Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 77 Fierce Battle 4

What Xu Changman can do now is to retreat to the side wall of the valley alone, because his attack is useless at all, and staying here will be in the way. Although he is unwilling, he can only suppress his fighting spirit and retreat quietly to avoid any trouble to the team.

Bang bang!

The heavy muffled thunder resounded heavily on the mountain peaks, and every blow of the Bull Demon King caused a huge damage to the passer-by's head.


As a knight's passer-by, his equipment must be above the purple level, plus the defense of a huge shield, and various states of his own Wangchuan blessing. It can be imagined how high his defense is at this moment.

But this was still smashed like this by the Bull Demon King in this strange state, and numbers emerged one after another.

Fortunately, Wangchuan's technique is very stable, and every treatment is very fast. Coupled with the passers-by's own pill reserves, it is no problem for them to support the thirteen swords, but the premise is that there will be no accident.

And Xu Feng behind the Bull Demon King, while the Bull Demon King was attacking others, he bombed intensively with only a few skills to attack the Bull Demon King.


The sun is like the sun. Under the illumination of thousands of golden lines, a barbaric fight is staged on the steep and empty peaks. The gladiator is a passer-by against the giant shield and the bull demon king with a huge axe, and the other characters are supporting roles.

After about five minutes, the thirteen swords and Ziyan on the other side solved those little monsters, and they immediately joined the ranks of the bull demon king.

As soon as the master joined, the situation was immediately different. The fast sword of the thirteen swords was like a whirlwind, constantly harvesting the HP on the Bull Demon King.

Ziyan's arrow collapsed and ejected from the strong bow, which was not much slower than the attack rhythm of the thirteen swords.

The Bull Demon King's eyes narrowed slightly and knew that there were only one left, so his heart to kill Wangchuan was even more. As long as he was destroyed, the few little guys on the mountain peak would not be worried at all.

Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King no longer retained it. Huh, he put the long axe in his hand to the ground, ignoring the attacks around him, raised his arms, crossed in an X-shape, and firmly fixed it on his head. Then, a dazzling red light flashed from the intersection of his arms. Then, a layer of strange red light floated on the Bull Demon King's body, red The light is like a flame, burning on its bright skin.

"What kind of skill is this?" Xu Feng, who had played the ordinary copy, looked at this strange side suspiciously and shouted with a little surprise.

"I don't know!" Wangchuan also widened his eyes and shook his head with a little fear, saying that he didn't know.

"It looks like we've known each other!" Xu Chang looked at this scene and slowly muttered on the other side while being shocked.

Hearing Xu Changman's unintentional sentence, everyone focused on Xu Changman.

"Do you seem to know each other?" Xu Feng asked Xu Changman about the doubts in everyone's hearts.

"Um, blood color, do you remember the situation we encountered in the last copy, that is, the skill that the boss, the bull-headed king Usata, went crazy before his death?"

Xu Changman suddenly felt unnatural when he saw everyone staring at him. Now he said everything he knew, because he died under this perverted skill, so when he saw this situation, he felt a little familiar. Although the gestures of the two bosses were not related at all, they caused It should be similar to the light effect.

"It's no wonder I feel familiar!" Hearing this, Xu Feng took another closer look at the strange red light on the Bull Demon King's body at this moment, and then nodded his head a little.

When everyone heard this, they also withdrew their eyes confusedly.

After releasing this unknown skill, the Bull Demon King suddenly roared, picked up the huge axe on the ground, and slapped the passer-by in front of him, and a blood-red number slowly lit up from the passer-by's head.

Turning around, the Bull Demon King stared at Wangchuan desperately.

"Be careful!" When Xu Feng saw this, he immediately screamed. Without the obstruction of the passers-by, Wang Chuan took off his clothes, while the Bull Demon King ate Viagra's color stick and was not safe at all.

"It's coming!" Wangchuan responded in a low voice, and his steady breath did not panic at all. It can be seen that he can still remain calm in the face of this situation, and how high the quality of his heart is.

The Bull Demon King didn't care about Xu Feng's attack and others. When he saw that the annoying barrier of passers-by had been smashed, he rushed straight to Wangchuan.

Facing the Bull Demon King who began to attack him, Wangchuan's expression was so calm that he squeezed his slightly thick lips tightly.


As soon as the running bull demon king approached Wangchuan, the long axe in his hand chopped down at it.

Wan's white robe was suddenly blown up and down by the airflow brought by the long axe. He was still not in a hurry. First, he added a truth to himself: a shield, then added a skill to continuously add blood, and finally put a qi pill in his mouth and set aside at any time.


The axe of the Bull Demon King cut on the yellow mandra without any obstacles: the shield, the mandra: the shield only * for a while, then the ice disintegrated and turned into broken light scattered in the air.

Wangchuan looked fixedly at the forced axe. Suddenly, his eyes narrowed into a crack and said in a low voice, "Here it is coming." Suddenly, his feet jumped and jumped, and he tried his best to move sideways.


Breaking the truth: The axe coming from the shield hit the mountain heavily, and a pile of rocks flew up like mushroom clouds.

"I dodged it!" Although he is not nervous on the surface, Wangchuan is actually very nervous. On the surface, he is only calm to show his teammates. If the captain is afraid, they don't have to think about clearance.

Although Wangchuan escaped the fatal blow of the Bull Demon King, it was not easy to hit a large number of rocks on his body. These alone took away nearly half of his HP.

Wangchuan doesn't care about regretting the pills in his backpack at present, and immediately used the qi pills in his mouth. Now he doesn't have time to spin his treatment skills to add blood to himself, so he can only rely on the medicine.

With no hesitation, Wangchuan immediately fled from the side of the Bull Demon King.

Will the Bull Demon King let him go? Obviously not. He raised his head and locked Wangchuan, who was not far in front of him and buried his head in running away. With a long axe in his hand, he followed the rushing Wangchuan.

Listening to the huge roar behind him, Wangchuan knew without guessing that it must be the long axe of the Bull Demon King.

But he can't turn back. As soon as he turns around, he will die.

Calm down, Wangchuan told himself that while he was running, his eyes focused on the shadow of the long axe running under his feet.

When the axe of the Bull Demon King was about to fall on Wangchuan's head, Wangchuan also learned the information he wanted from the shadow on the ground.

I saw him rolling forward, and the acceleration brought by the strong Mercedes-Benz made him dodge the fierce blow of the Bull Demon King again.

"Roar!" The Bull Demon King's pupils shrank, and the blue veins on his face trembled. Obviously, he was angered by Wangchuan's continuous dodge.

While attacking the Bull Demon King with all their strength, Xu Feng, Thirteen Swords and others were also shocked by the fluent action of Wangchuan, and they couldn't help but flash a trace of admiration.

The Bull Demon King chased Wangchuan with all his strength. The long axe in his hand swung his head high again. In the sun, the dark axe blade shone with secluded light.

At this time, the passers-by also blocked the route of escape from Wangchuan, just blocking the attack of the Bull Demon King.

Looking at the stone reappearing, the Bull Demon King can be said to be adding fuel to the fire. He did not hit the gas, and immediately did not stop the movement in his hand, but exerted harder.


The handover between the long axe and the giant shield suddenly roared and exploded loudly in the peaks.

Once, the passers-by were smashed out again.

It can be seen how perverted the Bull Demon King in the red light state is. He kills the gods and removes ghosts when he meets ghosts.

As soon as Xu Feng, who chased behind, saw the end of the passers-by, he suddenly took a breath, "If the Bull Demon King hit himself in this state at the beginning, he would definitely be killed."

Ziyan brushed the somewhat stunned Xu Feng, and the long arrows in his hand swept away the HP of the Bull Demon King one by one.

"Having so many HPs on him, can't hatred still attract him?" After another attack, Ziyan sighed with a little surprise.