Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 18 Killing

The deeper he went into the dense forest, Fang Xin found that more slaves were hanged in the woods. At the same time, Fang Xin also found a strange racial corpse in some hidden woods. Some of them were cut in two, and some were cut off their heads.

This race looks like a human, but its whole body is dark green. It is difficult to tell the difference between their skin color and forest color from a distance. Without exception, every dead person has an unyielding expression of anger on his face, and some still bite the meat tightly in their mouths, which is obviously bitten from the enemy's body.

"Qing people!" Akai was a little surprised to see the dead.

"Do you know these people?" Fang Xin asked.

"Yes. These people claim to be nomads in the forest and have never lived in the jungle. Usually, people rarely annoy them, because some of them are born who can manipulate plants, which is their natural ability. Did they also join the capture of spirit beasts? Akai is a little confused. He is a Shiva warrior. As an ethnic group that also relies on forests to survive, he knows the Qing people very well.

Fang Xin carefully squatted down to observe the dead on the ground. Judging from the clothes they grabbed and other mutilated limbs on the ground, it was these Qing people who made the first and second teams pay a heavy price. So far, Fang Xin has not found survivors of the first and second teams.

The Qing people should not be underestimated!

Fang Xin's eyes were sharp and he broke off the thing that was tightly grabbed by the deceased from the hands of a Qing people. It is a small cylinder with small holes at both ends of the three-finger long cylinder. Then Fang Xin untied the woven bag on the male Qing nationality and groped out a few sharp steel needles from it.

"Blow the arrow!" Fang's confidence is awe-inspiring. He has understood the purpose of this weapon. The blue steel needle pinched a slight numbness in his hand, which obviously quenched the poison.

It is really a headache to guard against this weapon in the dark forest. But after Fang Xin pinched the muscles and bones of the Qing man, he was very confused. The muscles of the Mo people are loose, the bones are small, and obviously their strength is very weak. How did they hang a large number of slaves in the woods? If it is to hang up after killing, it is an extremely painful thing for the 100-meter-high forest to carry the hundreds of catties of corpses of pig-faced people, obviously with the physical strength of the Qing clan.

"Yes, reciter! There may be some people in the Qing clan!" Fang Xin suddenly remembered what Akai had just said. If the Qing thinkers can manipulate the trees, then the first and second teams that ambush and hang their bodies over the high woods... This assumption is the most reasonable!

"Akai, let's clean up all the trees nearby together! Hurry up!" A terrible idea flashed in Fang Xin's mind, and he was scared into a cold sweat. He quickly greeted Akai standing on the tree.

"Your Excellency, have you found anything?" Akai asked strangely that he was standing in a thick canopy of trees to scout, while other slaves and tauren warriors were carefully ambushed nearby, wearing disguised leaf vines on their heads.

"Yes, don't get close to those trees, come down quickly!" Fang Xin didn't care to greet them and began to clean up the nearby rattan trees. He became more and more sure of his vision, and only felt that countless eyes were peeking here.

"I suspect that the young people are manipulating this forest!" Fang Xin looked at Akai at the top of the tree and said seriously.

Suddenly, Fang Xin saw the trees hidden by Akai and began to change subtly. Several vines clinging to the trees, like poisonous snakes, quietly climbed over to Akai. But Akai knew nothing. He was observing the movement around him and listening to Fang Xin's speech.

When Akai found something wrong, it was too late. He saw the horror in Fang Xin's eyes and suddenly sensed that something was wrong with the trees around him. Between the lightning and stones, he dragged his heavy armor and clumsily bounced up from above and rushed to the open woodland on the ground. But a few vines flew over, wrapped around his legs and pulled him up into the air. At the same time, the trunk of the big tree he had just been in danced like a living thing, and the thick trunk brushed down head-on.

Bum, a dull sound of physical impact. Akai was hit by the tree trunk, and a faint trace of blood suddenly appeared in his mouth, nose and ears. But as the primer of the implant system, his violent strength and fighting ability were shown, and the thick vines wrapped around his limbs were roaring and struggling, making a rattan tearing sound. The cracks in the surface of the vine are getting bigger and bigger. When it is about to be completely broken, it is winding around like several vine snakes, as if it were manipulated by an invisible big hand, tightened little by little, and tied Akai's whole body into dumplings.

"Cut down the trees, quickly!" Seeing that Akai had been brushed by the tree trunk and his mouth and nose were bleeding and kept humming, Fang's confidence was burning. There is obviously no way to jump on the tree to save him now. Every big tree in the dense forest is wrapped with countless vines, and maybe it will end up like Akai.

Since the tree is strange, cut it down!

At the same time, similar strange things happened to several other trees. However, the snake slaves obviously did not have the reaction of the Shiva tribe and the strong muscle strength. They were directly entangled in the tree trunk and torn to pieces.

In the face of what happened, the two dark monks had a blank expression, just by the female slave they bought.

Fang Xin took the lead and pulled out the short-handled axe from his waist and rushed over. Several other tauri warriors also rushed out of the hidden woods.

The juice of the ancient tree splashed, and the gray tree body showed a deep gap under the axe cut quickly. Finally, more than ten seconds later, the tree broke and collapsed from it with a scratch. During this period, the frequency of big trees attacking Akai slowed down with the acceleration of cutting. Around this, Akai's whole body was pulled by the tree trunk and his armor was about to crack, obviously suffering some internal injuries.

However, Akai showed Fang Xin the amazing vitality of the demons in the Huangquan world. After resting for a while and washing his face with water, he actually staggered and stood up.

"Sure enough, there are people who manipulate trees. Be sure to find out! Otherwise, we will all die!" Akai grinned and wiped away the continuous nosebleeds as he spoke. His face was swollen and he hurt to death as soon as he spoke.

"Be careful!" Fang Xin suddenly fell on Kai, who cried out in pain and spit out a few mouthfuls of blood.

A few wisps of oily light flew past the place where Akai stood just now. Fang Xin looked carefully on the ground, and the cold light flashed from the steel needle. Obviously, it is the arrow blowing of the Qing people!

There was a rustling sound in the jungle. Several unsuccessful Qing people quickly fled to the depths of the dense forest.

A snake slave half squatted on the ground and shot several crossbows in the direction of the Mo people's escape.

This time entering the Langfang Mountains, the tauri guards sent different weapons to people of different races. Although the snake race is not strong, it is a natural shooter, with excellent eyesight and stable psychological quality.

One or two sad screams came from the depths of the dense forest.

Fang Xin saw the snake slave's fart chasing in the screaming direction and stopped talking. After the snake slave got into the jungle, there was a dull sound of falling. Then there was a slight tear, and the snakeman screamed. Soon, the smell of blood permeated.

A tall tree trunk began to move again, and the green vines hung up the snake slave who had just broken into the depths of the dense forest.

But at this moment, the snake slave has turned into a fragmented corpse, bloody display in front of Fang Xin and his party.

Fang Xin sneered. As he thought, there were traps everywhere in the dense forest.