Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 129 Xiang Wuhong 2

This sentence wandered coldly in the martial arts practice on the second floor of the surprisingly quiet martial arts club.

Xu Feng and several others shivered together. The tone of this sentence was not very cold, but the meaning of the words...

There is no need for Brother Hong in Lao Wu to speak out again. Xu Feng and others consciously lined up in a long line. More than a dozen people from high to short, but it could be done in a minute. Obviously, their special training in the new semester of college was still useful.

Brother Hong inspected them with his eyes, then withdrew his sight, looked at Lao Wu in front of him again, and said without any fluctuation, "You can go!"

Lao Wu didn't care about his usual indifference. Anyway, the whole martial arts club knew his character, so he just waved his hand and left alone.

When Lao Wu went far away, Hongge concentrated his attention again on Xu Feng and others.

"Ren in two rows, hurry up!"

With his command, everyone quickly completed the transition from one row to two rows.

"Very good!" Although Brother Hong still looked calm, his eyes still leaked, and he was a little satisfied with everyone's performance just now. "Next, let's introduce ourselves first, so as to facilitate everyone's familiarity." Speaking of this, his tone paused slightly, his calm eyes looked at the people in front of him again, and then continued, "Let me do it first. My surname is Xiang, my name is Wu Hong, and my full name is Xiang Wuhong. I am currently the junior coach of the martial arts club training department."


Next, it is the following people's introduction. Soon, everyone completed a simple self-introduction.

"Do you see the dressing room in the back?" After everyone introduced himself, he looked up to Wu Hong and motioned behind everyone with his eyes.

"Ye." Everyone turned their heads doubtfully and looked behind. Seeing that there was indeed a changing room behind, they looked back at Wu Hong.

"Hmm!" Xiang Wuhong looked at them calmly and nodded for sure.

There is no need to tell Wu Hong again. Everyone who got his affirmation walked towards the locker room with a smile.


The calm and cold voice of Wu Hong rose again from behind everyone. Everyone who heard the 'ghost sound' changed their faces and hurriedly trotted towards the locker room.

Push open the wooden door made of red grid wood in the dressing room, which is a large changing room. As far as I can see, opposite the door is a row of small dressing rooms with more than ten rooms, while opposite many dressing rooms are a smooth full-body mirror.

Everyone took turns to enter the small dressing room, changed the two sets of martial arts clothes in their hands, and walked out of the dressing room one after another.

When Xu Feng and the others lined up, they still held a blank face to Wu Hong, and could not distinguish the sound of emotion at all. They faintly in the surprisingly quiet martial arts field and slowly sounded.

"If you come after school, put on your martial arts clothes, and put the things you bring in the personal counter in the west. Now, go and put the items in your hands quickly."

With the end of the last word to Wu Hong, the queued up again ran towards the personal container of the dark green iron frame in the west.

Soon, everyone put all the items in their hands in the wardrobe marked with their names. As for why the wardrobe was marked with their names, it may be arranged by the propaganda department of the martial arts club to do it.

Xu Feng did not doubt anything else. After the things were placed, he casually pulled out the key in his iron cabinet, put it in his pocket, and returned to the team with the crowd. Xu Feng slowly touched the trouser pocket with the key and thought to himself, it seemed that it was also very convenient here. .

Xiang Hongwu and other people stood in line and slowly paced to the front center of the team. The soles of their feet came into contact with the rough black floor, and the crisp sound was slowly abrupt from the hearts of everyone.

looked numbly at the tense expressions of the people in front of him, pulled the closed corners of Wu Hong's mouth slightly, "I know this is your first class. I'm your senior and the junior coach of your class of rookies."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and his flat eyes suddenly flashed a sharp light. He stared at the crowd with his eyes grimly, bent his right hand, and gently picked up his white martial arts uniform. "This is the uniform of this martial arts club. The white one represents a pure and sincere heart, and also represents our The endless pursuit of technology!"

Xu Changman, standing beside Xu Feng, scratched his head a little puzzled. He understood the first half of the sentence, and he couldn't understand the last half of the sentence. Turning his head, he peeked at Xu Feng on the right side and saw that he looked forward attentively. Because of Wu Hong's power, he did not ask Xu Feng, but he thought in his heart, "I can't ask now. It's the same when it's over."

Looking at the people with doubts, they did not explain to Wu Hong. They skipped directly and went straight to the topic, "Our martial arts society, like the international martial arts alliance, has a strict hierarchy, and the hierarchy of our martial arts society is also based on the assessment system of the International Armed Forces Federation, but in strict comparison with them. It's relatively loose."

"In short, the level of our martial arts club is level 10, level 3 and 9!" Speaking of this, he paused slightly, then pointed to the blue and red belt in his waist, and his face flashed proudly. He said, "This belt represents my technical level. For example, my blue and red belt represents that I am level 3 of level 10!"

For these slightly research students, he looked at the blue and red belt on Wu Hong's waist and immediately showed an admiration. For example, Xu Changman knew nothing about it. He muttered with a little contempt, "This is too... It's rubbish. It's only level 3, and it's seven levels away from level 10. What's there to be proud of!"

Seeing the following students with all kinds of expressions, they were not in a hurry to explain. They still said slowly and smoothly, "The color of the belt represents the technical level of the players. From low to high, they are white belt (level 10), white and yellow belt (level 9), yellow belt (level 8), yellow belt (level 7) and green belt (6 Level), green and blue belt (5th grade), blue belt (4th grade), blue and red belt (3rd grade), red belt (2nd grade), red and black belt (1st grade, 1st to 3rd grade), black belt (one to 9th grade)!"

"Uh..." Hearing this, Xu Changman suddenly woke up and knew that he would be wrong, but he did not apologize much, because there were so many levels in front of the third level, so he still subjectively thought that the third level was not so great. If he knew the difficulty of getting on the black belt, he would not have been like this at this moment. What did you think about?

"Do you hear me clearly!" Wu Hong looked at the crowd seriously, put his hands on his back, and stood straight in front of the crowd.

"It's clear!"

"Ye!" Xiang Wuhong did not investigate everyone's untidy answers, but closed his eyes, thought about it for a while, then opened his eyes and continued to say, "Since you have entered the martial arts club, no matter what the reason, you will be a member of the martial arts club of Minnan University in the future. If you have any difficulties, you should Help each other and don't let other members bully you.

As soon as Xu Changman heard the last sentence, he suddenly jumped down happily and looked at Xu Feng.

Xu Feng felt Xu Changman's meaningful eyes and immediately looked back at him. In a moment, Xu Feng quickly understood his meaning from his eyes, "A Biao's matter can be helped by the community!"

Xu Feng looked at him speechlessly and shook his head slightly. In Xu Feng's heart, it was better to rely on himself than to rely on others for everything. This is the most reasonable saying he has gained over the years.

"No more nonsense. Today is your first class. I'll teach you a few simple actions!"

After speaking to Wu Hong, he went straight to the ground. In the free fall, he put his hands behind him and quickly stretched forward. At the moment he touched the ground, he stretched his ten fingers and twisted them, and easily removed the force brought by the acceleration in the falling body.

"It won't be..." Everyone opened their eyes wide and stared at Wu Hong in disbelief.

"He actually started..." Xu Chang swallowed his saliva and stared at him in disbelief, muttering.

"Uh!" Xu Feng's expression was also incredible.

Yes, what he is doing now is the most common push-ups.