Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 16 Spiritual Body

Suddenly, the wooden door seemed to shine countless suns and decomposed into dazzling light, covering Xinlong and Fang Xin outside the door.

Then the light formed a few bubbles like fish spit out, lifted Fang Xin and others up and slowly flew into the door. Passing through the place where it was originally a wooden door, suddenly intuitively shined in front of him, and a pair of huge eyes occupied the whole sky of his heart.

At this time, a layer of misty ocean covered up Fang Xin's whole spiritual system, and the huge eyeball slowly disappeared after a minute in Fang's confidence...

The moment it disappeared, Fang Xin sweated coldly all over his body. He finally knew why the void did not dare to come here easily. The spiritual power of the giant eye just now was so powerful that he had no defense at all, and he did not feel any invasion by the spiritual power, as if it had originally belonged to Fang Xin's body. If it weren't for the confused ghost fog of the evil-eyed beast, Fang Xin believed that those eyes would have a glimpse of all the information in his mind...

Soon Fang Xin and they slowly landed smoothly. However, except for Xinlong and Fang Xin, the daughters of the dead butterfly were in a trance. Obviously, they had just been entered into the brain by the psychic eye and were affected and shocked.

After standing up, Fang Xin carefully looked at the surrounding situation. Unlike the above layers, it was obviously a huge naturally formed cave, full of thick metal pipes.

The parts of these metal pipe interfaces are very strange, inserting irregularly into the surrounding stone walls in all directions.

These strange thick metal pipes keep making dull rumbling sounds, and the other end of the pipes is in the pool in the middle of the cave.

Xinlong signaled to Fang Xin and others to silence, and then slowly walked to the edge of the pool. The ten-meter-long pool is quiet and unusually calm, and there is nothing special about it.

Xinlong said a few strange spells, as if he were praying to something.

Then, the water of the pool began to fluctuate, and light slowly burst out of the water.

Gradually, a huge sea of light surged over the pool.

From the sea of light, a huge spiritual body slowly appeared.

The man's whole body is hazy, but it can be faintly distinguished that his whole body is covered with a layer of shining golden scales, with four pairs of wings on his back, a long tail like a lizard, a crown made of dragon's skull on his head, and his eyes are full of torch-like light, which is completely a huge biological spirit!

The supreme glory symbolizing the dark temple finally appeared!

Fang Xin has no doubt that the person who came is Al-So. His whole body exuded a kind of majesty that people dare not be seen, standing in the air like a god.

"Xinlong, thank you for your hard work." Alphonso whispered. It brings new blood to our temple!"

"It is my honor to serve the glory of the temple." Xinlong knelt down and said in a low voice, "Welcome to my lord!"

Fang Xin and his party crawled to the ground, and the sound of "welcome" continued.

Alonso raised his hand, and Fang Xin felt an invisible force covering his whole body and stood up involuntarily.

Alphonso spit out a few more words. Fang Xin only saw Xin Long nodding next to him, but he couldn't hear anything, so he guessed that Alphonso must have used some kind of spiritual secret language, just like when ** Shenwu could talk to him directly with his heart.

After Al-So's explanation, Xinlong shouted to Fang Xin and others: "Your excellency wants secret spiritualism. You listen carefully!"

Then Fang Xin felt a strange word coming into his ears, and many fragments of pictures came, and his brain began to buzz... Those confused ghosts that protected his whole body's spirit surged up!

Fang Xin resisted for a while, but finally fell into a coma.


I don't know how long it took. In the hazy, I seemed to hear someone crying, and then I heard rough curses.

"Woo-woo, it's terrible... Alconsol, no, that's Kui Shengke!"

"A coward. I think you are too afraid of Kui Shengke, right? Which nerve do you have to feel that Also is the big snake?

"Woo-woo, it's terrible... It can't be wrong, it's terrible, that's Kui Shengke, that's a big snake!"

Another grumpy voice is another abuse of "cowards and cowards". Finally, the timid voice cried even more, as if it had been beaten by the owner of the grumpy voice...

Who? Who is arguing? Fang Xin asked in a daze.

"Fang Xin, it's me!" Hearing Fang Xin's question, the grumpy voice said angrily, "I'm Bazhen!"

Hearing the word "eight treasures", Fang Xin suddenly woke up. After waking up, all the sounds in the body also disappeared.

Fang Xin's whole body was soaked in sweat, and his whole body was sticky, as if he had a nightmare. After staying for a while, he suddenly remembered that he fell into a coma when Alconsol was conveying the secret art, so now, "Where am I?"

He looked at the situation around him and suddenly felt that the room seemed to... How did it look like a woman?

The air is filled with the smell of luxurious perfume, and the snow-white blanket is soft and comfortable. Big ** also hangs a few beautiful ornaments.

Fang Xin was looking, and his eyes suddenly lit up. He saw a woman in front of him with her back to him and didn't know what she was doing with. The slender thighs and straight buttocks outline the perfect curve, and the corners of the black silk skirt can faintly see the attractive snow-white inside. The white blouse on the upper body just showed the small waist at the waist.

Fang Xin was moved for a moment and secretly compared the girl with women such as Ye Shenwu in his heart. For a moment, he really couldn't compare who was better than her figure.

One is young and touching, and the other is mature and sexy. It is naturally difficult to compare two different types of women.

Fang Xin suddenly became extremely curious about the girl's birth. The neck of the wind demon earthworm slowly stretched forward and bent, winding around the girl's side, trying to see her face.

Unexpectedly, he moved the big bed on one side of his body.

When the girl heard the sound, she was about to turn around and saw Fang Xin's giraffe-like neck and the head on his neck.

She was shocked, screamed, and then looked at Fang Xin stupidly.

"Why is it you?" Fang Xin saw the girl's appearance clearly and felt embarrassed. He thought it was the innocent girl with her back to him, but it turned out to be Nana, the daughter of the dead butterfly!

"Why can't it be me?" Nana was very unhappy with Fang Xin's tone.

She sent the thing in her hand to Fang Xin: "Drink it!"

Fang Xin smelled the water cup, looked at the dark thing full of medicine, and frowned: "What is this?" He didn't understand what medicine was sold in the gourd, the daughter of the dead butterfly.

"Hmm." Nana snorted coldly and glanced at Fang Xin: "You fell into a coma when you accepted Lord Alfangso's secret method."

"Lord Xinlong suspected that you were caused by a previous serious injury, so he told me to take care of you."

Fang Xin listened and thought about it in his heart, and soon understood what was going on. The evil-eyed beast gave itself the confused ghost fog, which would have resisted all the spiritual power of the invasion. Alconsol forcibly entered the secret methods and those fragments in his mind, which must have conflicted with the confused ghost fog, which led to his coma...

After thinking about the reason, Fang Xin smiled sarcasticly at the corners of his mouth and looked at the daughter of the dead butterfly: "Tut, how dare you take care of me? Why didn't you kill me while I was in a coma?"