Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 19 Target, Bazhen! On

Since there are plant thinkers in ambush, Fang is much more cautious in confidence. He once had the experience of dealing with planters, that is, the dark hunter Kaba, who was subdued by Fakyue. As long as you find the real body of the plant thinker, it will be much easier.

The four ice blade warriors in Fang Xin's ring were released. Generally, he is reluctant to use these precious things. After all, it is very expensive to maintain the melting crystal of the Ice Blade Warrior. The translucent ice blade warrior can't be seen clearly in the dark jungle.

At the same time, a shadow was quietly released by Fang Xin. Since the Night God Dance used the double cultivation of "Lekong Shuangxing" to help him forge spiritual power, the degree of his control of spiritual power has been greatly enhanced.

"There!" Fang Xin closed his eyes slightly and suddenly opened his gaze to somewhere in the jungle. Under the influence of the shadow, the influence of the reciter who had integrated with the tree was vaguely displayed, and he was sitting cross-legged at the root of the tree. His flesh and blood have obviously merged with the earth, and almost every tree in the jungle has retained his plant spirit, that is to say, within 100 meters of this jungle, it has become an extension of the body of the plant thinker!

This level of spiritual power is far from being as weak as the Kaba that Fang Xin encountered for the first time. However, Fang Xin has now found the real body of the plant thinker and has an idea in his mind. The plant thinker must not know that his body has been exposed to the shadow of detecting spiritual power, so...

Under Fang Xin's wink, a dark red flame suddenly sprayed from the palm of Akai's hand, like a turbulent fire dragon, rushing in the direction of the real body of the thinker. Where the flame passed, the air was instantly hot.

"Small pulsating gun!"

This strength of melting crystal spiritual power, even D-level metapowers dare not show its sharpness head-on. And the planter's face changed, and his body was covered with ripple-like green light. The grass and trees within 100 meters nearby began to grow crazily. The thick grass stems like pythons quickly formed a huge circular shield tangled in the air manipulated by invisible hands.

After the pulsating cannon dived into the tree shield a few feet later, it encountered countless plants ejected from the shield**, and finally the power of the flame was abruptly extinguished in the shield. But with such a shock, the wind knives in the hands of the four ice blade warriors swarped into the real body of the plant mind without any defense.

Suddenly, blood gushed out of the tree, and the thinker screamed strangely and immediately melted out of the tree. As soon as he appeared, the empty mountain drilled out of Fang Xin's heart had been coldly aimed.

The dark forest provides the best cover for the dark annihilation forces. Most of the body of the reciter completely disappeared in the power of annihilation.

The moment the reciter fell, the ambush behind him dispersed.

"Chasing!" Brunie gave a pretentious roar at this time. The stunned tarew warriors recovered and picked up weapons to catch up and chased them.

"Well, there are no obstacles. Those who hired the Qing people also ran away. Nickel clapped his hands with a relaxed face.

"Well, we can go to Jingpo Lake now."

"What about those hired tauries and those slaves?" Fang Xin frowned.

"They are no longer useful." Bruni smiled faintly.

After Fang Xin left the woods, he suddenly learned that the sound came from the grass.

The tall grass was pushed away by a thick arm, and several people came out.

"Little Princess Emily, hehe, they really know the whereabouts of the 'Eight Treasures'."

"Keep up!" Another voice said.


Spirit Lake has no sign on the map of Langfang Mountain. It only exists in the legend of the locals. Legend has it that on the full moon day, somewhere in the sea of bamboo in the Langfang Mountains, there will be an extremely huge lake. However, this legend has been passed down for thousands of years, and people have never heard that they have really found this lake.

When Fang Xin followed the dark monks and climbed a mountain along the canyon into the dense bamboo sea, the thick fog filled every inch of the bamboo forest like running water. The endless thick fog, like the ocean, is surging like waves.

For the thick fog around him, Bruni not only showed no sadness but showed a trace of ecstasy.

"Ha ha, it's worthy of being a spirit beast. How can you make such a powerful blindfold!" Brunie said thoughtfully.

"Where is the spirit beast you mentioned? Isn't it Jingpo Lake? This is obviously an endless sea of bamboo!" Fang Xin looked around and was very puzzled.

"Ha ha, you will know in a few days." Bruni's smile was a little mysterious.

The herbs, clothes, jewelry and other packages brought by

were placed in the open space that Akai had just leveled out. The order was given by Nickel, and he asked Akai to open a clean space in the middle of the bamboo forest.

The thick bamboo that had just been cut down from the open space was under the command of Bruni, and Akai built a platform more than ten meters high. Nickel carefully climbed up and put several herbs on the high platform. Then one of the herbs was ignited.

Bluny is not idle either. The ten-meter-high bamboo next to the open space was covered with beautiful clothes that he asked Fang Xin to get, and each dress was decorated with jewelry that had just been inlaid.

"OH, this is unfair. Why don't you always do it?" After coming down from the last bamboo, Fang Xin complained. He now increasingly doubts whether the two dark monks have no ability. Along the way, he has never seen these two guys use their abilities. Every time they walk for too long, the two will be out of breath and obviously very weak.

"Do you still need me to do this small thing?" Bruni looked down and said, "Wait a minute."

His words made Fang Xin look forward to the spirit beast that appeared.

I don't know what herbs the dark monk bought. It burns extremely slowly, but the smoke is extremely strong. There is a strong fragrance in the green smoke.

As soon as Fang Xin smelled this smell, his heart was full of turmoil, as if his whole soul was about to fly out. After sensing the situation of his body, his heart was awept and he quickly restrained his mind, and the mirror light emerged from some secret places of his body. This can protect your skin from absorbing the smell of smoke. Because he knows that there must be disturbing elements in this smell of smoke.

Two dark monks over there have long left the open space with the female slave. Looking at the angry green smoke on the high platform, the two gradually looked solemn.

"Elian, it's your turn now. As long as we catch it, you will be free!" Nickel's voice was as soft as possible: "Use the talent of your Mexican people!" Let's see its greatness!"

The female slave Elaine hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Akai. The latter didn't know why he turned his head and didn't touch Elaine's eyes.

Elaine looked pale and nodded. She raised her hands tremblingly and raised her hands to the ground. What was going on later would cause some harm to her life, and the girl became nervous.

There are many strange races in Huangquan, and the Mo people are one of them. They live on nomadic plants. They are a rare gentle and kind race in the Yellow Spring world, and they have never had any territorial disputes with other races. They have no territory at all. They nomadicize several plants such as "red bamboo" and "ink bamboo" on which they live, wandering around the Huangquan world.

And this kind of red bamboo and ink bamboo are unique to them. Only girls born with some botanical spiritual power can induce this kind of bamboo.

In fact, when Annajie organized a slave hunting team to capture the people of the Mo clan, he found out that the girl who wandered to the nearby Mo clan had this kind of red bamboo that he did. Rumor has it that no spirit beast doesn't like to eat ink bamboo, so the Mo clan is the most harmonious race with the spirit beast.