Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 17 Ambush

Fang Xin glanced at Bruni beside him, but the dark monk was expressionless and had no poem.

Fang Xin knew that these two dead donkeys were at the last minute and would definitely not reveal any plans to him. He had no choice but to act by himself.


The annihilation spirit began to spread around like fog. As long as he is touched by this spiritual power, he can naturally see creatures.

So he began to listen carefully to the movement around him. Like listening to the sound of reptiles passing in the cold cave, Fang Xin slowly distinguished the movements within dozens of meters around him. He first heard the gasps of the slaves around him, and then found that the voices were very rapid and seemed to suppress the outbreak of some emotions. There were more and more sounds of beasts walking around, faintly, and he also heard some painful shouts.

Over the dense forest, it has been roaring wind, bringing a distant breath.

Fang Xin smelled a wisp of blood!

Suddenly, a giant-mouthed demon slave leading the team screamed, sat on the ground with fear, and then got up and ran back in a hurry. His frightened voice made the team behind him uneasy**.

Fang Xin was shocked and said secretly, "What happened? What did the leader slave troll see in front of him? He is a little uneasy. In this team, except for the taurid guards who don't need to wear blindfolds, only the leading giant-mouthed demon slaves don't need to wear blindfolds.

The giant-mouthed demon was kicked to the ground by a tauren guard of the guard team next to him.

"Do it! What kind of idiot are you going to do? Hurry back to your position!" Talking was a gray-and-horned taurion guard. While holding a leather whip and beating the giant mouth demon who had just fled, he scolded, "Don't you want to cause *? How dare you run away and die without my approval!"

The giant mouth demon's fingers trembled and pointed to a direction in the dark depths of the dense forest: "Over there! Just now, I saw a lot of mutilated bodies and a lot of dead people! It must be in front... The team is dead!"

"Don't talk nonsense! The place of hunting has not arrived yet. How can there be a tragic fight so soon!" The gray tauren guard kicked the giant-mouthed demon sitting on the ground contemptuously and just kicked the mouth of the giant-mouthed demon that occupied most of his face: "stupid."

"If you don't believe it, you can send someone to have a look, just walk another 50 meters!" The giant-mouthed demon moaned, and his front teeth were almost kicked off by the Tauren just now. But what annoyed him was that the self-righteous taUREN guard didn't believe his words. The vision of the giant mouth demon is one of the top races among the low-level demons in the Huangquan world.

Due to the repeated persistence of the troll, the tauri guard also paid attention to his words.

The leader of the team went to the dark monk and muttered a few words in his ear.

Bluny nodded expressionlessly.

A thin lizard slave was taken to the depths of the forest.

The poor lizard man shook his buttocks tremblingly and carefully searched with his nose. Frankly speaking, he is very scared at this moment. The lizard man's sense of smell is extremely sensitive, and he did ask about the strong smell of blood just now. However, he was a little puzzled at the same time. At this moment, the smell of blood in front of him seemed to have faded a lot.

The lizard man finally entered the depths of the dense forest instructed by the giant mouth demon. Soon, he ran back quickly with a relaxed face. He shook his head at the taeno-headed guards: "Nothing was found."

It seems that the giant-mouthed devil is really lying.

The taur guards gathered around and taught the giant-mouthed demon a hard lesson. The unlucky giant mouth demon was kicked into several pieces in one mouth. Fang Xin's ears were chilled by the pig-killing cry.

After the taur guards searched around and found no abnormal situation, they began to scold and urge the slaves to move forward. The giant demon who had just taken the lead was blindfolded and followed the lizard slave who checked the dense forest just now.

And the giant-mouthed demon made a scene, and the atmosphere in the team changed subtly. No matter how urged the Tauren guard, the journey still slowed down.

A faint wind came from Fang Xin's head, and Fang Xin, who was extremely nervous, quickly flashed aside.


A pool of red ** fell to the ground. The bloody smell, mixed with the rotten smell of the forest, slowly spread around.

Blood! The blood of living things! Fang Xin was quite confident in his nose, and he could distinguish the strong smell of blood.

Bang, an object quickly fell down from the dense forest and hit the ground covered with layers of rotten leaves in front of Fang Xin, splashing mud.

It was a corpse, a corpse whose abdomen was torn by something, and most of the organs in the stomach scattered around Fang Xin and his party as they fell.

Without waiting for Fang Xin's inner fear, the mutilated bodies began to fall down over the dense forest one after another.

The sudden "corpse rain" disrupted the feet of the relieved tauren guard. Facing the pungent smell of blood, the slaves smelled dangerous. Despite the stop of the Tauren, they tore off their blindfolds one after another.

Just now, it was still a quiet forest, which suddenly turned into a hell on earth.

The dense forest was full of mutilated corpses and organs, which stimulated the bloodthirsty Spider-Man slaves to scream. The timid lizard man is a group of several people.

Akai put down the girl behind her and comforted her softly. He squatted on the ground, carefully stained the blood on the body with his fingers, and then put it in his mouth and licked it. Then he looked solemn and said to Fang Xin and several tauri warriors behind him, "These people have been killed for more than half an hour."

After listening to this, Fang Xin felt that every pore in his body was soaked into a chill. He looked up over the dense forest where the body had just fallen. There, the roaring wind blew strong waves of green waves on the dense canopy of the dense forest. Climbing the vines tied to the trunks hang long vines over the dense forest.

With the glimmering light from the lush forest leaves, Fang Xin could see it clearly. Over the dense forest, there were no blood stains or other mutilated bodies on the vines that fell down the body.

There are no suspicious traces.

This gives Fang Xin an illusion. Perhaps this vast dense forest is the mysterious killer of the scene just now, so it wipes away the traces left by its killing.

"Bruni, what the hell is going on! You bought these slaves, didn't you just let them die? You talk!"

Looking at the dark monks who still had no expression, Fang Xin finally became angry and roared at the two bald donkeys.

"Tut, you are so arrogant before you enter the organization!" Nickel glanced at Fang Xin strangely.

"Well, are these slaves' lives worth nervous?"

"I bought them to kill them."

Fang Xin's body was shocked. He couldn't believe his ears. Although he knew that the Huangquan world was respected by strength, the strong, and the lives of the weak were as cheap as grass, it was really bloody to buy slaves and die directly like Nickel.

"All right. You don't have to be surprised. Let me tell you about our plan. When Bruni patted Fang Xin's shoulder and said, his mouth whispered, "I don't know why the evil value was so high at the beginning!"

Fang Xin was shocked when he heard this. Damn, I'm a Huangquan hunter, blindly benevolent. In case my identity is exposed, it's not a joke!

Bruni spread a map on the ground, and three locations were marked with three bright red forks in the Langfang mountains on the map.

"Gabler woodland, the spirit beast wood is under the ground again!"

"Sol Cave, the territory of the spirit beast wind returning!"

"Spirit Lake, the place with the most haunted eight treasures! For these three spirit beasts, we spent the first two days to verify the legend of the nearby spirit beasts, and found that they existed in these three places. Anajie's brochure was a scam!"

"What we have done these days is for these three spirit beasts. And Langfang Mountain, because of these three spirit beasts, some eyesore people came nearby. These people are the biggest obstacle in our process of capturing spirit beasts. We have met some people before, who often wait for rabbits where you want to retreat after catching the spirit beast. Some people also set traps on your way forward. Hunters are generally unscrupulous to eliminate competitors! I bought these slaves to test the traps on the road! They are active alarms!"

"With your ability, will you be afraid of other hunters who capture spirit beasts?" Fang Xin was puzzled. Dark monks, the detachment of this group of dark hunters, should have some abilities...

"Ha ha, our ability will not be wasted on these things. Isn't there you and Kai now? Those people, you can just solve it. Nickel said with a smile.

"So where are we going to the spirit beast now?"

"Of course, the most powerful one - Bazhen! This baby can't be taken by others!"

That's all, Fang Xin has nothing to say. There must be enemies in the dense forest. Now they can only rely on him and Akai and those unlucky slaves to flow through with fists and blood.