Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 104 First Test Teleport 2

"It's done!"

Xu Feng's heart moved, and the white light flashed, and he disappeared in an instant and stood 30 yards away from the original place.

"Sure enough!"

Xu Feng's eyes were hot. He looked at the place where he had just stood and the alpine white ape 30 yards away. He couldn't help but be excited. Sure enough, as soon as his heart moved, he immediately appeared in the place he thought. Of course, the premise is that three sets of high-strength and complex techniques should be quickly completed, otherwise they can be interrupted...

Intermediate skills require three sets of techniques, a total of nine changes. In short, Xu Feng is used to connect these nine changes perfectly. He can't stop in the middle, otherwise what he did before is useless.

Fortunately, Xu Feng, who has been practicing magic since he was a child, coupled with good memory ability, took him 1.2 seconds to complete this set of astringent techniques.

The 5% casting speed added by the title of junior mage has no bonus effect on the 27 changes of these three groups of techniques, so Xu Feng relies on personal strength and talent.

"1.2 seconds, too much!" Xu Feng shook his head and said dissatisfiedly that there was only one set of techniques and three changes in the primary skills. On average, it only took him 0.3 seconds to cast, and so on. The three groups of intermediate skills had nine changes. Theoretically, it only took 0.9 seconds, but I took 1.2 seconds, which was equivalent to using an extra set of hands. Law time.

"I won't be in 0.9 seconds, but not 1.2 seconds!"

The simpler the method, of course, the faster the casting speed, the more complex the technique, of course, the more time it will take, and the load of the middle connection will slowly become longer. Therefore, Xu Feng has the name of self-knowledge, and he will not force the nearly perfect 0.9 seconds.

Xu Feng's inner eyelids are thinking carefully in his mind. I only need to reach one second. It seems that I still need to practice diligently. After all, this is the first time I have cast the skill of teleportation, and the technique will be a little raw.

Xu Feng raised his head and looked at the alpine white ape 30 yards away. He moved his left hand and cast a teleportation technique again.

"What a piece of shit!" Xu Chang was stunned for a moment and couldn't help saying enviously again, "It seems that I don't need to appear!" Seeing this, he also understands that Xu Feng's skills, coupled with these skills, are simply like adding wings to a tiger. These alpine white apes can't even touch him.

Then, he shook his head again and said unbearablely, "Oh, white ape, white ape, you are so useless that you have spare time to practice teleportation."

The four alpine white apes 30 yards away saw that the prey in front of them suddenly disappeared. They all looked around angrily and looked for Xu Feng. Soon, they saw Xu Feng, who was practicing leisurely behind them. At this time, they were so angry that they opened their teeth and claws and chased him again.

"I firmly despise it!" Xu Changman turned his head and stopped looking. He couldn't help sighing why he was not so lucky. He gave him all the benefits.

Xu Feng's expression was particularly focused, and his five fingers changed rapidly. He saw the remnants between his left fingers blooming in the air and wither in a blink of an eye. After another second, he bloomed again, and then in a blink of an eye, he withered again. Although the cooling time of the teleportation skill has not arrived, he can practice the technique. Now he does not add the effect of teleportation.

In such a cycle, the time spent by Xu Feng after casting the teleportation technique is slowly decreasing.

"Yes, that's the feeling!"

Xu Feng's five fingers of his left hand turned and stopped. At this time, his eyes released a strange light. The rotation method quickly paused, and the remnants in the air immediately disappeared.

Looking up, Xu Feng looked at the four alpine white apes 22 yards away, but the thoughts in his mind were turning. If he estimated that it was correct, the teleportation method could be reduced to 1 second to 1.1 seconds in the continuous study just now.

Xu Feng knows that instability is because he can't perfectly control the gap between these three sets of techniques, but Xu Feng is not in a hurry. After all, he pays attention to water. This kind of thing can't be rushed. When the time comes, he will be familiar with these three sets of techniques, and 0.9 seconds will not talk about it.

Xu Feng withdrew his thoughts and looked at the first two alpine white apes that had entered the attack distance. At this time, the four alpine white apes in the field were divided into two camps. The two close to him did not have the slow state of ice arrows, while the latter two were in a slow state, so they were very slow and fell far away at the end. Basically, Xu Feng's threat can be ruled out for the time being.

Xu Feng turned his eyes to the two in front of him, among which the alpine white apes with less blood of one-sixth of their HP.

Coldly swept the anemic alpine white ape, but the cold arrow in his hand hit the blood-filled partner next to it. Then the almost bloody alpine white ape fell wildly because of the slow state. Now there is only the anemic alpine white ape left, a lonely battle.

Of course, from the beginning to now, the cooling time of the alpine white ape with the ice arrow for the first time is approaching. However, Xu Feng believes that when it participates, his third ice arrow has also cooled down and has also destroyed the monster in front of him.

At present, a cold light flashed in Xu Feng's eyes, and the staff in his hand gently pressed forward, and the fireball sent out again.

peng, -47

The pelvic blood alpine white ape was damaged again. 10 yards away, it began to cry, and its voice was very sad and indignant.

Xu Feng kept moving, gathered a fireball again, and hit it at a high speed. The fire on its body kept on, and the numbers rose one after another.

-31, -37,-36......

When it ran seven yards, it turned into a white light and rose to the sky, but the body fell powerlessly and contributed a whiteboard equipment.

At this moment, the slow state of the alpine white ape behind was that as soon as the time came, he immediately crossed the alpine white ape beside him and rushed to Xu Feng, staring at Xu Feng with angry eyes.

It's just that he is still 15 yards away, so Xu Feng is not in a hurry, and the cooling time of the cold arrow is just right.

Xu Feng moved his left hand and quickly completed the ice arrow. He did not hesitate. Xu Feng waved his staff again, and the ice arrow came in an instant and hit it accurately.

Soon, it was wrapped in a layer of blue ice, and the speed dropped in an instant...

Xu Feng retreated two steps in a row, his eyes were cold, and the staff in his hand fired fireballs continuously, brutallying the 'turtle' in front of him!

"I don't take such a playful person!" Xu Changman, who was relaxed, pinned the long bow in his hand to his back again, and then sighed compassionately.

Xu Feng's eyes were cold, and the speed of casting reached a new limit. The phantom of his left hand was stacked layer by layer, and a confident smile appeared on the corners of his mouth.

As the white light on his body flashed, Xu Feng quickly teleported 15 yards away, once again opening the distance from the alpine white ape.

At this moment, there are only two alpine white apes left on the field, one in a slow state and the other out of the slow state.

Without any accident, two alpine white apes fell in front of Wanfeng Valley one after another. Xu Feng put away the staff in his hand, walked slowly with a thoughtful face and picked up the trophy on the ground.

Seeing that Xu Feng had ended the battle, Xu Changman was about to speak, but the words in his heart suddenly stopped in place and dissipated in his abdomen. He knew that Xu Feng was thinking about important things.

and his buddies for so many years, whenever Xu Feng showed this look, Xu Changman knew that it was better not to disturb him at this time, so as not to damage his thoughts.

"At that time, the thirteen swords also circled between five alpine white apes unharmed, and now I am the same..." Xu Feng's eyes were straight and he kept thinking, "Although his technology is not as good as him, it has been much more advanced than before. After all, different professions are not comparable. Of."

"He pursues high sensitivity, while my mage pursues high casting. Different occupations, of course, the methods to deal with them are different."

Xu Feng thought of this and nodded as if no one had nodded his head. "But the skill of teleportation is really good. In the past, although I was confident, I lacked the capital to save my life, so no matter how much I asked myself, I could not be perfect. Now, I have this life-saving skill. Although I dare not say that it is absolutely safe, It can also be regarded as relatively safe. After all, people are different when they have confidence.

After thinking about these, it is like the protagonist in the fairy and chivalrous world in the novel, breaking through the shackles, condensing Yuanying, and truly reborn.