Fantasy Mage (Part 1)

Chapter 130 Playing tricks?

"Look carefully, which one of you will do later? If the action is not in place, don't blame me for corporal punishment!"

Xiang Wuhong, who was doing push-ups, did not need to look back and must know the amazing reaction of everyone at this time, so he kept moving and said in a breathless tone.

"The push-up is so simple, who can't do it?"

One of the strange-faced new members muttered in the team, but his muttering was no different from the loud buzzing of the fighter jets on this silent martial arts field, and everyone was suddenly speechless and did not dare to make another sound.

And the muttering student also reacted later and immediately covered his mouth in horror with a look of chagrin.

Xu Feng looked at him with a little sympathy and remembered him well. In the self-introduction just now, he easily wrote down his name, and the student was called Luo Zhiwei.

"The student who just spoke stood up!"

At this moment, Wu Hong's voice sounded appropriately. He slowly stood up and gently patted his hands on the ground.

Luo Zhiwei, who is in the second row of the team, looked at Wu Hong with a little nervous face.

"Come forward and speed up. If you are so timid, the martial arts club will not welcome you. I can suggest you to go to other clubs, such as music clubs, dance clubs, etc. Clubs like us don't need cowards!"

Wu Hong's voice is still plain, but what he said is shocking and directly gives people a fatal blow.

Xu Feng, standing in the team, looked sympathetically at Luo Zhiwei, who was about the same age as himself. This man was really moldy.

Luo Zhiwei, who was talked like a pig liver to Wu Hong, finally gritted his teeth, bulged, and quickly stood in front of Wu Hong. His voice trembled and said, "Report coach, I just said that. I'm sorry!"

"Since you stand up, it means that you are still a man, which is good, but listening to your tone just now, you must know a lot about push-ups, so let's do a few to show you. Anyway, you must know these movements like the palm of your hand!"

Wu Hong's face is like a piece of glass, so that everyone can't see whether he is happy or angry at this moment.

Luo Zhiwei suppressed his shame and anger under the frightening eyes of Wu Hong and the same group of students behind him, straightened his back, skillfully flattened in place, and did push-ups.

Looking at Luo Zhiwei's push-ups, he raised a shallow smile on Wu Hong's stiff face. The smile quickly disappeared. He turned around and looked at Xu Feng and others, pointed to Luo Zhiwei, who was doing push-ups, and said lightly, "Who can point out that his movements are not standard."

Everyone looks at me and I look at you. They are all puzzled. Push-ups are very simple. Just put their limbs on the ground and support their bodies up and down. What other standards are non-standard and non-standard?

Xu Feng, who was among the crowd, also looked confused. He did not understand the elements of push-ups. What he usually learned was the foundation of magic, and his teacher did not teach the key points of physical exercise.

For everyone's puzzled reaction, Xiang Wuhong was clear. In those years, he was taught a lesson by his senior. Fengshui took turns, and now he is the 'villain' to be this 'villain'.

walked towards the railing with some weapons, picked out a slender stick with a long arm and a finger wide, and then walked back to Luo Zhiwei's side.

"Now, you pay attention and listen carefully to me. I'll just say that in the next class, if the push-ups you do are not standard, then..." Speaking of this, he gave Wu Hong a stern glance at everyone, and the meaning of it was self-evident.

"I know!" Everyone shivered under his stern warning eyes. At this moment, each of them gathered 120,000 spirits and stared at Xiang Wuhong in front of them.

Fee the different attitude of everyone, pulled up slightly to the corners of Wu Hong's mouth, and then returned to his original stiff appearance.

The stick of the right hand swirled in the palm of his hand, and suddenly it was like the wind. The top of the stick was pulled up by a few stick flowers, and his index finger pointed towards the fast spinning stick. Suddenly, the stick stood still in the palm of his hand like an obedient dog.

Reaching out to Wu Hong's right hand, his five fingers bent slightly, and gently grasped the stick in his hand. Under the close staring of everyone, the stick slowly fell on Luo Zhiwei's back in motion.

Looking at Luo Zhiwei, who was undulating up and down, he put a little force on Wu Hong's stick and said in a deep voice, "Stop!"

Suddenly, Luo Zhiwei, who was about to prop his body up, had to work hard and angrily maintain the balance of his body and maintain a distance of seven centimeters from the floor.

As we all know, the most difficult thing to do push-ups is to support them up, because at that time, their arms will bear most of the weight of the body, and if they try to stand still, they will be extremely sour.

"First point!" Wu Hong's voice was so calm that his scalp was numb. "When lying prone, it is best to keep the distance between the body and the ground by two centimeters to three centimeters."

Speaking of this, Luo Zhiwei, who was trying to maintain his balance with the stick in his hand, almost fell flat on the ground and slowly fell down under the pressure of Wu Hong's stick, until his stomach was only about three centimeters away from the floor, and Wu Hong stopped the strength in his hand.

"Do you understand!"

"I understand!"

"OK! Very good." He nodded with satisfaction to Wu Hong, then picked up the wooden stick in his hand, gently grasped both ends of the stick in both hands, and continued to say, "Second point."


"I really sympathize with him!"

Xu Chang looked at Luo Zhiwei, who was trembling at the scene with pity, and said to Xu Feng with a little sympathy.

"Let yourself take care of yourself!" Xu Feng rolled his eyes up and was really speechless from the bottom of his heart to his good buddy Xu Changman. Why didn't he think about it? This may be said to be a kind of experience for Luo Zhiwei.

For five minutes, Wu Hong briefly told the main points of push-ups through Luo Zhiwei's scene in everyone's careful listening.

"It's time to get up!" Xiang Wuhong tapped Luo Zhiwei with a stick, who was trembling all over his body. His eyes were calm and he said without any emotion, "Let's take a rest first!"


When Luo Zhiwei heard the words, he suddenly fell weakly on the cold floor in front of him like a dead pig. At this moment, he was gasping heavily, and the big drops of sweat flowed down like water.

"tired!" At this moment, there is only one word left in his mind, five minutes, and there is a deadlocked action, which is not something that ordinary people can bear at all. If he hadn't loved sports since he was a child and had exercise experience, maybe he would have made a fool of himself on the spot.

At this time, the students also found a seat and began to talk in a low voice.

"Alas!" Xu Changman glanced at the same group of students, sighed disappointedly, walked to the side, and sat down listlessly.

"What's the matter with you?" Xu Feng looked at him doubtfully and sat on the side with him.

"I'm so disappointed!" Xu Changman glanced at Xu Feng sitting next to him and said weakly.


"Because..." Xu Chang was full of heartache, looked up at the high ceiling of the martial arts club and said, "Our group of students actually don't have MM..."

"You..." Xu Feng originally thought that Xu Chang was worried about something, so he sat next to him and prepared to enlighten him. Unexpectedly, it was for this... The reason, which really made him feel speechless.

"You think so too, don't you!" Xu Chang turned his upper body, took Xu Feng's hands excitedly, and said with great awareness,

Xu Feng took a deep breath, closed his eyes, tried to turn around, and stopped looking at him, so as not to get up and beat him violently.

"Cut, pretend to be serious, or not a man!" When Xu Changman saw Xu Feng's expression and reaction, he immediately knew that Xu Feng was the same old thing. He couldn't help but stimulate him. If the activation is successful, maybe he can get a lot of beautiful MMs with this guy's strange magic, and he must be next to him... Thinking of this, a lewd smile slowly appeared on his face, and his open lips couldn't help flowing down from there.