Fantasy Water Margin Legend

Chapter 115 Mark of Hatred

The second day after the meeting, after Evan and others tidyed up their light clothes and put on makeup, they set out early in the morning, passed the transmission mirror, and suddenly came to the border of the Black Forest, near the city of Libel in the Libel territory.

Of course, Aiwen and the others did not dare to approach Libel City, which had just had a war, so they had to walk slowly along the road to Hailan City in the east direction.

However, Evan and his group are also easy to attract attention. A fierce black man, a foreign nation wearing a thick cloak in broad daylight, plus a child, the journey to Hailan City will certainly not be very smooth.

Fortunately, under the eloquence of Sith, he got on a group of carriages that also traveled around the countries with the same destination. With this ride, Avan and others can act as members of the regiment and hide the world; secondly, the journey will also be much faster. Of course, the hitchhiking is not in vain. At this time, the brute force of the black bull came in handy. One person did more than ten people's physical work, which was very popular in the regiment. The leaders of the parade wanted to pull the black bull in.

After a few days of travel, it is also very close to Hailan City. At night, after a day's work, the black bull had already hidden in sleep and slept to death. However, the black cow's snoring was as loud as his voice, as thunder, and it was really difficult for them to fall asleep.

Ewen still can't sleep tonight, and the closer he gets to Hailan City, the more he is. Although Master Xingzhi's guidance must have his mystery in it, it can maintain thousands of people, and even tens of thousands of people in the future. This is an astronomical figure, even a rich man. Fang's businessman, this is also an unbearable number, let alone provide it to Elvin and others.

The more Aiwen thought about it, the more he couldn't sleep. Anyway, he couldn't calm down in the tent, so he went outside to blow the wind to calm himself down.

"Young master, where are you going?" Grimio was always worried about Evan. Seeing that he was full of thoughts and wanted to go out, he asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, Grimio. I just want to go out and blow the wind. I'll come back to sleep later. I'm just nearby. Don't worry."

In view of the snoring of the black cow, Grimio couldn't sleep and understood what Elvin meant, so he didn't follow him.

The evening breeze was cool. Elvin walked alone in the open space outside, found a quiet shade and sat down. He looked up at the starry sky. The stars twinkled. It was really beautiful, and he wore the gems on the star's wrist, which also shone with the same slight light, shining with the stars. , which fascinated Elvin.

Looking back on what he has experienced during this period, it really makes Elvin sigh a lot and has experienced too many hardships and difficulties, but what makes Elvin very happy is that there are more and more companions around him. Although the troublemakers sometimes really make people feel headaches, everyone is together. I'm really happy. Elvin really hopes that such a happy time can stay forever.

But for Elvin, who has a sacred mission, he is not allowed to stay here and stop. In front of him, there are countless people waiting for his help. He was chosen by fate and believed that he would not be abandoned by fate. He believed that the industry in Hailan City would not be fruitful, so Elvin cheered up again.

Just as Elvin was about to walk back to the tent, he suddenly noticed a strange sound nearby, much like the sound of people's footsteps, sometimes light and sometimes heavy, sometimes slow, as if it was not convenient for the man to walk.

Aiwen was worried and walked over. There was a small forest beside the open space, and there was a small lake in the woods, and the sound came to the other side.

Because the identity of the other party was unknown, and he appeared here alone at such a late hour, Irwin approached carefully. When he walked to the lake, there was a soft sound from the side, which sounded like he was desperately trying to endure the pain. Elvin looked in the direction of the sound. By the lake, there seemed to be a man who didn't know what he was doing.

ai wen slowly walked by the edge of the woods through the hazy night. When he reached a visible distance, he was stunned. Under the moonlight, a woman was rubing her back, washing her back by the lake while smearing something unknown with her hand.

Aiwen knew the etiquette and hurriedly retreated, but because of a moment of panic, he retreated too fast and didn't notice his feet. He accidentally stepped on a small branch and made a sound.

"What kind of person!" The woman was alert to Elvin, grabbed the long sword beside her at the first time and flew to Elvin with a strong wind.

With a "bang", the woman's sword was bounced aside. Avan was safe and sound. After all, after so much training, Avan's skills have also been greatly improved, and what flicked off the sword was a small gem round shield with the power of 25 stars. More weapons can already be summoned. How powerful these gem weapons are. Today's gem round shield can block the attack of any other magic weapon in the world, and also reduce the impact of the heavy blow. It's very easy for Evan to block the attack just now.

"I'm sorry, it's me."

This sentence shows that Evan knows each other, that's right, because that woman is Lar. Although she is now traveling with Evan and others, she is still a woman, so she doesn't go to the same tent as Evan and the others when she goes to bed at night, so Evan goes out alone late at night for Lal. I don't know anything about it.

Lar hurriedly put back her big cloak, picked up the long sword, ignored Elvin and wanted to leave alone.

Evan chased after him and apologized, "This...Lal, I'm sorry, I didn't mean what happened just now."

Lal said angrily, "Whhh do you mean it or not, it has nothing to do with me."

As soon as Lar finished speaking, he suddenly shouted, and then knelt down on one knee, as if he was injured.

"Well, are you all right?" Elvin was worried about Lal and wanted to go up to help.

"I don't need your care. I don't have anything." Lar's response is still the same.

ai wen then said, "Well, you are too reluctant. The charred scars and carrion on your back are so serious. I have never seen such serious burns. It turns out that Master Jianxin said that your life is losing, which refers to the one on your back now. How can you be okay with such a injury? This is an injury that makes people unable to move. You have been holding back the injury like this. Sooner or later, it will deteriorate and eventually take your life.

Ewen finally understood the reason why Lar wore that big cloak at all times was that he didn't want people to see such a serious burn on her back.

Lal: "What can this wound do to me? What about my life? Put away your so-called pitiful eyes. Your eyes disgust me. I don't need your sympathy and help."

"No, if it goes on like this, you will really die." Elvin is really worried about Lar.

"I am a person who should have died long ago. Returning to death is my wish, but at least until then, I can't fall down." After saying that, Lal relied on his persistence to make himself stand up and left alone.

Although Evan was still worried, he was rejected to such an extent that it would not help him any more, so he had to slowly walk back to the tent. At this time, a man suddenly came out from the side.

"Grimio, why is it you?"

The person who appeared was Grimio.

"Young master, I haven't seen you come back for so long. I'm worried about you, so I followed you."

It seems that Gremio is still very worried, so did Gremio see what happened just now?

Judging from Grimio's unconcealed expression, he did see the injury on Lar's body.

Now that he already knows, Evan also sighed in front of Grimio: "I didn't expect that Lal would bear such a wound, which shows how deep the persistence in her heart is."

"Actually, I have noticed this a long time ago."

Grmio's words shocked Evan: "Ah, how could it be? Gremio, how do you know?

Grimio: "When I first saw her fight with Senran, I had already noticed that her body was in an extreme overdraft. Although it seemed to be how big the injury was, I believe that the girl also saw this, so I tried to focus on defense and didn't want to hurt her anymore. Of."

It turned out to be like this. Not only Gremio, but also Xiao Jean saw it. Elvin also realized that his own practice was far from enough.

Grimio immediately comforted him when he saw this: "The young master doesn't need to blame himself too much. After all, she has always refused our help, and there is nothing we can do. Usually, she relies on the drugs she carries to maintain her wounds, but recently her injuries have worsened more often, as if it were because her drugs have become less.

"Is that so? So what kind of medicine is this? Let's see if we can find it?" Elvin sympathizes with Lar and wants to help her as much as possible.

Grimio shook his head and said, "This...Young master, I'm sorry, after all, we don't know much about medical skills, and she doesn't pay attention to us. There's really nothing we can do. I hope that when she goes to Hailan City, a commercial city, this time, she can buy suitable drugs by herself.

"I hope so, I now understand the mood of Master Jianxin. She turned out to be so pathetic. These scars are like the indelible marks that drove his revenge, accompanied all the way to the present." Ai Wen finally understood the intentions of the swordsman.


After another day's trip, Elvin and the others finally arrived in Hailan City, a nightless city on the blue sea in the south. This is a large-scale commercial port city. The city is full of merchants, chariots and horses, and a large number of large boats are moored on the coast. Merchants from all over the world flock here from all directions to trade, which can be said to be a highlight of the land far from the edge of the royal capital.

The reason why Hailan City is prosperous is also thanks to the good governance of the Tebal family. The former lord in power is a big businessman in the city. He has made extraordinary achievements in both business and politics and is famous in the kingdom. However, after all, people can't compete with death. In the end, a generation of heroes also return to dust due to illness, and life does not bring it, and death is not taken away.

Now Hailan City is managed by his only son Berinas. Although he does not have the same ability as his father, he is also loved by the people. Perhaps it is also because he has inherited his father's disease. Although he is in his thirties, he has been suffering from illness for a long time and rarely goes out.

Hailan City's commerce is very developed, but it is also because the commerce is too developed. Although it is managed by the Tebal family, it is actually autonomous by the commercial alliance formed by local businessmen. They come to maintain commercial things the size of the city, and the management method of Hailan City is also Cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce is carried out under the great *, which is why today's prosperity has come. The Teval family maintains good security and collects appropriate taxes from them, and it is a win-win situation for businessmen to operate with peace of mind in such a stable environment.

ai wen and the others entered Hailan City, and it was easy to enter at the gate, which surprised Ivin. There was no check at all. It was completely like opening the door. Anyone is welcome to come in.

ai wen said with relief, "I'm so lucky that I didn't get checked when I entered the city."

Sith explained, "We are not lucky. I have heard of Hailan City's heavy merchants before, so we welcome merchants from all over the country, so we don't set up checkpoints. After all, merchants are very ** for the inspection of goods."

It's no wonder that the strange combination of Evan and his group did not attract the attention of other people in the city. Perhaps, it is not surprising that there are more merchants from all over the world.

Elvin: "It's a good thing not to check, which is convenient for past merchants to do business, but in this way, won't some illegal items flow in here? I also saw several big ports over there, and I believe that there will be a lot of goods coming from the sea. Won't this cause chaos?

Sith: "Snakes have snake paths, rats have rat roads, illegal traders and other people, wherever they are, as long as there are interests, even kings are no exception. These are the things they manage in Hailan City. We don't have to worry about these. The top priority is to find a good place to get down, and then go around the city to inquire about what has happened recently. We just need to capture such a special event, and there will be opportunities to gain. Otherwise, where will we Li may have the opportunity to get a huge amount of financial support for no reason.

But how to inquire about this aspect?

Sith continued: "In the city of merchants, gold is everywhere. Where there are people, there will be demand, and if there is demand, there will be requirements. In a large city here, I believe that there will be many rich people who will spend money to do things. The more difficult it is, the greater the return will be. We just need to inquire about this kind of information. I believe this There will be a lot of such huge rewards.

Evan: "Sis, you know so many things."

Sith: "It's just that you usually have too little contact with the outside world."

"Indeed, we, who have been nestled in the capital of King Athos, are indeed like frogs in the well." Elvin lamented that he knew too little about the outside world.

Grimio then said, "Young master, don't think too much. Let me and Sith do this kind of thing. This is our specialty. Young master, you'd better wait for our return."

So, Evan and the others found a relatively remote hotel to stay in, and then Grimio and Sith went out to inquire about the information. Lar also left the crowd mysteriously. Evan probably guessed where she was going, so he didn't ask. In the whole room, only Xiu Na and the unwilling black cow to be lonely accompanied Elvin.

From the departure to now, Elvin's things have been going well, but they have not foreseen that there will be an extremely difficult challenge waiting for them, waiting for the naive and kind cultivation.