Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 80 The Two Meet 1

As a team, a good knight is essential.

It is almost the same as the previous scene. The only difference is that the state of the Bull Demon King has changed.

"Can you block it?"

At this moment, the whole audience's attention is focused on the shocking blow of passers-by and the Bull Demon King.

" passers-by, hold on!" Xu Feng in the sky was so tense that he couldn't bear to look down. He closed his eyes and could only pray secretly.

"Fly shooting in the air!" Seeing that the Bull Demon King ran up and could not stop again, Ziyan immediately rushed forward for a while, with a little toes, and his whole body jumped high.


He shouted loudly, and the green bow in his hand was pulled into a full moon in an instant, and the five arrows were like stars arching the moon, shooting towards the Bull Demon King in the distance.



The five sharp arrows were only printed with a few white marks on the red armor of the Bull Demon King. Obviously, Ziyan's continuous shooting in the sky could not break its defense, and its movements were not affected at all, still like a tank rushing towards Wangchuan.

"Go to hell!" Looking at the approaching Bull Demon King and stopping the passers-by halfway, his rough face and blue veins suddenly burst out. Obviously, he was not afraid of the Bull Demon King. He followed the Holy Light Shield and raised the giant shield with his hands high. His whole body jumped in the air and smashed his hands up violently. The huge shield met the coming Bull Demon King and smashed away.


The Bull Demon King's eyes were as red as the tide, and the long axe was raised high, and the bright red light wrapped around the axe. He stared at the bull's eyes and waved it hard against the giant shield and the holy light shield.


A white light is like a dazzling sun, bursting fiercely from the intersection of weapons between the two sides, and a white ripple visible to the naked eye spread far around.

The ripples passed, the airflow oscillated, and the surrounding rocks shattered under this blow!

The huge rocks around the passers-by also collapsed and shattered under the influence of this blow.


I saw a passer-by blessing from Wanfa, and the whole person was smashed and flew high. In the air, he sprayed several mouthfuls of blood fog, which showed how heavy the blow of the Bull Demon King was.


On the other side, the Bull Demon King only paused slightly, and then ran to the fallen passer-by at full speed, with a long dark axe in his hand, facing Jiaoyang, flashing a trace of cold light.


While running at high speed, the bull demon king's pupils were tight, and he locked the passers-by who fell backwards. He raised a long axe horizontally, and the sharp axe blade blew through the air and emitted a strong sharp roar. He took this opportunity to destroy this annoying stone. At this point, his eyes were even deeper.

And Wangchuan, behind the passers-by, bravely risked and risked two holy light techniques to passers-by in the fall, and instantly filled his blood volume. Then, he turned a corner and prepared a large-scale treatment skill with the cover of some broken stones around him - strong treatment. This is an instant reply. The only shortcoming of the single treatment skill of 80% of the blood volume of teammates is that it takes a very long casting time.

Now he can't run. As soon as he runs past, he will be finished, and as soon as the passers-by is over, it means that he is also finished, and as soon as he is finished, the whole team will be destroyed without thinking too much.

A sacred aura accumulated in Wangchuan's hand, illuminating Wangchuan's grim face and making him full of sacred and inviolability.

" passers-by, when you land next, run to me!" Wangchuanbian prepared his skills and shouted at the passers-by who were about to fall to the ground.

"Okay!" The passer-by tried to adjust his posture in the air, but his size was so huge that he could not adjust it. He could only reluctantly raise the huge shield in his hand and block it in front of him.

"Do your best to obey your destiny!" The passers-by in the air can only close their eyes and don't want to look at the bull demon king who is forced to come.

At this dangerous moment, the thirteen swords chasing behind the Bull Demon King shook the long sword in his hand and made a sound of swords.

Wow, he quickly intercepted the Bull Demon King. Rarely, he held the hilt of the sword in his hands, and the sword suddenly sounded loudly.


He jumped high, like a flying eagle, looking down at the Bull Demon King, "Fow it down!" The thirteen swords shouted, and the sword in his hand quickly split towards it with full strength and extreme acceleration.


There was no accident. The fierce sword hit the armor on the back of the Bull Demon King, and a critical strike rose high, -34!

The huge impact force made the Bull Demon King's running stagger, and the passers-by also escaped. As soon as he landed, he immediately ran to Wangchuan and firmly guarded him again, but his face was still pale.

"Good job!" When Xu Feng saw this, he was excited and couldn't help shouting.

As soon as the thirteen swords landed, they immediately connected their feet and quickly left the place where they had just stood.

With a bang, the mountains and rocks flew, and the Bull Demon King, who was disturbed by the 13th disturbed the plan, turned the long axe hatefully, and the axe blade was sharply split. He could rub the figure of the thirteen swords and cut heavily at the place where the thirteen swords had just stood.

And Ziyan in the distance is not idle, and the long bow in his hand is like a machine gun, accurately plundering the HP of the Bull Demon King.


The Bull Demon King was completely angry. The fly in front of him destroyed its good deeds every time.

Wow, it turned around and stared at the thirteen swords that ran to one side. The anger in its eyes was almost spewed out of its eyes and burned in its eyes.

It seems that it is difficult to achieve his purpose without removing the thirteen swords first. The bull demon king raised his long axe, and the cold axe blade pointed straight to the thirteen swords.

"Angry!" There was no expression on the face of the thirteen swords. He stood in front of the Bull Demon King with his feet, and the long sword in his hand pointed diagonally to the ground, staring at it with arrogant eyes.

The witty and sensitive Ziyan stands diagonally opposite the 60-degree angle of the thirteen swords, so that if the boss transfers the attack target, he can also have extra time to make full preparations.

"Wonderful!" Xu Feng, who looked at this scene from afar, couldn't help cheering for the attack of the thirteen swords just now!

"It was really close just now!" Xu Changman had hidden to Gukou in the battle just now, and now this is the only one that is the safest. He looked at the Thirteen Swords and the Bull Demon King. His black eyes were full of admiration. Neither of them were human, and they were so fierce.

Wangchuan, who was on one side, quietly approached the thirteen swords with passers-by, so that he could be treated in time when there was a crisis.

Wow, a gust of mountain wind blew and raised a piece of dust on the ground, and the thin dust floated in the eyes of everyone with the wind.


With a soft sound, a wisp of bright light in the sky directly shone on the long axe in the hand of the Bull Demon King, and the black axe suddenly flashed a dazzling white light.

The Bull Demon King's eyes flashed a trace of cunning, turned his axe, and suddenly the white light shot directly into the eyes of the thirteen swords on the opposite side.

At any time, he paid attention to the Thirteen Swords of the Bull Demon King's behavior. Seeing this scene, a sneer flashed at the corners of his mouth and raised his right hand. The sword body just blocked the attacking sunlight and reflected the sunlight to the mountains on the side.

However, the Bull Demon King took advantage of the moment when he raised the sword, the long axe was thrown behind him, and the whole cow rushed to shoot at the thirteen swords. The red light flashed all over its body, just like the birth of the demon god, and every step of movement brought a sharp roar.

The thirteen swords did not retreat and advanced. The long sword waved and rushed straight against it.


Seeing the arrogant move of the thirteen swords in front of him, the pupil of the advancing Bull Demon King quickly shrank, raised the axe with both hands, and saw the red light twinkling at the axe blade.


Looking at the approaching thirteen swords, the bull demon king shouted loudly, raised the axe with both hands and suddenly chopped at the thirteen swords at a long distance. Suddenly, a crescent-shaped red blade came out of the axe and shot at the thirteen swords.

After the red air blade, the Bull Demon King did not stay much, but followed the sharp blade again at full speed and quickly approached the Thirteen Swords.

The thirteen swords are worthy of being the king of speed. His toes are light, as smart as swallows, taking a step forward and deftly avoiding the rushing crescent-shaped blade.


The red air blade passed straight through the foot of the thirteen swords, and the speed remained unchanged. It fiercely hit the mountain wall on the side, blowing up a dark circular cave on this steep mountain wall.