Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 125 Against the Sky 3

With the soft sound of the slap, Xu Feng's hands suddenly emitted a soft light in the dark tunnel. After a while, Xu Feng only felt that his hand was light, and then the two skill books disappeared in front of Xu Feng out of thin air. At the same time, Xu Feng's skill bar panel showed two more skills. , the primary wind blade and the primary ice shield.

"Look at the use of these two skills!"

Xu Feng lowered his head and looked at the skill bar panel. With the yellow fireball in front of him, Xu Feng could barely see them clearly.

Both ice shield and wind blade skills are primary skills, but ice shield is relatively impractical, and the wind blade is comparable in the primary skills.

Ice Shield: a primary skill, which condenses the ice elements around the body to form a strong ice shield, which can be used for defense.

Wind blade: The primary skill is the air fluctuations formed by the condensation of wind elements, with wind-like intangible and speed, and sharp blade-like lethality.

Xu Feng stood in place and thought about the practicality of the two skills for a while. This is a habit of Xu Feng, which can be said to be a better habit. In reality, every time Xu Feng learns new magic knowledge, he will think about it carefully for a while to see if he can draw inferences and integrate it into other magic. Noodles.

Xu Feng stood quietly in this gloomy tunnel for two quarters of an hour before he came to his senses.

He first looked left and right blankly, and then came to his senses.

"Although this may be a little imperfect, now I don't have time to waste it here. It's terrible..." Xu Feng thought about it and suddenly changed his face. "The huge power of opening the sacred artifact just now must have caused the whole country, no, at least the chaos of the whole city, so now outside must... Very chaotic!"

Xu Feng's face suddenly turned into a bitter gourd face, "I have completely offended the Slayer's Guild, and I can't offend the players in the whole city or the whole country! So..."

Xu Feng took a deep breath, "So, we must not let them see me here, otherwise..."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng carefully went to Wanfeng Valley.

At this time, Wanfeng Valley can be said to be a gathering of elites. As long as the elite members of the top ten guilds in China are above level 30, they are basically concentrated in front of this small Wanfeng Valley.

Not to mention the countless small guilds and some scattered masters.

However, although there are many people gathered here now, they all feel a deep sense of powerlessness when they look at the countless paths of the Wanfeng Valley in front of them.

Before that, they worked together to organize two offensives. The first time they went through many difficulties, but there were too many paths, and in the end, they were unable to return in the face of countless forks. The second time I was prepared, but I passed through some paths with difficulty. In the end, what I met made everyone feel a deep nightmare. It turned out to be a group of bosses, and also leader-level bosses. It was like a river that blocked their way forward. In this wave of attacks, many elites of the guild Members have lost one level one after another. If it hadn't been for the top masters of each guild, they might have lost more elites.

Despite this, the losses caused are still huge.

When Xu Feng carefully took steps and set out for Wanfeng Valley, a third wave of attacks was being organized outside at this moment. This time, because there was a correct route, the purpose was very clear. Several large guilds rushed towards the tunnel where Xu Feng was located.

Although there are many difficulties ahead, the strange phenomena in the depths of Wanfeng Valley deeply attract them and have no choice but to go.

When Xu Feng patiently walked through the long tunnel, he soon appeared in the depths of Wanfeng Valley.

"What's going on?" Xu Feng listened to the sound of fighting in front of him and the flickering skill light effect in front of him. He was stunned and understood, "The trouble is really coming..."

Looking ahead, Xu Feng's eyes were uncertain, but his face was calm. "Find a place first to avoid..." Speaking of this, he first glanced at the anti-sky on his back, and then suppressed the excitement in his heart and retreated to the left.

Half an hour later...

The fighting in the distance became more and more fierce. Just when Xu Feng was impatient, more than 20 players broke through the Bee King BOSS at an amazing speed and struggled to break into the tunnel.

The equipment of each of them is shining brightly, coupled with their extraordinary speed. Needless to guess, they must be the core members of each guild, which makes Xu Feng, who is hiding in the dense bush, dare not take any rash action.

Xu Feng carefully looked at their surprised faces through the thickets in the hidden place. Obviously, they did not expect to break through many difficulties, but what they saw was an unexpected scene. There was actually a hole in front of them?

However, there was a chasing queen bee behind, so after a little hesitation, they quickly swarmed in and quickly entered the dark tunnel.

Xu Feng looked at their anxious appearance, calm faces, and a flash of joke.

"I don't know what kind of expression they will have when they have entered it after so many difficulties... Although they really want to see it, it's better to go first, after all..." Thinking of this, Xu Feng looked at the status bar, and his yellow name was hanging there prominently.

With a flash of white light, Xu Feng arrived 50 yards away in an instant and looked at the anti-sky on his back unexpectedly. "I didn't expect this anti-sky to be so awesome. The previous 0.9 seconds of casting was shortened to 0.1 at once. This is really unbelievable."

However, Xu Feng did not sigh too much. He raised his feet and quickly trotted out. Xu Feng picked some remote places. However, in the end, he inevitably met some people, but most people focused on the depths of Wanfeng Valley, so although Xu Feng was a sinful yellow name, they were too lazy to chase him. .

Looking at the chaotic fighting scene not far ahead, Xu Feng, who was hidden in one place, suddenly realized, "It seems that it was the cover of these people, and then those elites were able to break through the encirclement of the queen of the bees and escape into the tunnel."

After thinking about this, Xu Feng looked at it for a while, then carefully avoided the fighting crowd, pushed away the thorns in front of him, and quietly dived towards the mouth of Wanfeng Valley.

After sneaking carefully for a period of time, Xu Feng's tight heart also put down a lot. He turned his head and looked at the scene of fierce fighting behind him. Xu Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

"For good, they don't have the energy to take care of me, otherwise..."

Thinking of this, Xu Feng smiled helplessly and didn't care about himself. He had to be lucky. How could he be sentimental again?

He raised his head and looked at the mouth of the valley where the crowd was as dense as ants not far ahead. "There are so many people!"

Originally, I thought that there must be no one in Wanfeng Gukou, but I didn't expect that there were more players here than Gu Nei. This time, the number of people was better than the number of the emperor's BOSS incident. It was simply a sea of people.

"It seems that you have to find a strange spot, avoid them while brushing, and get rid of the yellow name on your head, and you can just sneak into the crowd!" Xu Feng looked at the bright yellow name on his head and planned helplessly.

Looking around, Xu Feng carefully fell into the dense bushes and carefully looked for some remote places.

The monsters nearby were attracted by them, so Xu Feng couldn't find a suitable place for a while. However, the yellow name on his head echoed the surprisingly large yellow flowers around him. For a moment, it was difficult for others to find him, and their attention was attracted by the depths of the valley, which provided Xu Feng with a rare cover. Protect.

"It seems that I have to lurk here, but I'm not impatient!"

You should know that in reality, as a magician, patience is also a compulsory course for them. Otherwise, those boring basic skills will not be practiced by them.

Look at the situation in this valley, you won't want to leave this damn place for a while. Since you can't leave it for a while, Xu Feng simply sat there, boredly pulled out the skill panel, gathered his mind, and slowly studied skills and proficient in some skill techniques.

Although the sacred weapon is brought and the best attribute is piled up. Basically, the advanced methods are negligible, but in the future, some ultimate skills or forbidden spell-level techniques will have super compound techniques. Therefore, it is also a quick training to practice one more technique at this moment.