Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 4 Foresight

At this time, in the Star Temple, the Green Dragon Knights, who came a step late, had no special protest against this. It seems that this situation had been foreseen for a long time, and now they can only be responsible for the search of things afterwards.

ai wen, who was not assigned to the task, came to his father's barracks account. Something buried in his heart these days has been something that he has been worried about. After several inner struggles, he finally summoned up the courage to face his father.

Knowing that his brother Ain was also in it, Ain became more confident and asked his father for a meeting. Under the guidance of the bodyguard, he finally met his father and Ain's brother, as well as Deputy Head William.

Commander Kulos still said with a serious face, "Do you know that this is the period of military affairs? If there is anything important to report directly across the level, report it quickly."

Although Elvin himself had been psychologically prepared, in the face of his father with a military face, Elvin's courage suddenly disappeared: "Father... Oh no... Legion leader, it's like this. In a few days, it will be Alice's sister's 16th birthday. You once promised that our family would get well that day. It's easy to get together once."

Kulos shouted sternly, "Do you know the current situation? We are now carrying out military affairs. Don't talk about non-military-related matters. Did you forget everything as soon as you graduated from college?"

Brother Ain quickly reconciled the atmosphere: "Legion leader, Captain Elvin has just graduated from the college and officially became a knight of our legion. This is a gratifying thing. At present, he is still a trainee, and there are still many shortcomings to learn. Please don't be angry, Commander of the Legion.

Kulos then ordered, "Okay, if you have nothing else to report, just leave. There will be a meeting to be held later, and the trainee captain should not stay here."

Ain responded: "Yes, Legion Commander, I'll send him out and meet Commander Becas outside."

ai wen and Ain's brother walked helplessly to the door of the camp.

Ain comforted: "Awen, don't be so depressed. Your father was very strict during the military service. In fact, my father is still very concerned about you and your sister. Originally, there was an arrangement for your graduation ceremony on the schedule, but it was only cancelled by the emperor's sudden emergency military order that night. As for Alice's sister's birthday, I will let the troops complete this task as soon as possible and calculate according to the schedule. There should be no problem on the last day.

Elvin was finally relieved to hear the comfort of his brother Ain. Ain has always been very caring about his two younger brothers and sisters, Evan and Alice.

It was such a coincidence at this time that Commander Bekas and its deputy commander Carlos also entered the camp and met Erwin and Ain on the not wide aisle.

Bekas smiled and said, "Isn't this the two sons of the commander of the Kulos Legion, the famous deputy commander of Iin, and you... I remember it's called Elvin. It's really an honor for me to have two gentlemen come and welcome me.

After saluteing Becas as a deputy commander, Ain said, "The commander of the Bekas Legion deserves to be the commander of the Black Dragon Hidden Force. His ability to collect intelligence is really powerful. This is indeed my brother Aiwen. He just graduated and joined the army a few days ago. Now he is still a trainee captain. Unexpectedly, the commander of the legion knew immediately. In fact, my brother is just leaving after meeting with the commander of the Kulos Legion. He will not participate in the waiting meeting. Please ask the head of the Bekas Legion to enter the camp with me.

Becas looked at the two and praised them and said, "It's really enviable. The son of Commander Kuros is an outstanding general who inherited his father's excellent bloodline. Vice Commander Ain, you can achieve such a result at a young age. It's really worthy of being known as the once-in-a-century heaven in the kingdom. Talent. And the second son, Ai Wen, if he hadn't belonged to him, how could I not have recruited the first student of this college? Ha ha, I believe that you will definitely be an excellent general who will not lose to you in the future.

For his praise, Ivan still humbly replied with gratitude: "Thank you, Legion Commander Becas, for your appreciation. Now the Legion Commander is waiting for you inside."

ai wen knows that his status is not high and wants to give way to others.

Bekas seems very generous at this time: "Well, since you are also here, let's attend the meeting together. In the future, we will definitely have many opportunities to cooperate with each other. Let's take this opportunity to see it. There will be good things to see later."

After saying that, the commander of the Becas army took Elvin into the camp together. As for what he said, he was also a little curious about what he said.

In the conference room in the camp, Commander Cullos said harshly about Elvin's return: "Captain Becas, Elvin is only a trainee captain now and is not qualified to participate in the meeting."

Bekas showed great care about this matter: "Don't blame him. He was forced in by me. Aren't you all a family? I, an outsider, don't mind. The commander of the legion doesn't need to be so tough. Early knowledge can grow up early."

Commander Kuros didn't want to spend more time discussing this matter, so he acquiesced. Elvin is also very excited that he can attend such a high-level military conference.

The meeting began, and Becas went straight to the topic: "Legion Commander Kulos, this is the report of this operation. Please have a look. At present, the detention of suspicious personnel has been completed, and tomorrow I will lead the troops to escort them back to the capital of Athos. As for the task of searching for suspicious items, I believe that Commander Kulos's troops will perform better than us.

After a look, Kulos said, "Since the action report of the commander of Becas is so detailed, I have no objection. Our army will take over the next search mission and ask your subordinates to hand over to each other."

"I have ordered my subordinates to do this. Now let's move on to the second topic of the meeting. Come on, bring in everyone outside." Bekas waved to his men.

With the guidance of the soldiers, more than a dozen people with heavy handcuffs and footcuffs were brought in.

Bekas pointed to these people and said, "Commander of the Kulos Legion, as the commander-in-chief of this operation, our army, as the forward, successfully completed the task of rounding and arrest without paying the trust. These people are important people in the Star Temple and important prisoners, so now they are sent here to see the commander of the Kulos Legion.

Ai Yin was secretly indignant. He knew that the other party was obviously a noisy action this time, but now he still shirks the blame of the world to others. He is really a brazen person.

Kulos saw one of the old men and asked respectfully, "Is the one below the star monk of the Star Temple?"

"It's the old man." That old man is a star-seeing monk.

"This military operation was personally authorized by His Majesty Hiloken. At present, the reason cannot be disclosed, but as long as we return to King Athos for investigation, we will release irrelevant people, so please understand and cooperate with our investigation." Kulos explained, hoping to get the understanding of the other party.

"Now Commander Kuros is in front of you. Doesn't the Great Monk have something special to say? Say it quickly now." The real purpose of Becas's trip is actually this.

So, Xingjian Monk was saying to Kulos: "The loyal hero soul recalls the afterglow of the sunset, and the glorious sunset will eventually fall, and the endless night will also show the prosperous starry sky."

said to Ai Yin beside him, "The dead souls from the industry fire will continue to pursue, and the fall of the heroic soul will awaken new stars."

said to Elvin, "The gathered brilliance of stars will illuminate the road of miracles, the end of progress will awaken new forces, and the gathered faith will become a new shining star."

said to Bekas, "The stars will bring luck and misfortune, and there is endless loss at the end of the illusory chase."

Although everyone is puzzled, everyone knows that the words of Xingjian Monk Zheng must have something to mean. After all, Xingjian Monk Zheng's prediction is regarded as an oracle by many believers in the kingdom, which is extremely accurate, but the content is more difficult to understand.

The commander of the Becas Legion did not expect that the star monk would give his future prediction. After thinking for a while, he still had no idea, so he immediately regained his previous calm. After all, the commander of the Bekas army had long expected that he would not easily reveal the news about the tears of the stars. The purpose of bringing the monk here is indeed to let the world point the blame at the commander of the Kulos. Now that the goal has been achieved, it is time to end the meeting.

Bekas finally said, "It's really an honor to get the foresight of the star-see monk. Well, Commander Kulos, my department is leaving for Wangdu tomorrow, and I will leave. After saying that, he went back to the headquarters barracks with his attendants and Xingjian monks.

In this discordant atmosphere, the meeting ended like this. Although everyone present knew that the matter was like this except for Elvin, who knew nothing about the whole story. After all, the commander of the Becas Legion has always been at peace with the commander of Klos, but the officialdom is such a place, full of Intrigue.

Xingjian Monk was acting as an important "VIP" and was later imprisoned in the prison room and strictly supervised.

Star saw that the monk did not seem to feel any uneasy. He sat quietly in the depths of the prison room, facing the starry sky outside the iron window, with a feeling of parting on his face. Then he sat down peacefully and fell into deep thought.