Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 79 Red Armor

The Bull Demon King did not release the red air blade again. After all, the blade of fighting spirit is not released, and there are many limitations and shortcomings.

rushed all the way to Ziyan. At high speed, it directly strangled the surrounding air. It was his careful to choose Ziyan. It was a virtual reality and a strategy to break through. After all, it is not an idiot.

There is no way to go on like this. Looking at the chaotic battle situation in front of him, the thirteen swords frowned and the expression on his face was solemn. He clenched the long sword in his hand and his eyes burst into a sharp light. He could only do his best!

No longer thinking, he quickly chased the Bull Demon King. Soon, he came behind the Bull Demon King. The thirteen swords were bullied, and the long sword in his hand drew a series of shadows. The sword shadows were fierce and elegant. Helpless, the Bull Demon King was tall and strong, and the rapid attack of the Thirteen Swords did not cause it a special hard and straight effect.

Annoying, the bull demon king's face flashed with an impatient look, and his body gave a strange pause towards the thirteen swords closely behind him, which was a sudden axe. The axe blade passed by, and some dust and sand on the ground were scattered by this airflow.

However, the senses of the thirteen swords were very sensitive. As soon as they saw the Bull Demon King suddenly turn around and hit, their bodies suddenly reacted quickly. His toes moved forward with a little force, and his body moved forward quickly. He exaggeratedly stopped moving forward beyond physical common sense, and then incredibly moved left and backward before the arrival of the axe, thrillingly avoiding the Bull Demon King's trick.

The thirteen swords that had just passed the danger did not retreat. The black eyes emitted a cold light, and the body flashed and instantly bullied in front of the Bull Demon King. The sharp sword in his hand turned into waves of light and fiercely hit the Bull Demon King, bringing one dense number after another.

-12, 11, 21, 32, 13, 14!

The Bull Demon King waved a long axe a few more times. Seeing that he still could not attack the thirteen swords, he sprayed his nose, ignored him, and turned around and continued to chase Ziyan.

And Ziyan in the distance is also very neat. He doesn't have to face the Bull Demon King like Xu Feng. He can only escape, but can't attack, because he is an archer and a profession that is as agile as the thief Shura.

In the fantasy world, thieves are weird and fast, Shura is gloomy and erratic, while archers are famous for being flexible.

Ziyan followed the Bull Demon King to play the game of cat and mouse with kite tactics. First, he ran a little farther and then pulled the bow. At this time, the Bull Demon King also just ran into his attack range. Then he attacked naturally, and the arrow hit the Bull Demon King. Then, in the angry eyes of the Bull Demon King, he turned around and followed Continue to distance the two sides.

At this moment, Wangchuan did not dare to get too close after the change of Xu Feng. He chose a location that was difficult to attack and defend, so as not to be attacked by the Bull Demon King.

Behind the inner side of the valley, there is a pile of huge stones standing between the valley, which is not much different from the height and size of the Bull Demon King, and the weak Wangchuan stands behind the pile of rocks, coupled with the obstruction of guests, so he believes that this place is safe.

At this moment, he shouted in the team channel, "Ziyan, thirteen swords, you two will pass by me later, and I will add status and treatment for you respectively!"

Ziyan and Thirteen Swords are both extraordinary people. Hearing Wangchuan's words, they glanced at Wangchuan's position and instantly understood Wangchuan's plan.

This Bull Demon King is so cunning that he can simply be called an old fried dough stick character. If Wangchuan continues to chase them to add blood, maybe he will be killed by the Bull Demon King if he is not careful. After all, Xu Feng's example is there.

And as long as Wangchuan dies, their team will basically die.

At present, the two replied two words, the same word, the same short, "I understand!"

At this point, the Bull Demon King chased after Ziyan, and the thirteen swords chased behind the Bull Demon King. From time to time, the two passed 15 yards away from Wangchuan and received his state blessing and treatment.


The bull demon king's brunt, the blade attack, 18 moves took turns to pay tribute, but he still couldn't beat Ziyan. The more he fought, the more angry he became, and he almost went crazy.

Time passed, and although the blood volume of the Bull Demon King fell slowly, it could not withstand the attack of Ziyan and the Thirteen Swords.

"If it goes on like this, the copy should be able to pass!" Looking down at the scene below, Xu Feng thought happily that if he didn't pass the customs, it would be too late for Xu Feng to cry. Not to mention losing first-class experience and not even equipment, isn't this a bamboo basket?

I hope that the flop can find good things later. After all, with the master of thirteen swords, the number of combos, backstrikes, critical strikes, etc. of the copy will be much higher than last time.

However, when the blood volume of BOSS drops to two-thirds, the mutation suddenly arises.

The Bull Demon King stopped his body and stopped chasing Ziyan.


Two deep breaths in a row, suddenly, the red light of the bull demon king's whole body shook violently, the light flowed sharply, and the strange red light squirmed quickly. For a while, a set of red bright armor condensed on its body.

"This is..." Xu Feng, who was in the sky, stared wide in shock and stared at this scene, with a trace of bad feeling in his heart.

"Isn't this a Journey to the West?" The passer-by opened his mouth and said unbelievably, "It won't be the armor of Sun Monkey causing havoc in the Heavenly Palace. It seems to be very similar."


The Bull Demon King raised his head, roared at the sky, and shook the sky. The red light of the armor on his body flashed, and the light visible to the naked eye was as fierce as water.

Ziyan in the distance frowned, and he knew that the situation was not good.

"Three consecutive shots!" Ziyan opened his bow and pulled the arrow and shouted slightly. The three arrows ejected from the bow string like meteors and shot towards the Bull Demon King.


"No way!" The attack dropped by about half. Looking at the damage number on the head of the Bull Demon King, Ziyan's face changed and he couldn't help exclaiming.

Hearing Ziyan's exclamation, the thirteen swords sank their eyebrows and stared at the god-like Bull Demon King, "Try it!" After muttering, he immediately drove up and moved up and down. The long sword in his hand danced out one after another and quickly hit the Bull Demon King, -12, 14-11...

"Sure enough!" Thirteen Swords raised his eyes slightly and looked at this unexpected scene. Seeing that his attack and ideas coincided, his eyes flashed with a trace of ripples.


The Bull Demon King stopped roaring and despised the crowd with both eyes!

"Arrogant!" The thirteen swords changed their complexion and snorted coldly. Suddenly, the whole person turned into a shadow, and the attack speed increased by more than half in an instant. The sword light flowed on its body like a flood, and each blow brought a ripple on the red armor.

A trace of joke flashed in the eyes of the Bull Demon King, holding the long axe high, and the airflow of rainbow light suddenly wrapped around it like lightning

The body, like a demon, is frightening.


The long axe cut, and the electric snake surrounding the surface of the long axe directly tore the air and made a crackling sound.

The speed has actually increased by more than 30%. Looking at the Bull Demon King's move, the eyes of the Thirteen Swords flashed with a trace of alertness. Fortunately, I knew that the appearance was by no means simple.

The toes of the thirteen swords were connected, and the figure retreated twice before he narrowly avoided the axe of the soaring speed of the Bull Demon King.

"Treacherous!" Pay attention to the passers-by here at any time and scolded angrily.

At this time, the Bull Demon King also understood that while he was still in this state, he had to destroy the priest quickly, otherwise what he had done before would be in vain!

Thinking of this, the Bull Demon King gave up the two cunning monkeys around him and took a big stride towards the location of Wangchuan.

The valley peak trembled, and every step of the Bull Demon King made the stones on the three-week valley wall slide away from around and bring some smoke and dust.

" passers-by, pay attention!" Wangchuan's eyes narrowed, and his voice unconsciously tightened a little.


"It's difficult to block this impact!" Wangchuan looked at the bull demon king like a god. He knew that the situation was extremely dangerous. True words: shield, Wangchuan raised his hand and added a defensive state to passers-by, and then waved his hand to add a treatment to him.

"I understand, Holy Light Shield!" The passer-by held the huge shield high, and the sword in his right hand was inserted into the ground by him. At this moment, he held the huge shield tightly with both hands, as long as he was responsible for defense. As for the attack, that was not his duty.