Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 2 Departure

In the camp of the captain of the fourth detachment of the Green Dragon Knights, the clerk led the three of Elvin to report here as new recruits: "Report, sir, Elvin, Mikal and Ted came to report."

Frick, the captain of the fourth team, met Evan and the others. Frick, the captain, was kind-looking and discerning. Although he was a little fat, he could not hide his demeanor.

Captain Frick greeted everyone warmly: "Welcome to officially become a member of the Glorious Green Dragon Knights today. Of course, I also know your family status. You should also know the rules of the regiment and understand the intentions of the leader of the Kulos Legion, which is also for your good. Any ladder must start from the first step. The more solid the foundation is, the more stable you can stand in the wind and rain in the future.

The three of Aiwen saluted: "We understand. Please ask Captain Frick to exercise us strictly."

Captain Frick is looking forward to the three: "Well said, then, listen, recruits, here you will completely say goodbye to the high bed soft pillow of the college, and you will be greeted by a round of hard and almost cruel exercise."

Aiwen and the others replied loudly, "Yes, sir!"

Captain Frick is very satisfied: "New recruits, then you can go out and stand by. At present, because our department has important tasks, I will also go out with the team and assign you the corresponding tasks when I come back."

From just now, Elvin and others have noticed that in the whole barracks outside, they are very busy and seem to go out collectively. Now from the mouth of Captain Frick, it is certain that there is a military service to move a legion.

Evan did not turn around and go out, but seemed to have something to say to Captain Frick.

Captain Frick noticed this and asked, "Oh, what's wrong with you?"

Evan then reported directly: "Report to the sub-captain, although I know that it will be a little unsuitable for my identity, but the sub-captain, can I ask you to let me also participate in this military affairs?"

It turns out that Evan wants to participate in this special military affairs immediately. For a newcomer who just came to report today, it is a little too early to carry out military affairs. This request is indeed a little too much.

"Oh, can I hear your reason?" In the face of the unreciable invitation of his subordinates, Captain Frick looked very approachable and had a deep talk with Erwin.

"My brother, when he graduated from the Royal Academy of Knights, it was the same, coincided with emergency military affairs, and then, with his own strength, his brother obtained outstanding achievements in that military affairs." Elvin talked about his brother with a proud expression on his face.

Of course, Captain Frick understood, so he asked, "So, you really want to learn from your brother, don't you?"

Elvin replied directly, "Yes! Because the opportunity is won and grasped by yourself, that's what his brother told me.

"Hahaha, well said, young people have such an idea, which is really commendable." Captain Frick is a very enlightened officer.

Captain Frick thought for a moment, and then said to Elvin in a commanding tone, "Okay, then I will appoint you as the trainee captain now, and give you the first task now. I will follow the army of the commander of the legion to carry out the suppression mission, which was originally a veteran soldier to carry out. An important task, but I believe that your strength and loyalty are beyond doubt. Go ahead, sort out the equipment and horses immediately, and set out with the team later.

Hearing this order, Evan and the three of them were so happy that they couldn't close their mouths. After thanking Captain Frick, the three quickly returned to prepare for departure.

The clerk next to him asked puzzledly, "Captain, why do you allow them to participate in this military affairs?"

"Young, it's really good. In those years, I had the same enthusiasm as them." Thinking of his past, Captain Frick missed him.

Captain Frick said from the bottom of his heart: "And his eyes are so similar. Yes, it's really like his brother. In those years, his brother was also like this. He appeared in front of me and was also so energetic.

"Wait a minute, he is the second son of the commander of the Kulos Legion, and his brother is not from our army now..." The clerk was a little surprised.

"Yes, it seems that he wants to catch up with his brother, which is not an easy thing." Captain Frick appreciates Elvin's performance, but in his heart, his brother is still higher.


After the three of them walked out of the camp, Mikal said excitedly, "Wow, I didn't expect to be able to go on a mission as soon as I reported, and it was led by my righteous father. Looking at the situation around me, it seemed like a tough battle. Although the captain said so harshly, he is really a good person and wants to give us a good opportunity to make contributions. Elvin, you did a great job just now.

ai wen touched his head with embarrassment.

Ted said seriously, "Don't be too happy. Our fourth team's work is just logistics and support. Normally, it won't go forward."

Mikal has always had his own little abacus about this: "Why do you always like to pour cold water on me? If you can go, you will naturally have a chance to let us perform. Even if we don't have a chance, we can find opportunities."

Ted still said seriously, "We can't disobey orders and act alone."

Mikal said unconvincedly, "Really, if we rely on your rigid head, I'm afraid we won't be able to be a squadron leader until we retire."

As for the "noise" between the two, Elvin was used to it, so Elvin said, "Okay, everyone, go and choose your own horses quickly. I heard that your father's large army has set off early, and the logistics force of our fourth division is also leaving immediately. If you drag it down, you really can't catch up. "

In the stable, Mikal stepped on the war horse configured for himself and said excitedly, "This horse is really good. It is strong and gentle, much better than the old horses in the college. However, it is still not as good as our own beloved horse. Evan, why don't you talk? What are you thinking about? Are you worried about this mission?"

Awen said to himself, "No, I'm not worried. It's just... just in a few days... just... No, it's nothing. Let's go quickly. We can't cause trouble to others as soon as we take office."

After saying that, the three of them followed the troops. In this way, Elvin's first mission began to depart.