Huangquan Reverse Travel

Chapter 17 Under the Spirit

Nana's words just now were a little beyond her expectation. Can this dead woman be so kind to take care of herself when she has no resistance at all?

Fang Xin has been overshadowed by her several times, and there is a shadow in his heart.

"Forget it if you don't believe it, hum!" Nana snorted coldly. This herb was specially made for you by my grandfather. If you don't drink it, you can pour it down!"

Looking at Nana who went out with a slight anger, Fang Xin did not recover for a moment. Is she angry? Why? It seems that the atmosphere... is a little different.

In fact, things have changed subtly after Fang Xin's coma...

The first reason for the change is still Xinlong's comment on Fang Xinxin.

It turned out that after Alconsol introduced the secret method to them, his mental body gradually dissipated. Among the four people, the only one in a coma was Fang Xin.

So he suddenly caught Xinlong's attention. Because in the past, the dark monks who taught the secret method by Lord Alconsol had never been in a coma.

Xinlong, as a heart-hunter, discovered the abnormal mental fluctuations in Fang Xin's brain. Of course, only Fang Xin knew that this fluctuation was actually a conflict between the spiritual forces entered by the ghost fog and Alunso. However, Xinlong did not think so. He did not dare to detect the abnormality of Fang Xin's brain, so as not to desphem the secret method just entered by Alfang suo.

However, judging from the signs of Fang Xin's coma and the abnormal mental strength of his brain, Xinlong judged that Alfang suo particularly favored this teenager with dark power and entered too much secret spiritual power, causing the teenager to be unbearable to coma.

"...the teenager favored by Lord Alcono." Xin Long held his chin and looked at Fang Xin, who was in a coma, and said something thoughtfully.

Nana listened and looked at Fang Xin. She seemed to feel that the boy was much more pleasing to her. An absurd but promising idea came to her mind. Moreover, she immediately put the idea into practice and told her grandfather.

In recent years, Aguri has always had a headache, that is, the marriage of his good granddaughter. Among the fox clan, it is more and more difficult for young girls to get married after becoming adults. Because fox girls are born with charming bones, they are famous in the Huangquan world. Generally, girls who get married before becoming adults will come into contact with fewer men. After becoming adults, they will have charming bones. This period is the time when they are most active and have the strongest desire, and they are also the easiest to behave unrestrained and indulgence. Therefore, the adult girl of the fox clan has a bad reputation, and few people from other foreign tribes are willing to marry adult fox girls.

Even Nana, the daughter of the dead butterfly, although she is the daughter of the head of the Nianting fox tribe, and although she carries the prestige of plant-related ability, it is only because she is an adult, so far no great lord or tribal owner is willing to marry her. And those who like the daughter of the dead butterfly don't want to marry, because those people are either romantic or physically defective.

The arrogant Nana is unwilling to sell herself casually.

After hearing a letter of Xinlong's comment from his granddaughter, Aguri knew that his granddaughter's spring heart was rippling. From the wriggling look of the little girl walking, the expression of the unconscious boy from the little girl...

And for Nana, Xinlong's words were like a knife carved with stone jade, which made Fang Xin's jade emit its due light and shook Nana's heart.


A boy who will be highly valued by the seeker in the future, a boy who has mastered the secret of his life and death, and a handsome boy... After Nana moved her coma back to her residence, after thinking about it, she made a decision to tie herself and this boy together! In this way, you won't be afraid that this boy will tell the organization in the future!

However, Fang Xin certainly did not know Nana's psychological activities. Although he felt that the dead butterfly's daughter's attitude towards her seemed to be a little different, he later drank all the herbs.

Fang Xin is not afraid that the herbs are poisonous. Now he has officially become a dark monk who has accepted the secret method given by Alfang suo. If the dead woman has just been openly poisoned, it is a serious violation of the discipline of not killing her companions in the dark organization, not to mention the sacredness of the dark monk in the organization.

After drinking the herbs, Fang Xin's heart moved and suddenly remembered something. After groping for a while, his face changed greatly! It's gone, the Zikui's wooden man is gone!

He quickly searched around his body, and then searched in **. Suddenly, he stopped all his movements, stared at his clothes, and then slowly opened his mouth to understand!

"Dead woman!" Fang said something in his confidence. Only then did he find that his clothes were new, and he didn't wear them when he came here. Even if you think about it with your buttocks, you must know that Nana, the daughter of the dead butterfly, must have changed his clothes!

Fang Xin jumped out of bed angrily and was about to settle accounts with Nana and ask her to hand over something.

As soon as I got to the door, the door opened, and the fox girl came in leisurely.

"You came just in time!" When Fang Xin saw the coming, he couldn't help rushing up and grabbed Nana's arm.

"Where did you put all my things?"

Nana was happy when she walked in. Although she was unhappy with Fang Xin when she went out just now, the news she got made her a little proud, so she hurried to Fang Xin's room.

She dares to bet that her news will definitely make that guy jump up!

"Gone go!" Nana was so angry that she broke free from Fang Xin and grabbed her hand. Are you crazy? What do you want to do so hard? Do you want to die?"

When you hear "Do you want to die?" Fang Xinqi didn't type out these three familiar words.

"I just want to die!" Fang Xin opened his eyes angrily, stretched out his hand and grabbed Nana's neck like lightning: "Say, where is the little wooden man on my body?"

With great strength, Nana was dizzy. She is just a reciter, and her body's resistance is not as strong as that of a person, and a sense of suffocation hits her heart.

Nana quickly groped out something from her body and shook her hands and throwing it hard at Fang Xin's chest.

As soon as he saw that thing, Fang Xin's eyes lit up, took it and looked at it carefully. Yes, it was indeed the one made by Zikui, or the familiar spiritual power...

"Did you just want to kill me?" Nana's face was gloomy and she was scared after touching her neck.

"Hmm." Fang Xin hummed in his nose as an answer.

His attitude made the daughter of the dead butterfly furious. But surprisingly, the woman suppressed her temper.

"I don't want anything from you. That broken wood is so precious to you. Did someone give it to you?

"There is no comment!" Fang Xin replied coldly. Nana's words reassured him a lot. At least she asked, which showed that no one knew the secret in the wood.

"Your attitude makes me very unhappy. I had good news for you, but now I'm not going to tell you. Nana carried her hands on her back and walked leisurely to Fang Xin, and there was still a small complaint in her words that could not be concealed.

"What good news can you have!" Fang Xin curled his lips disdainfully.

Nana was angry and walked to Fang Xin: "Don't you want to know? My news is one of the conditions you asked me for!"

Only then did Fang Xin's heart move and quickly raised his head with joy on his face: "Your grandfather is going to help me with colonization?"

"That's right!" Fang Xin's ecstasy made Nana slightly less angry: "I have successfully convinced my grandfather that he is willing to help you do this difficult breeding technique!"

"That..." After learning the affirmative answer, Fang Xin only felt a sudden light in front of him, and he was ecstatic. He just wanted Nana to take him to Aguri. Suddenly, when I saw Nana's arrogant posture of standing leisurely with her on her back, I remembered that I just seemed to have done something out of line with this woman...

Fang Xin rubbed his hands and walked to Nana with a little embarrassment: "Ha ha, it's worthy of being a fox woman. Sure enough, it will be credited. As long as the operation is successful, I will abide by your secret and never say it.

Nana curled her lips and took out a colorful necklace from her arms.

"Hang up!" Two simple words popped out of the woman's mouth.

"What?" Fang Xin looked at Nana's outstretched hand and the necklace and didn't understand what she meant.

"I asked you to wear it around your neck!"


"There is no reason! If you don't wear it, I won't take you to my grandfather's!" Nana responded bluntly to Fang Xin.

Fang Xin smiled bitterly and obediently put on the necklace.

Nana looked at Fang Xin's frown and smiled proudly, and her face was still cold: "Follow me!"


A delicate short blade danced into a ball of snow in the hands of the old man Aguri. He is waiting for his granddaughter and the man brought by his granddaughter.

The stone door was slowly pushed away, and Nana walked in the front and smiled at Grandpa Aguri. The smile flashed, and then said to the back with a serious face, "Hurry up, my grandfather can't wait!"

Finally, the white night teenager followed in with a strange expression.

Aguli's eyes lit up when he saw the shiny ornament on Fang Xin's neck. He stepped forward excitedly and patted Fang Xin on the shoulder fiercely: "Not bad, good young man! How refreshing! I like it!"

"Your granddaughter-in-law, I, Aguri, must use the most superb techniques to replace you with a powerful body today!"


Fang Xin was stunned and looked at Aguri strangely: "What did you just call me? Son-in-law?"

"Yes, it's my granddaughter-in-law!" Before Fang Xin could speak, Nana plugged in and pointed to Fang Xin's head: "Pig head, I'm Grandpa's granddaughter, you are my husband, of course my grandpa's son-in-law!"

"When you received my ancestral 'ice spirit crystal chain' just now, didn't you agree to be willing to be a member of our Nianting fox clan?"

Fang Xin only felt that his brain had suddenly become a paste. What the hell is going on? He looked at Aguli with a smile on his face and Nana without saying anything for a long time.

Looking at Fang Xin without saying a word, Aguri's eyes gradually wondered and looked at his granddaughter Nana inquiringly.

"A pig more stupid than the Hobbit!" Nana suddenly whispered quickly in Fang Xin's ear, "What I just told my grandfather is that you are willing to be his granddaughter-in-law, and he is willing to take great risks to give you the most powerful body captured in the organization as breeding materials. If you don't cooperate now, then your colonization will be ruined!"

Fang Xin listened to Nana's words incredulously and looked at this woman. Is she crazy? What the hell!

"Granddaughter, son-in-law, what are you talking about?" Agulti said doubtfully to the two.

"OH, nothing!" Nana secretly pinched Fang Xin.

The latter crossed his heart and said, "I don't care so much for the time being. If anything happens, wait for the old man to help him change into a strong body!"

"Grandpa, do you think we can start the operation now?" Fang Xin squeezed out a flattering smile on his face and asked Aguli softly.

Aguli was furious and patted Fang Xin on the shoulder: "Come on, grandpa will open your eyes first! The materials I performed for your operation are from a famous ethnic group in Huangquan!"

"Grandpa took the risk of betraying the organization and made it for you!"

Aguli said as he led Fang Xin to an ice coffin.

The old man proudly nod his head to Fang Xin: "Open it and have a look!" The style was full of style, as if there was a super gift waiting for Fang Xin in the ice coffin.

Fang Xin nodded and quickly opened the ice coffin. He began to have an expectant smile on his face, but after seeing the things in the ice coffin clearly, the smile gradually condensed and became worse than crying.

"East...Brother Dongfang!"