Golden Pupil

Chapter 1292 Encirclement

Thous of meters deep at the bottom of the sea, even if spotlights are installed on multiple deep-water bombs, the landing point of some bombs is not far from the monster, but the light is still very blurred, and the approximate outline of the monster can only be faintly seen.

Even so, everyone has been stunned. No one can believe that the giant stationary at the bottom of the sea is actually a living creature.

I'm afraid that even the most imaginative director on the planet can't interpret such a scene, right? By the way, the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, which shocked the world, and King Kong, who stood on the top of the world to masturbate, are not so big.

"Oh, my God, how can such a monster survive on the earth?"

Although I saw the monster's body in the picture taken by the helicopter before, the shaking picture in front of me still shocked everyone.

A biologist in the field couldn't help muttering to himself, "Does it grow naturally? Why is its size not limited by gravity?

As we all know, the earth itself has a considerable mass, so it will also show gravity to any object around the earth. The larger the volume of the object, the greater the gravity it will be. According to common sense, such a big guy can't survive at all.

After hearing his words, a soldier next to the biologist couldn't help curling his lips and said, "No matter how it grows? All I know is that this big guy will threaten us human beings..." Indeed, as this soldier said, like this sea monster, it is beyond the scope that human beings can tolerate. People can stand it in the sea, at most losing a few boats.

But if one day this guy feels that there is not enough food in the sea and goes to the coast, I'm afraid that the disaster film on the screen will be staged in reality.

Maybe the damage this monster can do to human beings is not a disaster, but if its news is leaked, that kind of panic will definitely make the government of any country anxious.

This is also the main reason why countries react so fast after Portugal revealed the existence of monsters.

Only those politicians who kill this danger and possibility in the cradle can they sleep soundly. After all, no one wants citizens to throw tomatoes in front of their government.

After the bomb was dropped by the first and second anti-submarine helicopter formation, the third helicopter formation also arrived at the designated location. The deep-water bomb they were going to drop would fall directly above the deep-sea monster, which was also the main factor in determining this victory.

When sixty or seventy helicopters poured all the airborne bombs into the sea, both General Lasco in the command room and the generals and scientists from various countries watching the battle in the conference room were relieved.

On the left, right and overhead of this monster, it is surrounded by deep-water bombs, and the only escape route is blocked by the real volcano larger than it.

In the eyes of everyone, this deep-sea monster is already doomed. I'm afraid that in a secret military airport on the coastline, two B2 bombers with BLU-2 cloud bombs on standby will not be useful this time.

"Well, no matter how big this guy is, he can't escape..." "Yes, on the earth, I'm afraid no creature can withstand the attack of so many bombs..."

"It's a pity that such a modern creature has been destroyed. I don't know what useful information can be put forward from its genes?"

After seeing that the last helicopter formation on the display screen was about to return, the atmosphere in the conference room became relaxed. Some people were discussing the pros and cons of this operation, and some people were crying and pretending to be compassionate. Now it's a pity. What did you do earlier?

Only Zhuang Rui sat there and frowned and said nothing. Compared with these optimistic soldiers, he had a faint sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Zhuang Rui, who had seen the prehistoric monster in the forest of Central Africa, subconsciously felt that this deep-sea monster was not so easy to deal with. Its countless tentacles could also help it resist the first wave of bombs.

"What's wrong with Zhuang Rui?" Li Shaohua, who was sitting next to Zhuang Rui, first discovered Zhuang Rui's abnormality.

Zhuang Rui shook his head and said, "It's okay. I just feel that it's a little smooth. This monster is alive. There's no reason to be so honest, right?" Living monsters, creatures without wisdom, how can they be compared with human beings? I think you are unfounded..." Li Shaohua laughed when he heard the words. He still admired this action in his heart. You know, the helicopter formation is the most prone to accidents in modern military. Not to mention the formation, even in daily training, there is often news of aircraft destruction.

And these three huge helicopter formations are still composed of soldiers from several countries. It is enough to make the generals of various countries admire the task so successfully.

Zhuang Rui waved his hand and didn't say anything. His eyes were attracted by a picture on the screen in front of him.

At the camera installed on a deep-water bomb on the right, there was originally empty sea water in front of it, but at this moment, it was like a wall suddenly appeared.

That's right. From the perspective of the camera installed on the bomb, this is a thick wall, which darkly covers all the lights on the bomb.

It was not only Zhuang Rui who found this scene. Many people in the field saw it. The originally noisy discussion suddenly became small, and everyone's attention was attracted.

"Are you going to contact it so soon? It seems that the deep-water bomb above has just been dropped..."

All the people who saw this scene had such a question in their hearts. At the speed of the deep-water bomb diving, it will take a few minutes at the earliest to reach the location of the monster.

"Bad, it's the tentacles of monsters..."

Among the more than 100 people at the scene, only Zhuang Rui and Peng Fei, and Captain Clyde, who witnessed the monster emerge from the sea, realized what the object that quickly touched the deep-water bomb was.

At the same time, General Lasco, who was in the command room, also became solemn. He also realized that his action had been detected by the monster in advance.

However, General Lasco thought that even if the monster noticed it, it could not escape the disaster, because the top and sides of the monster were full of bombs, and no matter which direction it fled from, it would suffer a fatal blow.

While the camera's line of sight was blocked, the explosion also occurred. At the depth of thousands of meters of the seabed, the bomb was also affected by great water pressure, and the signal source on the sea also became weak.

Although it has been modified, the deep-water bomb still exploded when the collision occurred. In the display screen of the conference room and command room, the picture was shaken at the same time.

The originally clear water became turbid in an instant. There seemed to be a ten-magnitude earthquake on the seabed, including the deep-water bombs placed in it at the top and on the left side, which were stirred by the sea and kept rotating.

At this time, all the cameras installed on the bomb have lost their effect. A piece of snow appears on all the big screens, and people can no longer intuitively see what is happening on the bottom of the sea.

"I ordered to immediately detonate the deep-water bomb on the right side of the monster and block the monster's escape route..." In the situation of not being able to see the bottom of the sea at all, General Lasco gave an order based on his experience. In his thought, the monster should want to break out from the right. He hoped to deton Give the monster a fatal blow.

After the general's order was issued, the four screens in the conference room turned into black screens. Large tons of bombs exploded, and the shock wave alone was enough to destroy the cameras on the other bombs.

What's more, there are many deep-water bombs on the left and at the top, which also exploded because they could not withstand the pressure caused by the explosion.

Almost in an instant, the originally calm sea became turbulent, and the huge waves soared into the sky. The pilots of the third helicopter formation, who had not had time to go far away, were secretly frightened.

At the same time, the seismic departments of various coastal countries have also sensed the shock wave, which is no less powerful than a three- or four-magnitude earthquake and tsunami. If the military hadn't greeted them in advance, I'm afraid they would have issued an early warning announcement to the citizens.

After a moment of black screen, the large screen in the conference room was immediately transferred to satellite monitoring,

The turbulent sea suddenly appeared in front of everyone.

The images sent from the sky also looked at the observers of various countries looking at each other in consteries. It is estimated that there has never been such a large-scale battle to drop deep-water bombs in World War II, right?

The underwater situation is now unknown. Although the military satellites in the sky are powerful enough to peep at women's bathing, it is impossible to penetrate the sea and survey the situation under the sea.

The only thing people can do now is to wait for the huge monster to be blown into pieces and float out of the sea under the encirclement of deep-water bombs.

As the idea of everyone in the base, the third helicopter formation after the bomb was dropped did not go far, but hovered at an altitude of one or two kilometers above the sea, transmitting more detailed images to the base in real time.

"The third helicopter team, why don't you return?"

What everyone in the conference room didn't know was that in the command room at this moment, General Lasco had roared and felt extremely angry at the third formation's failure to obey orders.

"General Lascco, you don't think that the monster's body will cause casualties to my soldiers, do you?"

A major general in a U.S. uniform laughed when he heard the words. He was the commander of a U.S. naval base in Europe, and the third helicopter formation was composed of some British soldiers under his subordinates.

PS: Thank you for the reward of the cute little Lele and the dream brothers in the world and the monthly ticket of your friends. It's the fifth day of the first lunar month. I wish you all good health and a prosperous career in the new year.

It's the end of the month. Do you still have monthly tickets in stock? By the way, it's only six votes short of Fengling Girl's chrysanthemum huā, haha, everyone's support