surface, it is peeping at you bathing in the bathroom through the window glass of your home. That's not impossible.

Of course, these are all what Zhuang Rui didn't know. When those huge display screens were turned on, Zhuang Rui was stunned. At this time, what appeared in front of everyone was the military camp they were in.

At the beginning of the state, the picture was still a little blurred, but with the debugging, the picture gradually became clear, and even a mole on the face of the sentry was clearly displayed.


About five or six minutes later, a soldier in a Portuguese uniform walked to the front of a big screen in the conference room, coughed twice and attracted the attention of everyone in the field. He said, "Generals, you will see the whole process of the operation here, because General Lasco is responsible for the operation. Swing, so let me explain it to you..."

"Excuse me, when is the action time?"

"Yes, may I ask if the previousbu lei work has been completed?"

"In addition to the U.S. military, are there any countries in the euro zone that they think are involved in the operation?"

As soon as the speaker finished speaking, the people sitting in the conference room raised questions one after another. In the past few days, Lasco ignored these observers under the pretext of preparation, but suffocated them.

"Please be quiet. For another hour and a half, that is, at 9:30 in the morning, the attack on this deep-sea monster will officially begin...

As for the preliminary preparations, they have all been completed. You can see...

With the soldier's words, the picture on the big screen in front of him changed, moving from the barracks to the vast sea, and then said, "Within ten nautical miles of this sea, we have arranged a large number of mines. No matter where the sea monster shows its head, it will be hit by mines..." < /P>

"Excuse me, if you have arranged so many mines in this sea area, will it cause harm to the ships going to the sea later after clearing the sea monsters?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded in the conference room, but it was a little off the topic in the ears of these admirals. They are soldiers, just destroy the enemy, and the future trouble is none of their business.

Just like the United States planted a large number of mines in Vietnam during the Vietnam War, with a number of millions.

Even today, there are still many mines that have not been removed, causing great harm to the Vietnamese people. There are many Vietnamese villages, and almost all of them are disabled, but even so, the United States have not said a word of apology.

However, Zhuang Rui, who asked the question, didn't think so, because he still needed to search for treasure in this post-war sea. If these mines could not be cleared, he would still return empty-handed.

"This gentleman, please rest assured that all mine detonation systems are electronically controlled by switches, and there are recovery signal sources on the mines. After the operation, we will turn off the detonation switch and recover according to the signal source, which will never have any impact on the safety of the sea area..."

The soldier's words made Zhuang Rui relieved. If these guys really manage to kill and bury them, Zhuang Rui will lose a lot of money, and the salvage he has planned will eventually get nothing.

Fortunately, it has not been decades now. In Europe, where human rights are soaring, they dare not turn this sea into the Dead Sea after all, which is not in the interests of European countries.

After Zhuang Rui finished asking questions, there was no problem for everyone in the audience. They gathered together to discuss in a low voice, waiting for the start of the operation.

More than an hour passed quickly. When General Lasco's face appeared on the big screen, everyone looked shocked. They realized that the joint multinational operation was about to begin.

"Attention of the action groups, I declare that the operation has officially begun!"

General Lascoe on the screen gave the order to start with enthusiasm, and the picture turned to various barracks at the seaside at the same time. A helicopter, which had been on standby, immediately launched and formed three formations to fly to the designated sea area.

As the saying goes, the insider watches the door, and the outsider watches the bustle.

Hundreds of helicopter formations, even in modern times, are rarely seen. They cover the sky. Zhuang Rui, who can't understand the military, shouted happily. He feels that even if he has nothing to do with this trip, it is worth returning the ticket price.

Those generals in the field pay more attention to the situation of helicopter formation. Such a large-scale operation has extremely high requirements for the quality of the pilot. If there is a little carelessness, there will be a tragedy of collision and death.

Fortunately, this situation did not happen. After the first wave of formations arrived at the designated sea area, General Lasco ordered that nearly a hundred water-deep bombs on helicopters, like dumplings, kept shooting into the sea from anti-submarine helicopters.

After the deep-water bomb entered the sea, the lens on the big screen suddenly turned from the sea to the sea, carrying the lights and micro-cameras on the bomb, and transmitted the situation under the sea.

At the same time, the helicopter of the second formation also dropped a large number of deep-water bombs on the designated sea and quickly flew away from the sea.

In order to cause maximum damage to sea monsters, this deep-water bomb has been modified and can be detonated at the same time. Now it can be detonated as long as the third formation is completed.

A bunch of lights lit up at the bottom of the sea, one meter long, and the front end was like rocket-like deep-water bombs, densely covered the whole big screen and quickly sank into the deep sea.

The deep-water bombs dropped by the first formation have reached a depth of nearly 2,000 meters under the seabed at this time. However, according to the prior plan, this batch of deep-water bombs will fall on the side of the sea monster, and the deep-water bombs of the other two formations will surround it.

"Oh, my God? that a deep-sea monster?

After the bomb penetrated into the water below four meters of the knife, the bright light installed on the bomb and the camera photographed the monster.

These bombs are still nearly one kilometer away from the place where the monsters are coiled. From afar, the front is like an undersea volcano. If it hadn't been known in advance, no one could believe that it was a living creature.