Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 124 Against the Sky 2

"These basic attributes alone are several grades larger than Changman's 15-level orange bow. These attributes are comparable to the 30-level orange-level equipment, but its wearing requirements only require 14 levels, and so on..."

Xu Feng glanced at the holy weapon in his hand again, and the three words of growth were suddenly imprinted into Xu Feng's eyes. Does this mean that when I upgrade, it will also upgrade, so...

Xu Feng looked at these three words with a trembling mouth and only felt that the sky in front of him was unprecedentedly bright. "This is too..." Xu Feng held his ten fingers tightly against the sky and hesitated for a long time. Xu Feng finally said, "This is too against the sky!"

"This is a sacred weapon, which is only available in the top ten countries, and there is only one in every country in the top ten countries, don't you think..." Hatch's face is even more glorious, as if others are praising him.

"It's also a sacred weapon that is more awesome than colorful artifacts!" Xu Feng thought for a moment and understood. However, when he heard Haqi's words, he was stunned and then asked, "What, only the ten powerful countries have, what about other countries?"

"Other countries are colorful artifacts at most, but don't be too excited too early. This sacred weapon in your hand..." A trace of chagrin flashed on Hatch's face, and finally gritted his teeth and said, "It's still incomplete!"

"Incomplete?" Xu Feng looked at Haqi doubtfully, and then focused his attention on the warm jade-like anti-sky in his hand. When he saw the last four words, he said word by word, "Ununblocked 1?"

"In order to balance the power of each country, the ultimate figure of each country has taken action to seal all the sacred weapons of the ten powerful countries." Hatch's eyes shot angrily and said resentfully, "If the weak countries hadn't come together and the ten powerful countries were fighting separately, otherwise it would have been impossible to shake the ten powerful countries with those dozens of weak countries alone."

"The ultimate character?" Xu Feng sensitively caught the critical information mentioned by his uncle and asked Haqi doubtfully, "Who is better than you?"

"Of course this is..." Hatch looked at Xu Feng's doubtful eyes, slowly released his courage and said weakly, "Of course they are strong, except our boss!"

"Your boss is..." Xu Feng pretended not to see the impatient side of the old man and asked again.

"That's the teenager!" Hatch looked around carefully, and then said proudly, "That kid is awesome!"

"Uh!" Xu Feng's eyes beat unnaturally, and he recalled the extremely indifferent teenager in his mind. Thinking of his cold appearance, he couldn't help shivering, "The ultimate character turned out to be so strong!" Xu Feng nodded a little.

"Well, I've finished that task. There is no time limit. If you want to keep the sacred artifact in your hand, you can complete it as soon as possible. If you don't want to, you can't do it. If you lose it, then..." Speaking of this, Hatch stared at him and warned harshly, "Your future world will be completely dark!"

After saying that, he suddenly stood up, and then looked at Xu Feng fiercely again. Finally, when he moved his hand, Xu Feng only felt a white light flash, and then the old man Hachi completely disappeared in front of him like a ghost.

"Mission...?" Xu Feng remembered at this time. When he took the skill book from the old man, he saw the strange smile at the corner of the old man's mouth. At that time, he didn't understand where he was calculated by him. It turned out that when he laughed, he had given his task to me, but I don't remember that I took it. Pass his mission?

Xu Feng scratched his head a little confusedly, and then called out the task panel suspiciously in the uninhabited cave, and carefully browsed the tasks through the weak line of fire.

There are two pieces of information on Xu Feng's mission panel, so Xu Feng's eyes swept away and quickly became clear. He dragged Hatch's commission out, and Xu Feng muttered to read:

"Enter Carl's magic cave, kill Carl, and get the soul against the sky?"

"Carl?" What a familiar name. Xu Feng tilted his head and carefully recalled where he had heard the name, "Carl..."

Looking at the dark tunnel in front of him, Xu Feng stayed there and thought persistently, "Why am I so stupid that I can't remember, Carl's magic hole?"

"It seems to be something I got a while ago..." Xu Feng narrowed his eyes and thought carefully about what he knew and ruled out the events he knew. "It seems that I have only hit one inexplicable thing, which is called Carl's... Key? Thinking of this, Xu Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, suddenly jumped, stepped heavily on the ground, and made a loud muffled sound, "Yes, it's Carl's key, that's right! That time I played the elite boss, the strange item violent by the purple cat demon, and it was also the first boss and the first bucket of gold to enter this game!"

"But where is Carl's magic hole?" Xu Feng's face darkened and suddenly came down weakly like a cauliflower. "Those players who entered the public beta have entered the Zhuque City, one of the five main cities of China, but they haven't heard anyone on the forum discussing who has seen this magic hole?"

"What on earth is this... What kind of place?" Xu Feng was speechless, but when he saw such a superb attribute in his hand, Xu Feng resolutely decided, "We have to rush to level 30 as soon as possible, and then complete these tasks early!"

Xu Feng did not forget Hatch's last harsh warning just now, and he didn't want to lose this sacred weapon in the future. Although it was clearly written that it could not fall, the damn old man was so true that there was no way not to worry him.

Xu Feng took this anti-sky in his hand, and then threw the replaced garbage stick into his backpack. "This attribute, I grass..." Xu Feng glanced at his personal attributes and was stunned by those attributes. Although the blood is still weak, it is also much stronger than just now, with 40 points more HP, which is more than that. There are more magic attacks than just now, more than 100 more than just now.

Xu Feng continued to sweep down, and the expression on his face became more and more excited. Critical strikes, casting, and most importantly, the skill cooling time has changed, which is really too... It's against the sky!

Xu Feng now understands the value of this sacred weapon, "This is only unsealed. What if it is unsealed?" Thinking of this, Xu Feng wanted to die. Of course, he was so excited.

On the surface of Xu Feng's beautiful arm, the blue veins there are slowly beating around his neck, and his chest is even more ups and down. Fortunately, people who know it, but those who don't know think he has asthma.

"The sacred artifact must not disappear from my hand!" Xu Feng's eyes collapsed and shot a desperate look, gritting his teeth and swearing fiercely.

After a while, Xu Feng's expression calmed down, and the ups and downs on his chest were no longer so obvious, but he knew from his slightly rough gasp that his mood had not completely calmed down.

"Before that, you must upgrade your level!" Xu Feng breathed deeply the turbid air in the tunnel, and then made a solemn decision.

"That's right, let's learn those two skill books first to avoid bursting..."

Xu Feng did it as soon as he thought of it. He immediately took the two primary skills in his backpack in his hand. Looking at the two skill books in his hand that could be said to be easily obtained, Xu Feng's eyes unconsciously became a little complicated.

"How good it would be if these two books were not bound!" Xu Feng raised his eyebrows and was a little unwilling to think that although these two skill books are not comparable to the ice arrow skills he has, the sum of the value of the two books must be comparable to that.

"Forget it, I don't think about it. I'm not greedy enough to swallow elephants. There are many lessons since the suffering. It's better to be open-minded!" Thinking of this, Xu Feng's slightly lost heart naturally felt better.