Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 78

"Hate!" Xu Feng heard Ziyan's powerless sigh and immediately thought for a while, "Maybe this is the reason why the fantasy world claims to be close to reality. After all, you can still see a trace of the game at a low level, and the higher it is, the more real the feeling of the game is."

"Close to reality, step by step?" Ziyan is not stupid. As soon as he heard Xu Feng's slight judgments, he immediately came to a speechless conclusion, "RT, is that's why BOSS is chasing Wangchuan?"

"That's why I can't find a video of a difficult level and copy strategy on the forum." Xu Feng turned his head and his eyes were uncertain. He had encountered an ordinary copy video charging strategy before, but at a difficult level, he really hadn't encountered it, and he hadn't even heard of it. Some of them were just some videos of the destroyed team, which were useless to them.

Due to the obstacle of passers-by, the thirteen swords quickly bullied, and the cold sword shadows quickly opened on the body of the Bull Demon King, and the small number of damage soared from its head intensively.

"Roar!" The Bull Demon King was disturbed by the fly-like attack of the thirteen swords. For it, which has 36,000 HP, these HP are irrelevant to it. Now the most important thing is to destroy Wangchuan, otherwise...

However, the best opportunity just now was avoided, which is tantamount to a complete challenge for the arrogant one.

"Since he can't do it, then change the target!"

The Bull Demon King turned around and casually smashed the stubborn stone-like passers-by around him. The desktop computer-sized head was gently turning, and his hot eyes were staring at the crowd coldly.

"What is he doing!" Looking at the Bull Demon King who looked at everyone, there was a sense of uneasiness in everyone's hearts and asked each other in con's eyes.

"Thirteen swords, no, this man moves too fast!" Looking at the thirteen swords staring at him indifferently, the Bull Demon King quickly denied him, "Little thief world, this man is like an ant, dispensable!" Shaking his head, Xu Changman was denied by the Bull Demon King again.

turned around ruthlessly again, this time facing Ziyan and Xu Feng.

"Ziyan is an archer, fast, no!" The Bull Demon King quickly filtered out Ziyan and turned his head to look at the rest of Xu Feng. "Blood wind blade, mage, himself in the red light state, as long as you hit him, no matter what move, one move can kill him, that's him!"

After thinking, the Bull Demon King's eyes removed from Xu Feng's body again and turned to stare at Ziyan closely. The virtual reality is the best, isn't it...

Ziyan was stunned for a moment and looked at the Bull Demon King vigilantly. At this critical moment, he could no longer hide his privacy, and the blue eagle's eye was opened by him again.

When Ziyan turned on the eagle's eye state, the Bull Demon King took a big step and rushed towards Ziyan.

Ziyan did not attack again and directly turned around and ran away.

Xu Feng, who was closest to him, would not be stupid to meet him. He stood in place and pinched the formula in his hand, fired a fireball at the bull demon king who was chasing Ziyan, and tried his best to help Ziyan get some time to escape.

When the Bull Demon King was only 14 yards away from Xu Feng, Xu Feng waved his staff, and the fireball was as fast as lightning, hitting the Bull Demon King fiercely, and sparks scattered from him.

However, no one expected that the savage and vulgar Bull Demon King changed his direction slightly at this time and ran strangely to Xu Feng quickly.

Because of the sudden incident, everyone did not expect things to become like this. At this time, everyone focused on Xu Feng's stunned figure.

The mountain earthquake dispersed, and a touch of joking light floated from the corners of the Bull Demon King's eyes, and his whole body was red like a full-fire tank, rushing towards Xu Feng.

"Play me?!" Xu Feng was stunned and thought of the scene before the Bull Demon King, and then a wave of anger gushed out in his heart, "Come on!" At this time, it will be too late to turn around and run away.

"Be careful!" Everyone couldn't bear to look any more, closed their eyes and exclaimed.

The huge momentum violently hit Xu Feng's collapsed nerves. Looking at the wild Bull Demon King, Xu Feng's eyes flashed, " calm down, Xu Feng!" Xu Feng took a deep breath, "The master said that without training, it can't become a weapon, just like a sword. As the old saying goes, the blade of the sword comes from grinding... So I must cheer up."

"I'm not afraid of you!"

Xu Feng raised his eyelids, and his faint and quiet pupils suddenly set off a wave of ripples.


The rocks rolled, and many gravel of different sizes rolled down from the three sides of the valley.

In front of the Bull Demon King rushing, on the axe, a large amount of red light is like a stream into a strange crescent shape.


The bull demon king's arms and ox tendons burst out and held the long axe high. Before he arrived, the axe blade hit the direction of Xu Feng. Suddenly, a red crescent-shaped blade rushed towards Xu Feng angrily, as fierce as a wild wave. When the waves passed, the ground was as if it had been ploughed, raising a miniature flood ditch, straight gully, like A wild dragon rushed towards Xu Feng angrily.

What, everyone was stunned. The out-of-body attack is actually the legendary out-of-body attack mentioned in the official propaganda video, which is worthy of being the king's boss!

This is troublesome. It can be far and close. Everyone looked at this scene and their eyes were shocked.

Originally, he thought it needed to be close to attack himself, but he didn't expect that the boss was unexpected. Xu Feng's eyes narrowed and his face was solemn.

At this time, it is too late to flash again, because the speed of the air blade is extremely fast, and it has come to your eyes in just one breath.

Xu Feng put the pills in his mouth and connected his feet. He could only minimize the attack. Now he has little choice but to do his best.

Although Wangchuan on the other side is also very surprised, his movements are not slow at all. Shake his hand is a true art: shield, Fortunately, he did not throw this skill to Ziyan at the beginning, otherwise, Xu Feng will definitely die, and now he can only do what he can and do everything he should do.

After releasing the Allah's shield, Wangchuan's movements continued, and he calmly prepared for a large-scale healing technique again, but his movements were destined to be meaningless.

The magnificent blade of fighting spirit, with the momentum of flying, hit Xu Feng's feet at a high speed.


In the steep valley, a red light, mixed with countless reefs, rushed to the sky with an unprecedented momentum.


dense numbers lit up from Xu Feng's body. Not surprisingly, Xu Feng instantly turned into a white light, and one move was seconds!

Xu Feng only felt black in front of his eyes and fell into endless darkness. After a while, his eyes lit up, and his whole body only felt light. He swept his eyes down doubtfully and found that he was on the heads of Xu Changman's thirteen swords, of course, there was also the Bull Demon King.

Xu Feng's eyes flashed with a trace of anger. He played carefully until now, but he didn't expect that his first hang was taken away by it. How could this not make him angry?

However, Xu Feng controls the state of the floating soul, but he can only helplessly look at everything below in the sky. After all, he is now in a state of virtual spirit.

"Is this the state of the soul!" Xu Feng stretched out his hand and swept his eyes to his hand, but he could not see the shape of his hand at all. His eyes went straight through the clouds and swept towards the fierce battle below, "So it is!"

Although it is the first time to die in the copy, there is still a knowledge about this in the forum post. Players who die in the copy will not be resurrected immediately, but will turn into a state of virtual spirit. When the team passes the copy, or the whole team fails and leaves the copy, they will leave with the team.

Thinking of this, Xu Feng didn't think about anything else. He licked his lips, smiled helplessly, and put his attention back into the battle below, because the following is the most critical battle, which is related to whether the copy can be cleared.

"Blood!" Everyone looked at Xu Feng's body on the ground, and suddenly their hearts were complicated.

When the Bull Demon King saw that the attack worked, he turned his eyes on Ziyan again.

"Choose Wangchuan, it's a little troublesome for it!" The Bull Demon King glanced at Wangchuan with the corners of his eyes, and then moved to the passer-by in front of him. When he saw the passer-by, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. "Because there is a damn knight who protects him tightly, and it is very difficult to kill this well-equipped knight and kill him in front of the priest. War."

The Bull Demon King is not stupid. He knows how to pick up soft peizi, so he first picked up Xu Feng. This time, the Bull Demon King chose Ziyan.