Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 103 Preliminary Teleportation 1

Xu Feng took a breath of cold air and broke any spell that restrained the mage's behavior. If he used this skill that day, he might not have to die. This teleportation can help him escape from the frozen at that time.

"I'm so stupid!" Xu Feng raised his hand and knocked down his head regretfully.

"Xu Feng, are you sick again?" Xu Changman, who was on one side, suddenly felt strongly puzzled when he saw Xu Feng's stupid behavior and asked in a low voice.


Xu Feng didn't have time to pay attention to him, but simply dealt with it, and his mind fell into deep thinking again.

"The past is over. Now think about how to maximize the value of this skill, otherwise you will be sorry for this 3 million yuan!"

Xu Feng's eyes flashed, and he kept calculating, thinking thoughtfully about the greatest use of this skill.

The so-called knowing yourself and your enemy is to have a deep understanding of yourself. If you don't know anything about yourself, what tactics and strategies you should use to deal with the enemy when you respond to the enemy, so Xu Feng is thinking about the wonderful use of teleportation skills at this moment, not what.

"Transportation is the mage's favorite spell, otherwise it doesn't have to be so expensive. What's its use?" Xu Feng simulated a situation in his mind, "Escape from monsters, adventure and travel, and the most important thing is that teleport can be used to deal with dizziness, freezing and other effects, which is the most perfect. I think I know why it is so expensive."

Xu Feng's eyes lit up and focused on the five alpine white apes 15 yards away.

"Just test your knife. In the past, you only dared to try three or three. Now although it is five, it should be easier than then!" Xu Feng tilted his head slightly and stared maliciously at the alpine white ape who was still wandering leisurely.

It's better to act than to move. Xu Feng took down the staff from behind and quickly approached them. As soon as he reached the attack distance, his left hand immediately knotted and condensed the hot fireball in the blink of an eye.

"Alas, the technique is still so fast!" Xu Chang looked at Xu Feng with envy and said slightly jealously.

The fireball burned brightly and exuded a hotness in front of Xu Feng's body. Xu Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and his right staff gently touched the middle of the alpine white apes.


The flame swayed, and the fireball dragged its long tail and rushed towards the group of standing alpine white apes like a Harley comet.


Mars overflowed, and the mountain white ape that was hit cried, and the companions around it also roared. They turned around and stared at Xu Feng angrily, with blood in his eyes.

Xu Feng was unmoved. His left hand shook, and the fireball condensed in an instant. With a wave of his right staff, the fireball in front of him flew towards the middle one again.

This time it was a critical blow. The HP of the alpine white ape immediately dropped a lot. Coupled with the blood volume just now, his HP is less than half.


Four alpine white apes rushed towards Xu Feng with full force, and the momentum was still like the fierce tigers of the mountain, and the one in the middle, although one was one step behind the apes, but also grinned.

Xu Changman, who was watching the battle, looked worried. Although he was very confident in Xu Feng, Xu Changman was not optimistic about Xu Feng's response to the five alpine white apes. He took down his long bow and was ready to support Xu Feng at any time.

"It's strange, why don't you use the ice arrow first?" Xu Changman was on alert and prepared to help Xu Feng. He stared at Xu Feng with a doubtful face and said to himself.

Looking at the fierce alpine white ape, Xu Feng's face was calm and not worried. His left hand trembled, and the three basic techniques were completed in an instant. In front of Xu Feng, the temperature dropped sharply, and a trace of ice elements quickly gathered in front of Xu Feng's chest.

A blue light flashed, and a cold arrow about a foot long appeared in front of Xu Feng, emitting a trace of cold air in this cool empty mountain.

Xu Feng's eyes swept slightly, and finally turned his eyes to the alpine white ape in front of him. As before, he used it to block the alpine white ape behind him and buy himself 0.5 seconds.

Time is like money. The cooling time of the ice arrow takes 5 seconds, and it is also a little bit. The magic wand waved again, and the dark blue ice arrow suddenly lightning strikes the leading alpine white ape.

In a flash, the leading alpine white ape immediately fell into a slow state. Its whole body was ice blue, and the four alpine white apes following it suddenly couldn't stop and collided with it.

Five alpine white apes suddenly turned their horses and bumped into a ball...

"So that's it!" Seeing this, Xu Changman's eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart collapsed, as if he understood something, but he couldn't say it.

"What is it?" Xu Changman looked at the battle in front of him, his eyebrows were slightly locked, and his mind fell into thinking.

"Good opportunity!"

Xu Feng's eyes moved, and there was a change in his hand. The fireball attacked again, hitting the bloody alpine white ape back slightly, and its HP instantly dropped below 100.

"It can be done with just two more times!" Xu Feng's pupils shrank slightly, and the confidence on his face flashed, and then sank like water. There was no burden at all. In less than a second, the violent fireball hit it again. At this moment, its HP was only 37 points.

"The last one!"

Xu Feng opened the corners of his mouth slightly and said these four words indifferently, and his left hand and right hands almost acted together.

It's too fast. The fireball is cast in an instant...


With the fierce air in Xu Feng's eyes, the fireball shot at the anemic alpine white ape.


A white light lit up, and the unlucky man fell down in an instant and burst out a few dull copper coins.

From the beginning to now, only three seconds have passed, and one was lost in three seconds. Although there was an accident and a critical strike, it can also be seen that Xu Feng's technology has improved a lot compared with the beginning.

Xu Feng nodded secretly. He was relatively satisfied with his response and state from the beginning to the present. Although it only took three seconds to do one of them, they were still about seven yards away from him, so Xu Feng was not worried at all.

"Fra, beautiful!"

Xu Changman, who was stunned, was flashed by the white light, and then immediately came to his senses. When he saw the scene, he couldn't help praising him.

Xu Feng looked focused and ignored Xu Changman's praise.

"Although it's a little different from what I expected, this effect is even better!" Xu Feng looked at the fallen alpine white ape with a touch of thought on his face, but the movements in his hand did not stop at all and attacked the flying monster again.

"In two seconds, the ice arrow will cool down!"

With a wave of the wand, the fireball skill attacked again, while the remaining alpine white apes have set out again and run towards Xu Feng.

Peng, -42......

The one in front of the alpine white ape, which ran in the penultimate, which was in a slow state, was taken care of by Xu Feng.

"Uh! What kind of strategy is this?" Xu Chang's big eyes were wide and his head was confused again.

Four yards!

The four alpine white apes are only four yards away from Xu Feng.

Xu Feng's face was still calm, his fingers danced again, and the fireball condensed again. With a wave of the staff, the fireball dragged the long tail inflammation and hit the alpine white ape again.

"Sure enough, the damage is still not enough. If it is at level 14, you can solve one without four times. It doesn't take about six times to solve it now."

Xu Feng shook his head and sighed slightly.

At this time, the three alpine white apes were close to Xu Feng for two yards, and only the slow one failed to get close to Xu Feng.

The leading alpine white ape, with a force on its hind limbs, is a fierce bite towards Xu Feng, while the other two alpine white apes flashed left and right, enveloping towards Xu Feng.

Xu Feng was not chaotic in the face of danger, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised. He did not retreat and took a step to the left side, just avoiding the fierce attack of the leading alpine white ape, and also timely broke the clever envelop of the three alpine white apes.

In the process of moving, the long fingers of his left hand beat like an elf. With the end of his movements, the cold arrow appeared in front of him.

With a pat of the magic wand, the cold arrow hit a bloody alpine white ape again and took two steps forward. Xu Feng dodged the counterattack of the two alpine white apes on the left and right.

The cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xu Feng's left hand quickly changed. The three groups of mysterious techniques slowly danced between his fingers, and the remnants between his fingers became more and more dense. With the progress of the casting, a white light lit up on Xu Feng's body. This white light became brighter and brighter with the completion of Xu Feng's casting. Finally, like noon, he showed off Extremely.