Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 112 Xu Feng's Counterattack 1

"What?" Xu Changman didn't understand why Xu Feng said this to himself.

"I think I'm being watched?" Xu Feng stood for a while and found that several people's eyes swept towards him intentionally or unintentionally. Although their movements were very obscure, they were still discovered by Xu Feng, who was good at observation.

"What's wrong with me?"

"You will understand when you go to the forum later." Xu Feng took a breath and said with a slightly depressed expression.

"Well, won't anyone record your action? It won't be like this... I think I understand. Why are you so weak?"

"That's how bad it is!" Xu Feng's eyebrows and black line fell wildly and nodded speechlessly.

"What should I do now?"

Xu Feng was stunned for a while and didn't think what to do. Looking at the players coming and going, Xu Feng felt that he was too lonely. He was destined to be abandoned if he was separated from the group.

"Add the guild!" Xu Feng hesitated for a moment and said what he had thought about for a long time

"Add the guild?"

"Hmm, the one mentioned by Wangchuan last time... By the way, it's the Liberal Alliance. Xu Feng paused for a moment before remembering the name of the guild.

"Yes, it's up to you. Please contact me."

"Well, hang up first, 86!"

Xu Feng hung up the private chat voice, then opened the friend panel, looked at the Wangchuan avatar on it, and sent him a private chat request...

With a beep, the private chat voice is instantly connected...

"Hey, bloody, what's the matter with me?"

There was a little bright voice from Wangchuan's voice. Xu Feng took a deep breath, then thought about it, and then hesitated to say, "Well, my friend and I have thought about what you said the day before yesterday. Can we decide to join your guild together?"

To Xu Feng's surprise, the voice fell into silence for a long time, as if something had been delayed by the other party, and there was no time to answer.

Xu Feng was stunned, so that the other party would happily agree. You know, they were eager to invite themselves last time, but now they are... No, what's wrong? Xu Feng couldn't figure it out for a moment.

"I'm sorry, the guild has been full recently, so the president said that no more people will be added for the time being. Look..."

After a long time, Wangchuan's reply reached Xu Feng's ears. Xu Feng was stunned, and as expected... Just now he knew that the news would definitely spread quickly, but he didn't expect it to be so fast. Almost everyone knew that in the dark, when the other party was silent just now, he had a hunch that it would be such a result, but the real arrival made him extremely bitter.

"Dreams are often beautiful, but reality is often cruel and warm!" Xu Feng didn't blame him. In reality, he saw too much of this kind of thing. They are right to protect themselves. After all, no one wants to offend a huge person for no reason.

Looking up to the sky and sighing for a while, Xu Feng hung up the voice request and had a private chat with Xu Changman...

"How's it going?" As soon as the voice was connected, Xu Changman's anxious voice came quickly.

"Alas!" Xu Feng sighed and hesitated how to open his mouth.

"Do you disagree?" Hearing Xu Feng's sigh, Xu Chang's questioning tone suddenly came clearly from the private chat voice channel.

"Ye!" Xu Feng answered gently, and there was really an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

"Dogs look down on people!" Xu Changman was stunned at first, and then he immediately understood and cursed angrily.

"Stop it, it's human."

Xu Feng stopped him from opening his mouth. He and Changman were not in the first place to scold others, and they were just friends.

"Uh..." Xu Changman suddenly stopped his speech.

After a long silence, Xu Feng looked at it. There was no way to be so silent, so he opened his mouth to break this embarrassment. "Changman, you should practice your subordinates alone during this period."


"There are so many why!"

"Well, isn't it just the Tuhuang Guild? I'm not afraid of him, and it's not realistic. I'm afraid of Mao." Xu Changman also reacted at this time and immediately said, "You can't play a game with your brothers to dominate the world, but at least you have to share the enemy, so Xu Feng, don't persuade me, really!"

Xu Feng's eyes were suddenly sour, raised his head, suppressed tears from falling, and sucked his nose hard, "You stupid!"

"Ha ha, as long as you are smart. Why am I so smart? It takes my brains!"

"Just listen to me. If you are at a high level in the future, maybe you can take me..." Xu Feng thought for a moment and found a reason, and said, "After all, I'm being hunted down, and the training level must be very unstable, so I'm counting on you."


"Stop talking, the cunning rabbit also has three caves. Do you want to be served in a pot?" AS SOON AS XU Changman OPENED HIS MOU, HE WAS robbed BY XU FANG, "OK, THAT'S IT. I'LL GO FIRST. CALL ME!"

I'm sorry, I don't want to implicate you, brother. Xu Feng spoke slowly in the bottom of his heart with a heavy heart. The cool breeze blew through his face, which made him suddenly wake up and had no time to sigh. He swept away the two surveillance personnel not far away indifferently. Xu Feng turned to the south with his staff on his staff.

"I don't want to put up with it anymore. Before they react, give them a thunderbolt." Xu Feng's eyes burst into a trace of anger, like a hungry tiger, who was choosing a person to enjoy.

"Did he move?" Not far away, a player who supervised Xu Feng said to his accomplice in surprise.

"Yes!" The accomplice also looked at Xu Feng, who was far away with a happy face, with a hesitant look on his face, "Are we going to report or..." Speaking of this, he turned his head and looked at the leader and asked.

"You're stupid. Of course, you hung him up. He's just a mage. Can't the three of us beat him?" The player who spoke before looked at him contemptuously.

"Ha ha, Brother Liu is right!" The reprimanded player immediately lowered his head and said flatteringly.


The brother named Liu didn't look at him. He shouted in a low voice, then picked up his weapon and chased Xu Feng faintly through the noisy crowd.

Xu Feng did not leave the city immediately. Before leaving the city, he had to solve some things, so he came to the town warehouse in the suspicious eyes of the three people.

"What is he doing?" Brother Liu looked at Xu Feng's strange behavior and asked his accomplices around him with a puzzled face.

"Don't know?" The two people behind Brother Qi shook their heads one after another, with puzzled faces.

"Stupid, he must be taking money to buy medicine. It happens that he will be violent later. By the way, he can also pick up some medicine money, hey hey..." Brother Liu smiled and his eyes narrowed like a crescent moon.

"Yes, yes... Brother Liu is reasonable!"

"That's..." Brother Liu's face is even more proud, and the dimples on his face can hang a bottle.

Xu Feng checked the warehouse. As soon as he left the town, he didn't know when he would return to the town, so he turned here halfway and wanted to mail something to Xu Changman.

There are so many things in the warehouse. Xu Feng sorted out the equipment and there were a total of four pieces of equipment. Xu Feng took them out. Unfortunately, he can't bring them now, but two pieces of equipment can be used immediately.

After all, he was almost 15th grade. Xu Feng hesitated and finally put the 15 purple boots and 15th grade blue robe into his backpack, then opened the email, neatly put the 17 orange robe and 17th grade purple ring into the email, and wrote a few words to Xu Changman. Then send it to him.

After doing all this, Xu Feng took a deep breath and his eyes were a little complicated. If he really went as bad as he expected, he would have to rely on this robe for the month.

Shake his head, Xu Feng put away his annoyance. Next, it should be the matter of ending the King's Slaughter Guild. Although it is not advisable for the eppo to shake the tree, it is not too much to take a little revenge.

He glanced coldly at the three sneaky guys who followed him, then raised his head and strode out of the city.

"Did the boy find us?"

Brother Liu was swept by Xu Feng's cold eyes, and a trace of uneasiness slowly emerged from the bottom of his heart, so he found a topic to divert his attention and gradually extinguished the uneasiness in his heart.