Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 3 Temple of the Stars

On the night of February 16, 199, in the starry pavilion at the highest part of the Star Temple, an ancient old man in the clothes of a high priest sat on the altar at the zenith and was looking up at the stars twinkling in the night sky. From his deep eyebrows and sad expression, it seemed to show his feelings. I feel that something bad is about to happen.

When the monk beside him saw the old man's sad and sad appearance, he asked curiously, "Mr. Xingjian, did you foresee anything bad? What is the star talking about?

Seeing that the monk was facing the starry sky, he said with emotion: "The stars are jumping, the stars are crying, and the stars in the sky are ushering in a new era. Many stars are born, and many stars will also fall... Zhi, take out the box placed in the tower. It's time to start. I We have been waiting for 200 years of mission.

The monk who just asked - Zhi responded, "Yes, I'm going now, Lord Monk Zheng."

After that, a box was taken. Its structure was very strange and very light. It seemed that there was nothing in it.

Xingjian Monk was saying to Zhi, "The change of the stars in the sky, just like the change of everything in the world, comes from the same source. What did you foresee?"

Zhi replied, "Since the night more than ten days ago, the flow of stars has been extremely abnormal. I feel that a huge force is beginning to flow, driving the changes in the world. However, my practice is not enough to foresee.

Xingjian Monk pointed to the distance and said to Zhi, "Really, the vast starry sky is indeed unpredictable, and the prediction seen is just an uncertain future. But you should remember that your future will always be in your own hands. Wisdom, in the future, although the road of your destiny is thorny and even sacrificed, don't be afraid. The stars will illuminate the way forward for you, and they will guide you to return to the arms of the stars.

Xing saw that the monk was saying something metaphorically. He could tell that this was to let himself leave this place tonight. Although he was reluctant, he knew that he had left with a mission that they had been waiting for 200 years and had a great responsibility, although the front of this road waiting for him was most likely to be called death. At the end, but there was no trace of fear in his firm eyes.


At the foot of the mountain of the Star Temple, the commander of the Canglong Flying Cavalry Regiment, who has the fastest mobility of the kingdom's griffins, has come here and is deploying an encirclement network here, flying continuously for many days. It can be seen how much he attaches great importance to this task. Every second he strives and tries his best to grab it. Arrived in front of the commander of the Kulos Legion.

Deputy commander Carlos reported, "Your Excellency, our existing troops and the lord's troops dispatched from the nearby lords have completely surrounded the whole mountain."

Although Bekas came very quickly this time, after all, he didn't have many troops and couldn't completely surround the whole mountain. Of course, Bekas would not sit here obediently and wait for the army of Kulos to arrive, so he changed his direction on the way, went to the nearby lord first, borrowed the army and surrounded the mountain.

Carlos continued to report: "According to the nearby lords, there are thousands of people in the Star Temple, usually monks and many believers from all over the world. I also sent a griffin reconnaissance force to conduct a carpet-like search around, but at night, our griffin troops played a limited role, but I believe that no one can escape under such a siege.

Becas is very satisfied with this: "Well done. After the arrangement is completed, I will immediately take the troops up the mountain to round up. Remember to order it. This mission requires the capture as much as possible, especially important people. In addition, this important goal: the important secret treasure enshrined in the Temple of Stars - Tears of the Stars. I heard that it is a magical secret treasure that even the heinous sinners will be transformed when they see it. You have to lead the team to receive it in person. Remember to deal with it carefully.

Deputy leader Carlos had doubts along the way, so he asked, "But my lord, these tears of the stars are the most important secret treasure of the kingdom that has been worshipped in the Star Temple since the founding of the kingdom. We are rashly detained it. I'm afraid it will lead to an uproar. First of all, it will definitely be in the Star Temple. And it will be difficult for us to face the many people in the kingdom in the future. And is it appropriate for us to take action without waiting for the commander of the Kulos army to come?

Bekas smiled and said, "Ha ha, don't you understand the emperor's intention? Your Majesty refers to the tears of the stolen treasure of the imperial mausoleum, and at present, everyone knows that I can't get along with the commander of the Kuros army, and the commander of the Kuros army's expedition as the commander is just to be a sinner. With his prestige in the kingdom, the incident will not be made a big deal. In fact, for this task, Your Majesty's true intention is that it is most appropriate for us to carry it out. But remember, don't hide any booty. It can be said that there can be no difference in this mission.

Bekas completely guessed the heart of Emperor Hiloken, and it is no wonder that he was able to reach the high position of the legion commander at a young age. This really impressed Carlos: "Your excellency is really wise. I will emphasize to my subordinates that in such a place of penance, soldiers will not risk joking about their lives."

Soon after, the soldiers and horses of the Bekas Legion successfully suppressed the Temple of the Star. The reason why this operation was so smooth was that the monks and believers obeyed the advice of the Great Monk and gave up the needless resistance of death, so the whole process did not flow in the Temple of the Stars. Blood incident. And Becas' soldiers were also honest this time, without making any small move, and handed over any suspicious things found.

In the battalion of the commander of the Becas Legion, Deputy Commander Carlos urgently reported: "Your Excellency, the suppression mission is going well, and most of the personnel have been imprisoned, but..."

Bekas asked, "But what?"

Deputy Director Carlos then said, "But we searched the whole temple and didn't find the most important tears of stars. Moreover, the star monk of the temple insisted on not disclosing any relevant information, but said that he would not say it until he saw the commander of the Kulos army.

"Oh, I can predict that Commander Kuros will also come. He is indeed a famous monk. It is rumored that he has the ability to predict the future, and now it seems that it is true. I think that the tears of the stars were also hidden early in the morning, and they will not be found so easily. Well, let's talk about it first and take good care of it. He is an important person. Bekas was indeed a little surprised by this, but he was confident that everything was under his control now.

Just as Carlos wanted to continue reporting, a messenger ran in in a hurry and reported, "Report to the commander of the Legion that the commander of the Kulos army has arrived and is currently on its way to our barracks."

Bekas was not surprised by this and directly ordered, "Kulos's legion is really amazing. It's much faster than I expected. Tell the following to do what needs to be done for me immediately. Let's welcome the arrival of Commander Kuros."

Deputy leader Carlos took the order: "Yes, I understand."


At this time, under the mountain of the Star Temple, Zhizheng was running desperately in the forest, but the cry of the reconnaissance griffin flying in the air on his head completely exposed his position. Seeing that the soldiers around him were slowly surrounded him, he was always calm for the first time that he was so at a loss. Now Zhi The only idea is to safely take the box on your back down the mountain anyway.

After a directional run, unconsciously, Zhi ran to the cliff of a river valley. Under the cliff was an extremely rapid torrent, which seemed to tear anything apart. Zhi looked at the torrent under the edge of the cliff in the river valley, and then looked back at the soldiers who had appeared in front of him. Zhi had understood that he had been forced to the end of the road.

At this time, the hopeless and helpless wisdom laughed instead: "Lord Monk Zheng, it seems that my way can only go here. It's a pity that I haven't fully completed the mission you gave me. May the god of the star can bring this important box into the hands of its fate."

After saying that, Zhi jumped into the river valley without hesitation and fell into the rapids like a meteor. After that, he disappeared and was completely swallowed up by the rapids.

The soldiers who caught up with him were completely stunned to see that the other party would do such a thing, and the reconnaissance griffin in the sky could only hover over the sky because they lost their target.

A person who looks like a captain ordered loudly, "What are you still looking at? Why don't you go downstream to search? You want to see people and die. If you can't find it, just be careful of your head."