Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 128 Xiang Wu Hong 1

Looking at the 'propaganda room' in front of him, Xu Feng could only smile at Xu Chang.

Just as Xu Feng and Xu Changman were about to knock on the door and report, the newcomers like them in the hall also approached.

It seems that not long ago, they also carefully found that Xu Feng and Xu Changman were pink newcomers like them. Since Xu Feng and the two stood here, they must be the same as them and wanted to report, so they also walked towards Xu Feng and the others.

With Xu Changman knocking on the door, a dozen of them were quickly invited into the unknown propaganda room.

More than a dozen people swarmed in, which did not bring a sense of crowding to this spacious propaganda room.

Xu Feng looked around curiously and found that the publicity room was very simple and elegant. Overall, it was mainly white. There were five people in it. Two of them knew him, that was the two people he saw at the registration office that day. One was a grumpy A poor, and the other was... Thinking of this, Xu Feng frowned and thought, oh, when he remembered, the other one was Du Xiaofang, and as for the other three, Xu Feng was strange.

"It turns out that the two of them are from the Propaganda Department!" Xu Changman approached Xu Feng's side, looked at A Qiong and Du Xiaofang uncertainly, clinging to Xu Feng's ear and muttered, "Be careful later, so as not to wear small shoes!" After Xu Changman finished speaking, he stood up straight and looked straight at him.

"I know!" Xu Feng turned his head and looked at him, and immediately shook his head speechlessly again. This guy was pretending again!

"Wait up, okay?"

A majestic voice exploded in Xu Feng's slightly noisy crowd, making each of them look like a car, stopping vividly, and their expressions were indescribably ugly and unnatural.

Then each of them gently lined up.

"Hurry up, mother-in-law, so slow, why do you come to practice martial arts? Just go back to read a book or go to the music department to get a guitar. You don't look like a martial artist at all!" The majestic voice returned loudly to everyone's ears again, making everyone's movements accelerate and line up in a long formation at a super fast speed, and the beginning of the formation was in front of the table where the sound was sitting.

"Now, come to me to report one by one. Remember to take your member card, which is the red card sent to you that day."

The voice rose again, and Xu Feng, who was in the middle of the line, immediately looked at him and found that it was him, the poor man who was jokingly called tyrannical bamboo by Xu Changman.

It's just that they are in the propaganda room at this moment, wearing white martial arts uniforms with Chinese tradition.

As the team moves forward, it will soon be Xu Feng's turn.

Walking to the wooden table painted with white paint, Xu Feng handed a red card to Ah Qiong, who lowered his head.

A Qiong, who wrote the information with his head down, did not raise his head and stretched out his hand. He easily took the card in Xu Feng's hand and glanced at it quickly. Then Gujing shouted wavelessly, "Xu Feng, martial arts social member, two sets of 10-level martial arts uniform."

After reading, a member behind him in a martial arts suit with a yellow belt around his waist handed two sets of transparent paper belts to Xu Feng.

Xu Feng politely nodded to him, and then reached out to take two transparent paper bags wrapped in martial arts clothes in his hand.

"Then!" A Qiong held Xu Feng's red card in his left hand, handed it to Xu Feng, and then shouted, "Next."

Freeing his hand to take his red card, Xu Feng walked to Xu Changman, who had already received his martial arts uniform.

At this moment, Xu Changman was carefully holding the martial arts clothes in his hand and staring at them with shining eyes.

"You... Are you all right?" Xu Feng looked at him and asked puzzledly.

"Uh, hey, I'm fine!" Xu Changman squeaked his mouth, wiped his saliva with his hand, stared at the snow-white ceiling, and responded in confusion.

"You... Are you sure you're really okay? No matter how he looked at it, Xu Feng felt that he was very strange, and an awkward feeling erupted from the depths of his heart, like a flood.

"What's going on, uh!" Xu Chang said and smiled, but when he saw Xu Feng's worried eyes, he suddenly turned pale and said, "Don't think it's crooked. I'm thinking that if I'm so wise and magical, if I wear this extraordinary martial arts suit again, it's really..." Speaking of this, he closed his eyes happily and raised a ** and swinging expression on his face. However, no matter how Xu Feng looked at it, he felt that it was a kind of beaten expression.

Xu Feng turned his head surrendered and stopped looking at him, so that his heart would not be thundered again.

More than a dozen people walked towards the second floor of the martial arts club under the direction of an old member in the propaganda room.

Under the simple introduction of the old member on the roadside, the first few words made Xu Feng turn away his eyes and listen to the old student's talk quietly.

The Wushu Society has seven floors and five departments.

The place where I was just now, that is, the first floor of the martial arts club, the propaganda room, is called the propaganda department in the structure organization of the martial arts club, which is mainly responsible for recruiting new students and promoting the martial arts club, such as those leaflets, posters and the large blackboard production on the left wall of the hall on the first floor.

The minister of the propaganda department is A Qiong. According to the recommendation of this old student, although A Qiong's popularity and temper are not good, his martial arts attainments are still very high, ranking among the top 20 martial arts clubs.

As for the ranking, a new student asked him curiously. The old student just changed his face, smiled awkwardly, did not talk about it in detail, but changed the topic again and turned to the deputy head of the propaganda department, that is, Du Xiaofang, the charming woman who recruited students with A Qiong that day.

"I didn't expect their status to be so high in the community!" Xu Feng stroked his chin and thought deeply.

As for the other four departments, the old student just gave a brief introduction, probably in the propaganda department, so what he talked about the most along the way was his department.

In this short few minutes, Xu Feng had a vague impression of the structure of the martial arts club under the brief and direct introduction of the old students.

In addition to the Propaganda Department, the Wushu Society also has four departments, namely the Outreach Department, the Training Department, the Theory Department and the core of the Wushu Society: the headquarters.

As for what the four departments are specifically in charge of, Xu Feng can only understand one or two from the name of the department. The training department should be the training of management members, and the outreach department should be similar to diplomacy. As for the theory department, Xu Feng is unknown, and the martial arts club also needs theory? He can't figure it out. As for the last headquarters, it's better to understand, maybe it's managing the operation of the whole martial arts club or something.

Just as Xu Feng sorted out and absorbed the new news, they unconsciously took the elevator and slowly came to the second floor of the martial arts club.

If the first layer can be described as broad and profound, then the second layer can be described as streamlined.

Looking at the words that can be seen everywhere, dynamically and seem to collapse, Xu Feng has to admire the publicity work in place. Although the momentum of these words cannot be compared with the martial characters on the first floor, they can still be seen, at least much better than his snake-like brush calligraphy.

As soon as he turned the corner, there was an empty martial arts practice field. A young student dressed in white martial arts clothes and a blue belt stood there quietly, facing the wall with the word martial arts hanging, thinking quietly.

The old student who came up with Xu Feng and others, as soon as he saw the young man, took a few steps and shouted from afar, "Brother Hong, are you leading the team today?"

All of a sudden, the solemn picture was destroyed.

The young man in front of him turned around, looked back calmly at the old student, and said lightly, "Lao Wu, these new students in recent weeks?"

"Give me an expression!" The old student known as Lao Wu was not in a hurry to answer, but made fun of him first, then looked at his zombie expression, rolled his eyes, and replied with a serious look, "Well, aren't you asking more?"

Brother Hong ignored him, but looked over him, bet on Xu Feng and his group of new students, and said calmly, "Is this the result of your military training?"