Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 111 Red Card

This is a hard card about the same size as a letterhead, with a dim red luster on both sides. There is a black Taiji diagram on the front * picture. Above the Taiji diagram, it is Xu Feng's personal profile;

turned his palm and turned over the card. Xu Feng stared again. The back picture is the towering school gate of Minnan University, and * above the picture is a brief introduction of the martial arts society.

Turning back to the front again, Xu Feng found that on the left side of his name, there was also a black area with a square box, and there were two regular scripts written on it. After careful identification, he found that these two small red letters were level 10!

"Huh?" Xu Feng frowned. What does this mean?

When Xu Feng was studying cards, Xu Chang came over with angrily, "What's wrong?" Xu Feng looked at the angry Xu Changman in front of him doubtfully and asked doubtfully.

"It's not that storm!" Xu Changman stared fiercely at A Qiong, who was writing materials, and said disgustingly.

"Storm bamboo?" Xu Feng was stunned for a moment and looked at him a little puzzledly. When he found that he was looking elsewhere angrily, he turned his head and followed his sight to find that the storm bamboo he said was the senior named A Qiong.

As soon as his heart moved, he understood why he scolded like this. It turned out that the temper named A Qiong was like this. Maybe he didn't pretend to be a color for everyone.

Look at the fiery registration office in other places, and then look here, it is really yin and yang, and now it dissipates the anger towards A poor. After all, people have many kinds of personalities, and there is no need to stick to some shortcomings of others.

"Don't be angry, maybe he is like this!" Xu Feng thought about the words and calmly persuaded him.

"Yes!" Xu Changman listened to Xu Feng's words and thought about it carefully. His body was his own. Why should he be angry about such a person? He immediately pinned the student's certificate to his chest, and then looked at the card in his hand with his eyes shining.

"Don't look at it. It's all some information. Just report to the martial arts club tomorrow!" Xu Feng patted him on the shoulder, took the book in his hand, and walked to the parking lot first.

"It's also..." Xu Chang looked at it and found that there was nothing special. At this moment, he withdrew his eyes and followed Xu Feng out.

In the middle of walking, Xu Changman suddenly patted his head and shouted, "I'm so stupid. I forgot that I don't have to go to work. I'm dizzy!"

Xu Feng was also stunned and laughed for a moment. If it hadn't been for Xu Changman's reminder, he habitually wanted to work, and suddenly laughed and said, "Let's go!"

"Well, see you in the game tonight!" Xu Changman waved his hand and walked to the breakfast hall.

Seeing Xu Chang go far away, Xu Feng turned around and continued to walk towards the parking lot, took his bicycle, and quickly returned to the dormitory.

As soon as he entered the door, the eighth brother shouted in protest. Hearing the funny words, Xu Feng walked over, nodded his head, then took out some snacks bought on the road and sprinkled them in its bowl, while he simply cooked dinner.

Soon, Xu Feng and Eight Brother were full and had a full hiccup. After washing, Xu Feng picked up the game helmet and entered the fantasy landing hall.

Xu Feng was about to step directly into the fantasy game, but suddenly stopped, as if he remembered something. Looking to the left, it was the forum hall.

hesitated for a moment, Xu Feng finally walked to the left and entered. Xu Feng appeared in the virtual hall of the forum section, looking at the flowing data full of screens. Xu Feng gently clicked his finger and chose the Huaxia section.

Only a flash of white light flashed, and the selected Huaxia section suddenly enlarged, occupying a large empty space in the center, with posts lined up next to each other.

Xu Feng glanced in his eyes and opened the post at the top of the list. Because this is a new post, Xu Feng's heart moved and focused on this post. The title of the post was: Asura's magic skill!

Seeing this title, Xu Feng had a bad feeling. He couldn't figure out what was wrong with it. He no longer hesitated, so he opened this post.

Xu Feng glanced down, and there was a video in the post. There was a brief introduction attached to the video. Xu Feng was not in a hurry to watch the video, but glanced to the introduction:

Xixiao, Honghe Town, an Asura, a member of the Tuhuang Guild, lost several people in one move, which is really an amazing skill!

"Honghe Town West Effect!" Seeing these five words, Xu Feng was stunned. Isn't this the town where he was located, and... Thinking of what might happen, Xu Feng's inner uneasiness was getting stronger and stronger.

Xu Feng urgently opened the video and instantly sank into it. After watching the video, Xu Feng was speechless for a long time. Who took this? A trace of anger flashed in Xu Feng's heart. Now, he completely offended the Emperor's Guild, and there was no place to slow down.

The video in

takes a clear picture of his appearance. If this is not important, he will at most be hunted down by some middle-level people in the guild, but the trouble he did at that time is also clearly shot, which is troublesome.

Xu Feng can't help but be the first two big. If he has level 30, he can fly far away and run to other cities. In this southern Zhuque City, it can be said that in addition to the imperial guild, the biggest one is the slaughter guild. If you want to avoid their pursuit, one word, difficult, two words, extremely difficult!

Xu Feng stood there depointedly, like a piece of wood, staying there motionless, and he looked blankly at the video in front of him.

Suddenly, a text in the video fell into his eyes, like a stone falling into the pond, with a circle of ripples in his eyes.

"Produced by Sky Unit!"

Xu Feng clenched his teeth and clenched his teeth. A trace of sweetness suddenly fell into his mouth, which made him come to his senses. "Sky crew, wait!"

Xu Feng hated the sky crew at this time. If it hadn't been for their video, his life would not have been so dark. "Since I'm having a hard time, don't think about it!"


Staring at those words angrily again, Xu Feng hated to close the post at the top of the click list.

Xu Feng moved his eyes and saw the second post on the list. When the title of the second post came into view, Xu Feng was stunned, "This is actually the post he posted, the post that framed the Tuhuang Guild, and was actually pushed to the second place on the click list!"

Xu Feng took another look at the number of clicks, and suddenly became stunned. "The clicks are actually tens of billions. This is too exaggerated. If I had known..." Thinking of this, Xu Feng was annoyed. At that time, he only cared about revenge. He didn't expect to get so much. "If there is a charge, then he will have at least a million now..."

"What an idiot!" Xu Feng hit his forehead with regret, and suddenly a red mark appeared on his beautiful face. Obviously, how regretful he was.

"Alas, it's really not the material for business. Fortunately, I didn't choose to study finance at that time, otherwise..." Thinking of this, Xu Feng could only smile silently. Who can understand the encounters of life and no longer blame himself? Xu Feng read it again, "Xixiao Shuangxiong, the dialogue between old enemies!"

Seeing this post, Xu Feng was stunned for a moment, and then vaguely understood what it was about. He opened the post, read it carefully, and then closed the post.

"Alas!" Xu Feng sighed faintly and looked a little disappointed. "Although the ending was a little unexpected, it's really disappointing that the Tuhuang Guild and the Imperial Guild didn't fight!"

Xu Feng shook his head and browsed a few posts casually. It was nothing more than some new equipment, or some awesome man appeared. Boredly, these posts were closed casually and did not see any useful information. Xu Feng was a little disappointed. He turned around and withdrew from the forum hall.

Step into the fantasy world without any hesitation. As soon as he went online, Xu Feng looked at the friend panel. Sure enough, the name of the thief world was shining high and hung prominently on Xu Feng's friend panel.

Xu Feng opened the private chat voice and sent a call request to Xu Changman. Soon, Xu Changman accepted Xu Feng's private chat request.

"Is it just now?"

"Ye, I just read the post for a while!"

Xu Feng answered casually, but his eyes were always observing the players on the left and right to see if someone was monitoring him. After all, now that he was exposed to the Emperor's Guild, who knew whether they would search for themselves all over the city.